974 resultados para Big-Five personality
Clinical experience suggests that longstanding personality characteristics as a person's most distinctive features of all are likely to play a role in how someone with dementia copes with his increasing deficiencies. Personality characteristics may have a pathoplastic effect on both behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS) or on cognition as well as cognitive decline. Cognitive disorders accompanied by BPS are a tremendous burden for both the patient and their proxies. This review suggests that premorbid personality characteristics are co-determinants of BPS in cognitive disorders, but much effort is needed to clarify whether or not specific premorbid personality traits are associated with specific BPS as no strong links have so far emerged. This review further shows that a growing field of research is interested in the links not only between quite short-lived emotional states and cognitive processes, but also between longstanding personality traits and cognition in both healthy individuals and patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, a few studies found that specific premorbid personality traits may be risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases. However, research findings in this area remain scarce despite a huge literature on personality and cognitive disorders in general. An important shortcoming that hampers so far the progress of our understanding in these domains is the confusion in the literature between longstanding premorbid personality traits and transient personality changes observed in neurodegenerative diseases. Few studies have based their assessments on accepted personality theories and carefully investigated premorbid personality traits in patients with cognitive disorders, although assessing personality may be complicated in these patients. Studying the impact of personality characteristics in cognitive disorders is an especially promising field of research in particular when concomitantly using neurobiological approaches, in particular structural brain imaging and genetic studies as suggested by as yet rare studies. Improved understanding of premorbid personality characteristics as determinants of both BPS or cognitive capacities or decline is likely to influence our attitudes towards the treatment of demented patients and ultimately to help in alleviating a patient's and their proxies' burden.
This paper reconsiders the empirical evidence on the asymmetricoutput effects of monetary policy. Asymmetric effects is a common feature ofmany theoretical models, and there are many different versions of suchasymmetries. We concentrate on the distinctions between positive andnegative money-supply changes, big and small changes in money-supply, andpossible combinations of the two asymmetries. Earlier research has foundempirical evidence in favor of the former of these in US data. Using M1 asthe monetary variable we find evidence in favor of neutrality of big shocksand non-neutrality of small shocks. The results may, however, be affected bystructual instability of M1 demand. Thus, we substitute M1 with the federalfunds rate. In these data we find that only small negative shocks affectreal aggregate activity. The results are interpreted in terms of menu-costmodels.
Human decision-making has consistently demonstrated deviation from "pure" rationality. Emotions are a primary driver of human actions and the current study investigates how perceived emotions and personality traits may affect decision-making during the Ultimatum Game (UG). We manipulated emotions by showing images with emotional connotation while participants decided how to split money with a second player. Event-related potentials (ERPs) from scalp electrodes were recorded during the whole decision-making process. We observed significant differences in the activity of central and frontal areas when participants offered money with respect to when they accepted or rejected an offer. We found that participants were more likely to offer a higher amount of money when making their decision in association with negative emotions. Furthermore, participants were more likely to accept offers when making their decision in association with positive emotions. Honest, conscientious, and introverted participants were more likely to accept offers. Our results suggest that factors others than a rational strategy may predict economic decision-making in the UG.
Esta dissertação visou compreender o caráter temático e discursivo de algumas crónicas literárias de dois autores cabo-verdianos, Dina Salústio e Daniel Medina, e provar o carácter pedagógico e humanitário das composições. Fez-se, num primeiro momento, um estudo de conteúdos teóricos sobre a cronística portuguesa, visando recensear aspetos relacionados com a evolução do género ao longo dos tempos, desde a Idade Média até à Contemporaneidade, sempre numa perspetiva pragmática, e discutiram-se as características enformadoras do género, sendo assinaláveis a subjetividade, versatilidade, objetividade, estilo entre o oral e o literário, quotidianidade e dialogismo. De seguida, em termos metodológicos, optou-se por convocar o ethos de Amossy e Maingueneau para o estudo das composições. Num segundo momento, através de dez crónicas literárias cabo-verdianas, sendo cinco de cada autor, procedeu-se à análise crítica das quais se confirmou, a partir da análise temática, uma preocupação pedagógica e humanitária uma vez que se notou uma certa inquietação com problemas que envolvem a idiossincrasia do homem cabo-verdiano, como a perda de valores em termos educacionais e instrucionais, quer no seio familiar como escolar, a preocupação com os mais desfavorecidos materialmente, onde se destacam crianças órfãs de pais vivos, o descaso com os doentes mentais e as crianças de rua, a gravidez precoce, a prostituição infantil, entre outros. O modo, como os cronistas se posicionam face à abordagem dos temas, permitiu-nos projetar o ethos discursivo de duas personalidades sensíveis, sérias e comprometidas com os valores mais nobres que enformam o ser humano. Do mesmo modo, pôde constatar como características relevantes das composições a subjetividade e pessoalidade discursivas, a brevidade, o diálogo no estilo indirecto livre, a quotidianidade e literariedade aliados a alguns recursos retóricos que nos permitiram apurar os tons sério e irónico do sujeito enunciador ao tratar as questões temáticas.
This study on suicide attempts is part of a large research project on dependent behavior in adolescents and young adults. 228 subjects aged 14-25 (107 "drug abusers," 121 controls) from the French speaking part of Switzerland were evaluated on the basis of a semi-structured interview (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview), enabling a DSM-IV diagnosis, and self-reports (SSS by Zuckermann, MMPI-2, IDI by Hirschfeld). 31.5% of "drug abuser" males and 41.2% of "drug abuser" females committed one or more suicide attempts. The results of a logistic regression show that the significant factor explaining suicide attempts in drug users is emotional reliance for males and experience-seeking for females.
Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Corrections for the five years ended June 30, 2007
Combined report on the institutions under the control of the Iowa Department of Human Services for the five years ended June 30, 2007
Termites are abundant organisms in tropical ecosystems and strongly influence the litter decomposition and soil formation. Despite their importance, few studies about their assemblage structures have been made in Brazilian Atlantic Forest fragments, especially in the area located north of the São Francisco River. This study aims to analyze the assemblage composition of five Atlantic Forest fragments located in the northern biome limit along the Brazilian coast. A standardized sampling protocol of termites was applied in each fragment. Thirty-three termite species belonging to twenty genera and three families were found in the forest fragments. The wood-feeder group was dominant both concerning to species richness and number of encounters in all areas. In sites northern to 7°S, there is an evident simplification of the termite assemblage composition regarding species richness and number of encounters by feeding group. This fact is apparently due to a higher sandy level in soils and to semideciduous character of the vegetation in the northern fragments. Thus, even on the north of São Francisco River, termite biodiversity is heterogeneously spread with highest density of species in the portion between 07°S and São Francisco River mouth (10°29'S).
Description of the third instar larvae of five species of Cyclocephala (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae) from Mexico. Larvae of four species of Cyclocephala are described for the first time based on specimens collected in Mexican localities: C. barrerai Martínez, 1969 from Puebla, C. sinaloae Howden & Endrödi, 1966 from Sinaloa, C. fasciolata Bates, 1888 from Veracruz, and C. jalapensis Casey, 1915 from Hidalgo. Larva of C. lunulata Burmeister, 1847, is redescribed based on specimens from the Mexican states of Morelos, Puebla, and Veracruz. Diagnostic structures are illustrated and the differences and similarities of each species with other previously described larvae of the genus are commented.
We report 30 polymorphic microsatellite markers for five species of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup): 23 in the diploid B. latastii, 19 in diploid B. turanensis, 20 in diploid B. shaartusiensis, 27 in tetraploid B. pewzowi, and 30 in triploid B. baturae. Genetic diversity at these loci, measured for 10-18 individuals per species, ranged from 2 to 19 alleles. These microsatellite loci will be useful for conservation plans (genetic diversity, population structure, evolutionary units), inheritance patterns, and evolution of green toads.
Five new associations of parasitoids in potter wasps (Vespidae, Eumeninae). New associations of host and parasitoids involving potter wasps: Toxophora leucon and Pleurochrysis sp. were found parasitizing Cyphomenes anisitsii, Chrysis sp. (gr. intricans) was found parasitizing Minixi suffusum, Plega beardi was found parasitizing Montezumia pelagica sepulchralis and Macrosiagon sp. was found parasitizing Pachodynerus nasidens.
The objective of this study was the identification of the attributes and dimensions of service quality affecting the service performance of the five stars resort hotels located in the Cape Verde Islands. The reason boosting the initiative to do this research was the paramount role of the resort hotels in the development of the travel and tourism sector in Cape Verde, and the impact that today this sector has had in the economy of that country. The research opens with a literature review on the service quality theory in the hotel industry, starting from the middle of the 1980s with the classic model of service quality and SERVQUAL instrument to the analysis of recent models of service quality measurement in the hotel industry, as it is an example the scale of items developed in 2003 in the Lodging Quality Index (LQI). Furthermore, the study elaborates an analysis on the importance of the travel and tourism activities in the Cape Verde Islands, and it evidences the enormous importance of those activities in the performance of the Cape Verdean hotel industry. In sequence the study analyzes in details the hotel industry of Cape Verde and it identifies the market size of the five stars resort hotels and their current operators in that market. Moreover, the research develops with an online questionnaire elaborated and sent through the platforms of travel websites and communities to the guests whom have experienced the service of the five stars resort hotels located in the Cape Verde Islands. The scope of the questionnaire was to assess the attributes and dimensions of service quality in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde. The results of the questionnaire were in sequence analyzed through descriptive and applied statistics, using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Content validity analysis, factor analysis, and reliability analysis of the factors were made to purify an initial scale of 47 items of service quality. An instrument with three dimensions covering twenty four attributes of service quality assessment in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde was finally created. The three dimensions found were: staff competence; food and entertainment; and physical facilities. This study on the service in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde ends with brief comments on the status of service quality according to the identified dimensions and their attributes. In the conclusion, the study summarizes the whole work and gives some directions for future research.