996 resultados para Artificial source
Objective: Existing VADs are single-ventricle pumps needing anticoagulation. We developed a bi ventricular external assist device that reproduces the physiological heart muscle movement completely avoiding anticoagulants. Methods: The device has a carbon fibre skeleton fitting a 30-40 kg patient's heart, to which a Nitinol based artificial muscle is connected. The artificial muscle wraps both ventricles. The strength of the Nitinol fibres is amplified by a pivot articulation in contact with the ventricle wall. The fibres are electrically driven and a dedicated control unit has been developed. We assessed hemodynamic performances of this device using a previously described dedicated bench test. Volume ejected and pressure gradient has been measured with afterload ranging from 25 to 50mmHg. Results: With anafterload of 50mmHg the system has an ejection fraction (EF) of 10% on the right side and 8% on the left side. The system is able to generate a systolic ejection of 5,5 ml on the right side and 4,4 ml on the left side. With anafterload of 25mmHg the results are reduced of about 20%. The activation frequency is 80/minute resulting in a total volume displacement of 440 ml/minute on the right side and 352 ml/minute on the left side. Conclusions: The artificial muscle follows Starling's law as the ejected volume increases when afterload increases. These preliminary studies confirmed the possibility of improving the EF of a failing heart using artificial muscle for external cardiac compression. This device could be helpful in weaning CPB and/or for short-term cardio-circulatory support in paediatric population with cardiac failure.
A case of sustained combustion of a human body that occurred in 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland, is presented. The body of a man was discovered at home and found to have been almost completely incinerated between the knees and the mid-chest, with less damage to the head, arms, lower legs and feet. His dog was also found dead just behind the house door. The external source of ignition was most likely a cigarette or a cigar. The chair in which the man had been sitting was largely consumed while other objects in the room exhibited only a brown oily or greasy coating and were virtually undamaged. Toxicological analyses carried out on the blood from the lower legs showed low levels of desalkylflurazepam. Alcohol concentration was 1.10 per thousand, carboxyhaemoglobin levels were 12% and cyanide concentration was 0.05 mg/L. Toxicological analyses carried out on the dog's blood showed carboxyhaemoglobin levels at 65%.
Para estudar o método de polinização da cherimóia (Annona cherimola Mill.) que produza frutos em maior quantidade e melhor qualidade, instalou-se experimento em Pedra Bela - SP, a 1150 metros de altitude. As plantas eram de pé-franco, de 20 anos de idade. O experimento foi realizado em dois períodos, tendo o primeiro se iniciado em novembro de 1999 e finalizado em junho de 2000; o segundo iniciou-se em novembro de 2000 e encerrado em junho de 2001. A montagem do experimento foi efetuada no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 3 tratamentos e 12 repetições. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: 1) polinização natural; 2) polinização manual cruzada; 3) autopolinização (flores ensacadas). As plantas dos blocos foram polinizadas em diferentes dias. Avaliaram-se o vingamento dos frutos 10 dias após a polinização e a quantidade dos frutos com conformação perfeita ou defeituosa aos 40 dias. Após a colheita, os frutos foram pesados individualmente. Foram também amostrados dois frutos de cada bloco (em 1999) e três (em 2000), para as seguintes determinações: massa das sementes e da polpa, número de sementes por 100 gramas de polpa. A polinização artificial proporcionou maior vingamento de frutos (61,2% e 50,4%) em relação à polinização natural (19,6% e 3,3%), nos anos de 1999 e 2000, respectivamente. Foi mais efetiva quando realizada sob condições de temperatura variando de 17 ºC até 22 ºC e umidade relativa do ar entre 70 e 80 %. Verificou-se também aumento da porcentagem de frutos perfeitos (em 2000), da massa do fruto e do índice de sementes/100 g de polpa dos frutos polinizados artificialmente em relação aos polinizados naturalmente.
O Brasil tem se destacado como grande produtor de frutas, especialmente a pinha. A cultura é encontrada desde o norte do país até o estado de São Paulo. Atualmente, o cultivo desta fruteira se espalhou, com a ocorrência de grandes áreas em vários estados brasileiros. A polinização inadequada é um dos fatores limitantes na produção comercial destes frutos. Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos da polinização artificial foram utilizadas 20 plantas provenientes de um pomar comercial de pinha localizado no município de Nova Porteirinha, Minas Gerais. As flores foram polinizadas no estádio de fêmea por meio do uso de um pincel número dois. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos foram compostos de seis horários de polinização (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 e 10 horas), com cinco repetições, utilizando-se 10 flores por parcela. Foram avaliados a porcentagem de pegamento dos frutos, o comprimento, o diâmetro e o peso dos frutos, a porcentagem de frutos desuniformes, o peso da casca, polpa e sementes, o número de sementes e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais. Os melhores tratamentos para as características de peso de frutos e porcentagem de pegamento foram obtidos entre 6 e 10 horas. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais não foi afetado. Foram detectadas correlações positivas e significativas para os seguintes pares de caracteres: peso de fruto e diâmetro e peso de fruto e peso de casca.
Abstract The main objective of this work is to show how the choice of the temporal dimension and of the spatial structure of the population influences an artificial evolutionary process. In the field of Artificial Evolution we can observe a common trend in synchronously evolv¬ing panmictic populations, i.e., populations in which any individual can be recombined with any other individual. Already in the '90s, the works of Spiessens and Manderick, Sarma and De Jong, and Gorges-Schleuter have pointed out that, if a population is struc¬tured according to a mono- or bi-dimensional regular lattice, the evolutionary process shows a different dynamic with respect to the panmictic case. In particular, Sarma and De Jong have studied the selection pressure (i.e., the diffusion of a best individual when the only selection operator is active) induced by a regular bi-dimensional structure of the population, proposing a logistic modeling of the selection pressure curves. This model supposes that the diffusion of a best individual in a population follows an exponential law. We show that such a model is inadequate to describe the process, since the growth speed must be quadratic or sub-quadratic in the case of a bi-dimensional regular lattice. New linear and sub-quadratic models are proposed for modeling the selection pressure curves in, respectively, mono- and bi-dimensional regu¬lar structures. These models are extended to describe the process when asynchronous evolutions are employed. Different dynamics of the populations imply different search strategies of the resulting algorithm, when the evolutionary process is used to solve optimisation problems. A benchmark of both discrete and continuous test problems is used to study the search characteristics of the different topologies and updates of the populations. In the last decade, the pioneering studies of Watts and Strogatz have shown that most real networks, both in the biological and sociological worlds as well as in man-made structures, have mathematical properties that set them apart from regular and random structures. In particular, they introduced the concepts of small-world graphs, and they showed that this new family of structures has interesting computing capabilities. Populations structured according to these new topologies are proposed, and their evolutionary dynamics are studied and modeled. We also propose asynchronous evolutions for these structures, and the resulting evolutionary behaviors are investigated. Many man-made networks have grown, and are still growing incrementally, and explanations have been proposed for their actual shape, such as Albert and Barabasi's preferential attachment growth rule. However, many actual networks seem to have undergone some kind of Darwinian variation and selection. Thus, how these networks might have come to be selected is an interesting yet unanswered question. In the last part of this work, we show how a simple evolutionary algorithm can enable the emrgence o these kinds of structures for two prototypical problems of the automata networks world, the majority classification and the synchronisation problems. Synopsis L'objectif principal de ce travail est de montrer l'influence du choix de la dimension temporelle et de la structure spatiale d'une population sur un processus évolutionnaire artificiel. Dans le domaine de l'Evolution Artificielle on peut observer une tendence à évoluer d'une façon synchrone des populations panmictiques, où chaque individu peut être récombiné avec tout autre individu dans la population. Déjà dans les année '90, Spiessens et Manderick, Sarma et De Jong, et Gorges-Schleuter ont observé que, si une population possède une structure régulière mono- ou bi-dimensionnelle, le processus évolutionnaire montre une dynamique différente de celle d'une population panmictique. En particulier, Sarma et De Jong ont étudié la pression de sélection (c-à-d la diffusion d'un individu optimal quand seul l'opérateur de sélection est actif) induite par une structure régulière bi-dimensionnelle de la population, proposant une modélisation logistique des courbes de pression de sélection. Ce modèle suppose que la diffusion d'un individu optimal suit une loi exponentielle. On montre que ce modèle est inadéquat pour décrire ce phénomène, étant donné que la vitesse de croissance doit obéir à une loi quadratique ou sous-quadratique dans le cas d'une structure régulière bi-dimensionnelle. De nouveaux modèles linéaires et sous-quadratique sont proposés pour des structures mono- et bi-dimensionnelles. Ces modèles sont étendus pour décrire des processus évolutionnaires asynchrones. Différentes dynamiques de la population impliquent strategies différentes de recherche de l'algorithme résultant lorsque le processus évolutionnaire est utilisé pour résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation. Un ensemble de problèmes discrets et continus est utilisé pour étudier les charactéristiques de recherche des différentes topologies et mises à jour des populations. Ces dernières années, les études de Watts et Strogatz ont montré que beaucoup de réseaux, aussi bien dans les mondes biologiques et sociologiques que dans les structures produites par l'homme, ont des propriétés mathématiques qui les séparent à la fois des structures régulières et des structures aléatoires. En particulier, ils ont introduit la notion de graphe sm,all-world et ont montré que cette nouvelle famille de structures possède des intéressantes propriétés dynamiques. Des populations ayant ces nouvelles topologies sont proposés, et leurs dynamiques évolutionnaires sont étudiées et modélisées. Pour des populations ayant ces structures, des méthodes d'évolution asynchrone sont proposées, et la dynamique résultante est étudiée. Beaucoup de réseaux produits par l'homme se sont formés d'une façon incrémentale, et des explications pour leur forme actuelle ont été proposées, comme le preferential attachment de Albert et Barabàsi. Toutefois, beaucoup de réseaux existants doivent être le produit d'un processus de variation et sélection darwiniennes. Ainsi, la façon dont ces structures ont pu être sélectionnées est une question intéressante restée sans réponse. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, on montre comment un simple processus évolutif artificiel permet à ce type de topologies d'émerger dans le cas de deux problèmes prototypiques des réseaux d'automates, les tâches de densité et de synchronisation.
Pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifier technology is increasingly used in industrial applications like variable-speed motor drives, since it offers several desired features such as sinusoidal input currents, controllable power factor, bidirectional power flow and high quality DC output voltage. To achieve these features,however, an effective control system with fast and accurate current and DC voltage responses is required. From various control strategies proposed to meet these control objectives, in most cases the commonly known principle of the synchronous-frame current vector control along with some space-vector PWM scheme have been applied. Recently, however, new control approaches analogous to the well-established direct torque control (DTC) method for electrical machines have also emerged to implement a high-performance PWM rectifier. In this thesis the concepts of classical synchronous-frame current control and DTC-based PWM rectifier control are combined and a new converter-flux-based current control (CFCC) scheme is introduced. To achieve sufficient dynamic performance and to ensure a stable operation, the proposed control system is thoroughly analysed and simple rules for the controller design are suggested. Special attention is paid to the estimationof the converter flux, which is the key element of converter-flux-based control. Discrete-time implementation is also discussed. Line-voltage-sensorless reactive reactive power control methods for the L- and LCL-type line filters are presented. For the L-filter an open-loop control law for the d-axis current referenceis proposed. In the case of the LCL-filter the combined open-loop control and feedback control is proposed. The influence of the erroneous filter parameter estimates on the accuracy of the developed control schemes is also discussed. A newzero vector selection rule for suppressing the zero-sequence current in parallel-connected PWM rectifiers is proposed. With this method a truly standalone and independent control of the converter units is allowed and traditional transformer isolation and synchronised-control-based solutions are avoided. The implementation requires only one additional current sensor. The proposed schemes are evaluated by the simulations and laboratory experiments. A satisfactory performance and good agreement between the theory and practice are demonstrated.
The diffusion of mobile telephony began in 1971 in Finland, when the first car phones, called ARP1 were taken to use. Technologies changed from ARP to NMT and later to GSM. The main application of the technology, however, was voice transfer. The birth of the Internet created an open public data network and easy access to other types of computer-based services over networks. Telephones had been used as modems, but the development of the cellular technologies enabled automatic access from mobile phones to Internet. Also other wireless technologies, for instance Wireless LANs, were also introduced. Telephony had developed from analog to digital in fixed networks and allowed easy integration of fixed and mobile networks. This development opened a completely new functionality to computers and mobile phones. It also initiated the merger of the information technology (IT) and telecommunication (TC) industries. Despite the arising opportunity for firms' new competition the applications based on the new functionality were rare. Furthermore, technology development combined with innovation can be disruptive to industries. This research focuses on the new technology's impact on competition in the ICT industry through understanding the strategic needs and alternative futures of the industry's customers. The change speed inthe ICT industry is high and therefore it was valuable to integrate the DynamicCapability view of the firm in this research. Dynamic capabilities are an application of the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm. As is stated in the literature, strategic positioning complements RBV. This theoretical framework leads theresearch to focus on three areas: customer strategic innovation and business model development, external future analysis, and process development combining these two. The theoretical contribution of the research is in the development of methodology integrating theories of the RBV, dynamic capabilities and strategic positioning. The research approach has been constructive due to the actual managerial problems initiating the study. The requirement for iterative and innovative progress in the research supported the chosen research approach. The study applies known methods in product development, for instance, innovation process in theGroup Decision Support Systems (GDSS) laboratory and Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and combines them with known strategy analysis tools like industry analysis and scenario method. As the main result, the thesis presents the strategic innovation process, where new business concepts are used to describe the alternative resource configurations and scenarios as alternative competitive environments, which can be a new way for firms to achieve competitive advantage in high-velocity markets. In addition to the strategic innovation process as a result, thestudy has also resulted in approximately 250 new innovations for the participating firms, reduced technology uncertainty and helped strategic infrastructural decisions in the firms, and produced a knowledge-bank including data from 43 ICT and 19 paper industry firms between the years 1999 - 2004. The methods presentedin this research are also applicable to other industries.
IIn electric drives, frequency converters are used to generatefor the electric motor the AC voltage with variable frequency and amplitude. When considering the annual sale of drives in values of money and units sold, the use of low-performance drives appears to be in predominant. These drives have tobe very cost effective to manufacture and use, while they are also expected to fulfill the harmonic distortion standards. One of the objectives has also been to extend the lifetime of the frequency converter. In a traditional frequency converter, a relatively large electrolytic DC-link capacitor is used. Electrolytic capacitors are large, heavy and rather expensive components. In many cases, the lifetime of the electrolytic capacitor is the main factor limiting the lifetime of the frequency converter. To overcome the problem, the electrolytic capacitor is replaced with a metallized polypropylene film capacitor (MPPF). The MPPF has improved properties when compared to the electrolytic capacitor. By replacing the electrolytic capacitor with a film capacitor the energy storage of the DC-linkwill be decreased. Thus, the instantaneous power supplied to the motor correlates with the instantaneous power taken from the network. This yields a continuousDC-link current fed by the diode rectifier bridge. As a consequence, the line current harmonics clearly decrease. Because of the decreased energy storage, the DC-link voltage fluctuates. This sets additional conditions to the controllers of the frequency converter to compensate the fluctuation from the supplied motor phase voltages. In this work three-phase and single-phase frequency converters with small DC-link capacitor are analyzed. The evaluation is obtained with simulations and laboratory measurements.
O fotoperíodo, a temperatura do ar e a umidade do solo são fatores determinantes na produção do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg). A sua baixa produção no período de agosto a novembro é conseqüência do não-florescimento e frutificação em função das condições climáticas. O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a iluminação artificial associada ou não à irrigação, no florescimento e frutificação do maracujazeiro-amarelo. Compararam-se quatro sistemas de produção, combinando-se: iluminação artificial/irrigação/sombreamento; iluminação artificial/irrigação; iluminação artificial/sombreamento; iluminação artificial, e um tratamento-testemunha, em condições naturais. Os tratamentos foram submetidos a três diferentes épocas de iluminação (12 de abril, 27 de abril e 12 de maio). O experimento foi conduzido na área da Escola Técnica Agrícola de Adamantina-SP, na região da Alta Paulista, no período de abril a novembro de 1997. De acordo com os resultados, a iluminação artificial com e sem irrigação aumentou o número de flores, o número e a produção de frutos por área do maracujazeiro-amarelo. A irrigação não alterou o florescimento, a frutificação e a produtividade em maracujazeiro iluminado, mas reduziu o número de flores em ambiente sombreado. O sombreamento com e sem irrigação reduziu o número de flores. O tratamento iluminado/irrigado/sombreado aumentou a porcentagem de vingamento de frutos. O florescimento, a frutificação e a produção por área não foram significativamente alterados pelas diferentes épocas de iluminação.
AIMS: Many studies have suggested a close relationship between alcohol use disorder (AUD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). This study aimed to test whether the relationship between self-reported AUD and MDD was artificially strengthened by the diagnosis of MDD. This association was tested comparing relationships between alcohol use and AUD for depressive people and non-depressive people. METHODS: As part of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors, 4352 male Swiss alcohol users in their early twenties answered questions concerning their alcohol use, AUD and MDD at two time points. Generalized linear models for cross-sectional and longitudinal associations were calculated. RESULTS: For cross-sectional associations, depressive participants reported a higher number of AUD symptoms (β = 0.743, P < 0.001) than non-depressive participants. Moreover, there was an interaction (β = -0.204, P = 0.001): the relationship between alcohol use and AUD was weaker for depressive participants rather than non-depressive participants. For longitudinal associations, there were almost no significant relationships between MDD at baseline and AUD at follow-up, but the interaction was still significant (β = -0.249, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: MDD thus appeared to be a confounding variable in the relationship between alcohol use and AUD, and self-reported measures of AUD seemed to be overestimated by depressive people. This result brings into question the accuracy of self-reported measures of substance use disorders. Furthermore, it adds to the emerging debate about the usefulness of substance use disorder as a concept, when heavy substance use itself appears to be a sensitive and reliable indicator.