988 resultados para Balneario de Aramayona (Álava).
Se recogen, en la primera parte de la ponencia, algunas de las transformaciones que ha conocido la arqueología en los últimos decenios: la ampliación de los límites cronológicos hasta umbrales contemporáneos, la caída del enfoque tradicional que concebía la arqueología como una disciplina ocupada básicamente en trabajar bajo cota 0 y la ampliación de escala del objeto de estudio desde la cultura material mueble y el yacimiento hacia el territorio. En una segunda parte se hace un esfuerzo por redefinir el perfil de la arqueología en la actualidad llevando a cabo una reflexión fundamentalmente ontológica y axiológica, sin renunciar sin embargo a algunas consideraciones de carácter epistemológico. Para terminar, se presenta la “cadena de valor” como herramienta metodológica que sirve mejor que ninguna otra al tratamiento del Patrimonio desde una perspectiva integral e interdisciplinaria.
El diapiro de Pinoso, también denominado Cerro o Cabeҫo de la Sal, está situado al W de la provincia de Alicante, (38º24’ N- 01º02”O), de forma elíptica con eje mayor (NW-SE) de 7,5 km y altura máxima de 893 m, 350 m por encima de la superficie erosiva colindante. Constituido por materiales de facies Keuper, presenta un núcleo de halita que ha sido objeto de explotación, tanto por minería subterránea como por evaporación (extracción y comercialización de sal manantial). También, a principios del siglo XX, aguas procedentes del Cabeҫo fueron utilizadas en un balneario, previo calentamiento del agua. Desde 1973 se explota por disolución y la salmuera extraída es llevada a Torrevieja mediante un salmueroducto y allí pasa a formar parte del proceso de evaporación de explotación de las salinas. La variedad de las litologías presentes en él, así como su riqueza en patrimonio mineral mueble, algunos de los cuales son minerales autigénicos característicos de las facies Keuper, confieren al Cabeҫo de la Sal un notable valor como Patrimonio Geológico, este carácter patrimonial se ve aumentado por los rasgos geomorfológicos asociados al exokarst en materiales yesíferos hipergénicos que genera formas erosivas cualitativa y cuantitativamente muy importantes.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
O balanço anual 2014 da Petrobras e a eficiência do mercado acionário no Brasil: um estudo de evento
Este trabalho propõe-se a estudar os efeitos sobre as ações da Petrobras decorrentes da apresentação dos balanços do terceiro e quarto trimestre de 2014, primeiros balanços apresentados após as denúncias da Operação Lava Jato. Avaliamos os impactos nos preços das ações da empresa através de um Estudo de Evento. Como controle, analisamos os efeitos da divulgação de 1.152 balanços trimestrais sobre outras 48 ações de que fazem parte da Carteira Teórica do IBOVESPA no período entre 2010 e 2015. Buscamos identificar a presença de retornos anormais e verificar se toda informação se transfere automaticamente aos preços, sugerindo a eficiência semiforte do mercado de ações brasileiro de acordo com a Hipótese de Eficiência do Mercado (HEM) desenvolvida por Fama (1970). Ao final comparamos os resultados específicos dos balanços em estudo com os resultados observados em outros balanços da própria Petrobras. Não foram encontradas evidências de eficiência de mercado durante o período 2010-2015 nem para o grupo de 48 ações, chamadas de NÃO_PETRO, nem para o grupo PETRO, formado pelas duas ações da Petrobras. Ao dividir os mesmos grupos em dois momentos, os resultados para o período batizado de Bonança (2010-2013), permanecem iguais ao do período completo, ao passo que o período chamado de Crise (2014 -2015) apresenta retornos anormais estatisticamente significativos nas janelas de eventos. Ao avaliar os retornos de balanços individuais da Petrobras, identificamos a necessidade de informações adicionais, extrapolando o escopo de um estudo de evento.
During ODP Leg 193, 4 sites were drilled in the active PACMANUS hydrothermal field on the crest of the felsic Pual Ridge to examine the vertical and lateral variations in mineralization and alteration patterns. We present new data on clay mineral assemblages, clay and whole rock chemistry and clay mineral strontium and oxygen isotopic compositions of altered rocks from a site of diffuse low-temperature venting (Snowcap, Site 1188) and a site of high-temperature venting (Roman Ruins, Site 1189) in order to investigate the water-rock reactions and associated elemental exchanges. The volcanic succession at Snowcap has been hydrothermally altered, producing five alteration zones: (1) chlorite+/-illite-cristobalite-plagioclase alteration apparently overprinted locally by pyrophyllite bleaching at temperatures of 260-310°C; (2) chlorite+/-mixed-layer clay alteration at temperatures of 230°C; (3) chlorite and illite alteration; (4) illite and chlorite+/-illite mixed-layer alteration at temperatures of 250-260°C; and (5) illite+/-chlorite alteration at 290-300°C. Felsic rocks recovered from two holes (1189A and 1189B) at Roman Ruins, although very close together, show differing alteration features. Hole 1189A is characterized by a uniform chlorite-illite alteration formed at ~250°C, overprinted by quartz veining at 350°C. In contrast, four alteration zones occur in Hole 1189B: (1) illite+/-chlorite alteration formed at ~300°C; (2) chlorite+/-illite alteration at 235°C; (3) chlorite+/-illite and mixed layer clay alteration; and (4) chlorite+/-illite alteration at 220°C. Mass balance calculations indicate that the chloritization, illitization and bleaching (silica-pyrophyllite assemblages) alteration stages are accompanied by different chemical changes relative to a calculated pristine precursor lava. The element Cr appears to have a general enrichment in the altered samples from PACMANUS. The clay concentrate data show that Cr and Cu are predominantly present in the pyrophyllites. Illite shows a significant enrichment for Cs and Cu relative to the bulk altered samples. Considerations of mineral stability allow us to place some constraints on fluid chemistry. Hydrothermal fluid pH for the chloritization and illitization was neutral to slightly acidic and relatively acidic for the pyrophyllite alteration. In general the fluids, especially from Roman Ruins and at intermediate depths below Snowcap, show only a small proportion of seawater mixing (<10%). Fluids in shallow and deep parts of the Snowcap holes, in contrast, show stronger seawater influence.
The effect of volcanic activity on submarine hydrothermal systems has been well documented along fast- and intermediate-spreading centers but not from slow-spreading ridges. Indeed, volcanic eruptions are expected to be rare on slow-spreading axes. Here we report the presence of hydrothermal venting associated with extremely fresh lava flows at an elevated, apparently magmatically robust segment center on the slow-spreading southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 5°S. Three high-temperature vent fields have been recognized so far over a strike length of less than 2 km with two fields venting phase-separated, vapor-type fluids. Exit temperatures at one of the fields reach up to 407°C, at conditions of the critical point of seawater, the highest temperatures ever recorded from the seafloor. Fluid and vent field characteristics show a large variability between the vent fields, a variation that is not expected within such a limited area. We conclude from mineralogical investigations of hydrothermal precipitates that vent-fluid compositions have evolved recently from relatively oxidizing to more reducing conditions, a shift that could also be related to renewed magmatic activity in the area. Current high exit temperatures, reducing conditions, low silica contents, and high hydrogen contents in the fluids of two vent sites are consistent with a shallow magmatic source, probably related to a young volcanic eruption event nearby, in which basaltic magma is actively crystallizing. This is the first reported evidence for direct magmatic-hydrothermal interaction on a slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge.
Geological map of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula)
We present here a new geological map of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland Islands). Like on adjacent Barton Peninsula, the morphology on Potter Peninsula is predominantly characterized by a glacial landscape with abrasion platforms offshore, in parts steep cliffs along the coast, and a rather smooth, hilly countryside in the interior. Potter Peninsula forms part of the downthrown Warszawa Block. The volcanic sequence cropping out here belongs to the King George Island Supergroup, with an observed local minimum thickness of approx. 90 m (Kraus 2005). The most prominent morphological feature is Three Brothers Hill (196 m), a well known andesitic plug showing conspicuous columnar jointing. It marks the final stage of activity of a Paleogene volcano, whose eruption products (lava flows and pyroclastic rocks), together with hypabyssal intrusions related to the volcanism, make up most of the lithology observed on Potter Peninsula (Kraus 2005). The Three Brothers Hill volcanic complex is eroded down to its deepest levels. Thus, the stratigraphically deepest units from the initial phase of volcanic activity are cropping out in some parts (Kraus & del Valle, in Wienke et al. 2008). The lithology on Potter Peninsula comprises lava flows (~50%), pyroclastic rocks (ash-fallout, pyroclastic flow deposits, volcanic breccia and agglomerates, ~30%) and hypabyssal intrusions (dykes, sills and small subvolcanic intrusive bodies, ~20%). 40Ar/39Ar datings carried out on magmatic dykes from Potter Peninsula indicate a short, but intense intrusive event during the Lutetian (Kraus et al. 2007).
It is demonstrated by K-Ar analyses that the age of reversely magnetized basalts, which immediately predate magnetic Anomaly 24B, is 53.5 ± 1.9 m.y. Samples from deep levels appear to be grossly contaminated by an extraneous argon component with a uniform argon-40/argon-36 ratio 440. This component is thought to have been derived from fluids circulating in the lava pile during burial. The age result corroborates the assignment previously made to Anomaly 24B by Hailwood et al. (1979) and Lowrie and Alvarez (1981). It additionally suggests that lava extrusion formed part of a much larger magmatic event, which affected wide areas of the North Atlantic margins around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and can therefore probably be considered a good estimate of the age of this boundary. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios lie in the very restricted range 0.512920 ± 19 to 0.513026 ± 24 and initial 8 7Sr/86Sr ratios from ca. 0.703 to ca. 0.705. Acid leaching reduces the latter range to 0.70264 ± 4 to 0.70384 ± 4, suggesting that the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulted from interaction with seawater. The array of data for treated samples is closely conformable on a 143Nd/144Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram with the main oceanic mantle array and with previously published fields for Atlantic Ocean basalts. No evidence for any continental crustal contamination has been found. This suggests, but does not prove, that continental crust played no part in the genesis of these rocks.
We used a novel system of three continuous wave Doppler radars to successfully record the directivity of i) Strombolian explosions from the active lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, ii) eruptions at Stromboli volcano, Italy, and iii) a man-made explosion in a quarry. Erebus volcano contains a convecting phonolite lava lake, presumably connected to a magma chamber at depth. It is one of the few open vent volcanoes that allow a direct observation of source processes during explosions. Its lava lake is the source of frequent violent Strombolian explosions, caused by large gas bubbles bursting at the lake surface. The exact mechanism of these bubble bursts is unclear, as is the mechanism of the creation of the infrasound signal accompanying the explosions. We use the Doppler radar data to calculate the directivity of Strombolian eruptions at Erebus. This allows us to derive information about the expected type of infrasound source pattern (i.e. the role of a dipole in addition to the monopole signature) and the physical structure of the volcano. We recorded 10 large explosions simultaneously with three radars, enabling us to calculate time series of 3D directivity vectors (i.e. effectively 4D), which describe the direction of preferred expansion of the gas bubble during an explosion. Such directivity information allows a comparison to dipole infrasound radiation patterns recorded during similar explosions only a few weeks later. Video observations of explosions support our interpretation of the measurements. We conclude that at Erebus, the directivity of explosions is mainly controlled by random processes. Since the geometry of the uppermost conduit is assumed to have a large effect on the directivity of explosions, the results suggest a largely symmetrical uppermost conduit with a vertical axis of symmetry. For infrasound recordings, a significant dipole signature can be expected in addition to the predominant monopole signature.
In May and June 1936 Dr. C. S. Piggot of the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, took a series of 11 deep-sea cores in the North Atlantic Ocean between the Newfoundland banks and the banks off the Irish coast. These cores were taken from the Western Union Telegraph Co.'s cable ship Lord Kelvin with the explosive type of sounding device which Dr. Piggot designed. All but two of these cores (Nos. 8 and 11) are more than 2.43 meters (8 feet) long, and all contain ample material for study. Of the two short cores, No. 8 was taken from the top of the Faraday Hills, as that part of the mid-Atlantic ridge is known, where the material is closely packed and more sandy and consequently more resistant; No. 11 came from a locality where the apparatus apparently landed on volcanic rock that may be part of a submarine lava flow.
Leg 193 was the fourth Ocean Drilling Program expedition focusing on understanding subseafloor hydrothermal systems. This program was the first to combine studies of the volcanology, structure, hydrology, mineralization, and microbiology of a subseafloor hydrothermal system hosted by felsic rocks by coring at the PACMANUS hydrothermal field in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. The study examines only the petrology and bulk rock and mineral chemistry of the freshest and most morphologically youthful lava flows recovered from the shallowest drill cores at the four sites occupied during Leg 193. There are subtle but distinct petrographic and geochemical variations between the closely spaced sites.
Major element composition ranges of closely associated basalt glass-whole rock pairs from individual small cooling units approach the total known range of basalt glass and whole rock compositions at IPOD sites 417 and 418. The whole rock samples fall into two groups: one is depleted in MgO and distinctly enriched in plagioclase but has lost some olivine and/or pyroxene relative to its corresponding glass; and the other is enriched in MgO and in phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene as well as plagioclase compared to its corresponding glass. By analogy with observed phenocryst distributions in lava pillows, tubes, and dikes, and with some theoretical studies, we infer that bulk rock compositions are strongly affected by phenocryst redistribution due to gravity settling, flotation, and dynamic sorting after eruption, although specific models are not well constrained by the one-dimensional geometry of drill core. Compositional trends or groupings in whole rock data resulting from such late-stage processes should not be confused with more fundamental compositional effects produced in deep chambers or during partial melting.