964 resultados para Chicago Park District (Ill.)


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The present work is concerned with the processes of sand movement in the region of the Elbe estuary. In the first part the results of various investigations which have given indications of the regional transport directions are collected together. The interpretation of the results of a large number of continuous current recordings gives a picture of the resulting transport to be expected under the influence of the tides with those current conditions. This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this paper the regional distribution of the flood and ebb flow zones.


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Three ponds were chosen for this study. The two lower ones were of 2 - 4 hectares in area, the depth of the littoral zone was 2.5 - 3 metres at the time of maximum flooding and the mud which covered the floor of the ponds was homogeneous and autochthonous in nature with very few vegetable remnants. The ponds which were originally set up in 1950. were intended for water supply and populated with Crucian Carp (for human consumption). A survey was done in the ponds in order to establish number and biomass of Tendipes semireductus. The author concludes that in these ponds T.semireductus has 2-3 generations per year.


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Amphibian declines and extinctions have been documented around the world, often in protected natural areas. Concern for this alarming trend has focused attention on the need to document all species of amphibians that occur within U.S. National Parks and to search for any signs that amphibians may be declining. This study, an inventory of amphibian species in Virgin Islands National Park, was conducted from 2001 to 2003. The goals of the project were to create a georeferenced inventory of amphibian species, use new analytical techniques to estimate proportion of sites occupied by each species, look for any signs of amphibian decline (missing species, disease, die-offs, etc.), and to establish a protocol that could be used for future monitoring efforts. Several sampling methods were used to accomplish these goals. Visual encounter surveys and anuran vocalization surveys were conducted in all habitats throughout the park to estimate the proportion of sites or proportion of area occupied (PAO) by amphibian species in each habitat. Line transect methods were used to estimate density of some amphibian species and double observer analysis was used to refine counts based on detection probabilities. Opportunistic collections were used to augment the visual encounter methods for rare species. Data were collected during four sampling periods and every major trail system throughout the park was surveyed. All of the amphibian species believed to occur on St. John were detected during these surveys. One species not previously reported, the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), was also added to the species list. That species and two others (Eleutherodactylus coqui and Eleutherodactylus lentus) bring the total number of introduced amphibians on St. John to three. We detected most of the reptile species thought to occur on St. John, but our methods were less suitable for reptiles compared to amphibians. No amphibian species appear to be in decline at this time. We found no evidence of disease or of malformations. Our surveys provide a snapshot picture of the status of the amphibian species, so continued monitoring would be necessary to determine long-term trends, but several potential threats to amphibians were identified. Invasive species, especially the Cuban treefrog, have the potential to decrease populations of native amphibians. Introduced mammalian predators are also a potential threat, especially to the reptiles of St. John, and mammalian grazers might have indirect effects on amphibians and reptiles through habitat modification. Finally, loss of habitat to development outside the park boundary could harm some important populations of amphibians and reptiles on the island.


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This paper describes some characteristic features of the phytoplankton of Grasmere, one of the smaller of the principal lakes of the English Lake District, and attempts to relate these to distinctive physical and chemical properties of the lake. Quantitative data presented herein are derived from 5-m vertical column samples, collected with a flexible polyethylene hose close to the deepest point of Grasmere, generally at intervals of 14 days ( 7 days from 1972 to 1978, inclusive). The study concludes that although Grasmere has been subject to increased phosphorus-loading and has quickly developed many features associated with eutrophication, the composition of its plankton has retained the characteristics of a mesotrophic, soft-water lake: a vernal diatom maximum, generally dominated by Asterionella, is followed by summer growths of nanoplanktonic species, of various colonial Chlorophyceae, before a substantial return to Asterionella-dominance in the autumn.


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There is no evidence of an increase in the acidity (lower pH or alkalinity) of water-bodies in the Lake District over the last 50 years. Brown trout occur in acid streams and upland tarns where pH is 4.5-5.2 throughout the year. Their occurrence in such waters in Britain and Ireland has been known for most of this century and there is no previous evidence of harmful effects on salmonid fisheries, though numbers of fish are naturally low. However, many benthic invertebrates that are common in hill-streams where pH is above 5.7 do not occur in more acid streams. This phenomenon occurs in the headwaters of several western rivers in Cumbria. It is not a recent response to "acid rain". Harmful effects of pH are undoubtedly more pronounced in waters that are poor in other dissolved ions. Low concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride are especially important and may limit the distributions of some aquatic animals even where pH is above 5.7. The concentration of sulphate ions is usually relatively high but this is not important to the fauna; concentrations are at least two times higher in productive alkaline water-bodies than they are in unproductive acid waters.


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This dataset provides raw data of chemical analyses made during studies on seasonal variations of 25 frequently sampled tarns in Cumbria. Measurements of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, pH, chloride ions, alkalinity, sulphite, strong acids and nitrate were taken between 1954 and 1956 and between 1974-1976.


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This dataset provides raw data of chemical analyses made during studies on seasonal variations of 182 tarns in the English Lake District, Cumbria. Measurements of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, pH, chloride ions, alkalinity, sulphite, strong acids and nitrate were taken between 1953 and 1978.


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O conhecimento sobre a fauna de anfíbios em áreas de altitude (> 1000 m) da Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil é ainda insuficiente. O Parque Estadual dos Três Picos (PETP), no estado do Rio de Janeiro, constitui um dos maiores remanescentes de Mata Atlântica do estado inserido em uma Unidade de Conservação. Os limites do PETP abrangem um amplo gradiente altitudinal, alcançando mais de 2000 m de elevação e protegem áreas de cinco municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Neste estudo, eu apresento dados de três anos de amostragem e pesquisa (2008-2010) sobre a composição e a abundância de espécies de anfíbios em área de altitude localizada entre 1100 e 1400 m no PETP, distrito de Theodoro de Oliveira, município de Nova Friburgo, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O esforço amostral total foi de 360 horas de buscas ativas, padronizado em 180 horas de procura em cada uma das estações do ano (úmida e seca). Foram registradas 32 espécies de anuros durante o estudo, das quais 18 representaram novos registros para o Parque e três novas espécies ainda não conhecidas da Ciência foram descobertas (Holoaden pholeter, recentemente descrita, foi uma delas). As espécies mais abundantes foram os anuros de desenvolvimento direto Ischnocnema parva e I. erythromera. Nove das 32 espécies encontradas são consideradas endêmicas do estado do Rio de Janeiro: Brachycephalus sp., B. didactylus, B. garbeanus, Ischnocnema cf. holti, I. erythromera, Bokermannohyla carvalhoi, Scinax albicans, H. pholeter e Hylodes charadranaetes. Houve diferença em alguns parâmetros da comunidade entre as estações e entre as faixas de altitude amostradas, com uma maior riqueza e abundância de anuros na estação úmida do que na seca, e mudança na composição de espécies entre as estações. Apesar de nenhuma das espécies registradas durante o estudo constar na lista de espécies ameaçadas, H. pholeter pode ser um candidato à inclusão na categoria vulnerável da Lista das Espécies Ameaçadas de Extinção da IUCN, devido à sua distribuição geográfica conhecida ser restrita apenas à localidade tipo (Theodoro de Oliveira) e à sua densidade populacional ser aparentemente baixa. . A alta diversidade de anfíbios, com espécies endêmicas ao estado, e a ocorrência de espécies raras atestam a relevância biológica das áreas estudadas no PETP.


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From a special issue: A Brief History of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands 1959-1988


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The Workinq Party of North West Water Authority and the Annan District Salmon Fishery Board's aims were to identify the current problems relating to the salmon and freshwater fisheries in the Solway Firth and its tributaries (embracing the catchments of the Annan, Kirtle Water, Sark, Esk, Eden, Wampool and Waver - and possibly also the Lochar Water and the Nith) to produce agreed outline solutions, and to consider the financial aspects of the future administration of these fisheries.


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The recent establishment of a marine park in Vietnam offers lessons for future marine reserves in the country as well as for other countries considering their establishment. These lessons are contained in this brief article.


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O presente estudo analisa dois programas educacionais que se materializaram por meio das Escolas Classe/Escola Parque de Brasília e dos Centros Integrados de Educação Pública - CIEPs, no Rio de Janeiro. O primeiro, na década de 1960, mediante o Plano de Construções Escolares de Brasília, formulado por Anísio Teixeira, e o segundo, implementado na década de 1980, em conformidade com o Programa Especial de Educação - I PEE, proposto e executado por Darcy Ribeiro no Rio de Janeiro. No entrecruzamento dos projetos desses dois intelectuais, busco compreender as dissensões, imbricações e convergências dessas iniciativas e o seu legado para a política educacional. Para tanto, me apoio nas produções acadêmicas de dois Grupos de Pesquisa, que têm como objeto os programas educacionais implantados respectivamente, por Anísio e Darcy. Em Brasília, encontramos em seu acervo a memória dos pioneiros da experiência das Escolas Classe/Escola Parque no Distrito Federal, intitulando-se "Educação Básica Pública do Distrito Federal: Origens de um Projeto Inovador (1956-1964), PPGE/UnB, tendo como coordenadora a professora Eva Waisros Pereira. Na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, observamos estudos sobre os CIEPs, produzidos pelo Laboratório Educação e República LER/ProPEd/UERJ, sendo líder da pesquisa a professora Lia Faria. Ainda nessa investigação são consideradas as determinações e os investimentos pessoais e profissionais, tanto de Darcy Ribeiro como de Anísio Teixeira, intelectuais que assumiram a dimensão prática na produção das ideias, considerando a relação dessas ideias com o mundo. Ao recuperar as produções desses dois Grupos, desvelamos também os calorosos debates relacionados às diferentes concepções de educação Integral. A análise destaca o projeto educacional de nação a partir da escola pública em seu caráter republicano. A reflexão proposta visa contribuir, juntamente com as demais pesquisas já realizadas, com a temática da educação integral e da escola pública de horário integral - para a formulação de políticas públicas na área educacional. Nesse sentido, pretendo colaborar para o desenho de propostas governamentais, especialmente para o PNE 2011-2020, buscando valorizar os pesquisadores que nos antecedem em seus trabalhos


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As a result of increased population growth, the attraction of high profits from shrimp culture and ineffective mangrove forest management, a number of serious environmental problems exist in Ngoc Hien District, Minh Hai Province, Vietnam. These environmental problems are highlighted in this article.


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A study of the farming systems in the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam) indicate that fish culture brings to the household a higher level of net farm income and family labor use. In general, adoption of fish culture is strongly affected by: (1) decline of wildfish; (2) location of the farm; (3) farm size per person and available water bodies within the farm; (4) income of farm, excluding income from fish; (5) guidance from agricultural extension workers; (6) policies of local government on the development of agriculture including aquaculture.