592 resultados para Brincadeiras infantis


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The act of narrating stories and recreate the world of fantasy, as well as discuss the human condition, are essential dimensions of the stories for the infant universe. Reading, analysis and production of children's stories in educational settings assist in the cognitive, social and emotional development of children-readers. Therefore, the dialogic and interactive approach of texts has been the subject of several debates in literary studies, linguistic and, in general, in education. From the foregoing, I discuss initially concepts linked to the dialogic conception of language from the theoretical postulates of Mikhail Bakhtin (1997) and students of Bakhtinian perspective in the national context (FARACO, 2001; BRAIT, 2005). Like this, the objective of this research is to propose a dialogue between children's narratives “The Musicians of Bremen” (1812) of the Brothers Grimm and “The Mummers” Chico Buarque (1977). In this sense, I present a contextualized approach these stories, trying to rescue the origin of fairy tales and its consolidation in the medieval context. The methodology consists of a qualitative approach, from theme analysis of tnarrativas. ale and fable - objects of this study - seeking to highlight the similarities and differences as well as the social representations, political and cultural present in these narratives.


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This essay aims at presenting some reflections on the compositional structure of two children literary works based on African-Brazilian theme and their implications on the elementary school reader’s background. The selected works are "The Little Kings of Congo" (2007), written by Edimilson Pereira de Almeida, and "Africa, my little Chaka" (2006) by Marie Sellier, and translated by Rose Freire D'Aguiar. Our basic principle is that, during the formative process in reading and culture, the structural organization of children's literature work comes as a factor that can trigger more or less interest from this reader under construction in the early grades. The educator who wishes to educate proficient readers should know and explore the structural, linguistic and contextual aspects from the literary text so the student can deduce their meanings. These studies are based on sociological aspects of reading, as Freire (2006) and Silva (1998), of culture in Hall (1997), of training reader through children's literature in Zilbermann (2003), Abramovich (1983), Aguiar and Bordini (1993), Cademartori (2009), Coelho (2000), among others. It is also bring into account that the school is the locus of ethno-racial diversity and the Afro-Brazilian children's literature, when present in this context and properly handled, can create opportunities to train children to be proficient readers; to give knowledge concerning the African culture and promote respect for differences, since the early school years.


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According to Bakhtin, the discourse is always the result f intercrossing with other texts and from them the collective aspect from the “I”, tagged by voices which join to each other in the discourse. One of the ways of putting different voices into the discourse is the stylization. In it, there’s the imitation of another discursive materiality, that implies a dialogue whose effects of meaning are convergent among them. As an effect, it’s gotten a bivoiced discourse in which echoes are listened from the discourse which stylizes and also from the one which was stylized. Based on this, this paper has as an objective to find out the dialogue, made by the stylization, that the chosen advertising campaign maintain with some of the known fairy tales. The theoretical foundation will be Bakhtin’s studies and reflexions (1997; 1998; 2011) about the language dialogical character and studies from people who studied his studies, such as Brait (2005; 2010), Fiorin (2006a; 2006b), among others. The research methodology was, based in the balkintinian dialogism concept, in the reading and search for the dialogical relationship and texts which have the advertising style in relation to the childish tales. As a result, it was gotten the confirmation that the advertisement is always a memory from other texts by its intertextual and interdiscoursive characteristics. So, when the speaker created the campaign from already known voices, id arouse an expectation in the interlocutor, with whom, a dialogue will be held that, consequently, will result in a response. In this case, the interlocutor interest by the announced product.


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This article aims to analyze how the black child is characterized in relation to the stereotypes created around the black, in the course of Brazilian history in children's narratives, from a sociological approach to the literary text and the assumptions of comparative literature. To this end, we selected some childish narratives that feature characters black children, and you can see that these works reveal the transformations that occurred in Brazilian society with regard to black. This work is based on the theoretical support in the works of Rosangela Malachias and Florestan Fernandes, among others. The analysis was organized to observe the difficulties of identifying the black child before the European cultural dictates about the standard model of beauty. In general, one can observe that the production of works whose characters are black children intensified after the 1988 Constitution and the Law 10.639/2003. The literary discourse aimed at children, so undergoes changes before changes in society and shows a new socio-historical context in which minorities gain more space, but respect for differences yet to occur effectively in social relations that the black is really valued.


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O que ocorre quando crianças de 8 anos são solicitadas a reescrever, em provas escolares, textos-fonte previamente lidos por sua professora? Analisando 116 textos escritos por 30 estudantes de terceiro ano do Ensino Fundamental em escola pública paulista, o estudo procurou investigar: 1) As operações de escrita utilizadas pelos participantes; e 2) A possibilidade de encontrar criação em textos cuja proposta inicial era a de reprodução parafrástica. Partiu-se de uma concepção de linguagem que a vê tanto como um trabalho linguístico, um elemento ontológico fundador do ser humano (ROSSI-LANDI, 1985) quanto salienta seu caráter voltado para à variação e para a criatividade (BENVENISTE, 1991). Concluiu-se que, mesmo em exercícios escolares nos quais aparentemente existe pouco espaço para a inventividade, o exercício da escrita autoral pode irromper, pois as brechas de incompreensão e/ou equívoco que os textos apresentam para as crianças abrem oportunidades para o surgimento da subjetividade. Palavras-chave: escrita; reformulação parafrástica; autoria.


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar como o escritor Miguel Sanches Neto representa a infância e o brincar em seus contos. Em sua obra, o escritor aqui estudado enfatiza uma série de acontecimentos que envolvem a infância e destaca o quanto ele é fundamental para os desdobramentos futuros, assim, nossa reflexão, nesse texto, parte das brincadeiras e brinquedos resgatados pelo escritor a fim de pensarmos sobre a vida da criança na atualidade. A fundamentação teórica parte das obras de W. Benjamin, principalmente Infância em Berlim por volta de 1900 (2011) e Reflexões sobre a criança, o brinquedo e a educação (2002), Giorgio Agamben, com Infância e história: a destruição da experiência (2005) e Anilde Silva, com “A infância e o brincar na era tecnológica: a escola em questão” (2012). A partir desses teóricos e por meio dos textos aqui analisados, vislumbra-se que a literatura de Miguel Sanches Neto questiona o tempo atual, em que o esfacelamento da experiência do brincar é marcante. Dentre outras questões, o escritor traz para as páginas de seus livros esse outro jeito de ser da criança e da infância: alguém que não é ingênuo e incompetente, mas inventivo, inquieto e transgressor, capaz de criar um mundo inserido no grande.


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O artigo faz uma análise do conto “Mentira de amor”, do escritor Ronaldo Correia de Brito, publicado no livro Faca (2003). Baseando-se na concepção de Piglia (2004) de que todo conto engendra duas histórias, o estudo visa mostrar como ambas se imbricam e como diferentes elementos são manejados para construir a história cifrada que tem como protagonista a personagem Delmira. Narra-se a história de uma mãe desolada pela morte da filha que, pela manipulação do marido, torna-se prisioneira domiciliar, juntamente com suas outras três filhas. A protagonista parece buscar mais do que o retorno da filha, busca o resgate de sua criança interior, símbolo da consciência de sua própria individualidade. Com a chegada do circo na cidade, a personagem passa a rememorar experiências infantis e ao revivê-las, toma coragem para mudar sua vida. Tem-se, aí, a história cifrada de que nos fala Piglia: delineando o processo construtivo do conto à luz de concepções cunhadas por Carl Jung e pela Psicologia Analítica, temos o arquétipo da criança interior que simbolicamente é apresentado pela figura da filha morta. A narrativa se constrói por um tempo de espera, típico do universo infantil, acentuado pela ansiedade por momentos de prazer. Por meio de uma narrativa breve, que acentua a dicotomia entre liberdade e prisão, público e privado, passado e presente, e de um tempo que se repete em uma rotina infindável, a angústia dessa mulher em retomar o controle da sua vida passa pela imaginação para então desenhar-se como promessa de morte e libertação.