958 resultados para Cicerón, Quinto Tulio, 102-43 a.C.
I-II. Area, houses, and population: I. Counties. II. Registration counties.--III. Ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, and birth-places of the people.--IV. General report.
43. - 62. Sammlung B: "Konzepte als Zugabe zur Festschrift für Friedrich Pollock" [GS 12, S. 250 - 295]. 64 Blatt; 43. "Zum Problem der Bedürfnisse". Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 44. "Dichtung und Moral". Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 45. "Geschichte der amerikanischen Arbeiterschaft". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 46. "Kein Weg zur Wahrheit". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 47. "Zur Rechtsphilosophie". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 48. "Strafgefangene". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 49. "Jüdischer Charakter". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 50. "Solidarität". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 51. "Unmöglichkeit der Dichtung". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 52. "Theorie des Verbrechers". Typoskript, 14 Blatt; 53. "Erbsünde und Kopula". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 54. "Feind". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 55. "Haupt- und Nebensatz". Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 56. "Bewußtsein". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 57. "Kampf und Gewaltlosigkeit". Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 58. "Umschlag der idealistischen Dialektik". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 59. "Die Rackets und der Geist". Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 60. "Altmodische Probleme". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 61. "Physiognomik". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 62. "Religionspsychologie". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 63. - 106. Sammlung C: "New Yorker Notizen [I]"; 63. "Dialektik der Aufklärung Nr. 7". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 12 Blatt; 64. Aus der "Dialektik der Aufklärung"; Kapitel: "Elemente des Antisemitismus", Abschitt VII:; 64a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 11 Blatt; 64b) Teilstück, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 64c) Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 64d) Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 65. "Bemerkungen zu These VII" [zu: 64]; Über Antisemitismus und Stalinismus, [von Theodor W. Adorno]. Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 66. "Verwandlung der Idee in Gesinnung":; 66a) Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 66b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 66c) Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 67. "Zum Problem der Bedürfnisse". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 6 Blatt; 68. "Dichtung und Moral":; 68a) Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 68b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 68c) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 68d) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt; 69. "Geschichte der amerikanischen Arbeiterschaft":; 69a) Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 69b) Typoskript; 1 Blatt; 70. "Straftheorie. Zur Rechtsphilosophie":; 70a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 70b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 70c) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 70d) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 71. "Jüdischer Charakter". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 72. "Solidarität". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 73. "Theorie des Verbrechens". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 17 Blatt; 74. "Erbsünde und Copula":; 74a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 74b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 75. "Geschichtsphilosophischer Exkurs zur Odysee" [von Theodor W. Adorno ?]. Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 76. "Feind":; 76a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 76b) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 76c) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 76d) Entwurf, englisch, Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 77. "Haupt- und Nebensatz":; 77a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 77b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 77c) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 77d) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 78. "Bewußtsein":; 78a) Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 78b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 79. "Kampf und Gewaltlosigkeit":; 79a) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 79b) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 79c) Teilstücke, Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 6 Blatt; 79d) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt; 79e) Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 79f) Teilstück, Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 80. "Die Rackets und der Geist":; 80a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 80b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 6 Blatt; 81. "Altmodisches Problem". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 82. "Physiognomik". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 83. "Religionspsychologie":; 83a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 83b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 84. "Leeres Erschrecken":; 84a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 84b) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 84c) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 85. "Philosophie und Arbeitsteilung":; 85a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 85b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 85c) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 85d) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 86. "Vorrede" zur Dialektik der Aufklärung. Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 11 Blatt; 87. ["Umschlag der idealistischen Dialektik"] Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 88. Über Erkenntnis und Sprache. Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 89. "Zur Kritik der Geschichtsphilosophie". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 90. "Mensch und Tier":; 90a) Typoskript mit eigenen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 12 Blatt; 90b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 90c) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 90d) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 90e) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt; 91. "Massengesellschaft". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 92. "Zwei Welten". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 93. "Zur Theorie der Gespenster":; 93a) Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 93b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 94. "Interesse am Körper":; 94a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 6 Blatt; 94b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 7 Blatt; 94c) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 94d) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 95. "Unmöglichkeit der Dichtung". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 96. "Die Einseitigkeit der Negativität":; 96a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 96b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 96c) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 97. "Widersprüche":; 97a) Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 97b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 98. "Zur Theorie der Dummheit":; 98a) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 98b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt.; 99. "Gezeichnet". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 100. "Quand-même":; 100a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 100b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 101. "Isolierung durch Verkehr":; 101a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 101b) Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 102. "Gegen Gescheitheit". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 103. "Propaganda":; 103a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 103b) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 103c) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 104. "Der Gedanke". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; 105. Fragment aus der "Dialektik der Aufklärung", Exkurs II. Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 106. Zum Begriff des Individuums bei Leibniz und Hegel [GS 12, S. 314 - 315]. Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt;
Este trabajo presenta la reelaboración de un modelo de producción de textos escritos, publicado por el Grupo Didactext en 2003. Se sitúa en un marco sociocognitivo, lingüístico y didáctico, y está concebido desde la interacción de tres dimensiones simbolizadas por círculos concéntricos recurrentes. El primer círculo corresponde al ámbito cultural: las diversas esferas de la praxis humana en las que está inmersa toda actividad de composición escrita. El segundo se refiere a los contextos de producción, de los que forman parte el contexto social, el situacional, el físico, la audiencia y el medio de composición. El tercer círculo corresponde al individuo, en el que se tiene en cuenta el papel de la memoria en la producción de un texto desde el enfoque sociocultural, la motivación, las emociones y las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas, dentro de las cuales se conciben seis unidades funcionales que actúan en concurrencia: acceso al conocimiento, planificación, redacción, revisión y reescritura, edición, y presentación oral. La orientación didáctica se interesa por la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la escritura académica en las aulas, así como por la investigación de la escritura en contextos de educación.
Deeply conflicting views on the political situation of Judaea under the Roman prefects (6-41 c.e.) have been offered. According to some scholars, this was a period of persistent political unrest and agitation, whilst according to a widespread view it was a quiescent period of political calm (reflected in Tacitus’ phrase sub Tiberio quies). The present article critically examines again the main available sources –particularly Josephus, the canonical Gospels and Tacitus– in order to offer a more reliable historical reconstruction. The conclusions drawn by this survey calls into question some widespread and insufficiently nuanced views on the period. This, in turn, allows a reflection on the non-epistemic factors which might contribute to explain the origin of such views.
La invocación del ideal del mos maiorum, entendido como conjunto de virtudes o rasgos ejemplares de los romanos, ha sido estudiada repetidamente en los textos de Cicerón. Analiza el tópico en relación con la discusión en torno a la identidad romana en textos del siglo I a.C. y delimita tres empleos diferentes: uno al que define como típicamente aristocrático, referido a la ascendencia noble de un individuo en particular; un segundo uso que, en vez de individualizar, amalgama a todos los ancestros en un mismo conjunto y establece una continuidad entre pasado y presente; finalmente, una tercera modalidad que propone una ruptura total entre el mundo de los antepasados y el de los contemporáneos. En este trabajo indagaremos el funcionamiento de este tópico en De diuinatione y De natura deorum de Cicerón. Desde nuestro punto de vista, el ideal del mos maiorum no solamente involucra virtudes éticas y morales sino que también supone una especial actitud con respecto a los dioses y el culto que resulta central en la definición de la identidad romana.
El VI Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba introdujo una nueva agenda económica que el Gobierno llama la actualización del modelo socialista. Muchos piensan que en esencia se trata de una serie de reformas y reducen su importancia a su dimensión económica. Esta monografía busca explicar la actualización aplicando el análisis de sistemas-mundo de Immanuel Wallerstein, aportando una interpretación no convencional del fenómeno. Se puntualizará en las variables de poder y en los actores políticos que han determinado la nueva política económica: el Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR). Ambos conforman lo que Wallerstein denomina un movimiento antisitémico. El argumento principal es que el movimiento ha puesto en marcha las reformas buscando fortalecer el Estado y así garantizar su supervivencia al consolidar su posición como el competidor único del poder estatal. Como se verá, estas metas han llevado al movimiento a sacrificar parte de su naturaleza antisistémica.
The following discussion is in response to a 2010 article published in the Journal of Safety Research by J.C.F. de Winter and D. Dodou entitled “The Driver Behaviour Questionnaire as a predictor of accidents: A meta-analysis” (Volume 41, Number 6, pp. 463-470, available on sciencedirect.com). The editors are pleased to provide a forum for this exchange and welcome further comments.
Background Hyperhomocysteinemia as a consequence of the MTHFR 677 C > T variant is associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another factor that can potentially contribute to these disorders is a depleted nitric oxide level, which can be due to the presence of eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants that make an individual more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction. A number of genotyping methods have been developed to investigate these variants. However, simultaneous detection methods using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis are still lacking. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for the simultaneous detection of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants was developed. A total of 114 healthy Malay subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants were genotyped using the novel multiplex PCR-RFLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing as well as snpBLAST. Allele frequencies of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C were calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation. Methods The 114 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study, and their DNA was extracted. Primer pair was designed using Primer 3 Software version 0.4.0 and validated against the BLAST database. The primer specificity, functionality and annealing temperature were tested using uniplex PCR methods that were later combined into a single multiplex PCR. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was performed in three separate tubes followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR product residual was purified and sent for DNA sequencing. Results The allele frequencies for MTHFR 677 C > T were 0.89 (C allele) and 0.11 (T allele); for eNOS +894 G > T, the allele frequencies were 0.58 (G allele) and 0.43 (T allele); and for eNOS −786 T > C, the allele frequencies were 0.87 (T allele) and 0.13 (C allele). Conclusions Our PCR-RFLP method is a simple, cost-effective and time-saving method. It can be used to successfully genotype subjects for the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants simultaneously with 100% concordance from DNA sequencing data. This method can be routinely used for rapid investigation of the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants.
Background: Phase III studies suggest that non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with cisplatin-docetaxel may have higher response rates and better survival compared with other platinum-based regimens. We report the final results of a randomised phase III study of docetaxel and carboplatin versus MIC or MVP in patients with advanced NSCLC. Patients and methods: Patients with biopsy proven stage III-IV NSCLC not suitable for curative surgery or radiotherapy were randomised to receive four cycles of either DCb (docetaxel 75 mg/m 2, carboplatin AUC 6), or MIC/MVP (mitomycin 6 mg/m 2, ifosfamide 3 g/m 2 and cisplatin 50 mg/m 2 or mitomycin 6 mg/ m 2, vinblastine 6 mg/m 2 and cisplatin 50 mg/m 2, respectively), 3 weekly. The primary end point was survival, secondary end points included response rates, toxicity and quality of life. Results: The median follow-up was 17.4 months. Overall response rate was 32% for both arms (partial response = 31%, complete response = 1%); 32% of MIC/MVP and 26% of DCb patients had stable disease. One-year survival was 39% and 35% for DCb and MIC/MVP, respectively. Two-year survival was 13% with both arms. Grade 3/4 neutropenia (74% versus 43%, P < 0.005), infection (18% versus 9%, P = 0.01) and mucositis (5% versus 1%, P = 0.02) were more common with DCb than MIC/MVP. The MIC/MVP arm had significant worsening in overall EORTC score and global health status whereas the DCb arm showed no significant change. Conclusions: The combination of DCb had similar efficacy to MIC/MVP but quality of life was better maintained. © 2006 European Society for Medical Oncology.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVEs A decline in resting energy expenditure (REE) beyond that predicted from changes in body composition has been noted following dietary-induced weight loss. However, it is unknown whether a compensatory downregulation in REE also accompanies exercise (EX)-induced weight loss, or whether this adaptive metabolic response influences energy intake (EI). SUBJECTS/METHODS Thirty overweight and obese women (body mass index (BMI)=30.6±3.6 kg/m2) completed 12 weeks of supervised aerobic EX. Body composition, metabolism, EI and metabolic-related hormones were measured at baseline, week 6 and post intervention. The metabolic adaptation (MA), that is, difference between predicted and measured REE was also calculated post intervention (MApost), with REE predicted using a regression equation generated in an independent sample of 66 overweight and obese women (BMI=31.0±3.9 kg/m2). RESULTS Although mean predicted and measured REE did not differ post intervention, 43% of participants experienced a greater-than-expected decline in REE (−102.9±77.5 kcal per day). MApost was associated with the change in leptin (r=0.47; P=0.04), and the change in resting fat (r=0.52; P=0.01) and carbohydrate oxidation (r=−0.44; P=0.02). Furthermore, MApost was also associated with the change in EI following EX (r=−0.44; P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS Marked variability existed in the adaptive metabolic response to EX. Importantly, those who experienced a downregulation in REE also experienced an upregulation in EI, indicating that the adaptive metabolic response to EX influences both physiological and behavioural components of energy balance.
Background The role of human adenoviruses (HAdVs) in chronic respiratory disease pathogenesis is recognized. However, no studies have performed molecular sequencing of HAdVs from the lower airways of children with chronic endobronchial suppuration. We thus examined the major HAdV genotypes/species, and relationships to bacterial coinfection, in children with protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) and mild bronchiectasis (BE). Methods Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples of 245 children with PBB or mild (cylindrical) BE were included in this prospective cohort study. HAdVs were genotyped (when possible) in those whose BAL had HAdV detected (HAdV+). Presence of bacterial infection (defined as ≥104 colony-forming units/mL) was compared between BAL HAdV+ and HAdV negative (HAdV−) groups. Immune function tests were performed including blood lymphocyte subsets in a random subgroup. Results Species C HAdVs were identified in 23 of 24 (96%) HAdV+ children; 13 (57%) were HAdV-1 and 10 (43%) were HAdV-2. An HAdV+ BAL was significantly associated with bacterial coinfection with Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, or Streptococcus pneumoniae (odds ratio [OR], 3.27; 95% confidence interval, 1.38–7.75; P = .007) and negatively associated with Staphylococcus aureus infection (P = .03). Young age was related to increased rates of HAdV+. Blood CD16 and CD56 natural killer cells were significantly more likely to be elevated in those with HAdV (80%) compared with those without (56.1%) (P = .027). Conclusions HAdV-C is the major HAdV species detected in the lower airways of children with PBB and BE. Younger age appears to be an important risk factor for HAdV+ of the lower airways and influences the likelihood of bacterial coinfection
Aggregation and biofilm formation are critical mechanisms for bacterial resistance to host immune factors and antibiotics. Autotransporter (AT) proteins, which represent the largest group of outer-membrane and secreted proteins in Gram-negative bacteria, contribute significantly to these phenotypes. Despite their abundance and role in bacterial pathogenesis, most AT proteins have not been structurally characterized, and there is a paucity of detailed information with regard to their mode of action. Here we report the structure–function relationships of Antigen 43 (Ag43a), a prototypic self-associating AT protein from uropathogenic Escherichia coli. The functional domain of Ag43a displays a twisted L-shaped β-helical structure firmly stabilized by a 3D hydrogen-bonded scaffold. Notably, the distinctive Ag43a L shape facilitates self-association and cell aggregation. Combining all our data, we define a molecular “Velcro-like” mechanism of AT-mediated bacterial clumping, which can be tailored to fit different bacterial lifestyles such as the formation of biofilms.
Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Human C-reactive protein (CRP) has been used in the risk assessment of coronary events. Human saliva mirrors the body's health and well-being and is non-invasive, easy to collect and ideal for third world countries as well as for large patient screening. The aim was to establish a saliva CRP reference range and to demonstrate the clinical utility of salivary CRP levels in assessing the coronary events in a primary health care setting. Methods: We have used a homogeneous bead based assay to detect CRP levels in human saliva. We have developed a rapid 15 min (vs 90 min), sequential, one-step assay to detect CRP in saliva. Saliva was collected from healthy volunteers (n = 55, ages 20-70 years) as well as from cardiac patients (n = 28, ages 43-86 years). Results: The assay incubation time was optimised from 90 min to 15 mm and generated a positive correlation (n = 29, range 10-2189 pg/mL, r2 = 0.94; Passing Bablok slope 0.885. Intercept 0, p>0.10), meaning we could decrease the incubation time and produce equivalent results with confidence. The mean CRP level in the saliva of healthy human volunteers was 285 pg/mL and in cardiac patients was 1680 pg/mL (p<0.01). Analysis of CRP concentrations in paired serum and saliva samples from cardiac patients gave a positive correlation (r2 = 0.84, p<0.001) and the salivary CRP concentration capable of distinguishing healthy from diseased patients. Conclusions: The results suggest that this minimally invasive, rapid and sensitive assay will be useful in large patient screening studies for risk assessment of coronary events. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.