996 resultados para Charge generation


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Antiferroelectric lanthanum-modified PbZrO3 thin films with La contents between 0 and 6 at. % have been deposited on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by sol-gel route. On the extent of La-modification, maximum polarization (Pmax) and recoverable energy density (W) have been enhanced followed by their subsequent reduction. A maximum Pmax ( ∼ 0.54 C/m2 at ∼ 60 MV/m) as well as a maximum W ( ∼ 14.9 J/cc at ∼ 60 MV/m) have been achieved on 5% La modification. Both Pmax and W have been found to be strongly dependent on La-induced crystallographic orientations.


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The rapidly depleting petroleum feed stocks and increasing green house gas emissions around the world has necessitated a search for alternative renewable energy sources. Hydrogen with molecular weight of 2.016 g/mol and high chemical energy per mass equal to 142 MJ/kg has clearly emerged as an alternative to hydrocarbon fuels. Means for safe and cost effective storage are needed for widespread usage of hydrogen as a fuel.Chemical storage is the one of the safer ways to store hydrogen compared to compressed and liquefied hydrogen. It involves storing hydrogen in chemical bonds in molecules and materials where an on-board reaction is used to release hydrogen. Ammonia–borane, (AB,H3N·BH3) with a potential capacity of 19.6 wt% is considered a very promising solid state hydrogen storage material. It is thermally stable at ambient temperatures. There are two major routes for the generation of H2 from AB: catalytic hydrolysis/alcoholysis and catalytic thermal decomposition. There has been a flurry of research activity on the generation of H2 from AB recently. The present review deals with an overview of our efforts in developing cost-effective nanocatalysts for hydrogen generation from ammonia borane in protic solvents.


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We investigate the effect of static electron-phonon coupling on real-time dynamics of spin and charge transport in pi-conjugated polyene chains. The polyene chain is modeled by the Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian with dimerized nearest-neighbor parameter t(0)(1 + delta) for short bonds and t(0)(1 - delta) for long bonds, and long-range electron-electron interactions. We follow the time evolution of the spin and charge using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group technique when a hole is injected at one end of the chain in its ground state. We find that spin and charge dynamics followed through spin and charge velocities depend both on chain length and extent of dimerization delta. Analysis of the results requires focusing on physical quantities such as average spin and charge polarizations, particularly in the large dimerization limit. In the dimerization range 0.0 <= delta <= 0.15, spin-charge dynamics is found to have a well-defined behavior, with spin-charge separation (measured as the ratio of charge velocity to spin velocity) as well as the total amount of charge and spin transported in a given time along the chain decreasing as dimerization increases. However, in the range 0.3 <= delta <= 0.5, it is observed that the dynamics of spin and charge transport becomes complicated. It is observed that, for large delta values, spin-charge separation is suppressed and the injected hole fails to travel the entire length of the chain.


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Dendrimers are ideal platforms to study multivalent effects due to the presence of uniform end groups at their peripheries. This report concerns with a study of multivalent dendritic catalysts, both within and across dendrimer generations, and their effects to mediate C-C bond forming reactions on multivalent substrates that have two and three acrylate reactive sites. As many as fourteen multivalent dendritic catalysts were prepared using 0-3 generations of poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimers, incorporated with Pd(II) catalytic sites, both within and across the dendrimer generations. C-C Bond forming reactions of these substrates with iodobenzene, mediated by uniform concentration of the metal across all catalysts, showed formation of partially and fully functionalized cinnamates in varying ratios, depending on the extent of clustering of catalytic moieties at the peripheries of dendrimers within a dendrimer generation. In a given generation, higher clustering of catalytic moieties greatly assisted multiple C-C bond formations than presenting the same in lesser number. The studies demonstrate true benefits of clustering catalytic moieties within a dendrimer generation and the beneficial effects applicable to catalysis of substrates presenting more than one reactive center. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to reveal the characteristic features of ethylenediamine (EDA) cored protonated (corresponding to neutral pH) poly amido amine (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) and 4 (G4) that are functionalized with single strand DNAs (ssDNAs). The four ssDNA strands that are attached via an alkythiolate [-S(CH(2))(6)-] linker molecule to the free amine groups on the surface of the PAMAM dendrimers are observed to undergo a rapid conformational change during the 25 ns long simulation period. From the RMSD values of ssDNAs, we find relative stability in the case of purine rich (having more adenine and guanine) ssDNA strands than pyrimidine rich (thymine and cytosine) ssDNA strands. The degree of wrapping of ssDNA strands on the dendrimer molecule was found to be influenced by the charge ratio of DNA and the dendrimer. As the G4 dendrimer contains relatively more positive charge than G3 dendrimer, we observe extensive wrapping of ssDNAs on the G4 dendrimer than G3 dendrimer. This might indicate that DNA functionalized G3 dendrimer is more suitable to construct higher order nanostructures. The linker molecule was also found to undergo drastic conformational change during the simulation. During nanosecond long simulation some portion of the linker molecule was found to be lying nearly flat on the surface of the dendrimer molecule. The ssDNA strands along with the linkers are seen to penetrate the surface of the dendrimer molecule and approach closer to the center of the dendrimer indicating the soft sphere nature of the dendrimer molecule. The effective radius of DNA-functionalized dendrimer nanoparticles was found to be independent of base composition of ssDNAs and was observed to be around 19.5 angstrom and 22.4 angstrom when we used G3 and G4 PAMAM dendrimers as the core of the nanoparticle respectively. The observed effective radius of DNA-functionalized dendrimer molecules apparently indicates the significant shrinkage in the structure that has taken place in dendrimer, linker and DNA strands. As a whole our results describe the characteristic features of DNA-functionalized dendrimer nanoparticles and can be used as strong inputs to design effectively the DNA-dendrimer nanoparticle self-assembly for their active biological applications.


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The spectral photocurrent characteristics of two donor-acceptor diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based copolymers (PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT) blended with a fullerene derivative [6,6]-phenyl C-61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were studied using Fourier-transform photocurrent spectroscopy (FTPS) and monochromatic photocurrent (PC) method. PDPP-BBT: PCBM shows the onset of the lowest charge transfer complex (CTC) state at 1.42 eV, whereas TDPP-BBT: PCBM shows no evidence of the formation of a midgap CTC state. The FTPS and PC spectra of P3HT:PCBM are also compared. The larger singlet state energy difference of TDPP-BBT and PCBM compared to PDPP-BBT/P3HT and PCBM obliterates the formation of a midgap CTC state resulting in an enhanced photovoltaic efficiency over PDPP-BBT: PCBM. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3670043]


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In this paper we investigate the effect of terminal substituents on the dynamics of spin and charge transport in donor-acceptor substituted polyenes [D-(CH)(x)-A] chains, also known as push-pull polyenes. We employ a long-range correlated model Hamiltonian for the D-(CH)(x)-A system, and time-dependent density matrix renormalization group technique for time propagating the wave packet obtained by injecting a hole at a terminal site, in the ground state of the system. Our studies reveal that the end groups do not affect spin and charge velocities in any significant way, but change the amount of charge transported. We have compared these push-pull systems with donor-acceptor substituted polymethine imine (PMI), D-(CHN)(x)-A, systems in which besides electron affinities, the nature of p(z) orbitals in conjugation also alternate from site to site. We note that spin and charge dynamics in the PMIs are very different from that observed in the case of push-pull polyenes, and within the time scale of our studies, transport of spin and charge leads to the formation of a ``quasi-static'' state.


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Spontaneous halide ejection from a three-coordinate Lewis acid has been shown to offer a remarkable new route to cationic metal complexes featuring a linear, multiply bonded boron-donor Ligand. The exploitation of electron-rich [CpM(PR3)(2)] fragments within boryl systems of the type LnMB(hal)NR2 leads to the spontaneous formation in polar solvents of chemically robust borylene complexes, [LnM(BNR2)](+), with exceptionally low electrophilicity and short M-B bonds. This is reflected by M-B distances (ca. 1.80 angstrom for FeB systems) which are more akin to alkyl-/aryl-substituted borylene complexes and, perhaps most strikingly, by the very low exothermicity associated with the binding of pyridine to the two-coordinate boron center (Delta H = -7.4 kcal mol(-1), cf. -40.7 kcal mol(-1) for BCl3). Despite the strong pi electron release from the metal fragment implied by this suppressed reactivity and by such short M-B bonds, the barrier to rotation about the Fe=B bond in the unsymmetrical variant [CpFe(dmpe)(BN{C6H4OMe-4}Me)](+) is found to be very small (ca. 2.9 kcal mol(-1)). This apparent contradiction is rationalized by the orthogonal orientations of the HOMO and HOMO-2 orbitals of the [CpML2](+) fragment, which mean that the M-B pi interaction does not fall to zero even in the highest energy conformation.


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This paper deals with the characterisation of tar from two configurations of bioresidue thermochemical conversion reactors designed for producer gas based power generation systems. The pulverised fuel reactor is a cyclone system (R1) and the solid bioresidue reactor (denoted R2) is an open top twin air entry system both at 75-90 kg/h capacity (to generate electricity similar to 100 kVA). The reactor, R2, has undergone rigorous test in a major Indo-Swiss programme for the tar quantity at various conditions. The former is a recent technology development. Tars collected from these systems by a standard tar collection apparatus at the laboratory at Indian Institute of Science have been analysed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The results of these analyses show that these thermochemical conversion reactors behave differently from the earlier reactors reported in literature in so far as tar generation is concerned. The extent of tar in hot gas is about 700-800 ppm for R1 and 70-100 ppm for R2. The amounts of the major compounds - naphthalene and phenol-are much lower that what is generally understood to happen in the gasifiers in Europe. It is suggested that the longer residence times at high temperatures allowed for in these reactors is responsible for this behavior. It is concluded the new generation reactor concepts extensively tried out at lower power levels hold promise for high power atmospheric gasification systems for woody as well as pulverisable bioresidues.


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A topology for voltage-space phasor generation equivalent to a five-level inverter for an open-end winding induction motor is presented. The open-end winding induction motor is fed from both ends by two three-level inverters. The three-level inverters are realised by cascading two two-level inverters. This inverter scheme does not experience neutral-point fluctuations. Of the two three-level inverters only one will be switching at any instant in the lower speed ranges. In the multilevel carrier-based SPWM used for the proposed drive, a progressive discrete DC bias depending on the speed range is given to the reference wave to reduce the inverter switchings. The drive is implemented and tested with a 1 HP open-end winding induction motor and experimental results are presented.


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The generalised Langevin equation method for the dynamics of interacting colloids presented in my previous lecture is extended here to the case of a sheared suspension. A calculation of shear-dependent diffusivities using these methods is found to account for puzzling observations in experiments and simulations. The limitations of the method are discussed, and important unresolved questions presented. This lecture summarises work done in collaboration with A.V. Indrani [1].


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a learning controller for the Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in power systems based on a reinforcement learning (RL) framework. In contrast to the recent RL scheme for AGC proposed by us, the present method permits handling of power system variables such as Area Control Error (ACE) and deviations from scheduled frequency and tie-line flows as continuous variables. (In the earlier scheme, these variables have to be quantized into finitely many levels). The optimal control law is arrived at in the RL framework by making use of Q-learning strategy. Since the state variables are continuous, we propose the use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks to compute the Q-values for a given input state. Since, in this application we cannot provide training data appropriate for the standard supervised learning framework, a reinforcement learning algorithm is employed to train the RBF network. We also employ a novel exploration strategy, based on a Learning Automata algorithm,for generating training samples during Q-learning. The proposed scheme, in addition to being simple to implement, inherits all the attractive features of an RL scheme such as model independent design, flexibility in control objective specification, robustness etc. Two implementations of the proposed approach are presented. Through simulation studies the attractiveness of this approach is demonstrated.


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A new automatic generation controller (AGC) design approach, adopting reinforcement learning (RL) techniques, was recently pro- posed [1]. In this paper we demonstrate the design and performance of controllers based on this RL approach for automatic generation control of systems consisting of units having complex dynamics—the reheat type of thermal units. For such systems, we also assess the capabilities of RL approach in handling realistic system features such as network changes, parameter variations, generation rate constraint (GRC), and governor deadband.


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While the effect of electrochemical doping on single-layer graphene (SG) with holes and electrons has been investigated, the effect of charge-transfer doping on SG has not been examined hitherto. Effects of varying the concentration of electron donor and acceptor molecules such as tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) on SG produced by mechanical exfoliation as well as by the reduction of single-layer graphene oxide have been investigated. TTF softens the G-band in the Raman spectrum, whereas TCNE stiffens the G-band. The full-width-at-half-maximum of the G-band increases on interaction with both TTF and TCNE. These effects are similar to those found with few-layer graphene, but in contrast to those found with electrochemical doping. A common feature between the two types of doping is found in the case of the 2-D band, which shows softening and stiffening on electron and hole doping, respectively. The experimental results are explained on the basis of the frequency shifts, electron-phonon coupling and structural inhomogeneities that are relevant to molecule-graphene interaction.