909 resultados para Clinical Implications


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor with poor prognosis due in part to drug resistance and high incidence of tumor recurrence. The drug resistant and cancer recurrence phenotype may be ascribed to the presence of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs), which seem to reside in special stem-cell niches in vivo and require special culture conditions including certain growth factors and serum-free medium to maintain their stemness in vitro. Exposure of GSCs to fetal bovine serum (FBS) can cause their differentiation, the underlying mechanism of which remains unknown. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in normal stem cell differentiation, but their role in affecting cancer stem cell fate remains unclear. Whether the metabolic characteristics of GSCs are different from other glioblastoma cells and can be targeted are also unknown. In this study, we used several stem-like glioblastoma cell lines derived from clinical tissues by typical neurosphere culture system or orthotopic xenografts, and showed that addition of fetal bovine serum to the medium induced an increase of ROS, leading to aberrant differentiation and decreases of stem cell markers such as CD133. We found that exposure of GSCs to serum induced their differentiation through activation of mitochondrial respiration, leading to an increase in superoxide (O2-) generation and a profound ROS stress response manifested by upregulation of oxidative stress response pathway. This increase in mitochondrial ROS led to a down-regulation of molecules including SOX2, and Olig2, and Notch1 that are important for stem cell function and an upregulation of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase SOD2 that converts O2- to H2O2. Neutralization of ROS by antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine in the serum-treated GSCs suppressed the increase of superoxide and partially rescued the expression of SOX2, Olig2, and Notch1, and prevented the serum-induced differentiation phenotype. Additionally, GSCs showed high dependence on glycolysis for energy production. The combination of a glycolytic inhibitor 3-BrOP and a chemotherapeutic agent BCNU depleted cellular ATP and inhibited the repair of BCNU-induced DNA damage, achieving strikingly synergistic killing effects in drug resistant GSCs. This study uncovers the metabolic properties of glioblastoma stem cells and suggests that mitochondrial function and cellular redox status may profoundly affect the fates of glioblastoma stem cells via a ROS-mediated mechanism, and that the active glycolytic metabolism in cancer stem cells may provide a biochemical basis for developing novel therapeutic strategies to effectively eliminate GSCs.


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The genetic factors that influence bladder cancer clinical outcomes are largely unknown. In this clinical outcomes study, I assessed genetic variations in the Wnt/β-catenin stem-cell pathway genes for association with recurrence and progression. A total of 230 SNPS in 40 genes from the Wnt/β-catenin pathway were genotyped in 419 histologically confirmed non-muscle invasive bladder cancer cases. Several significant associations were observed in the clinical outcomes analysis. Under the dominant model WNT8B: rs4919464 (HR: 1.55, 95% CI: 1.17-2.06, P=2.2x10-3) and WNT8B: rs3793771 (HR: 1.54, 95% CI: 1.09-1.62, P=4.6x10-3 ) were statistically significantly associated with an increase risk of recurrence while two other variants, APC2: rs11668593 (HR: 2.50, 95% CI: 1.43-4.35, P=1.2x10-3) and LRP5 : rs312778 (HR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.23-2.65, P=2.7x10-3), were significantly associated with recurrence risk under the recessive model of inheritance. Four SNPs in the recessive model were associated with an increased risk of progression (AXIN2: rs1544427, LRP5: rs312778, AXIN1: rs370681, AXIN1: rs2301522). LRP5: rs312778 had the most significant increased risk of progression with a 2.68 (95% CI: 1.52-4.72, P=6.4x10-4)-fold increased risk. Stratification analysis based on treatment regimen (transurethral resection (TUR) and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)) was also performed. Individuals with at least one variant in AXIN2: rs2007085 were found to have a 2.09 (95% CI: 1.24-3.52, P=5.4x10-3) -fold increased risk of recurrence in those that received TUR only, and no statistically significant effect was seen in those that received BCG. Individuals who received TUR with at least one variant in LEF1: rs10516550 were found to have a 2.26 (95% CI: 1.22-4.18, P=9.7x10-3)-fold increase risk of recurrence and no statistically significant effect was found in individuals who received BCG. Also, the recessive model of LRP6: rs2302684 in TUR only treatment was shown to have a 1.95 (95%CI: 1.18-3.21, P=8.8x10 -3)-fold increased risk of recurrence, and a suggested protective effect associated with a (HR: 0.83, 95% CI: 0.51-1.37, P=0.468) decreased risk of recurrence. Together, these findings implicate the Wnt/β-catenin stem-cell pathway as playing a role in bladder cancer clinical outcomes and have important implications for personalization of future treatment regimens. ^


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Despite having been identified over thirty years ago and definitively established as having a critical role in driving tumor growth and predicting for resistance to therapy, the KRAS oncogene remains a target in cancer for which there is no effective treatment. KRas is activated b y mutations at a few sites, primarily amino acid substitutions at codon 12 which promote a constitutively active state. I have found that different amino acid substitutions at codon 12 can activate different KRas downstream signaling pathways, determine clonogenic growth potential and determine patient response to molecularly targeted therapies. Computer modeling of the KRas structure shows that different amino acids substituted at the codon 12 position influences how KRas interacts with its effecters. In the absence of a direct inhibitor of mutant KRas several agents have recently entered clinical trials alone and in combination directly targeting two of the common downstream effecter pathways of KRas, namely the Mapk pathway and the Akt pathway. These inhibitors were evaluated for efficacy against different KRAS activating mutations. An isogenic panel of colorectal cells with wild type KRas replaced with KRas G12C, G12D, or G12V at the endogenous loci differed in sensitivity to Mek and Akt inhibition. In contrast, screening was performed in a broad panel of lung cell lines alone and no correlation was seen between types of activating KRAS mutation due to concurrent oncogenic lesions. To find a new method to inhibit KRAS driven tumors, siRNA screens were performed in isogenic lines with and without active KRas. The knockdown of CNKSR1 (CNK1) showed selective growth inhibition in cells with an oncogenic KRAS. The deletion of CNK1 reduces expression of mitotic cell cycle proteins and arrests cells with active KRas in the G1 phase of the cell cycle similar to the deletion of an activated KRas regardless of activating substitution. CNK1 has a PH domain responsible for localizing it to membrane lipids making KRas potentially amenable to inhibition with small molecules. The work has identified a series of small molecules capable of binding to this PH domain and inhibiting CNK1 facilitated KRas signaling.


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At issue is whether or not isolated DNA is patent eligible under the U.S. Patent Law and the implications of that determination on public health. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents on DNA since the 1980s, and scientists and researchers have proceeded under that milieu since that time. Today, genetic research and testing related to the human breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 is conducted within the framework of seven patents that were issued to Myriad Genetics and the University of Utah Research Foundation between 1997 and 2000. In 2009, suit was filed on behalf of multiple researchers, professional associations and others to invalidate fifteen of the claims underlying those patents. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which hears patent cases, has invalidated claims for analyzing and comparing isolated DNA but has upheld claims to isolated DNA. The specific issue of whether isolated DNA is patent eligible is now before the Supreme Court, which is expected to decide the case by year's end. In this work, a systematic review was performed to determine the effects of DNA patents on various stakeholders and, ultimately, on public health; and to provide a legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and the likely outcome of the Supreme Court's decision. ^ A literature review was conducted to: first, identify principle stakeholders with an interest in patent eligibility of the isolated DNA sequences BRCA1 and BRCA2; and second, determine the effect of the case on those stakeholders. Published reports that addressed gene patents, the Myriad litigation, and implications of gene patents on stakeholders were included. Next, an in-depth legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and methods for analyzing it was performed pursuant to accepted methods of legal research and analysis based on legal briefs, federal law and jurisprudence, scholarly works and standard practice legal analysis. ^ Biotechnology, biomedical and clinical research, access to health care, and personalized medicine were identified as the principle stakeholders and interests herein. Many experts believe that the patent eligibility of isolated DNA will not greatly affect the biotechnology industry insofar as genetic testing is concerned; unlike for therapeutics, genetic testing does not require tremendous resources or lead time. The actual impact on biomedical researchers is uncertain, with greater impact expected for researchers whose work is intended for commercial purposes (versus basic science). The impact on access to health care has been surprisingly difficult to assess; while invalidating gene patents might be expected to decrease the cost of genetic testing and improve access to more laboratories and physicians' offices that provide the test, a 2010 study on the actual impact was inconclusive. As for personalized medicine, many experts believe that the availability of personalized medicine is ultimately a public policy issue for Congress, not the courts. ^ Based on the legal analysis performed in this work, this writer believes the Supreme Court is likely to invalidate patents on isolated DNA whose sequences are found in nature, because these gene sequences are a basic tool of scientific and technologic work and patents on isolated DNA would unduly inhibit their future use. Patents on complementary DNA (cDNA) are expected to stand, however, based on the human intervention required to craft cDNA and the product's distinction from the DNA found in nature. ^ In the end, the solution as to how to address gene patents may lie not in jurisprudence but in a fundamental change in business practices to provide expanded licenses to better address the interests of the several stakeholders. ^


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A review of literature related to appointment-keeping served as the basis for the development of an organizational paradigm for the study of appointment-keeping in the Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT). Features of the organizational environment, demographic characteristics of BHAT enrollees, organizational structure and processes and previous organizational performance variables were measured so as to provide exploratory information relating to the appointment-keeping behavior of 3,837 participants enrolled at thirty-two Clinical Centers. Results suggest that the social context of individual behavior is an important consideration for the understanding of patient compliance. In particular, the degree to which previous organizational performance--as measured by obtaining recruitment goals--and the ability to utilize resources had particularly strong bivariate associations with appointment-keeping. Implications for future theory development, research and practical implications were provided as was a suggestion for the development of multidisciplinary research efforts conducted within the context of Centers for the study and application of adherence behaviors. ^


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a T cell autoimmune disorder that is a widely used animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS) and, as in MS, clinical signs of EAE are associated with blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption. SR 57746A, a nonpeptide drug without classical immunosuppressive properties, efficiently protected the BBB and impaired intrathecal IgG synthesis (two conventional markers of MS exacerbation) and consequently suppressed EAE clinical signs. This compound inhibited EAE-induced spinal cord mononuclear cell invasion and normalized tumor necrosis factor α and IFN-γ mRNA expression within the spinal cord. These data suggested that pharmacological intervention aimed at inhibiting proinflammatory cytokine expression within the central nervous system provided protection against BBB disruption, the first clinical sign of EAE and probably the key point of acute MS attacks. This finding could lead to the development of a new class of compounds for oral therapy of MS, as a supplement to immunosuppressive agents.


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Pallido-ponto-nigral degeneration (PPND) is one of the most well characterized familial neurodegenerative disorders linked to chromosome 17q21–22. These hereditary disorders are known collectively as frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). Although the clinical features and associated regional variations in the neuronal loss observed in different FTDP-17 kindreds are diverse, the diagnostic lesions of FTDP-17 brains are tau-rich filaments in the cytoplasm of specific subpopulations of neurons and glial cells. The microtubule associated protein (tau) gene is located on chromosome 17q21–22. For these reasons, we investigated the possibility that PPND and other FTDP-17 syndromes might be caused by mutations in the tau gene. Two missense mutations in exon 10 of the tau gene that segregate with disease, Asn279Lys in the PPND kindred and Pro301Leu in four other FTDP-17 kindreds, were found. A third mutation was found in the intron adjacent to the 3′ splice site of exon 10 in patients from another FTDP-17 family. Transcripts that contain exon 10 encode tau isoforms with four microtubule (MT)-binding repeats (4Rtau) as opposed to tau isoforms with three MT-binding repeats (3Rtau). The insoluble tau aggregates isolated from brains of patients with each mutation were analyzed by immunoblotting using tau-specific antibodies. For each of three mutations, abnormal tau with an apparent Mr of 64 and 69 was observed. The dephosphorylated material comigrated with tau isoforms containing exon 10 having four MT-binding repeats but not with 3Rtau. Thus, the brains of patients with both the missense mutations and the splice junction mutation contain aggregates of insoluble 4Rtau in filamentous inclusions, which may lead to neurodegeneration.


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The PRNP polymorphic (methionine/valine) codon 129 genotype influences the phenotypic features of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. All tested cases of new variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (nvCJD) have been homozygous for methionine, and it is conjectural whether different genotypes, if they appear, might have distinctive phenotypes and implications for the future “epidemic curve” of nvCJD. Genotype-phenotype studies of kuru, the only other orally transmitted transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, might be instructive in predicting the answers to these questions. We therefore extracted DNA from blood clots or sera from 92 kuru patients, and analyzed their codon 129 PRNP genotypes with respect to the age at onset and duration of illness and, in nine cases, to detailed clinical and neuropathology data. Homozygosity at codon 129 (particularly for methionine) was associated with an earlier age at onset and a shorter duration of illness than was heterozygosity, but other clinical characteristics were similar for all genotypes. In the nine neuropathologically examined cases, the presence of histologically recognizable plaques was limited to cases carrying at least one methionine allele (three homozygotes and one heterozygote). If nvCJD behaves like kuru, future cases (with longer incubation periods) may begin to occur in older individuals with heterozygous codon 129 genotypes and signal a maturing evolution of the nvCJD “epidemic.” The clinical phenotype of such cases should be similar to that of homozygous cases, but may have less (or at least less readily identified) amyloid plaque formation.


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is a common pediatric tumor that exhibits a wide range of biological and clinical heterogeneity. EPH (erythropoietin-producing hepatoma amplified sequence) family receptor tyrosine kinases and ligand ephrins play pivotal roles in neural and cardiovascular development. High-level expression of transcripts encoding EPHB6 receptors (EPHB6) and its ligands ephrin-B2 and ephrin-B3 (EFNB2, EFNB3) is associated with low-stage NB (stages 1, 2, and 4S) and high TrkA expression. In this study, we showed that EFNB2 and TrkA expressions were associated with both tumor stage and age, whereas EPHB6 and EFNB3 expressions were solely associated with tumor stage, suggesting that these genes were expressed in distinct subsets of NB. Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses revealed that high-level expression of EPHB6, EFNB2, and EFNB3 predicted favorable NB outcome (P < 0.005), and their expression combined with TrkA expression predicted the disease outcome more accurately than each variable alone (P < 0.00005). Interestingly, if any one of the four genes (EPHB6, EFNB2, EFNB3, or TrkA) was expressed at high levels in NB, the patient survival was excellent (>90%). To address whether a good disease outcome of NB was a consequence of high-level expression of a “favorable NB gene,” we examined the effect of EPHB6 on NB cell lines. Transfection of EPHB6 cDNA into IMR5 and SY5Y expressing little endogenous EPHB6 resulted in inhibition of their clonogenicity in culture. Furthermore, transfection of EPHB6 suppressed the tumorigenicity of SY5Y in a mouse xenograft model, demonstrating that high-level expressions of favorable NB genes, such as EPHB6, can in fact suppress malignant phenotype of unfavorable NB.


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Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal underactivity has been reported in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This phenomenon has implications with regard to the pathogenesis and treatment of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the secretion of the adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and its relation to clinical variables in RA, spondyloarthropathy (Spa), and undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis (UIA). Eighty-seven patients (38 with RA, 29 with Spa, and 20 with UIA) were studied, of whom 54 were women. Only 12 patients (14%) had taken glucocorticoids previously. Age-matched, healthy women (134) and men (149) served as controls. Fasting blood samples were taken for determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum DHEAS and insulin, and plasma glucose. Insulin resistance was estimated by the homeostasis-model assessment (HOMAIR). DHEAS concentrations were significantly decreased in both women and men with inflammatory arthritis (IA) (P < 0.001). In 24 patients (28%), DHEAS levels were below the lower extreme ranges found for controls. Multiple intergroup comparisons revealed similarly decreased concentrations in each disease subset in both women and men. After the ESR, previous glucocorticoid usage, current treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, duration of disease and HOMAIR were controlled for, the differences in DHEAS levels between patients and controls were markedly attenuated in women (P = 0.050) and were no longer present in men (P = 0.133). We concluded that low DHEAS concentrations are commonly encountered in IA and, in women, this may not be fully explainable by disease-related parameters. The role of hypoadrenalism in the pathophysiology of IA deserves further elucidation. DHEA replacement may be indicated in many patients with IA, even in those not taking glucocorticoids.


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The Adult Attachment Projective Picture System (AAP) is the first performance- based measure of adult attachment to be developed. The purpose of the measure is to provide a clinical understanding of an adult client's attachment status and associated coping mechanisms. The AAP is a relatively new measure that has yet to be examined from a utility perspective. In the current study, seven psychologists completed a structured survey in order to identify their perspectives of the AAP and its utility as a clinical instrument. A phenomenological qualitative analysis of the data was conducted to derive themes about the AAP and its clinical utility. Analyses aimed to answer the following: What clinical considerations do clinician's focus on when deciding to use this measure? What are common factors among clinician's who do use the measure as well as those who do not? What aspects of the measure are user-friendly and what aspects are difficult? General themes that emerged include (a) the clinical information provided by the AAP is viewed by those who use it as unique and beneficial; (b) time commitment and cost for the clinician are common considerations when clinician's are deciding whether or not to use the AAP or when pursuing training; (c) the AAP provides an increased understanding of one's relational capacities and defenses; and (d) the coding system and transcription process are difficult aspects of the AAP and influence how and/or when it is used. In addition to these themes, multiple respondents discussed potential changes for the AAP that would increase their future use of the instrument. Finally, the implications of these results are discussed.


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Background: Recent research addressing evidence from functional neuroimaging studies, neurophysiological research, and new advances in neuropsychology together with traditional cerebellar lesion studies have recently implicated the cerebellum in adult language and cognitive functions. However, more limited information is currently available in describing the functional connectivity present in the paediatric population. Aims: It is the purpose of this paper to review recent clinical research pertaining to paediatric populations, outlining the impact of site of lesion and specific associated clinical changes in children with cerebellar disturbances. Main contribution: The specific contribution of the right cerebellar hemisphere to language function is identified to also exist in the paediatric population, highlighting the existence of functional connections between this region of the brain and left frontal cortical areas early in development. Conclusions: Implications for future research in paediatric populations are extensive, as a greater awareness and an understanding of the recently acknowledged involvement of the cerebellum in cognition and nonmotor linguistic function is anticipated to also add new dimension and direction to the analysis of childhood language outcomes associated with the cerebellum.


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Drugs and metabolites are eliminated from the body by metabolism and excretion. The kidney makes the major contribution to excretion of unchanged drug and also to excretion of metabolites. Net renal excretion is a combination of three processes - glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Renal function has traditionally been determined by measuring plasma creatinine and estimating creatinine clearance. However, estimated creatinine clearance measures only glomerular filtration with a small contribution from active secretion. There is accumulating evidence of poor correlation between estimated creatinine clearance and renal drug clearance in different clinical settings, challenging the 'intact nephron hypothesis' and suggesting that renal drug handling pathways may not decline in parallel. Furthermore, it is evident that renal drug handling is altered to a clinically significant extent in a number of disease states, necessitating dosage adjustment not just based on filtration. These observations suggest that a re-evaluation of markers of renal function is required. Methods that measure all renal handling pathways would allow informed dosage individualisation using an understanding of renal excretion pathways and patient characteristics. Methodologies have been described to determine individually each of the renal elimination pathways. However, their simultaneous assessment has only recently been investigated. A cocktail of markers to measure simultaneously the individual renal handling pathways have now been developed, and evaluated in healthy volunteers. This review outlines the different renal elimination pathways and the possible markers that can be used for their measurement. Diseases and other physiological conditions causing altered renal drug elimination are presented, and the potential application of a cocktail of markers for the simultaneous measurement of drug handling is evaluated. Further investigation of the effects of disease processes on renal drug handling should include people with HIV infection, transplant recipients (renal and liver) and people with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, changes in renal function in the elderly, the effect of sex on renal function, assessment of living kidney donors prior to transplantation and the investigation of renal drug interactions would also be potential applications. Once renal drug handling pathways are characterised in a patient population, the implications for accurate dosage individualisation can be assessed. The simultaneous measurement of renal function elimination pathways of drugs and metabolites has the potential to assist in understanding how renal function changes with different disease states or physiological conditions. In addition, it will further our understanding of fundamental aspects of the renal elimination of drugs.


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The presence of a diabetic cardiomyopathy, independent of hypertension and coronary artery disease, is still controversial. This systematic review seeks to evaluate the evidence for the existence of this condition, to clarify the possible mechanisms responsible, and to consider possible therapeutic implications. The existence of a diabetic cardiomyopathy is supported by epidemiological findings showing the association of diabetes with heart failure; clinical studies confirming the association of diabetes with left ventricular dysfunction independent of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and other heart disease; and experimental evidence of myocardial structural and functional changes. The most important mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy are metabolic disturbances (depletion of glucose transporter 4, increased free fatty acids, carnitine deficiency, changes in calcium homeostasis), myocardial fibrosis (association with increases in angiotensin II, IGF-I, and inflammatory cytokines), small vessel disease (microangiopathy, impaired coronary flow reserve, and endothelial dysfunction), cardiac autonomic neuropathy (denervation and alterations in myocardial catecholamine levels), and insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia and reduced insulin sensitivity). This review presents evidence that diabetes is associated with a cardiomyopathy, independent of comorbid conditions, and that metabolic disturbances, myocardial fibrosis, small vessel disease, cardiac autonomic neuropathy, and insulin resistance may all contribute to the development of diabetic heart disease.


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Familial hyperparathyroidism is not uncommon in clinical endocrine practice. It encompasses a spectrum of disorders including multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 (MEN1) and 2A, hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome (HPT-JT), familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH), and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP). Distinguishing among the five syndromes is often difficult but has profound implications for the management of patient and family. The availability of specific genetic testing for four of the syndromes has improved diagnostic accuracy and simplified family monitoring in many cases but its current cost and limited accessibility require rationalisation of its use. No gene has yet been associated exclusively with FIHP. FIHP phenotypes have been associated with mutant MEN1 and calcium-sensing receptor ( CASR) genotypes and, very recently, with mutation in the newly identified HRPT2 gene. The relative proportions of these are not yet clear. We report results of MEN1, CASR, and HRPT2 genotyping of 22 unrelated subjects with FIHP phenotypes. We found 5 (23%) with MEN1 mutations, four (18%) with CASR mutations, and none with an HRPT2 mutation. All those with mutations had multiglandular hyperparathyroidism. Of the subjects with CASR mutations, none were of the typical FHH phenotype. These findings strongly favour a recommendation for MEN1 and CASR genotyping of patients with multiglandular FIHP, irrespective of urinary calcium excretion. However, it appears that HRPT2 genotyping should be reserved for cases in which other features of the HPT-JT phenotype have occurred in the kindred. Also apparent is the need for further investigation to identify additional genes associated with FIHP.