949 resultados para Avicenna, 980-1037.


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We present here a simple methodology for calculating species inventories for allergenic pollen that can be used by atmospheric transport models. Ragweed (Ambrosia) species distribution or infection level on the Pannonian Plain has been used as an example of how the methodology can be used. The Pannonian Plain is one of the three main regions in Europe recognized as being polluted by Ambrosia. The methodology relies on spatial variations in annual Ambrosia pollen counts, knowledge on ragweed ecology and detailed land cover information. The results of this analysis showed that some of the highest mean annual ragweed pollen concentrations were witnessed around Kecskemét in central Hungary and Novi Sad in northern Serbia. These areas are also the areas with the highest density of Ambrosia habitats. The resulting inventory can be entered into atmospheric transport models in combination with other components such as a phenological model and a model for daily pollen release, in order to simulate the movement of ragweed pollen from the Pannonian Plain. The methodology is likely to be generally applicable for creating inventories of species distribution of allergenic plants. The main requirement is availability of: detailed land cover information; pollen indexes; a list of the most important habitats; and a region of interest that is mainly influenced by local sources.


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PURPOSE: To examine risk-taking and risk-perception associations with perceived exertion, pacing and performance in athletes. METHODS: Two experiments were conducted in which risk-perception was assessed using the domain-specific risk-taking (DOSPERT) scale in 20 novice cyclists (Experiment 1) and 32 experienced ultra-marathon runners (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, participants predicted their pace and then performed a 5 km maximum effort cycling time-trial on a calibrated KingCycle mounted bicycle. Split-times and perceived exertion were recorded every kilometer. In experiment 2, each participant predicted their split times before running a 100 km ultra-marathon. Split-times and perceived exertion were recorded at 7 check-points. In both experiments, higher and lower risk-perception groups were created using median split of DOSPERT scores. RESULTS: In experiment 1, pace during the first km was faster among lower compared to higher risk-perceivers, t(18)=2.0 P=0.03, and faster among higher compared lower risk-takers, t(18)=2.2 P=0.02. Actual pace was slower than predicted pace during the first km in both the higher risk perceivers, t(9)=-4.2 P=0.001, and lower risk-perceivers, t(9)=-1.8 P=0.049. In experiment 2, pace during the first 36 km was faster among lower compared to higher risk-perceivers, t(16)=2.0 P=0.03. Irrespective of risk-perception group, actual pace was slower than predicted pace during the first 18 km, t(16)=8.9 P<0.001, and from 18 to 36 km, t(16)=4.0 P<0.001. In both experiments there was no difference in performance between higher and lower risk-perception groups. CONCLUSIONS: Initial pace is associated with an individual's perception of risk, with low perceptions of risk being associated with a faster starting pace. Large differences between predicted and actual pace suggests the performance template lacks accuracy, perhaps indicating greater reliance on momentary pacing decisions rather than pre-planned strategy.


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In the present longitudinal study, we investigated attachment quality in Portuguese mother–infant and in father–infant dyads, and evaluated whether attachment quality was related to parental sensitivity during parent–infant social interaction or to the amount of time each parent spent with the infant during play and in routine caregiving activities (e.g., feeding, bathing, play). The sample consisted of 82 healthy full-term infants (30 girls, 53 boys, 48 first born), and their mothers and fathers from mostly middle-class households. To assess parental sensitivity, mothers and fathers were independently observed during free play interactions with their infants when infants were 9 and 15 months old. The videotaped interactions were scored by masked coders using the Crittenden’s CARE-Index. When infants were 12 and 18 months old, mother–infant and father–infant dyads were videotaped during an adaptation of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation. Parents also described their level of involvement in infant caregiving activities using a Portuguese version of the McBride and Mills Parent Responsibility Scale. Mothers were rated as being more sensitive than fathers during parent–infant free play at both 9 and 15 months. There also was a higher prevalence of secure attachment in mother–infant versus father–infant dyads at both 12 and 18 months. Attachment security was predicted by the amount of time mothers and fathers were involved in caregiving and play with the infant, and with parents’ behavior during parent–infant free play.


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RESUMO - Introdução: A ausência de um plano de contabilidade analítica para os Cuidados de Saúde Primários é um problema para a realização da contabilidade interna, fundamental para a gestão de qualquer instituição de saúde. Sem linhas orientadoras para a uniformização dos critérios de imputação e distribuição dos custos/proveitos, torna-se complicado obter dados analíticos para que haja um controlo de gestão mais eficaz, que permita a utilização dos recursos de uma forma eficiente e racional, melhorando a qualidade da prestação de cuidados aos utentes. Objectivo: O presente projecto de investigação tem como principal objectivo apurar o custo por utente nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Metodologia: Foi construída uma metodologia de apuramento de custos com base no método Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. O custo foi imputado a cada utente utilizando os seguintes costs drivers: tempo de realização da consulta e a produção realizada para a imputação dos custos com o pessoal médico; produção realizada para a imputação dos outros custos com o pessoal e dos custos indirectos variáveis; número total de utentes inscritos para a imputação dos custos indirectos fixos. Resultados: O custo total apurado foi 2.980.745,10€. O número médio de consultas é de 3,17 consultas por utente inscrito e de 4,72 consultas por utente utilizador. O custo médio por utente é de 195,76€. O custo médio por utente do género feminino é de 232,41€. O custo médio por utente do género masculino é de 154,80€. As rubricas com mais peso no custo total por utente são os medicamentos (40,32%), custo com pessoal médico (22,87%) e MCDT (17,18%). Conclusão: Na implementação de um sistema de apuramentos de custos por utente, é fulcral que existam sistemas de informação eficientes que permitam o registo dos cuidados prestados ao utente pelos vários níveis de prestação de cuidados. É importante também que a gestão não utilize apenas os resultados apurados como uma ferramenta de controlo de custos, devendo ser potenciada a sua utilização para a criação de valor ao utente.


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College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (a) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning; (b) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect; and (c) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.


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Recently, morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated multidector computerized tomography (MDCT) to help the development of future novel transcatheter therapies (TCT); nevertheless, the variability of such measurements remains unknown. Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography were evaluated. Continuous reformations of the ascending aorta, perpendicular to the centerline, were obtained automatically with a commercially available computer aided diagnosis (CAD). Then measurements of the maximal diameter were done with the CAD and manually by two observers (separately). Measurements were repeated one month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman coefficients, and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the variability, the correlation, and the differences between observers. The interobserver variability for maximal diameter between the two observers was up to 1.2 mm with limits of agreement [-1.5, +0.9] mm; whereas the intraobserver limits were [-1.2, +1.0] mm for the first observer and [-0.8, +0.8] mm for the second observer. The intraobserver CAD variability was 0.8 mm. The correlation was good between observers and the CAD (0.980-0.986); however, significant differences do exist (P<0.001). The maximum variability observed was 1.2 mm and should be considered in reports of measurements of the ascending aorta. The CAD is as reproducible as an experienced reader.


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El lenguado común, Paralichthys adspersus (Steindachner), es una especie que se captura frecuentemente en la pesca artesanal costera y se distribuye latitudinalmente a lo largo del litoral peruano; longitudinalmente puede alejarse hasta la isóbata de 200 m, por influencia del calentamiento de las aguas, sobre todo durante los eventos El Niño. Dado el interés comercial que este lenguado representa se consideró conveniente efectuar un estudio biológico-pesquero, el mismo que se realizó en el Laboratorio IMARPE de San José, durante los años de 1991 a 1997, a base de muestreos realizados en el área de pesca de Lambayeque (6° a 7°20' 5). Se le determinó como pez predador de las especies de peces que comparten su habitat. En las muestras capturadas no se registró el estadía gonadal inmaduro (I). La mayor frecuencia del estadío desovante (VI) ocurre entre los meses de octubre y febrero (primavera-verano), considerada como la época de reproducción. siendo la talla media de desove de 60,4 cm para las hembras y 43,1 cm para los machos. En las muestras no se hallaron peces con edades de 1 y 2 años, posiblemente debido a la selectividad de las redes de pesca. En los machos e registraron tallas menores, con edades hasta de 5 años; y las hembras tuvieron tallas mayores y edades hasta de 9 años. Los parámetros de crecimiento fueron calculados en L = 87,8 cm; P = 9,118 g; K= 0,20 y to = 0,46. Los índices de abundancia relativa, estimados como captura/viaje, por caletas o lugar de desembarque, fueron calculados entre 1 78,1 kg en Puerto Pizarro y O, 9 kg en Parachique y con promedios generales por caleta de 21,8 kg/viaje de pesca, 14,5 kg/ día de pesca y 314 kg/mes-caleta. Para el área de Lambayeque los índices variaron de 70,1 a 31,5 kg/lancha-mes y de 30,8 a 11,8 kg/viaje-mes, para los años 1991-1997, siendo los años de 1996 y 1997 los que presentaron los más bajos índices.


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Los principales resultados de la exploracíón del área entre Pto, Pizarro y Chímbote, entre las 20 y las 200 brazas de profundidad, fueron: Las mayores concentraciones demersales ocurrieron al norte de Salaverry donde el contenido de oxígeno en el fondo fue mayor de 0,6 m1/1. Se calculó la biomasa total de peces demersales en 2 millones de toneladas de las cuales 0,8 millones correspondieron a la merluza siguiendo en importancia el vocador, la cabrílla, la doncella y los congrios. Se hace notar la conveniencia de refinar los métodos de evaluación incluyendo una mejor estimación de los factores de eficiencia usados en el modelo de área barrida . Las condiciones oceanográficas del área al tiempo de la exploración se consideran dentro de lo normal con temperaturas favorables debidas a intensos afloramientos.


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El trabajo comprende un análisis de los desembarques de "ca amar" y "pota" desde 1964 a 1981 así como de los resultados de la pesca exploratoria de setiembre 1979 a abril 1 980. las principales especies de cafalópados que se comercializan en Perú bajo la nominación de calamares ( y calamaretes) pertenecen a la familia Loliginidae y de potas o jibias a la familia Ommastrephidae. El promedi o anual de desembarque de 1964 a 1971 de calamarés y potas fue de 243 y 313 toneladas respectivamente, de 1972 a 1981 continúa el desembarque regular de calamares pero no el de potas . Las mejores capturas de calamares y potas se producen en otoño durante los meses de mayo y junio y también en el verano durante los meses de enero y febrero . Casi la totalidad de desembarques de calamares se efectúan en el Callao, Huacho, Chimbote, Paita y el 78% de potas se desembarcan en el Callao y caletas aledañas. La pesca exploratoria de cefalópodos pelágicos efectuada principalmente a bordo del B/P japonés Rhyusho Maru Nº 25, de diciembre a abril 1980, cubrió todo el litoral peruano hasta las 500 mill as afuera. Se efectuaron 128 estaciones de pesca con el sistema y equipos especificas para la captura de calamares; se obtuvo una extracción de 18 toneladas de potas que correspondió a la especie oceánica Dosidicus gigas, con un promedi o de 140 kg por noche y amplitud entre 4 y 830 kg por noche de operación. Los niveles de la población de D. gigas durante la exploración estuvieron bajos, sin embargo las mejores concentraciones de esta especie se ubicaron en la zona norte a partir de las 30 millas hacia afuera en los meses de febrero y marzo( 246 y 224 kg/noche), observándose regu­lares focos a 350 millas afuera de Atico (16°10'8) en marzo (202 kg/noche) .


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1886/11/18 (Numéro 980).


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1913/01/02 (Numéro 1037).


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1887/01/16 (Numéro 1037).