977 resultados para Axillary Dissection
The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the infiltration of tumor into the seminal vesicles and regional lymph nodes were coordinated by working group 4. There was a consensus that complete blocking of the seminal vesicles was not necessary, although sampling of the junction of the seminal vesicles and prostate was mandatory. There was consensus that sampling of the vas deferens margins was not obligatory. There was also consensus that muscular wall invasion of the extraprostatic seminal vesicle only should be regarded as seminal vesicle invasion. Categorization into types of seminal vesicle spread was agreed by consensus to be not necessary. For examination of lymph nodes, there was consensus that special techniques such as frozen sectioning were of use only in high-risk cases. There was no consensus on the optimal sampling method for pelvic lymph node dissection specimens, although there was consensus that all lymph nodes should be completely blocked as a minimum. There was also a consensus that a count of the number of lymph nodes harvested should be attempted. In view of recent evidence, there was consensus that the diameter of the largest lymph node metastasis should be measured. These consensus decisions will hopefully clarify the difficult areas of pathological assessment in radical prostatectomy evaluation and improve the concordance of research series to allow more accurate assessment of patient prognosis.
Detection of variations in blood glucose concentrations by pancreatic beta-cells and a subsequent appropriate secretion of insulin are key events in the control of glucose homeostasis. Because a decreased capability to sense glycemic changes is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes, the glucose signalling pathway leading to insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells has been extensively studied. This signalling mechanism depends on glucose metabolism and requires the presence of specific molecules such as GLUT2, glucokinase and the K(ATP) channel subunits Kir6.2 and SUR1. Other cells are also able to sense variations in glycemia or in local glucose concentrations and to modulate different physiological functions participating in the general control of glucose and energy homeostasis. These include cells forming the hepatoportal vein glucose sensor, which controls glucose storage in the liver, counterregulation, food intake and glucose utilization by peripheral tissues and neurons in the hypothalamus and brainstem whose firing rates are modulated by local variations in glucose concentrations or, when not protected by a blood-brain barrier, directly by changes in blood glucose levels. These glucose-sensing neurons are involved in the control of insulin and glucagon secretion, food intake and energy expenditure. Here, recent physiological studies performed with GLUT2-/- mice will be described, which indicate that this transporter is essential for glucose sensing by pancreatic beta-cells, by the hepatoportal sensor and by sensors, probably located centrally, which control activity of the autonomic nervous system and stimulate glucagon secretion. These studies may pave the way to a fine dissection of the molecular and cellular components of extra-pancreatic glucose sensors involved in the control of glucose and energy homeostasis.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infection of adult mice induces a strong response to superantigen (Sag) in their draining lymph nodes, which results from the presentation of Sag by MMTV-infected B cells to Sag-reactive T cells. To date, infection with physiologically relevant doses of MMTV can be detected in vivo only after several days of Sag-mediated T-cell-dependent amplification of infected B cells. Furthermore, no efficient in vitro system of detecting MMTV infection is available. Such a model would allow the dissection of the early phase of infection, the assessment of the contributions of different cell types, and the screening of large panels of molecules for their potential roles in infection and Sag response. For these reasons, we have established an in vitro model for detecting infection which is as sensitive and reproducible as the in vivo model. We found that the viral envelope (Env) protein is crucial for target cell infection but not for presentation of Sag. Furthermore, we show that infection of purified B cells with MMTV induces entry of Sag-responsive T cells into the cell cycle, while other professional antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells, are much less efficient in inducing a response.
The mode of action of nuclear receptors in living cells is an actively investigated field but much remains hypothetical due to the lack, until recently, of methods allowing the assessment of molecular mechanisms in vivo. However, these last years, the development of fluorescence microscopy methods has allowed initiating the dissection of the molecular mechanisms underlying gene regulation by nuclear receptors directly in living cells or organisms. Following our analyses on peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) in living cells, we discuss here the different models arising from the use of these tools, that attempt to link mobility, DNA binding or chromatin interaction, and transcriptional activity.
Christ's thorn (Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf.) is a cross-pollinated plant with a wide range of genetic variability in nature and, for this reason, vegetative propagation assumes importance for improvement programs. The objective of this work was to evaluate cutting, T budding and tissue culture methods for this species. Shoots of 22-25 cm length were treated by two culture media and three shoot diameters for cutting trial. The T budding treatments consisted of three and five collection dates in spring and autumn, respectively. Tissue culture nodal segments bearing axillary buds were removed from shoots of mature trees at different seasons. Experiments to determine the best disinfectant chemical, appropriate conditions and materials to prevent phenolic compound exudation, explant characteristics, media type and cytokinin-auxin ratios were carried out. Successful rooting happened only on the sand beds and with cuttings greater than 8 mm diameter. The effects of T budding seasons on budtake percentage were significantly different. The best time for explant harvesting was mid of summer. Amount of rooting on media containing IBA as well as activated charcoal and disinfection with Ca(OCl)2 at concentration of 5% for 20 minutes were the best treatments.
Plants possess an interrelated and interacting family of potent fatty acid-derived regulators--the jasmonates. These compounds, which play roles in both defense and development, are derived from tri-unsaturated fatty acids [alpha-linolenic acid (18:3) or 7Z,10Z,13Z-hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3)]. The lipoxygenase-catalyzed addition of molecular oxygen to alpha-linolenic acid initiates jasmonate synthesis by providing a 13-hydroperoxide substrate for the formation of an unstable allene oxide that is then subject to enzyme-guided cyclization to produce 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA). OPDA, a key regulatory lipid in the plant immune system, has several fates, including esterification into plastid lipids or transformation into the 12-carbon co-regulator jasmonic acid (JA). JA, the best-characterized member of the family, regulates both male and female fertility (depending on the plant species), and is an important mediator of defense gene expresssion. JA is itself a substrate for further diverse modifications. Genetic dissection of the pathway is revealing how the different jasmonates modulate different physiological processes. Each new family member that is discovered provides another key to understanding the fine control of gene expression in immune responses, in the initiation and maintenance of long-distance signal transfer in response to wounding, and in the regulation of fertility, among other processes. The Jasmonate Biochemical Pathway provides an overview of the growing jasmonate family, and new members will be included in future versions of the Connections Map. Science Viewpoint R. Liechti, E. E. Farmer, The jasmonate pathway. Science 296, 1649-1650 (2002). [Abstract] [Full Text]
Histone H1 in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania is a developmentally regulated protein encoded by the sw3 gene. Here we report that histone H1 variants exist in different Leishmania species and strains of L. major and that they are encoded by polymorphic genes. Amplification of the sw3 gene from the genome of three strains of L. major gave rise to different products in each strain, suggesting the presence of a multicopy gene family. In L. major, these genes were all restricted to a 50-kb Bg/II fragment found on a chromosomal band of 1.3 Mb (chromosome 27). The detection of RFLPs in this locus demonstrated its heterogeneity within several species and strains of Leishmania. Two different copies of sw3 (sw3.0 and sw3.1) were identified after screening a cosmid library containing L. major strain Friedlin genomic DNA. They were identical in their 5' UTRs and open reading frames, but differed in their 3' UTRs. With respect to the originally cloned copy of sw3 from L. major strain LV39, their open reading frames lacked a repeat unit of 9 amino acids. Immunoblots of L. guyanensis parasites transfected with these cosmids revealed that both copies could give rise to the histone H1 protein. The characterization of this locus will now make possible a detailed analysis of the function of histone H1 in Leishmania, as well as permit the dissection of the molecular mechanisms governing the developmental regulation of the sw3 gene.
Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.
In young people, the most frequent cause of isolated monocular visual loss due to an optic neuropathy is optic neuritis. We present the case of a 27 year old woman who presented monocular visual loss, excruciating orbital pain and unusual temporal headache. The initial diagnosis of optic neuritis revealed later to be a posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (PION). In this case, PION was the first unique presentation of a non-traumatic carotid dissection, and it was followed 24h later by an ischemic stroke. Sudden monocular visual loss associated with a new-onset headache are clinical symptoms that should immediately prompt to a carotid dissection.
Innate immunity reacts to conserved bacterial molecules. The outermost lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative organisms is highly inflammatory. It activates responsive cells via specific CD14 and toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) surface receptor and co-receptors. Gram-positive bacteria do not contain LPS, but carry surface teichoic acids, lipoteichoic acids and peptidoglycan instead. Among these, the thick peptidoglycan is the most conserved. It also triggers cytokine release via CD14, but uses the TLR2 co-receptor instead of TLR4 used by LPS. Moreover, whole peptidoglycan is 1000-fold less active than LPS in a weight-to-weight ratio. This suggests either that it is not important for inflammation, or that only part of it is reactive while the rest acts as ballast. Biochemical dissection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae cell walls indicates that the second assumption is correct. Long, soluble peptidoglycan chains (approximately 125 kDa) are poorly active. Hydrolysing these chains to their minimal unit (2 sugars and a stem peptide) completely abrogates inflammation. Enzymatic dissection of the pneumococcal wall generated a mixture of highly active fragments, constituted of trimeric stem peptides, and poorly active fragments, constituted of simple monomers and dimers or highly polymerized structures. Hence, the optimal constraint for activation might be 3 cross-linked stem peptides. The importance of structural constraint was demonstrated in additional studies. For example, replacing the first L-alanine in the stem peptide with a D-alanine totally abrogated inflammation in experimental meningitis. Likewise, modifying the D-alanine decorations of lipoteichoic acids with L-alanine, or deacylating them from their diacylglycerol lipid anchor also decreased the inflammatory response. Thus, although considered as a broad-spectrum pattern-recognizing system, innate immunity can detect very subtle differences in Gram-positive walls. This high specificity underlines the importance of using well-characterized microbial material in investigating the system.
These past few years, neoadjuvant strategy has taken an increasing place in the management of breast cancer patients. This strategy is mainly indicated to obtain a tumour bulk regression allowing a breast conserving surgery in patients that otherwise would have undergone mastectomy. Of note, development of new chemotherapy agents and targeted therapies has critically helped in the progress of neoadjuvant strategy as it is currently associated with better pathological response rates. In this context, the pathologist is at the crossroad of this multidisciplinary process. First, he provides on the initial core needle biopsy the tumour pathological characteristics that are critical for the choice of treatment strategy, i.e. histological type, histological grade, proliferative activity (mitotic count and Ki67/MIB1 index labeling), hormone receptor status (oestrogen receptor and progesterone receptor) and HER2 status. Secondly, the pathologist evaluates the pathological response and the status of surgical margins with regards to the residual tumour on the surgical specimen after neoadjuvant treatment. These parameters are important for the management of the patient, since it has been shown that complete pathological response is associated with improved disease free survival. Several grading systems are used to assess the pathological response in breast and axillary lymph nodes. The most frequently used in France are currently the systems described by Sataloff et al. and Chevallier et al. In this review, we detail the different steps involving the pathologist in neoadjuvant setting, with special regards to the quality process and future perspectives such as emerging predictive biomarkers.
Visual implant elastomer (VIE) has recently been employed to investigate different aspects of earthworm ecology. However, a number of fundamental questions relating to the detection and positioning of the tag, its persistence and potential effects on earthworms remain unknown. Seven earthworm species belonging to three ecological groupings, with different pigmentation and burrowing behaviour, were tagged using different coloured VIE. External inspection after two days, one week and 1, 10 and 27 months were followed by preservation, dissection and internal inspection. Tags could be seen in living specimens to 27 months, and dissection revealed that in most cases they were lodged in the coelomic cavity, held in place by septa. However, over longer time periods (more than two years), the chlorogogenous tissue tended to bind to the tags and made external observation increasingly difficult. Migration of the VIE material towards the posterior of the earthworm and potential loss of the tag were only observed on rare occasions, and a recovery rate in excess of 98% was recorded. By introducing a reasonable amount of VIE into segments, just after the clitellum, this technique can become a valuable tool in earthworm ecology and life history studies, particularly in short-medium term laboratory and field experiments.
In an attempt to improve tumor targeting and tumor retention time of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), we prepared biparatopic antibodies (BpAbs) having the capability of binding 2 different non-overlapping epitopes on the same target antigen molecule, namely, the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Six BpAbs were constructed by coupling 2 different Fab' fragments from 4 different specific anti-CEA MAbs recognizing 4 CEA epitopes (Gold 1-4). Demonstration of the double paratopic binding of these antibodies for CEA was confirmed in vitro by inhibition radioimmunoassay and cross-inhibition analysis by surface plasmon resonance (SPR; BIACORE) technology. Using the latter technique, the affinity constants for CEA immobilized onto the sensor chip were found to range from 0.37 to 1.54 x 10(9) M(-1) for the 4 parental F(ab')2 fragments and from 1.88 to 10.14 x 10(9) M(-1) for the BpAbs, demonstrating the advantage of biparatopic binding over conventional F(ab')2 binding. The Ka improvement was particularly high for BpAb F6/35A7 and BpAb F6/B17 with a 9.5- and 8.1-fold increase, respectively, as compared with the parental F(ab')2. In vivo, the 6 BpAbs were compared with their 2 respective parental F(ab')2 by injection of 131I-BpAb/125I-F(ab')2 parental fragments into nude mice xenografted with the human colon carcinoma T380. Dissection 72 hr post-injection demonstrated that BpAb B17/CE25 and BpAb F6/B17 gave higher tumor uptake than that of their parental F(ab')2. This finding is particularly interesting for BpAb F6/B17, which compared favorably with the F6 F(ab')2, one of the best parental F(ab')2 fragments used in our study.
BACKGROUND: Colonic endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is challenging as a result of the limited ability of conventional endoscopic instruments to achieve traction and exposure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of colonic ESD in a porcine model using a novel endoscopic surgical platform, the Anubiscope (Karl Storz, Tüttlingen, Germany), equipped with two working channels for surgical instruments with four degrees of freedom offering surgical triangulation. METHODS: Nine ESDs were performed by a surgeon without any ESD experience in three swine, at 25, 15, and 10 cm above the anal verge with the Anubiscope. Sixteen ESDs were performed by an experienced endoscopist in five swine using conventional endoscopic instruments. Major ESD steps included the following for both groups: scoring the area, submucosal injection of glycerol, precut, and submucosal dissection. Outcomes measured were as follows: dissection time and speed, specimen size, en bloc dissection, and complications. RESULTS: No perforations occurred in the Anubis group, while there were eight perforations (50 %) in the conventional group (p = 0.02). Complete and en bloc dissections were achieved in all cases in the Anubis group. Mean dissection time for completed cases was statistically significantly shorter in the Anubis group (32.3 ± 16.1 vs. 55.87 ± 7.66 min; p = 0.0019). Mean specimen size was higher in the conventional group (1321 ± 230 vs. 927.77 ± 229.96 mm(2); p = 0.003), but mean dissection speed was similar (35.95 ± 18.93 vs. 23.98 ± 5.02 mm(2)/min in the Anubis and conventional groups, respectively; p = 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: Colonic ESDs were feasible in pig models with the Anubiscope. This surgical endoscopic platform is promising for endoluminal surgical procedures such as ESD, as it is user-friendly, effective, and safe.
Colorectal cancer frequently disseminates through the portal vein into the liver. In this study, outbred Swiss nude mice were adapted to facilitate the induction of liver metastases by a pre-grafting treatment with 6 Gy total body irradiation and i.v. injection of anti-asialo GM1 antibody. One day later, cultured LS 174T human colon cancer cells were injected into the surgically exposed spleen, which was resected 3 min later. In 48 of 65 mice, a few to several hundred liver metastases were macroscopically observed at dissection 3 to 4 weeks after transplantation. Ten of 10 mice, followed-up for survival, died with multiple large confluent liver metastases. By reducing the radiation dose to 4 or 0 Gy, or omitting the anti-asialo GM1 antibody injection, only 60%, 37% or 50% of mice, respectively, had visible metastases 3 weeks after transplantation. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) measured in tumour extracts was in the mean 25.6 micrograms/g in liver metastases compared with 9.2 micrograms/g in s.c. tumours. Uptake of radiolabelled anti-CEA monoclonal antibody (MAb) in the metastases 12, 24 and 48 hr after injection gave a mean value of 39% of the injected dose per gram of tissue (ID/g). In comparison, MAb uptake in s.c. and intrasplenic tumours or lung metastases gave a mean percentage ID/g of 20, 18 and 15, respectively. Laser-induced fluorescence after injection of indocyanin-MAb conjugate allowed direct visual detection of small liver metastases, including some that were not visible under normal light. Preliminary results showed that mice, pre-treated with 4 Gy irradiation and the anti-asialo GM1 injection, were tolerant to radioimmunotherapy with a total dose of 500 muCi 131I labeled anti-CEA intact MAbs given in 3 injections.