919 resultados para Classic Diplomatics


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Background: Cardiovascular risk functions fail to identify more than 50% of patients who develop cardiovascular disease. This is especially evident in the intermediate-risk patients in which clinical management becomes difficult. Our purpose is to analyze if ankle-brachial index (ABI), measures of arterial stiffness, postprandial glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, self-measured blood pressure and presence of comorbidity are independently associated to incidence of vascular events and whether they can improve the predictive capacity of current risk equations in the intermediate-risk population. Methods/Design: This project involves 3 groups belonging to REDIAPP (RETICS RD06/0018) from 3 Spanish regions. We will recruit a multicenter cohort of 2688 patients at intermediate risk (coronary risk between 5 and 15% or vascular death risk between 3-5% over 10 years) and no history of atherosclerotic disease, selected at random. We will record socio-demographic data, information on diet, physical activity, comorbidity and intermittent claudication. We will measure ABI, pulse wave velocity and cardio ankle vascular index at rest and after a light intensity exercise. Blood pressure and anthropometric data will be also recorded. We will also quantify lipids, glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin in a fasting blood sample and postprandial capillary glucose. Eighteen months after the recruitment, patients will be followed up to determine the incidence of vascular events (later follow-ups are planned at 5 and 10 years). We will analyze whether the new proposed risk factors contribute to improve the risk functions based on classic risk factors. Discussion: Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases is a priority in public health policy of developed and developing countries. The fundamental strategy consists in identifying people in a high risk situation in which preventive measures are effective and efficient. Improvement of these predictions in our country will have an immediate, clinical and welfare impact and a short term public health effect


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A general method for instantaneous and time-dependent serviceability analysis of plane concrete frames is presented. The methodology is based in an extension of the classic matrix formulation for bars. The main aspects influencing the behaviour of the structural concrete are considered: cracking, creep, shrinkage or prestress losses. To simulate the effect of cracking a smeared model (developed in Part II) based on the modification of the tensile branch of the concrete stress-strain relationship is adopted. The general approach considered permits the application to different materials and constitutive laws. Sequential construction (sectional and structural), incorporation of reinforcement, consideration of the loads history; placing and removing shores, and restraining or releasing in boundary conditions are considered. Some examples are included to highlight the capabilities of the model


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We've developed a new ambient occlusion technique based on an information-theoretic framework. Essentially, our method computes a weighted visibility from each object polygon to all viewpoints; we then use these visibility values to obtain the information associated with each polygon. So, just as a viewpoint has information about the model's polygons, the polygons gather information on the viewpoints. We therefore have two measures associated with an information channel defined by the set of viewpoints as input and the object's polygons as output, or vice versa. From this polygonal information, we obtain an occlusion map that serves as a classic ambient occlusion technique. Our approach also offers additional applications, including an importance-based viewpoint-selection guide, and a means of enhancing object features and producing nonphotorealistic object visualizations


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A continuous random variable is expanded as a sum of a sequence of uncorrelated random variables. These variables are principal dimensions in continuous scaling on a distance function, as an extension of classic scaling on a distance matrix. For a particular distance, these dimensions are principal components. Then some properties are studied and an inequality is obtained. Diagonal expansions are considered from the same continuous scaling point of view, by means of the chi-square distance. The geometric dimension of a bivariate distribution is defined and illustrated with copulas. It is shown that the dimension can have the power of continuum.


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Daphne du Maurier’s popular classic Rebecca (1938) was traditionally marketed as a Gothic romance in which two lovers conquered the evil women that separated them. In more recent years, some feminist critics have provided a very different view of the story as a Gothic narrative about the dangers women suffer under patriarchal control. In this thesis, I propose, through a Gothic Studies and a Gender Studies reading, that the victim/abuser statuses in du Maurier’s novel cannot be equated to femininity and masculinity, respectively. Instead, I argue that villainy in Rebecca comes from being in a powerful position within patriarchy—a position that is occupied by both male and female characters


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Since the classic study of Simon J. Keay published in 1984, knowledge of late Roman amphorae has progressed markedly, thanks to scholars such as Michel Bonifay and Paul Reynolds, amongst others. The area studied by Keay was Catalonia, the ancient Eastern Tarraconensis. The overview here offered for this same region reveals the central role played by African imports in late Antique times, with a minor presence of the Eastern-Mediterranean and South-Hispanic (both Baetican and Lusitanian) productions. Progress in research in the last 25 years has been centred on a series of new and well-dated contexts: the data they have yielded has clarified more precisely the chronology and the proportions of the different imports. On occasion a quantitative approach may even be applied. At the same time the relationship between town and country with respect to the late Roman amphorae is proving of interest and providing results of significance.


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The main aspects of the modern Medicinal Chemistry, among the classic and industrial paradigms, used in the drug discovery process will be treated. The contribution of the Brazilian science in the knowledge generation in Medicinal Chemistry will be demonstrated, with base in searches accomplished in the portal Web of Science® 7.10 and in the directory of groups of research of CNPq.


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The beta-lapachone is a product obtained from the Ipê Roxo tree [Tabebuia avellandae], which has proved its excellent antineoplasic potential acting through a particular mechanism of apoptosis against various cancer types. This study aims at determining the identity card of beta-lapachone by means of physico-chemical and pharmaco-technical characterization. A purifying process has been performed, as well as the isolation of a contaminant, its isomer alpha-lapachone. A stability study was also performed, determining the ideal storing conditions for beta-lapachone, essential for the ongoing pre-formulation studies for obtaining the different classic pharmaceutical forms and modified release systems.


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This work considers communicative intention as the basis for rhe analysis of rhe communicative phenomenon in natural contexts. It also aims to reconcile the traditions that analyse human communication today. The convergence with the referential-ecological approach (Boada and Forns, 1989; 1997) has dealt with a number of important problems that the classic referential approach was unable to address. Its system of categories includes new variables, in addition to the classic referential variables. The cornmunicative intention is taken into account, albeit implicitly. Using a conciliatory approach, the study aims to study the intentional dimension in greater depth. The speech act theory (Searle, 1969; 1975) is used to categorize the cornrnunicative exchanges arnong a sarnple of 28 individuals and presents a certain complirnentariety with data from other traditions


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This paper provides an up-to-date critical review of methods for diamond synthesis by lasers. A provisional classification of synthesizing methods is carried out, in order to present a varied and heterogeneous experimental work that is as clear as possible. Laser diamond CVD methods involve chemical processes in a carbon-containing system induced by specific absorption of laser radiation, while diamond PVD methods involve physical processes induced by an intense, highly-directed laser beam. Different methods involving coupled, simultaneous action of lasers and classic CVD agents are suggested and discussed as prospective approaches for diamond synthesis.


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This review deals with the basis and novel trends in electrochromism, describing the basic aspects and methodologies employed for the construction and analyses of different modified electrodes. The work presents the classic materials used for the construction of electrochromic electrodes, such as WO3 and a view on the basic concepts of chromaticity as a useful approach for analyzing colorimetric results. The report also addresses how the incorporation of nanomaterials and the consequent novel modification of electrodes have furthered this area of science, producing electrochromic electrodes with high performance, high efficiency and low response times.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance is a technique that is widely used for elucidating and characterizing organic substances. Organofluorine substances have applications in many areas from drugs to liquid crystals, but their NMR spectra are often challenging due to fluoride coupling with other nuclei. For this reason, NMR spectra of this class of substances are not commonly covered in undergraduate and graduate chemistry courses and related fields. Thus, the aim of this work was the presentation and discussion of 1H, 13C, and 19F NMR spectra of eleven organofluorine substances which, in the case of 1H and 13C nuclei, showed classic patterns of first-order coupling and the effects of the fluorine nucleus in different chemical and magnetic environments. In addition, the observation of long distance coupling constants was possible through the use of apodization functions in the processing of the spectra. It is expected that the examples presented herein can be utilized and discussed in undergraduate and graduate NMR spectroscopy disciplines and thus improve the teaching and future research of organofluorine compounds.


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Background: Pacemaker implantation (PMI) may predispose to venous thromboembolism (VTE) and obstruction (VO). This prospective study aimed at quantifying changes in venous calibers, and at determining the incidence of symptomatic and asymptomatic VTE/VO after PMI. Further goals included an assessment of the role of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the diagnosis of lead-related central venous thrombi (CVT), and determination of predictors for VTE/VO. Methods: 150 (mean age 67; 61% male) consecutive patients with first PMI were enrolled and followed for 6 months. Contrast venography was performed at baseline and 6 months after PMI to measure venous diameters, and to detect stenosis, total occlusions and thrombi. TEE was conducted in 66 patients. Based on clinical suspicion, work-up for pulmonary embolism (PE) or acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were performed as needed. A total of 50 cases underwent longer-term (mean 2.4 years) follow-up venography. All cases with VTE/VO during the initial 6 months, and their matched controls, were selected for a case-control study focused on possible predictive role of laboratory and patient-related factors for the development of VTE/VO. Results: 10 (7 %) patients were found to have baseline venous abnormalities (e.g. 8 obstructions). Mean venous diameters diminished significantly during the first 6 months, but no further reduction occurred in late follow-up. New VO was discovered in 19 patients (14 %; 14 stenosis, 5 total occlusions; all asymptomatic). Small non-obstructive thrombi were found in 20/140 (14 %) 6-month venograms. TEE at 6 months disclosed CVT in 6 (9 %) patients. One (0.7 %) patient had acute symptomatic upper-extremity DVT, and PE was discovered in 5/150 (3.3 %) patients during the first 6 months with no further cases thereafter. At 6 months, the total number of cases with VTE/VO amounted to 47 (31.3 %). Additionally, the later 2-year venograms (n=50) disclosed 4 (8 %) total occlusions and 1 (2 %) stenosis. In the case-control study, no parameter was predictive of venous end-points as a single variable, but there appeared to be significant clustering of traditional VTE risk-factors among the cases. Laboratory parameters showed a definite acute hypercoagulative state induced by PMI, but its degree did not predict subsequent development of VTE/VO. Conclusions: This study shows that VTE/VO is relatively common after PMI with an overall incidence of at least 30 %. Although the majority of the lesions are asymptomatic and clinically benign, cases of PE were also encountered, and totally occluded veins may hamper future upgrading or replacement of pacing system. Venous complications seem difficult to prognosticate as firm predictors were not identified from a wide range of parameters analyzed in this study, although clustering of classic VTE risk factors may be a predisposing factor. Parameters related to implantation procedure or pacing systems and the severity of implantation-induced trauma did not emerge as predictors.


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Liiketaloustieteen pääkokoelma sijaitsee pääkirjastossa (Linnassa), jossa painettu yleis- ja käsikirjastokokoelma koostuu noin 10000 nimekkeestä monografioita (painettujen monografiasarjojen osat mukaan lukien). Monografiakokoelmasta kartoitettiin yhdeksän osa-aluetta. Johtamista käsitteli 29 % kirjoista (2930 nimekettä), joten se oli selvin painopisteala. Organisaatiota käsitteli 18 % (1751 nimekettä); kauppaa, markkinointia, mainontaa, asiakaspalvelua 16 % kirjoista (1573 nimekettä); yrittäjyyttä, yrityksen kehitysvaiheita ja yrityksen kokoa 12 % kirjoista (1225 nimekettä); sekä henkilöstöjohtamista 11 % (1102 nimekettä). Laskentatoimen (9 % / 910 nimekettä); materiaalitalouden, logistiikan ja tuotekehityksen (9 % / 862 nimekettä); yrityksen talouden (6 % / 595 nimekettä); sekä suhdetoiminnan ja organisaatioviestinnän (3 % / 296 nimekettä) osuudet kirjakokoelmasta olivat pienehköjä. Käsikirjaston noin 110 nimekkeen kokoelma sisälsi bibliografioita (12 nimekettä), alan standardeja, sanastoja, sanakirjoja, lyhennesanakirjoja, käsikirjoja, hakuteoksia ja hakemistoja sekä liikekirjeiden ja asiakirjojen oppaita. Painettuja lehtiä oli 16 nimekettä (Tilintarkastus – Laskentatoimi, Kauppalehti, Tilisanomat, Kauppalehti Optio, Fakta: talous ja tekniikka tänään, Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja, Ekonomi : Ekonomiuutiset – Ekonomnytt, Kuluttaja, Yrittäjä: suomalaisen yrittäjän ammattilehti, Markkinointi ja mainonta, Kehittyvä kauppa, Retail digest, Service industries journal, Myynti & markkinointi, KM Kaupan maailma ja Tampereen kauppakamari). Sähkökirjoja kokoelmassa oli yhteensä 1421 nimekettä: 11 suomalaista verkkokirjaa WSOYpro – yritysonline –tietokannassa; 13 kirjaston ostamaa verkkokirjaa WSOYpro – organisaation verkkokirjat –tietokannassa; 1311 nimekettä (subject-haulla Business) Ebrary –tietokannassa; 17 nimekettä NetLibrary -tietokannassa ja 69 liiketaloustieteen käsikirjaa Nellin E-käsikirjastossa. Verkkolehtiä kokoelmassa oli n. 691. Tietokantoja oli 14, joista kokotekstilehtiä EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost Business Search Elite, Emerald Journals, JSTOR, Sage Premier, ScienceDirect, Wiley Interscience, Scientific Journals International (Open Access aineisto) ja viitetietokantoja Econlit (Ebscohost), Helecon Classic, Helecon Mix, Helecon Scima, Helecon tietokanavat ja KULTU (kuluttajatutkimuksen tietokannat).