878 resultados para Bone fracture healing
Studies indicate that the number of hip bone fractures caused by osteoporosis may rise from 1.66 to 6.26 million until 2050, worldwide. For this reason, implementation of preventive measures becomes a necessity. Female individuals are usually more affected due to a variety of factors including old age, early menopause, chronicle disease in the family history, calcium deficit, as well as the lack of physical exercise (sedentary individual). The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of hip and lower limb fracture in female individuals’ resident in Aracaju city. From the period of January 2008-2009, around of 300 fracture cases were of lower limb analyzed from females. The incidence of femur fractures in women increased according to age group, 66.17 individuals per 10,000 inhabitants (over 60 years-old). These findings allow us to conclude that the incidence of hip and lower limb bone fractures among women over 60 years were more significant in the femur.
This thesis is a part of a larger study about the characterization of mechanical and histomorphometrical properties of bone. The main objects of this study were the bone tissue properties and its resistance to mechanical loads. Moreover, the knowledge about the equipment selected to carry out the analyses, the micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), was improved. Particular attention was given to the reliability over time of the measuring instrument. In order to understand the main characteristics of bone mechanical properties a study of the skeletal, the bones of which it is composed and biological principles that drive their formation and remodelling, was necessary. This study has led to the definition of two macro-classes describing the main components responsible for the resistance to fracture of bone: quantity and quality of bone. The study of bone quantity is the current clinical standard measure for so-called bone densitometry, and research studies have amply demonstrated that the amount of tissue is correlated with its mechanical properties of elasticity and fracture. However, the models presented in the literature, including information on the mere quantity of tissue, have often been limited in describing the mechanical behaviour. Recent investigations have underlined that also the bone-structure and the tissue-mineralization play an important role in the mechanical characterization of bone tissue. For this reason in this thesis the class defined as bone quality was mainly studied, splitting it into two sub-classes of bone structure and tissue quality. A study on bone structure was designed to identify which structural parameters, among the several presented in the literature, could be integrated with the information about quantity, in order to better describe the mechanical properties of bone. In this way, it was also possible to analyse the iteration between structure and function. It has been known for long that bone tissue is capable of remodeling and changing its internal structure according to loads, but the dynamics of these changes are still being analysed. This part of the study was aimed to identify the parameters that could quantify the structural changes of bone tissue during the development of a given disease: osteoarthritis. A study on tissue quality would have to be divided into different classes, which would require a scale of analysis not suitable for the micro-CT. For this reason the study was focused only on the mineralization of the tissue, highlighting the difference between bone density and tissue density, working in a context where there is still an ongoing scientific debate.
The present research thesis was focused on the development of new biomaterials and devices for application in regenerative medicine, particularly in the repair/regeneration of bone and osteochondral regions affected by degenerative diseases such as Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis or serious traumas. More specifically, the work was focused on the synthesis and physico-chemical-morphological characterization of: i) a new superparamagnetic apatite phase; ii) new biomimetic superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds; iii) new bioactive bone cements for regenerative vertebroplasty. The new bio-devices were designed to exhibit high biomimicry with hard human tissues and with functionality promoting faster tissue repair and improved texturing. In particular, recent trends in tissue regeneration indicate magnetism as a new tool to stimulate cells towards tissue formation and organization; in this perspective a new superparamagnetic apatite was synthesized by doping apatite lattice with di-and trivalent iron ions during synthesis. This finding was the pin to synthesize newly conceived superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds by reproducing in laboratory the biological processes yielding the formation of new bone, i.e. the self-assembly/organization of collagen fibrils and heterogeneous nucleation of nanosized, ionically substituted apatite mimicking the mineral part of bone. The new scaffolds can be magnetically switched on/off and function as workstations guiding fast tissue regeneration by minimally invasive and more efficient approaches. Moreover, in the view of specific treatments for patients affected by osteoporosis or traumas involving vertebrae weakening or fracture, the present work was also dedicated to the development of new self-setting injectable pastes based on strontium-substituted calcium phosphates, able to harden in vivo and transform into strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite. The addition of strontium may provide an anti-osteoporotic effect, aiding to restore the physiologic bone turnover. The ceramic-based paste was also added with bio-polymers, able to be progressively resorbed thus creating additional porosity in the cement body that favour cell colonization and osseointegration.
E' stato sviluppato un algoritmo predittivo del rischio di consolidazione ossea (ARRCO – Algoritmo Rischio Ritardo Consolidazione Ossea - IGEA, Carpi, Italy) che combina diversi fattori correlati al rischio di ritardata o mancata guarigione di una frattura. Questo algoritmo ha permesso di idntificare una popolazione di pazienti affetti da fratture con aumentato rischio di ritardo di consolidazione o mancata guarigione. Questi pazienti sono stati sottoposti precocemente a stimolazione biofisica precoce mediante Campi Elettromagnetici Pulsati a bassa frequenza (CEMP), ottenendo la guarigione della frattura nella maggior parte dei casi e in tempi considerati fisiologici. Pertanto in un gruppo selezionato di pazienti, il trattamento può essere indirizzato all'applicazione precoce di CEMP, al fine di promuovere la consolidazione ossea di una frattura "a richio", il cui trattamento richiederebbe altrimenti tempi più prolungati e un costo virtuale maggiore dell'intero trattamento sanitario.
Background: Piezoelectric instrumentation seems to offer 3 important advantages for cutting bone structures. Be more precise because it is produced by micro-vibrations from the cutting insert. Be safer because the ultrasonic frequency used does not affect soft tissue. Thirdly, the less invasive cutting action produces minor tissue damage and consequently probably a better healing Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of piezoelectric device capability in maxillo-facial surgery, in order to take advantage of these favourable capacity. Material and Methods: Considering the several potential application of the piezoelectric technology in Orthognathic, Oncologic and Extractive surgery, we would like to design protocols in order to verify how this new device can modify the surgical technique, the surgical time, the patients healing and its quality of life. Results: Due to the precise Piezosurgery cut, we can manage the Cad-Cam-Custom Made plates protocol in Oncologic Surgery and in Orthognatic Surgery increasing our percentage of comparison between the 3D preoperative plan and the surgical execution. We also found a better quality of life impaction in Patient who underwent and extractive surgery Conclusion: Piezosurgery device seems to be a strong surgical aid were safe and precise cut are needed and its capability to reduce the discomfort Patients need to be study in deep also in major surgery like Orthognatic and Oncologic surgery.
Patienten, die an Osteosarkom leiden werden derzeit mit intravenös applizierten krebstherapeutischen Mitteln nach Tumorresektion behandelt, was oftmals mit schweren Nebenwirkungen und einem verzögerten Knochenheilungsprozess einhergeht. Darüber hinaus treten vermehrt Rezidive aufgrund von verbleibenden neoplastischen Zellen an der Tumorresektionsstelle auf. Erfolgreiche Knochenregeneration und die Kontrolle von den im Gewebe verbleibenden Krebszellen stellt eine Herausforderung für das Tissue Engineering nach Knochenverlust durch Tumorentfernung dar. In dieser Hinsicht scheint der Einsatz von Hydroxyapatit als Knochenersatzmaterial in Kombination mit Cyclodextrin als Medikamententräger, vielversprechend. Chemotherapeutika können an Biomaterial gebunden und direkt am Tumorbett über einen längeren Zeitraum freigesetzt werden, um verbliebene neoplastische Zellen zu eliminieren. Lokal applizierte Chemotherapie hat diverse Vorteile, einschließlich der direkten zytotoxischen Auswirkung auf lokale Zellen, sowie die Reduzierung schwerer Nebenwirkungen. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Funktionsfähigkeit eines solchen Arzneimittelabgabesystems zu bewerten und um Strategien im Bereich des Tissue Engineerings zu entwickeln, die den Knochenheilungsprozess und im speziellen die Vaskularisierung fördern sollen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur Krebszellen von der chemotherapeutischen Behandlung betroffen sind. Primäre Endothelzellen wie zum Beispiel HUVEC zeigten eine hohe Sensibilität Cisplatin und Doxorubicin gegenüber. Beide Medikamente lösten in HUVEC ein tumor-unterdrückendes Signal durch die Hochregulation von p53 und p21 aus. Zudem scheint Hypoxie einen krebstherapeutischen Einfluss zu haben, da die Behandlung sensitiver HUVEC mit Hypoxie die Zellen vor Zytotoxizität schützte. Der chemo-protektive Effekt schien deutlich weniger auf Krebszelllinien zu wirken. Diese Resultate könnten eine mögliche chemotherapeutische Strategie darstellen, um den Effekt eines zielgerichteten Medikamenteneinsatzes auf Krebszellen zu verbessern unter gleichzeitiger Schonung gesunder Zellen. Eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Systems, das Arzneimittel abgibt, kombiniert mit einem Biomaterial zur Stabilisierung und Regeneration, könnte gesunden Endothelzellen die Möglichkeit bieten zu proliferieren und Blutgefäße zu bilden, während verbleibende Krebszellen eliminiert werden. Da der Prozess der Knochengeweberemodellierung mit einer starken Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität des Patienten einhergeht, ist die Beschleunigung des postoperativen Heilungsprozesses eines der Ziele des Tissue Engineerings. Die Bildung von Blutgefäßen ist unabdingbar für eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Knochentransplantats in das Gewebe. Daher ist ein umfangreich ausgebildetes Blutgefäßsystem für einen verbesserten Heilungsprozess während der klinischen Anwendung wünschenswert. Frühere Experimente zeigen, dass sich die Anwendung von Ko-Kulturen aus humanen primären Osteoblasten (pOB) und humanen outgrowth endothelial cells (OEC) im Hinblick auf die Bildung stabiler gefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro, die auch effizient in das mikrovaskuläre System in vivo integriert werden konnten, als erfolgreich erweisen. Dieser Ansatz könnte genutzt werden, um prä-vaskularisierte Konstrukte herzustellen, die den Knochenheilungsprozess nach der Implantation fördern. Zusätzlich repräsentiert das Ko-Kultursystem ein exzellentes in vitro Model, um Faktoren, welche stark in den Prozess der Knochenheilung und Angiogenese eingebunden sind, zu identifizieren und zu analysieren. Es ist bekannt, dass Makrophagen eine maßgebliche Rolle in der inflammatorisch-induzierten Angiogenese spielen. In diesem Zusammenhang hebt diese Studie den positiven Einfluss THP-1 abgeleiteter Makrophagen in Ko-Kultur mit pOB und OEC hervor. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Anwendung von Makrophagen als inflammatorischer Stimulus im bereits etablierten Ko-Kultursystem zu einer pro-angiogenen Aktivierung der OEC führte, was in einer signifikant erhöhten Bildung blutgefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro resultierte. Außerdem zeigte die Analyse von Faktoren, die in der durch Entzündung hervorgerufenen Angiogenese eine wichtige Rolle spielen, eine deutliche Hochregulation von VEGF, inflammatorischer Zytokine und Adhäsionsmoleküle, die letztlich zu einer verstärkten Vaskularisierung beitragen. Diese Resultate werden dem Einfluss von Makrophagen zugeschrieben und könnten zukünftig im Tissue Engineering eingesetzt werden, um den Heilungsprozess zu beschleunigen und damit die klinische Situation von Patienten zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus könnte die Kombination der auf Ko-Kulturen basierenden Ansätze für das Knochen Tissue Engineering mit einem biomaterial-basierenden Arzneimittelabgabesystem zum klinischen Einsatz kommen, der die Eliminierung verbliebener Krebszellen mit der Förderung der Knochenregeneration verbindet.
A Swiss-specific FRAX model was developed. Patient profiles at increased probability of fracture beyond currently accepted reimbursement thresholds for bone mineral density (BMD) measurement by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and osteoporosis treatment were identified.
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the clinical and histologic healing of deep intrabony defects treated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with a collagen membrane from bovine pericardium and implantation of granular bovine bone biomaterial.
AIM: To compare the 10-year peri-implant bone loss (BL) rate in periodontally compromised (PCP) and periodontally healthy patients (PHP) around two different implant systems supporting single-unit crowns. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective, controlled study, the mean BL (mBL) rate around dental implants placed in four groups of 20 non-smokers was evaluated after a follow-up of 10 years. Two groups of patients treated for periodontitis (PCP) and two groups of PHP were created. For each category (PCP and PHP), two different types of implant had been selected. The mBL was calculated by subtracting the radiographic bone levels at the time of crown cementation from the bone levels at the 10-year follow-up. RESULTS: The mean age, mean full-mouth plaque and full-mouth bleeding scores and implant location were similar between the four groups. Implant survival rates ranged between 85% and 95%, without statistically significant differences (P>0.05) between groups. For both implant systems, PCP showed statistically significantly higher mBL rates and number of sites with BL> or =3 mm compared with PHP (P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: After 10 years, implants in PCP yielded lower survival rates and higher mean marginal BL rates compared with those of implants placed in PHP. These results were independent of the implant system used or the healing modality applied.
Objective: To compare the soft and hard tissue healing and remodeling around tissue-level implants with different neck configurations after at least 1 year of functional loading. Material and methods: Eighteen patients with multiple missing teeth in the posterior area received two implants inserted in the same sextant. One test (T) implant with a 1.8 mm turned neck and one control (C) implant with a 2.8 mm turned neck were randomly assigned. All implants were placed transmucosally to the same sink depth of approximately 1.8 mm. Peri-apical radiographs were obtained using the paralleling technique and digitized. Two investigators blinded to the implant type-evaluated soft and hard tissue conditions at baseline, 6 months and 1 year after loading. Results: The mean crestal bone levels and soft tissue parameters were not significantly different between T and C implants at all time points. However, T implants displayed significantly less crestal bone loss than C implants after 1 year. Moreover, a frequency analysis revealed a higher percentage (50%) of T implants with crestal bone levels 1–2 mm below the implant shoulder compared with C implants (5.6%) 1 year after loading. Conclusion: Implants with a reduced height turned neck of 1.8 mm may, indeed, lower the crestal bone resorption and hence, may maintain higher crestal bone levels than do implants with a 2.8 mm turned neck, when sunk to the same depth. Moreover, several factors other than the vertical positioning of the moderately rough SLA surface may influence crestal bone levels after 1 year of function.
The temporal pattern of bone-level alterations in conventionally restored implants is dependent upon healing mode (open or submerged). This study examined the influence of healing on marginal bone levels at implants with a medium-rough surface including the implant collar and a clearance-fit implant-abutment connection restored according to a platform-switching concept.
Objectives: To evaluate the extent of bone fill over 3 years following the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis with bone grafting with or without a membrane. Material and Methods: In a non-submerged wound-healing mode, 15 subjects with 27 implants were treated with a bone substitute (Algipore®) alone and 17 subjects with 29 implants were treated with the bone substitute and a resorbable membrane (Osseoquest®). Implants with radiographic bone loss ≥1.8 mm following the first year in function and with bleeding and/or pus on probing were included. Following surgery, subjects were given systemic antibiotics (10 days) and rinsed with chlorhexidine. After initial healing, the subjects were enrolled in a strict maintenance programme. Results: Statistical analysis failed to demonstrate changes in bone fill between 1 and 3 years both between and within procedure groups. The mean defect fill at 3 years was 1.3 ± (SD) 1.3 mm if treated with the bone substitute alone and 1.6 ± (SD) 1.2 mm if treated with an adjunct resorbable membrane, (p=0.40). The plaque index decreased from approximately 40–10%, remaining stable during the following 2 years. Conclusion: Defect fill using a bone substitute with or without a membrane technique in the treatment of peri-implantitis can be maintained over 3 years.
A minimal marginal bone loss around implants during early healing has been considered acceptable. However, the preservation of the marginal bone is related to soft tissue stability and esthetics. Implant designs and surfaces were evaluated to determine their impact on the behavior of the crestal bone. The purpose of this study is to evaluate histologic marginal bone level changes around early loaded, chemically modified, sandblasted acid-etched-surfaced implants with a machined collar (MC) or no MC (NMC).
The use of various combinations of enamel matrix derivative (EMD) and grafting materials has been shown to promote periodontal wound healing/regeneration. However, the downstream cellular behavior of periodontal ligament (PDL) cells and osteoblasts has not yet been studied. Furthermore, it is unknown to what extent the bleeding during regenerative surgery may influence the adsorption of exogenous proteins to the surface of bone grafting materials and the subsequent cellular behavior. In the present study, the aim is to test EMD adsorption to the surface of natural bone mineral (NBM) particles in the presence of blood and determine the effect of EMD coating to NBM particles on downstream cellular pathways, such as adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells.
Implants made of commercially pure titanium (cpTi) are widely and successfully used in dentistry. For certain indications, diameter-reduced Ti alloy implants with improved mechanical strength are highly desirable. The aim was to compare the osseointegration of titanium-zirconium (TiZr) and cpTi implants with a modified sandblasted and acid-etched (SLActive) surface and with a Ti6Al4V alloy that was sand-blasted and acid-washed. Cylindrical implants with two, 0.75 mm deep, circumferential grooves were placed in the maxilla of miniature pigs and allowed to heal for 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Undecalcified toluidine blue-stained ground sections were produced. Surface topography, area fraction of tissue components, and bone-to-implant contact (BIC) were determined. All materials showed significantly different surface roughness parameters. The amount of new bone within the implant grooves increased over time, without significant differences between materials. However, BIC values were significantly related to the implant material and the healing period. For TiZr and cpTi implants, the BIC increased over time, reaching values of 59.38 % and 76.15 % after 2 weeks, and 74.50 % and 84.67 % after 8 weeks, respectively. In contrast, the BIC for Ti6Al4V implants peaked with 42.29 % after 2 weeks followed by a decline to 28.60 % at 8 weeks. Significantly more surface was covered by multinucleated giant cells on Ti6Al4V implants after 4 and 8 weeks. In conclusion, TiZr and cpTi implants showed faster osseointegration than Ti6Al4V implants. Both chemistry and surface topography might have influenced the results. The use of diameter-reduced TiZr implants in more challenging clinical situations warrants further documentation in long-term clinical studies.