969 resultados para Clonal chromosomal abnormalities
Trypanosoma cruzi comprises a pool of populations which are genetically diverse in terms of DNA content, growth and infectivity. Inter- and intra-strain karyotype heterogeneities have been reported, suggesting that chromosomal rearrangements occurred during the evolution of this parasite. Clone D11 is a single-cell-derived clone of the T. cruzi G strain selected by the minimal dilution method and by infecting Vero cells with metacyclic trypomastigotes. Here we report that the karyotype of clone D11 differs from that of the G strain in both number and size of chromosomal bands. Large chromosomal rearrangement was observed in the chromosomes carrying the tubulin loci. However, most of the chromosome length polymorphisms were of small amplitude, and the absence of one band in clone D11 in relation to its reference position in the G strain could be correlated to the presence of a novel band migrating above or below this position. Despite the presence of chromosomal polymorphism, large syntenic groups were conserved between the isolates. The appearance of new chromosomal bands in clone D11 could be explained by chromosome fusion followed by a chromosome break or interchromosomal exchange of large DNA segments. Our results also suggest that telomeric regions are involved in this process. The variant represented by clone D11 could have been induced by the stress of the cloning procedure or could, as has been suggested for Leishmania infantum, have emerged from a multiclonal, mosaic parasite population submitted to frequent DNA amplification/deletion events, leading to a 'mosaic' structure with different individuals having differently sized versions of the same chromosomes. If this is the case, the variant represented by clone D11 would be better adapted to survive the stress induced by cloning, which includes intracellular development in the mammalian cell. Karyotype polymorphism could be part of the T. cruzi arsenal for responding to environmental pressure. © 2013 Lima et al.
Contaminant driven genetic erosion reported through the inspection of selectable traits can be underestimated using neutral markers. This divergence was previously reported in the aquatic system of an abandoned pyrite mine. The most sensitive genotypes of the microcrustacean cladoceran Daphnia longispina were found to be lacking in the impacted reservoir near the entrance of the metal rich acid mine drainage (AMD). Since that divergence could be, at least partially, accounted for by mutagenicity and genotoxicity of the AMD, the present study aimed at providing such a characterization. The Allium cepa chromosomal aberration assay, using root meristematic cells, was carried out, by exposing seeds to 100, 10, 1, and 0.1 % of the local AMD. Chromosomal aberrations, cell division phases and cell death were quantified after the AMD exposure and after 24 and 48 h recovery periods. The AMD revealed to be mutagenic and genotoxic, even after diluting it to 1 and 0.1 %. Dilutions within this range were previously found to be below the lethality threshold and to elicit sublethal effects on reproduction of locally collected D. longispina clonal lineages Significant mutagenic effects (micronuclei and chromosomal breaks) were also found at 0.1 % AMD, supporting that exposure may induce permanent genetic alterations. Recovery tests showed that AMD genotoxic effects persisted after the exposure. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
BACKGROUND: Age-related loss in lower limb strength is related with impaired mobility. However, the association between decreased lower limb strength and gait biomechanical abnormalities is unclear. %In line with this, With respect to these statements, our study aimed to compare the maximum isokinetic voluntary strength (MIVS) of hip, knee and ankle of older women with and without history of falls. Also, we correlate the strength of each group with gait biomechanics. METHODS: The MIVS were assessed during concentric/concentric movements performed for hip, knee and ankle joints. Gait biomechanics (kinematic and electromyography) were assessed during 1-minute recorded during the volunteers walking on the treadmill at self-selected speed. Electromyographic signal was analyzed by the linear envelop after heel strike and before toe-off. The kinematic data were analyzed using the variables: step time, length and step width and ankle angle at heel strike, and hip angle at toe-off. RESULTS: In faller group, we found that a decreased hip abduction and adduction MIVS is associated with a higher tibialis anterior activation at initial stance (p =0.04 and r =-0.53 and p=0.04 and r=-0.52). CONCLUSION: Therefore, an impaired strength of hip could causes compensation in ankle stabilizer muscles activation at initial stance in older female fallers. © 2013 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
Supernumerary chromosomes (B chromosomes) occur in approximately 15% of eukaryote species. Although these chromosomes have been extensively studied, knowledge concerning their specific molecular composition is lacking in most cases. The accumulation of repetitive DNAs is one remarkable characteristic of B chromosomes, and the occurrence of distinct types of multigene families, satellite DNAs and some transposable elements have been reported. Here, we describe the organization of repetitive DNAs in the A complement and B chromosome system in the grasshopper species Abracris flavolineata using classical cytogenetic techniques and FISH analysis using probes for five multigene families, telomeric repeats and repetitive C0t-1 DNA fractions. The 18S rRNA and H3 histone multigene families are highly variable and well distributed in A. flavolineata chromosomes, which contrasts with the conservation of U snRNA genes and less variable distribution of 5S rDNA sequences. The H3 histone gene was an extensively distributed with clusters occurring in all chromosomes. Repetitive DNAs were concentrated in C-positive regions, including the pericentromeric region and small chromosomal arms, with some occurrence in C-negative regions, but abundance was low in the B chromosome. Finally, the first demonstration of the U2 snRNA gene in B chromosomes in A. flavolineata may shed light on its possible origin. These results provide new information regarding chromosomal variability for repetitive DNAs in grasshoppers and the specific molecular composition of B chromosomes. © 2013 Bueno et al.
Objective: To understand developmental characteristics of urinary bladder carcinomas (UBC) by evaluating genomic alterations and p53 protein expression in primary tumors, their recurrences, and in the morphologically normal urothelium of UBC patients. Methods: Tumors and their respective recurrences, six low-grade and five high-grade cases, provided 19 samples that were submitted to laser microdissection capture followed by high resolution comparative genomic hybridization (HR-CGH). HR-CGH profiles went through two different analyses-all tumors combined or classified according to their respective histologic grades. In a supplementary analysis, 124 primary urothelial tumors, their recurrences, and normal urothelium biopsied during the period between tumor surgical resection and recurrence, were submitted to immunohistochemical analyses of the p53 protein. During the follow-up of at least 21 patients, urinary bladder washes citologically negative for neoplastic cells were submitted to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect copy number alterations in centromeres 7, 17, and 9p21 region. Results and Conclusions: HR-CGH indicated high frequencies (80%) of gains in 11p12 and losses in 16p12, in line with suggestions that these chromosome regions contain genes critical for urinary bladder carcinogenesis. Within a same patient, tumors and their respective recurrences showed common genomic losses and gains, which implies that the genomic profile acquired by primary tumors was relatively stable. There were exclusive genomic alterations in low and in high grade tumors. Genes mapped in these regions should be investigated on their involvement in the urinary bladder carcinogenesis. Successive tumors from same patient did not present similar levels of protein p53 expression; however, when cases were grouped according to tumor histologic grades, p53 expression was directly proportional to tumor grades. Biopsies taken during the follow-up of patients with history of previously resected UBC revealed that 5/15 patients with no histologic alterations had more than 25% of urothelial cells expressing the p53 protein, suggesting that the apparently normal urothelium was genomically unstable. No numerical alterations of the chromosomes 7, 17, and 9p21 region were found by FISH during the periods free-of-neoplasia. Our data are informative for further studies to better understand urinary bladder urothelial carcinogenesis. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Background: The accumulation of repetitive DNA during sex chromosome differentiation is a common feature of many eukaryotes and becomes more evident after recombination has been restricted or abolished. The accumulated repetitive sequences include multigene families, microsatellites, satellite DNAs and mobile elements, all of which are important for the structural remodeling of heterochromatin. In grasshoppers, derived sex chromosome systems, such as neo-XY♂/XX♀ and neo-X1X2Y♂/X 1X1X2X2♀, are frequently observed in the Melanoplinae subfamily. However, no studies concerning the evolution of sex chromosomes in Melanoplinae have addressed the role of the repetitive DNA sequences. To further investigate the evolution of sex chromosomes in grasshoppers, we used classical cytogenetic and FISH analyses to examine the repetitive DNA sequences in six phylogenetically related Melanoplinae species with X0♂/XX♀, neo-XY♂/XX♀ and neo-X1X2Y♂/X1X1X 2X2♀ sex chromosome systems. Results: Our data indicate a non-spreading of heterochromatic blocks and pool of repetitive DNAs (C 0 t-1 DNA) in the sex chromosomes; however, the spreading of multigene families among the neo-sex chromosomes of Eurotettix and Dichromatos was remarkable, particularly for 5S rDNA. In autosomes, FISH mapping of multigene families revealed distinct patterns of chromosomal organization at the intra- and intergenomic levels. Conclusions: These results suggest a common origin and subsequent differential accumulation of repetitive DNAs in the sex chromosomes of Dichromatos and an independent origin of the sex chromosomes of the neo-XY and neo-X1X2Y systems. Our data indicate a possible role for repetitive DNAs in the diversification of sex chromosome systems in grasshoppers. © 2013Palacios-Gimenez et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Repetitive DNA sequences constitute a great portion of the genome of eukaryotes and are considered key components to comprehend evolutionary mechanisms and karyotypic differentiation. Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of chromosome structure and organization of some repetitive DNA classes in the fish genome, chromosomes of two allopatric populations of Astyanax bockmanni were analyzed using classic cytogenetics techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization, with probes for ribosomal DNA sequences, histone DNA and transposable elements. These Astyanax populations showed the same diploid number (2n = 50), however with differences in chromosome morphology, distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, and location of 18S rDNA and retroelement Rex3 sites. In contrast, sites for 5S rDNA and H1, H3 and H4 histones showed to be co-located and highly conserved. Our results indicate that dispersion and variability of 18S rDNA and heterochromatin sites are not associated with macro rearrangements in the chromosome structure of these populations. Similarly, distinct evolutionary mechanisms would act upon histone genes and 5S rDNA, contributing to chromosomal association and co-location of these sequences. Data obtained indicate that distinct mechanisms drive the spreading of repetitive DNAs in the genome of A. bockmanni. Also, mobile elements may account for the polymorphism of the major rDNA sites and heterochromatin in this genus. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Mastitis is an important disease for the dairy industry worldwide, causing economic losses and reducing milk quality and production. Staphylococcus aureus is a worldwide agent of this intramammary infection, which also causes foodborne diseases. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates in milk of mastitis cows in Brazil and to analyze the genetic lineages and the content of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors among these isolates. Fifty-six MSSA isolates were recovered from 1,484 milk samples (positive for the California mastitis test) of 518 cows from 11 different farms in Brazil (representing 51% of total Staph. aureus obtained), and they were further characterized. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from 3.7% of California mastitis test-positive tested milk samples and from 6.2% of tested mastitic cows. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus isolates were characterized by spa typing, agr typing, and multilocus sequence typing, and resistance and virulence traits were investigated by PCR. Seven spa types were identified among MSSA (% of isolates): t127 (44.6), t605 (37.5), t002, t1784, t2066 (1.8), and 2 new ones: t10856 (10.7) and t10852 (1.8). Five distinct sequence types (ST) were detected (% of isolates): ST1 (46.4), ST126 (37.5), ST133 (10.7), ST5 (3.6), and a novel ST registered as ST2493 (1.8). Resistances were detected for streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. One strain contained the chloramphenicol resistance gene (fexA; included within transposon Tn558) and 3 strains contained the tetracycline resistance gene [tet(K)]. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus strains were susceptible to most of the antibiotics studied and lacked the virulence genes of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (lukF/S-PV), toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst), exfoliative toxin A (eta), and exfoliative toxin B (etb), as well as the genes of the immune evasion cluster. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus isolates were detected in a relatively low proportion of cows with mastitis (6.2%) and recovered isolates presented high diversity of genetic lineages, with CC1 and CC126 the predominant clonal complexes, and CC133 also being detected. Larger epidemiological studies with molecular characterization of isolates are required to deepen the knowledge on the circulating genetic lineages among the cow population with mastitis. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.
We analyzed mitotic and meiotic cells of a Brazilian amblypygid, Heterophrynus longicornis, using conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques (Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-NOR, and FISH with rDNA probe). This is the first study that focuses solely on amblypygid chromosomes; it was undertaken to add data on cytogenetic knowledge of this group and contribute to the understanding of chromosome evolution in the Arachnida. We found 2n = 66 for male and female individuals, monocentric chromosomes, and absence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes. C-banding showed heterochromatin in the pericentromeric region of most chromosomes. Mitotic and meiotic nuclei submitted to silver impregnation and FISH revealed, respectively, Ag-NORs and ribosomal genes in the terminal region of two chromosome pairs. Most chromosome features that we observed in H. longicornis are shared with species of other arachnid orders; however, the absence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes in amblypygid contrasts with the remarkable variety of sex chromosome systems recorded for the Araneae. Consequently, we conclude that analysis of species of the Tetrapulmonata clade is useful for understanding the trends of sex chromosome evolution in this arachnid group. © FUNPEC-RP.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)