975 resultados para Cellular Motility-Migration
The forces cells apply to their surroundings control biological processes such as growth, adhesion, development, and migration. In the past 20 years, a number of experimental techniques have been developed to measure such cell tractions. These approaches have primarily measured the tractions applied by cells to synthetic two-dimensional substrates, which do not mimic in vivo conditions for most cell types. Many cell types live in a fibrous three-dimensional (3D) matrix environment. While studying cell behavior in such 3D matrices will provide valuable insights for the mechanobiology and tissue engineering communities, no experimental approaches have yet measured cell tractions in a fibrous 3D matrix.
This thesis describes the development and application of an experimental technique for quantifying cellular forces in a natural 3D matrix. Cells and their surrounding matrix are imaged in three dimensions with high speed confocal microscopy. The cell-induced matrix displacements are computed from the 3D image volumes using digital volume correlation. The strain tensor in the 3D matrix is computed by differentiating the displacements, and the stress tensor is computed by applying a constitutive law. Finally, tractions applied by the cells to the matrix are computed directly from the stress tensor.
The 3D traction measurement approach is used to investigate how cells mechanically interact with the matrix in biologically relevant processes such as division and invasion. During division, a single mother cell undergoes a drastic morphological change to split into two daughter cells. In a 3D matrix, dividing cells apply tensile force to the matrix through thin, persistent extensions that in turn direct the orientation and location of the daughter cells. Cell invasion into a 3D matrix is the first step required for cell migration in three dimensions. During invasion, cells initially apply minimal tractions to the matrix as they extend thin protrusions into the matrix fiber network. The invading cells anchor themselves to the matrix using these protrusions, and subsequently pull on the matrix to propel themselves forward.
Lastly, this thesis describes a constitutive model for the 3D fibrous matrix that uses a finite element (FE) approach. The FE model simulates the fibrous microstructure of the matrix and matches the cell-induced matrix displacements observed experimentally using digital volume correlation. The model is applied to predict how cells mechanically sense one another in a 3D matrix. It is found that cell-induced matrix displacements localize along linear paths. These linear paths propagate over a long range through the fibrous matrix, and provide a mechanism for cell-cell signaling and mechanosensing. The FE model developed here has the potential to reveal the effects of matrix density, inhomogeneity, and anisotropy in signaling cell behavior through mechanotransduction.
This thesis presents the development of chip-based technology for informative in vitro cancer diagnostics. In the first part of this thesis, I will present my contribution in the development of a technology called “Nucleic Acid Cell Sorting (NACS)”, based on microarrays composed of nucleic acid encoded peptide major histocompatibility complexes (p/MHC), and the experimental and theoretical methods to detect and analyze secreted proteins from single or few cells.
Secondly, a novel portable platform for imaging of cellular metabolism with radio probes is presented. A microfluidic chip, so called “Radiopharmaceutical Imaging Chip” (RIMChip), combined with a beta-particle imaging camera, is developed to visualize the uptake of radio probes in a small number of cells. Due to its sophisticated design, RIMChip allows robust and user-friendly execution of sensitive and quantitative radio assays. The performance of this platform is validated with adherent and suspension cancer cell lines. This platform is then applied to study the metabolic response of cancer cells under the treatment of drugs. Both cases of mouse lymphoma and human glioblastoma cell lines, the metabolic responses to the drug exposures are observed within a short time (~ 1 hour), and are correlated with the arrest of cell-cycle, or with changes in receptor tyrosine kinase signaling.
The last parts of this thesis present summaries of ongoing projects: development of a new agent as an in vivo imaging probe for c-MET, and quantitative monitoring of glycolytic metabolism of primary glioblastoma cells. To develop a new agent for c-MET imaging, the one-bead-one-compound combinatorial library method is used, coupled with iterative screening. The performance of the agent is quantitatively validated with cell-based fluorescent assays. In the case of monitoring the metabolism of primary glioblastoma cell, by RIMChip, cells were sorting according to their expression levels of oncoprotein, or were treated with different kinds of drugs to study the metabolic heterogeneity of cancer cells or metabolic response of glioblastoma cells to drug treatments, respectively.
The lateral migration of neutrally buoyant rigid spheres in two-dimensional unidirectional flows was studied theoretically. The cases of both inertia-induced migration in a Newtonian fluid and normal stress-induced migration in a second-order fluid were considered. Analytical results for the lateral velocities were obtained, and the equilibrium positions and trajectories of the spheres compared favorably with the experimental data available in the literature. The effective viscosity was obtained for a dilute suspension of spheres which were simultaneously undergoing inertia-induced migration and translational Brownian motion in a plane Poiseuille flow. The migration of spheres suspended in a second-order fluid inside a screw extruder was also considered.
The creeping motion of neutrally buoyant concentrically located Newtonian drops through a circular tube was studied experimentally for drops which have an undeformed radius comparable to that of the tube. Both a Newtonian and a viscoelastic suspending fluid were used in order to determine the influence of viscoelasticity. The extra pressure drop due to the presence of the suspended drops, the shape and velocity of the drops, and the streamlines of the flow were obtained for various viscosity ratios, total flow rates, and drop sizes. The results were compared with existing theoretical and experimental data.
The vertical zoning of the planktonic Crustacea in a lake is the expression of a complex set of different factors. Besides the measurable, external influences such as light, temperature, acid and C02 stratification, a particularly large part is played by internal factors, which co-ordinate a specific reaction in each species depending on state of development, age and sex. Supporting this extensive, predictable, annual course of diurnal depths and the daily vertical migrations, whose extent is again dependent on external conditions, primarily of course on the amount of light. The individual factors mentioned, however, are here also of great significance. Within the scope of a long-term study of the planktonic Copepoda of Lake Constance, some day and night series were in 1963 also carried out in the Obersee, in order to obtain at least volumetric data on the extent of the daily migrations of these creatures.
Planktobenthos was sampled in 1957-58 in the river Amur. A determination of the kind of organisms drifting in the mass of water of the Amur was carried out. Of special interest for the authors was the activity of drifting of benthic larvae.
The passive spread of a high percentage of freshwater organisms is one of the most important requirements in short-lived and insular communities for species to attai n and survive - and consequently to balance the lack of a topographical continuity of most inland waters. Unfortunately hardly anything is known about the amounts of seed material typical for any lake into which it is carried. The causes of passive dissemination - wind, water and animals as well as man - are confirmed by many examples. It has been assumed now for at least a hundered years that , among animals, birds play a prominent role, although also disappointingly few facts are at hand. The passage and spread through birds' intestines has up to now been supported only by some limited data. This paper reports on experimental research where the eggs of Daphnia magna, Triops cancriformis, Artemia salina, Diaptomus spinosus and Cypris pubera were introduced by means of gelatine capsules into the oesophagus of a drake. The bird's excrements were inspected under a microscope for eggs and resting stages, and these were transferred into corresponding cultures.
A Echinodorus macrophyllus (Alismataceae), conhecida como chapéu de couro no Brasil, é usada popularmente para tratar doenças reumáticas e inflamatórias. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados os efeitos antiinflamatórios do extrato aquoso de E. macrophyllus (EAEm) e suas frações etanólicas no modelo murino de air pouch. Para a obtenção das frações, 7 g do EAEm foram aplicadas em uma coluna cromatográfica aberta de sílica gel eluída com diferentes concentrações de etanol. Os cromatogramas do EAEm/frações foram obtidos usando um sistema de HPLC. Foram obtidas quatro frações, duas delas com maior rendimento. Resumidamente, a bolha de ar foi induzida pela injeção de 5 mL de ar estéril (s.c) no dorso de camundongos SW machos (25-35 g). Após 3 dias, mas 3 mL de ar estéril foram injetados para manter a bolha. No sexto dia, cada grupo (n = 4) foi tratado intraperitoneal (ip) ou oralmente (v.o) com EAEm (25 ou 250 mg/kg), Fr20 ou Fr40 (2,5, 25, 50 ou 100 mg/kg) e os controles com indometacina (10 mg/kg, v.o.) ou veículo (salina). Uma hora depois, 1 mL de salina ou de carragenina 1% estéril foi injetada dentro da bolha. Após 4 h, a cavidade foi lavada com NaCl 0,9%, EDTA 2 mM (1 mL), para a determinação do número de leucócitos, volume do exsudato e concentração de proteínas. Células do exsudato foram preparadas em citocentrífuga e coradas pelo método do Panótico para a contagem diferencial dos leucócitos. Cortes histológicos coletados dos diferentes grupos foram fixados com formol tamponado 10% (pH 7,4) por 7 dias, corados com HE e analisados em MO. A análise da expressão da iNOS e da COX-2 foi realizada em células do exsudato por RT-PCR. O acúmulo de nitrito (NO2−) no sobrenadante do cultivo de células RAW 264.7 foi determinado usando um ensaio colorimétrico baseado na reação de Griess. Os resultados foram expressos como média EP e comparados usando ANOVA seguido de teste de Dunnet. Os experimentos foram realizados em triplicata. No modelo air pouch, a injeção de carragenina 1% aumentou tanto a migração celular quanto a concentração de proteína no exsudato. Contudo, enquanto o pré-tratamento com a Fr40 aumentou a resposta inflamatória, o pré-tratamento com o EAEm e a Fr20, sobretudo por via i.p., inibiu esta resposta quando comparado ao grupo controle tratado apenas com o veículo. Assim, foram observadas as seguintes razões de inibição da migração de células: EAEm, i.p. a 25 mg/kg (66,44%) e a 250 mg/kg (87,27%) e Fr20 a 2,5 mg/kg (26,89%), 25 mg/kg (60,06%), 50 mg/kg (63,13%) e a 100 mg/kg (77,47%). Em relação à contagem diferencial, o EAEm e a Fr20 afetaram principalmente o número de neutrófilos, inibindo sua migração no exsudato. O EAEm e a Fr20 também reduziram a concentração total de proteínas no exsudato principalmente no tratamento i.p.; EAEm a 25 e 250 mg/kg mostrou 3,33 0,55 e 2,05 0,51 mg/mL, respectivamente, quando comparado aos grupos controles (Indometacina 2.88 0.64 mg/mL; Veículo 5.48 0.88 mg/mL). A Fr20 a 2,5, 25, 50 e 100 mg/kg mostrou 4,788 0,444, 1,417 0,519, 2,474 0,529 e 2,215 0, 361 mg/mL. A análise histológica mostrou infiltrado celular, principalmente composto de leucócitos polimorfonucleares ao longo da derme inflamada de animais tratados com veículo. O tratamento com o EAEm ou Fr20 reduziu a infiltração de leucócitos no tecido inflamado. Além disso, o tratamento com o EAEm e a Fr20 mostrou atividade supressora sobre a expressão de iNOS e COX-2, e mostrou efeitos inibitórios na produção de NO induzida por LPS. Concluindo, todos estes resultados confirmam o potencial antiinflamatório sugerido para esta planta e fornecem uma base para a compreensão de seus mecanismos moleculares de ação. Contudo, outros estudos devem ser realizados para melhor elucidar as vias pelas quais o EAEm e a Fr20 exercem seus efeitos antiinflamatórios. Além disso, estudos fitoquímicos devem ser realizados para identificar os compostos ativos no EAEm e na Fr20.
Part I. The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple eukaryote which undergoes a multi-cellular developmental process. Single cell myxamoebae divide vegetatively in the presence of a food source. When the food is depleted or removed, the cells aggregate, forming a migrating pseudoplasmodium which differentiates into a fruiting body containing stalk and spore cells. I have shown that during the developmental cycle glycogen phosphorylase, aminopeptidase, and alanine transaminase are developmentally regulated, that is their specific activities increased at a specific time in the developmental cycle. Phosphorylase activity is undetectable in developing cells until mid-aggregation whereupon it increases and reaches a maximum at mid-culmination. Thereafter the enzyme disappears. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide studies as well as studies with morphologically aberrant and temporally deranged mutants indicate that prior RNA and concomitant protein synthesis are necessary for the rise and decrease in activity and support the view that the appearance of the enzyme is regulated at the transcriptional level. Aminopeptidase and alanine transaminase increase 3 fold starting at starvation and reach maximum activity at 18 and 5 hours respectively.
The cellular DNA s of D. discoideum were characterized by CsC1 buoyant density gradient centrifugation and by renaturation kinetics. Whole cell DNA exhibits three bands in CsCl: ρ = 1.676 g/cc (nuclear main band), 1.687 (nuclear satellite), and 1.682 (mitochondrial). Reassociation kinetics at a criterion of Tm -23°C indicates that the nuclear reiterated sequences make up 30% of the genome (Cot1/2 (pure) 0.28) and the single-copy DNA 70% (Cot1/2(pure) 70). The complexity of the nuclear genome is 30 x 109 daltons and that of the mitochondrial DNA is 35-40 x 106 daltons (Cot1/2 0.15). rRNA cistrons constitute 2.2% of nuclear DNA and have a ρ = 1.682.
RNA extracted from 4 stages during developmental cycle of Dictyostelium was hybridized with purified single-copy nuclear DNA. The hybrids had properties indicative of single-copy DNA-RNA hybrids. These studies indicate that there are, during development, qualitative and quantitative changes in the portion of the single-copy of the genome transcribed. Overall, 56% of the genome is represented by transcripts between the amoeba and mid-culmination stages. Some 19% are sequences which are represented at all stages while 37% of the genome consists of stage specific sequences.
Part II. RNA and protein synthesis and polysome formation were studied during early development of the surf clam Spisula solidissima embryos. The oocyte has a small number of polysomes and a low but measurable rate of protein synthesis (leucine-3H incorporation). After fertilization, there is a continual increase in the percentage of ribosomes sedimenting in the polysome region. Newly synthesized RNA (uridine-5-3H incorporation) was found in polysomes as early as the 2-cell stage. During cleavage, the newly formed RNA is associated mainly with the light polysomes.
RNA extracted from polysomes labeled at the 4-cell stage is polydisperse, nonribosomal, and non-4 S. Actinomycin D causes a reduction of about 30% of the polysomes formed between fertilization and the 16-cell stage.
In the early cleavage stages the light polysomes are mostly affected by actinomycin.
The study of metallothioneins (MTs) has greatly improved our understanding of body burdens, metal storage and detoxification in aquatic organisms subjected to contamination by the toxic heavy metals, Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn. These studies have shown that in certain organisms MT status can be used to assess impact of these metals at the cellular level and, whilst validation is currently limited to a few examples, this stress response may be linked to higher levels of organisation, thus indicating its potential for environmental quality assessment. Molluscs, such as Mytilus spp., and several commonly occurring teleost species, are the most promising of the indicator species tested. Natural variability of MT levels caused by the organism's size, condition, age, position in the sexual cycle, temperature and various stressors, can lead to difficulties in interpretation of field data as a definitive response-indicator of metal contamination unless a critical appraisal of these variables is available. From laboratory and field studies these data are almost complete for teleost fish. Whilst for molluscs much of this information is lacking, when suitable controls are utilised and MT measurements are combined with observations of metal partitioning, current studies indicate that they are nevertheless a powerful tool in the interpretation of impact, and may prove useful in water quality assessment.