991 resultados para Boiling water reactor
Water wetting is a crucial issue in carbon dioxide (CO.) corrosion of multiphase flow pipelines made from mild steel. This study demonstrates the use of a novel benchtop apparatus, a horizontal rotating cylinder, to study the effect of water wetting on CO2 corrosion of mild steel in two-phase flow. The setup is similar to a standard rotating cylinder except for its horizontal orientation and the presence of two phases-typically water and oil. The apparatus has been tested by using mass-transfer measurements and CO2 corrosion measurements in single-phase water flow. CO2 corrosion measurements were subsequently performed using a water/hexane mixture with water cuts varying between 5% and 50%. While the metal surface was primarily hydrophilic under stagnant. conditions, a variety of dynamic water wetting situations was encountered as the water cut and fluid velocity were altered. Threshold velocities were identified at various water cuts when the surface became oil-wet and corrosion stopped.
A molecular approach was used to investigate a recently described candidate division of the domain Bacteria, TM7, currently known only from environmental 16S ribosomal DNA sequence data, A number of TM7-specific primers and probes were designed and evaluated. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of a laboratory scale bioreactor using two independent TM7-specific probes revealed a conspicuous sheathed-filament morphotype, fortuitously enriched in the reactor. Morphologically, the filament matched the description of the Eikelboom morphotype 0041-0675 widely associated with bulking problems in activated-sludge wastewater treatment systems. Transmission electron microscopy of the bioreactor sludge demonstrated that the sheathed-filament morphotype had a typical gram-positive cell envelope ultrastructure. Therefore, TM7 is only the third bacterial lineage recognized to have gram-positive representatives. TM7-specific FISH analysis of two full-scale wastewater treatment plant sludges, including the one used to seed the laboratory scale reactor, indicated the presence of a number of morphotypes, including sheathed filaments. TM7-specific PCR clone libraries prepared from the two full-scale sludges yielded 23 novel TM7 sequences. Three subdivisions could be defined based on these data and publicly available sequences. Environmental sequence data and TM7-specific FISH analysis indicate that members of the TM7 division are present in a variety of terrestrial, aquatic, and clinical habitats. A highly atypical base substitution (Escherichia coli position 912; C to U) for bacterial 16S rRNAs was present in almost all TM7 sequences, suggesting that TM7 bacteria, like Archaea, may be streptomycin resistant at the ribosome level.
Complete biological nutrient removal (BNR) in a single tank, sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process, is demonstrated here at full-scale on a typical domestic wastewater. The unique feature of the UniFed process is the introduction of the influent into the settled sludge blanket during the settling and decant periods of the SBR operation. This achieves suitable conditions for denitrification and anaerobic phosphate release which is critical to successful biological phosphorus removal, It also achieves a selector effect, which helps in generating a compact, well settling biomass in the reactor. The results of this demonstration show that it is possible to achieve well over 90% removal of GOD, nitrogen and phosphorus in such a process. Effluent quality achieved over a six-month operating period directly after commissioning was: 29 mg/l GOD, 0.5 mg/l NH4-N, 1.5 mg/l NOx-N and 1.5 mg/l PO4-P (50%-iles of daily samples). During an 8-day, intensive sampling period, the effluent BOD5 was
Development of a granular sludge with high strength, high biological activity and a narrow settling distribution is necessary for optimal operation of high-rate upflow anaerobic treatment systems. Several studies have compared granules produced from different wastewaters but these have largely been from laboratory-fed reactors or compared granules from full-scale reactors fed similar wastewater types. Though two authors have commented on the inferiority of granules produced by a protein-based feed, the properties of these granules have not been characterised. In this paper, granules from full-scale reactors treating fruit and vegetable cannery effluent, two brewery effluents and a pig abattoir (slaughterhouse) were compared in terms of basic composition, size distribution, density, settling velocity, shear strength, and EPS content. The results supported previous qualitative observations by other researchers that indicate granule properties depend more on wastewater type rather than reactor design or operating conditions such as pre-acidification level. The cannery-fed granules bad excellent shear strength, settling distribution and density. Granules from the two brewery-fed reactors had statistically the same bulk properties, which were still acceptable for upflow applications. The protein-grown granule had poor strength and settling velocity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The nitrogen removal capacity of a suspended culture system treating mature landfill leachate was investigated. Leachate containing high ammonium levels of 300-900 mg N/L was nitrified in a bench scale sequencing batch reactor. Leachate from four different landfills was treated over a two year period for the removal of nitrogen. In this time, a highly specific nitrifying culture was attained that delivered exceptionally high rates of ammonia removal. No sludge was wasted from the system to increase the throughput and up to 13 g/L of MLSS was obtained. Settleability of the purely nitrifying biomass was excellent with SVI less than 40 mL/g, even at the high sludge concentrations. Nitrification rates up to 246 mg NI(L h) (5.91 g N/(L d)) and specific nitrification rates of 36 mg N/(gVSS h) (880 mg N/(gVSS d)) were obtained. The loading to the system at this time allowed complete nitrification of the leachate with a hydraulic retention time of only 5 hours. Following these successful treatability studies, a full-scale plant was designed and built at one of the landfills investigated.
The aim of this study was to compare the measurement of total body water (TBW) by deuterium ((H2O)-H-2) dilution and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy controls. Thirty-six clinically stable patients with CF (age 25.4 +/- 5.6 yrs) and 42 healthy controls (age 25.4 +/- 4.8) were recruited into this study. TBW was measured by (H2O)-H-2 dilution and predicted by BIA in patients and controls. The TBW predicted from BIA was significantly different from TBW as measured using (H2O)-H-2 in patients (P
Objective: Children with myelomeningocele (MMC) have an altered body composition and an atypical distribution of total body water (TBW). The aim of the present study was to determine the accuracy of current predictive equations, based on bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), in determining TBW when compared with measured TBW using deuterium dilution. Methods: Fourteen children with MMC were measured for whole body BIA and TBW (using deuterium dilution and the Plateau method). Total body water was predicted using equations based on the resistance and characteristic frequency from BIA measurements and heights of subjects. Results: The mean measured TBW was 15.46 +/- 8.28 L and the mean predictions for TBW using equations based on the resistance and characteristic frequency from BIA measurements and heights of subjects were 18.29 +/- 8.41 L, 17.72 +/- 11.42 L and 12.51 +/- 7.59 L, respectively. The best correlation was found using characteristic frequency. The limits of agreement between measured and predicted TBW values using Bland-Altman analysis were large. Conclusions: The present study suggests that the prediction of TBW in children with MMC can be made accurately using the equation of Cornish et al . based on BIA measurements of characteristic frequency.
Two laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in alternating anaerobic-aerobic or alternating anaerobic-anoxic modes, respectively. Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR and denitrifying PAOs (DPAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated that the well-known PAO, Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis was abundant in both SBRs, and post-FISH chemical staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (DAPI) confirmed that they accumulated polyphosphate. When the anaerobic-anoxic SBR enriched for DPAOs was converted to anaerobic-aerobic operation, aerobic uptake of phosphorus by the resident microbial community occurred immediately. However, when the anaerobic-aerobic SBR enriched for PAOs was exposed to one cycle with anoxic rather than aerobic conditions, a 5-h lag period elapsed before phosphorus uptake proceeded. This anoxic phosphorus-uptake lag phase was not observed in the subsequent anaerobic-aerobic cycle. These results demonstrate that the PAOs that dominated the anaerobic-aerobic SBR biomass were the same organisms as the DPAOs enriched under anaerobic-anoxic conditions. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
An increasing number of studies shows that the glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) can survive and may indeed proliferate under the alternating anaerobic/aerobic conditions found in EBPR systems, thus forming a strong competitor of the polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs). Understanding their behaviors in a mixed PAO and GAO culture under various operational conditions is essential for developing operating strategies that disadvantage the growth of this group of unwanted organisms. A model-based data analysis method is developed in this paper for the study of the anaerobic PAO and GAO activities in a mixed PAO and GAO culture. The method primarily makes use of the hydrogen ion production rate and the carbon dioxide transfer rate resulting from the acetate uptake processes by PAOs and GAOs, measured with a recently developed titration and off-gas analysis (TOGA) sensor. The method is demonstrated using the data from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated under alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The data analysis using the proposed method strongly indicates a coexistence of PAOs and GAOs in the system, which was independently confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) measurement. The model-based analysis also allowed the identification of the respective acetate uptake rates by PAOs and GAOs, along with a number of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters involved in the PAO and GAO models. The excellent fit between the model predictions and the experimental data not involved in parameter identification shows that the parameter values found are reliable and accurate. It also demonstrates that the current anaerobic PAO and GAO models are able to accurately characterize the PAO/GAO mixed culture obtained in this study. This is of major importance as no pure culture of either PAOs or GAOs has been reported to date, and hence the current PAO and GAO models were developed for the interpretation of experimental results of mixed cultures. The proposed method is readily applicable for detailed investigations of the competition between PAOs and GAOs in enriched cultures. However, the fermentation of organic substrates carried out by ordinary heterotrophs needs to be accounted for when the method is applied to the study of PAO and GAO competition in full-scale sludges. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The two steps of nitrification, namely the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate, often need to be considered separately in process studies. For a detailed examination, it is desirable to monitor the two-step sequence using online measurements. In this paper, the use of online titrimetric and off-gas analysis (TOGA) methods for the examination of the process is presented. Using the known reaction stoichiometry, combination of the measured signals (rates of hydrogen ion production, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide transfer) allows the determination of the three key process rates, namely the ammonia consumption rate, the nitrite accumulation rate and the nitrate production rate. Individual reaction rates determined with the TOGA sensor under a number of operation conditions are presented. The rates calculated directly from the measured signals are compared with those obtained from offline liquid sample analysis. Statistical analysis confirms that the results from the two approaches match well. This result could not have been guaranteed using alternative online methods. As a case study, the influences of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrite accumulation are tested using the proposed method. It is shown that nitrite accumulation decreased with increasing DO and pH. Possible reasons for these observations are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.