887 resultados para Balneario de Fitero Viejo (Navarra)
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The application of inverse filtering techniques for high-quality singing voice analysis/synthesis is discussed. In the context of source-filter models, inverse filtering provides a noninvasive method to extract the voice source, and thus to study voice quality. Although this approach is widely used in speech synthesis, this is not the case in singing voice. Several studies have proved that inverse filtering techniques fail in the case of singing voice, the reasons being unclear. In order to shed light on this problem, we will consider here an additional feature of singing voice, not present in speech: the vibrato. Vibrato has been traditionally studied by sinusoidal modeling. As an alternative, we will introduce here a novel noninteractive source filter model that incorporates the mechanisms of vibrato generation. This model will also allow the comparison of the results produced by inverse filtering techniques and by sinusoidal modeling, as they apply to singing voice and not to speech. In this way, the limitations of these conventional techniques, described in previous literature, will be explained. Both synthetic signals and singer recordings are used to validate and compare the techniques presented in the paper.
UPNa. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología. Laboratorio de Biofilms Microbianos.
This paper analyses the asymptotic properties of nonlinear least squares estimators of the long run parameters in a bivariate unbalanced cointegration framework. Unbalanced cointegration refers to the situation where the integration orders of the observables are different, but their corresponding balanced versions (with equal integration orders after filtering) are cointegrated in the usual sense. Within this setting, the long run linkage between the observables is driven by both the cointegrating parameter and the difference between the integration orders of the observables, which we consider to be unknown. Our results reveal three noticeable features. First, superconsistent (faster than √ n-consistent) estimators of the difference between memory parameters are achievable. Next, the joint limiting distribution of the estimators of both parameters is singular, and, finally, a modified version of the ‘‘Type II’’ fractional Brownian motion arises in the limiting theory. A Monte Carlo experiment and the discussion of an economic example are included.
The following article appeared in Torres, V., Beruete, M., Del Villar, I., & Sánchez, P. (2016). Indium tin oxide refractometer in the visible and near infrared via lossy mode and surface plasmon resonances with Kretschmann configuration. Applied Physics Letters, 108(4), doi:10.1063/1.4941077, and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4941077.
El diseño de producto está presente en las empresas de una manera global y perpetua en el tiempo, sin embargo en la actualidad se emplean técnicas matemáticas donde antes se utilizaba la imaginación. Gracias al análisis conjunto las empresas son capaces de predecir las tendencias de los mercados analizando los atributos que consideran más importantes de su producto y así desarrollar un nuevo bien acorde con las necesidades de los consumidores. En este trabajo de fin de grado voy a estudiar la empresa Nespresso y mediante una muestra de clientes potenciales voy a utilizar la programación conjunta para diseñar un nuevo tipo de café en cápsulas que no está presente en la variedad actual de productos de la marca. Así mismo estudiaré el mercado del café en España y el marketing llevado a cabo por la compañía.
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[EUS] Bizitza ohiturak aldatzen ari direla begi bistakoa da, eta horrek hizkuntza baten garapenean eragina izaten du. Proiektu honen bitartez, Goizuetako euskalkiak azken berrogeita hamar urte hauetan, gutxi gorabehera, izan duen garapena frogatzen saiatuko naiz. Horretarako, ikerketa bat egin dut gazte eta adinduen artean, euskalkiaren ezaugarrietan eman diren aldakuntzak zeintzuk izan diren ikusteko. Ikerketa honekin hizkuntzaren “transmisioa” nolakoa izan den ikusi ahalko da. Lan honen bidez, euskalkiak eman duen beherakada, hein batean, oraingo biztanleriak kanpo harreman gehiago dituelako eta bizi ohitura berriak hartzen ari delako eman dela ikusten da. Etorkizuneko irakasle bezala, proiektu honen bidez eskualde bakoitzeko hizkuntza garapenaren jakitun izatea ezinbestekoa dela ikusten da.
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