979 resultados para Bat trapping


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Following the SARS outbreak, extensive surveillance was undertaken globally to detect and identify coronavirus diversity in bats. This study sought to identify the diversity and prevalence of coronaviruses in bats in the Australasian region. We identified four different genotypes of coronavirus, three of which (an alphacoronavirus and two betacoronaviruses) are potentially new species, having less than 90% nucleotide sequence identity with the most closely related described viruses. We did not detect any SARS-like betacoronaviruses, despite targeting rhinolophid bats, the putative natural host taxa. Our findings support the virus-host co-evolution hypothesis, with the detection of Miniopterus bat coronavirus HKU8 (previously reported in Miniopterus species in China, Hong Kong and Bulgaria) in Australian Miniopterus species. Similarly, we detected a novel betacoronavirus genotype from Pteropus alecto which is most closely related to Bat coronavirus HKU9 identified in other pteropodid bats in China, Kenya and the Philippines. We also detected possible cross-species transmission of bat coronaviruses, and the apparent enteric tropism of these viruses. Thus, our findings are consistent with a scenario wherein the current diversity and host specificity of coronaviruses reflects co-evolution with the occasional host shift.


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Queensland fruit flies Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis are considered major quarantine pests of tomato, a major crop in the horticultural production district around Bowen, North Queensland, Australia. Preharvest and/or postharvest treatments are required to meet the market access requirements of both domestic and international trading partners. The suspension from use of dimethoate and fenthion, the two insecticides used for fruit fly control, has resulted in the loss of both pre and postharvest uses in fresh tomato. Research undertaken quantitatively at Bowen evaluated the effectiveness of pre-harvest production systems without specific fruit fly controls and postharvest mitigation measures in reducing the risk of fruit fly infestation in tomato. A district-wide trapping using cue-lure baited traps was undertaken to determine fruit fly seasonal patterns in relation to the cropping seasons. A total of 17,626 field-harvested and 11,755 pack-house tomatoes were sampled from ten farms over three cropping seasons (2006-2009). The fruit were incubated and examined for fruit fly infestation. No fruit fly infested fruit were recorded over the three seasons in either the field or the pack-house samples. Statistical analyses showed that upper infestation levels were extremely low (between 0.025 and 0.062%) at the 95% confidence level. The trap catches showed a seasonal pattern in fruit fly activity, with low numbers during the autumn and winter months, rising slightly in spring and peaking in summer. This seasonal pattern was similar over the four seasons. The main two species of fruit fly caught were B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis. Based on the results, it is clear that the risk of fruit fly infestation is extremely low under the current production systems in the Bowen region.


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Wild salmon stocks in the northern Baltic rivers became endangered in the second half of the 20th century, mainly due to recruitment overfishing. As a result, supplementary stocking was widely practised, and supplementation of the Tornionjoki salmon stock took place over a 25 year period until 2002. The stock has been closely monitored by electrofishing, smolt trapping, mark-recapture studies, catch samples and catch surveys. Background information on hatchery-reared stocked juveniles was also collected for this study. Bayesian statistics was applied to the data as this method offers the possibility of bringing prior information into the analysis and an advanced ability for incorporating uncertainty, and also provides probabilities for a multitude of hypotheses. Substantial divergences between reared and wild Tornionjoki salmon were identified in both demographic and phenological characteristics. The divergences tended to be larger the longer the duration spent in hatchery and the more favourable the hatchery conditions were for fast growth. Differences in environment likely induced most of the divergences, but selection of brood fish might have resulted in genotypic divergence in maturation age of reared salmon. Survival of stocked 1-year old juveniles to smolt varied from about 10% to about 25%. Stocking on the lower reach of the river seemed to decrease survival, and the negative effect of stocking volume on survival raises the concern of possible similar effects on the extant wild population. Post-smolt survival of wild Tornionjoki smolts was on average two times higher than that of smolts stocked as parr and 2.5 times higher than that of stocked smolts. Smolts of different groups showed synchronous variation and similar long-term survival trends. Both groups of reared salmon were more vulnerable to offshore driftnet and coastal trapnet fishing than wild salmon. Average survival from smolt to spawners of wild salmon was 2.8 times higher than that of salmon stocked as parr and 3.3 times higher than that of salmon stocked as smolts. Wild salmon and salmon stocked as parr were found to have similar lifetime survival rates, while stocked smolts have a lifetime survival rate over 4 times higher than the two other groups. If eggs are collected from the wild brood fish, stocking parr would therefore not be a sensible option. Stocking smolts instead would create a net benefit in terms of the number of spawners, but this strategy has serious drawbacks and risks associated with the larger phenotypic and demographic divergences from wild salmon. Supplementation was shown not to be the key factor behind the recovery of the Tornionjoki and other northern Baltic salmon stocks. Instead, a combination of restrictions in the sea fishery and simultaneous occurrence of favourable natural conditions for survival were the main reasons for the revival in the 1990 s. This study questions the effectiveness of supplementation as a conservation management tool. The benefits of supplementation seem at best limited. Relatively high occurrences of reared fish in catches may generate false optimism concerning the effects of supplementation. Supplementation may lead to genetic risks due to problems in brood fish collection and artificial rearing with relaxed natural selection and domestication. Appropriate management of fisheries is the main alternative to supplementation, without which all other efforts for long-term maintenance of a healthy fish resource fail.


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Metabolic fate of menthofuran (II) in rats was investigated. Menthofuran (II) was administered orally (200 mg/kg of the body weight/day) to rats for 3 days. The following metabolites were isolated from the urine of these animals: p-cresol (VI), 5-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1- one (VII), 3-methylcyclohexanone (VIII), 3-methylcyclohexanol (IX), 4- hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one (V), geranic acid (XI), neronic acid (XII), benzoic acid (XIII), and 2-[2'-keto-4'- methylcyclohexyl]propionic acid (X). Incubation of menthofuran (II) with phenobarbital-induced rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH and oxygen resulted in the formation of a metabolite tentatively identified as 2-Z-(2'-keto-4'-methylcyclohexylidene)propanal (III; alpha,beta-unsaturated-gamma-keto-aldehyde). The structure assigned was further supported by trapping this metabolite (III) as a cinnoline derivative. Phenobarbital-induced rat liver microsomes also converted 4- methyl-2-cyclohexenone (IV) to 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (V) and p-cresol (VI) in the presence of NADPH and oxygen. On the basis of both in vivo and in vitro studies, a possible mechanism for the formation of p-cresol from menthofuran has been proposed.


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Terminal oxidases are the final proteins of the respiratory chain in eukaryotes and some bacteria. They catalyze most of the biological oxygen consumption on Earth done by aerobic organisms. During the catalytic reaction terminal oxidases reduce dioxygen to water and use the energy released in this process to maintain the electrochemical proton gradient by functioning as a redox-driven proton pump. This membrane gradient of protons is extremely important for cells as it is used for many cellular processes, such as transportation of substrates and ATP synthesis. Even though the structures of several terminal oxidases are known, they are not sufficient in themselves to explain the molecular mechanism of proton pumping. In this work we have applied a complex approach using a variety of different techniques to address the properties and the mechanism of proton translocation by the terminal oxidases. The combination of direct measurements of pH changes during catalytic turnover, time-resolved potentiometric electrometry and optical spectroscopy, made it possible to obtain valuable information about various aspects of oxidase functioning. We compared oxygen binding properties of terminal oxidases from the distinct heme-copper (CcO) and cytochrome bd families and found that cytochrome bd has a high affinity for oxygen, which is 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of CcO. Interestingly, the difference between CcO and cytochrome bd is not only in higher affinity of the latter to oxygen, but also in the way that each of these enzymes traps oxygen during catalysis. CcO traps oxygen kinetically - the molecule of bound dioxygen is rapidly reduced before it can dissociate. Alternatively, cytochrome bd employs an alternative mechanism of oxygen trapping - part of the redox energy is invested into tight oxygen binding, and the price paid for this is the lack of proton pumping. A single cycle of oxygen reduction to water is characterized by translocation of four protons across the membrane. Our results make it possible to assign the pumping steps to discrete transitions of the catalytic cycle and indicate that during in vivo turnover of the oxidase these four protons are transferred, one at a time, during the P→F, F→OH, Oh→Eh, and Eh→R transitions. At the same time, each individual proton translocation step in the catalytic cycle is not just a single reaction catalyzed by CcO, but rather a complicated sequence of interdependent electron and proton transfers. We assume that each single proton translocation cycle of CcO is assured by internal proton transfer from the conserved Glu-278 to an as yet unidentified pump site above the hemes. Delivery of a proton to the pump site serves as a driving reaction that forces the proton translocation cycle to continue.


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In this multi-screen installation, iconic male characters from Hollywood films are reconfigured to create infinitely looping scenes of running; trapping the characters in a kind of Nietchzen eternal recurrence. Stemming primarily from my investigation into anxiety as a shared social experience, the carefully edited, looped, and rotoscoped characters become avatars or surrogates for myself, and for the viewer. Through this editing, they are caught in a space of relentless confusion and paranoia – they run with, and from, anxiety. They are never caught by any unseen pursuers, but are equally unable to catch up to any unseen goal. These figures act as models of masculinity, they are objects of identification and emulation. Simultaneously, as celebrities, they are also fictions of the media sphere, both real and ethereal, they are impossible to grasp. In this duality, the work also references cinema’s tangled conflation of character and celebrity identity. It examines the subjective and intersubjective engagements we can have with popular culture, and the way that these engagements can as strategies to ‘make sense’ of social experiences. The work was exhibited in the Carriageworks space of ‘You Imagine What You Desire’, the 19th Biennale of Sydney.


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This paper discusses my video installation Running Men as an example of how an artist’s appropriative engagements with screen images of the perilous body can reflect the technological zeitgeist of the last hundred years but also create a space of meditative and mediated reflection in Slavoj Žižek’s “endlessness” of the present-future. In this artwork, iconic male characters from Hollywood films are recontextualised to create infinitely looping scenes of running; trapping the characters in a kind of Nietchzen eternal recurrence that suspends them between impending violence and uncertain futures. Stemming primarily from my investigation into anxiety as a shared social experience, one perhaps primed by the increasing intensity of visual culture in the 21st century, these digitally reconfigured bodies become avatars or surrogates for myself, and for the viewer. Through selective editing, these emblematic figures are caught in a space of relentless confusion and paranoia – they run with, and from anxiety. They are never caught by any unseen pursuers, but are equally unable to catch up to any unseen goal. These figures map an historical trajectory of violence and masculinity as it has been projected through various iterations of screen culture Simultaneously, as celebrities, they are also fictions of the media sphere, both real and ethereal, they are impossible to grasp but paradoxically are objects of identification and emulation. In this duality, the work also references cinema’s tangled conflation of character and celebrity identity. This discussion will address the two distinct but connected sites and activities of body/image engagement. Firstly, the artistic process and conceptual ramifications of this activity, and secondly in the artwork’s potential as an installation to provide an opportunity for the viewer (like the artist) to reflect on the constructed-ness and complicated power structures at play in the representation of a gendered body.


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Settling, dewatering and filtration of flocs are important steps in industry to remove solids and improve subsequent processing. The influence of non-sucrose impurities (Ca2+, Mg2+, phosphate and aconitic acid) on calcium phosphate floc structure (scattering exponent, Sf), size and shape were examined in synthetic and authentic sugar juices using X-ray diffraction techniques. In synthetic juices, Sf decreases with increasing phosphate concentration to values where loosely bound and branched flocs are formed for effective trapping and removal of impurities. Although, Sf did not change with increasing aconitic acid concentration, the floc size significantly decreased reducing the ability of the flocs to remove impurities. In authentic juices, the flocs structures were marginally affected by increasing proportions of non-sucrose impurities. However, optical microscopy indicated the formation of well-formed macro-floc network structures in sugar cane juices containing lower proportions of non-sucrose impurities. These structures are better placed to remove suspended colloidal solids.


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We show that data from recent experiments carried out on the kinetics of DNA escape from alpha-hemolysin nanopores [M. Wiggin, C. Tropini, C. T. Cossa, N. N. Jetha, and A. Marziali, Biophys. J. 95, 5317 (2008)] may be rationalized by a model of chain dynamics based on the anomalous diffusion of a particle moving in a harmonic well in the presence of a delta function sink. The experiments of Wiggin found, among other things, that the occasional occurrence of unusually long escape times in the distribution of chain trapping events led to nonexponential decays in the survival probability, S(t), of the DNA molecules within the nanopore. Wiggin ascribed this nonexponentiality to the existence of a distribution of trapping potentials, which they suggested was theresult of stochastic interactions between the bases of the DNA and the amino acids located on the surface of the nanopore. Based on this idea, they showed that the experimentally determined S(t) could be well fit in both the short and long time regimes by a function of the form (1+t/tau)(-alpha) (the so called Becquerel function). In our model, S(t) is found to be given by a Mittag-Leffler function at short times and by a generalized Mittag-Leffler function at long times. By suitable choice of certain parameter values, these functions are found to fit the experimental S(t) even better than the Becquerel function. Anomalous diffusion of DNA within the trap prior to escape over a barrier of fixed height may therefore provide a second, plausible explanation of the data, and may offer fresh perspectives on similar trapping and escape problems.


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A major drawback in using bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) as structural materials is their extremely poor fatigue performance. One way to alleviate this problem is through the composite route, in which second phases are introduced into the glass to arrest crack growth. In this paper, the fatigue crack growth behavior of in situ reinforced BMGs with crystalline dendrites, which are tailored to impart significant ductility and toughness to the BMG, was investigated. Three composites, all with equal volume fraction of dendrite phases, were examined to assess the influence of chemical composition on the near-threshold fatigue crack growth characteristics. While the ductility is enhanced at the cost of yield strength vis-a-vis that of the fully amorphous BMG, the threshold stress intensity factor range for fatigue crack initiation in composites was found to be enhanced by more than 100%. Crack blunting and trapping by the dendritic phases and constraining of the shear bands within the interdendritic regions are the micromechanisms responsible for this enhanced fatigue crack growth resistance.


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Abrasion and slurry erosion behaviour of chromium-manganese iron samples with chromium (Cr) in the range similar to 16-19% and manganese (Mn) at 5 and 10% levels have been characterized for hardness followed by microstructural examination using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Positron lifetime studies have been conducted to understand the defects/microporosity influence on the microstructure. The samples were heat treated and characterized to understand the structural transformations in the matrix. The data reveals that hardness decreased with increase in Mn content from 5 to 10% in the first instance and then increase in the section size in the other case, irrespective of the sample conditions. The abrasion and slurry erosion losses show increase with increase in the section size as well as with increase in Mn content. The positron results show that as hardness increases from as-cast to heat treated sample, the positron trapping rate and hence defect concentration showed opposite trend as expected. So a good correlation between defects concentration and the hardness has been observed. These findings also corroborate well with the microstructural features obtained from optical and scanning electron microscopy. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, must maximize their feeding cycle of one blood meal per day by being efficient in the stalking and acquisition of their food. Riskin and Hermanson documented the running gait of the common vampire bat and observed they were efficient at running speeds, using longer stride lengths and thus decreased stride frequency. We obtained preliminary data on gait maintained for up to 10 minutes on a moving treadmill belt at speeds ranging from 0.23 to 0.74 m/s, which spanned a range from walking to running gaits. Bats tended to transition between gaits at about 0.40 m/s. Fourteen bats were studied and included four that were able to walk or run for 10 minutes. There was no significant change in either stride duration or frequency associated with an increase in speed. We estimated O2 consumption and CO2 production both before and 5 minutes after exercise, and found that O2 consumption increased 1 minute and 5 minutes after exercise. CO2 levels increased significantly 1 minute after exercise, but tended back towards pre-exercise level 5 minutes after exercise. Two bats were tested for blood O2, CO2 and pH levels. Interestingly, pH levels fell from 7.3 to about 7.0, indicating lactate accumulation.


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For achieving efficient fusion energy production, the plasma-facing wall materials of the fusion reactor should ensure long time operation. In the next step fusion device, ITER, the first wall region facing the highest heat and particle load, i.e. the divertor area, will mainly consist of tiles based on tungsten. During the reactor operation, the tungsten material is slowly but inevitably saturated with tritium. Tritium is the relatively short-lived hydrogen isotope used in the fusion reaction. The amount of tritium retained in the wall materials should be minimized and its recycling back to the plasma must be unrestrained, otherwise it cannot be used for fueling the plasma. A very expensive and thus economically not viable solution is to replace the first walls quite often. A better solution is to heat the walls to temperatures where tritium is released. Unfortunately, the exact mechanisms of hydrogen release in tungsten are not known. In this thesis both experimental and computational methods have been used for studying the release and retention of hydrogen in tungsten. The experimental work consists of hydrogen implantations into pure polycrystalline tungsten, the determination of the hydrogen concentrations using ion beam analyses (IBA) and monitoring the out-diffused hydrogen gas with thermodesorption spectrometry (TDS) as the tungsten samples are heated at elevated temperatures. Combining IBA methods with TDS, the retained amount of hydrogen is obtained as well as the temperatures needed for the hydrogen release. With computational methods the hydrogen-defect interactions and implantation-induced irradiation damage can be examined at the atomic level. The method of multiscale modelling combines the results obtained from computational methodologies applicable at different length and time scales. Electron density functional theory calculations were used for determining the energetics of the elementary processes of hydrogen in tungsten, such as diffusivity and trapping to vacancies and surfaces. Results from the energetics of pure tungsten defects were used in the development of an classical bond-order potential for describing the tungsten defects to be used in molecular dynamics simulations. The developed potential was utilized in determination of the defect clustering and annihilation properties. These results were further employed in binary collision and rate theory calculations to determine the evolution of large defect clusters that trap hydrogen in the course of implantation. The computational results for the defect and trapped hydrogen concentrations were successfully compared with the experimental results. With the aforedescribed multiscale analysis the experimental results within this thesis and found in the literature were explained both quantitatively and qualitatively.


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Peptide disulfides are unstable under alkaline conditions, resulting in the formation of products containing lanthionine and polysulfied linkages. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry has been used to characterize major species obtained when cyclic and acyclic peptide disulfides are exposed to alkaline media. Studies on a model cyclic peptide disulfide (Boc - Cys - Pro - Leu - Cys - NHMe) and an acyclic peptide, oxidized glutathione, bis ((gamma)Glu Cys - Gly - COOH), are described. Disulfide cleavage reactions are initiated by the abstraction of (CH)-H-alpha or (CH)-H-beta protons of Cys residues, with Subsequent elimination of H2S or H2S2. The buildup of reactive thiol species which act on intermediates containing dehydroalanine residues, rationalizes the formation of lanthionine and polysulfide products. In the case of the cyclic peptide disulfide, the formation of cyclic products is facilitated by the intramolecular nature of the Michael addition reaction of thiols to the dehydroalanine residue. Mass spectral evidence for the intermediate species is presented by using alkylation of thiol groups as a trapping method. Mass spectral fragmentation in the negative ion mode of the peptides derived from trisulfides and tetrasulfides results in elimination of S-2. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 783-791) (C) 2009 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.


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Peptide disulfides are unstable under alkaline conditions, resulting in the formation of products containing lanthionine and polysulfied linkages. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry has been used to characterize major species obtained when cyclic and acyclic peptide disulfides are exposed to alkaline media. Studies on a model cyclic peptide disulfide (Boc - Cys - Pro - Leu - Cys - NHMe) and an acyclic peptide, oxidized glutathione, bis ((gamma)Glu Cys - Gly - COOH), are described. Disulfide cleavage reactions are initiated by the abstraction of (CH)-H-alpha or (CH)-H-beta protons of Cys residues, with Subsequent elimination of H2S or H2S2. The buildup of reactive thiol species which act on intermediates containing dehydroalanine residues, rationalizes the formation of lanthionine and polysulfide products. In the case of the cyclic peptide disulfide, the formation of cyclic products is facilitated by the intramolecular nature of the Michael addition reaction of thiols to the dehydroalanine residue. Mass spectral evidence for the intermediate species is presented by using alkylation of thiol groups as a trapping method. Mass spectral fragmentation in the negative ion mode of the peptides derived from trisulfides and tetrasulfides results in elimination of S-2. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 783-791) (C) 2009 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.