986 resultados para Array-CGH
First isolated in the fly and now characterised in vertebrates, the Slit proteins have emerged as pivotal components controlling the guidance of axonal growth cones and the directional migration of neuronal precursors. As well as extensive expression during development of the central nervous system (CNS), the Slit proteins exhibit a striking array of expression sites in non-neuronal tissues, including the urogenital system, limb primordia and developing eye. Zebrafish Slit has been shown to mediate mesodermal migration during gastrulation, while Drosophila slit guides the migration of mesodermal cells during myogenesis. This suggests that the actions of these secreted molecules are not simply confined to the sphere of CNS development, but rather act in a more general fashion during development and throughout the lifetime of an organism. This review focuses on the non-neuronal activities of Slit proteins, highlighting a common role for the Slit family in cellular migration.
The molecular events that drive the initiation and progression of ovarian adenocarcinoma are not well defined. We have investigated changes in gene expression in ovarian cancer cell lines compared to an immortalized human ovarian surface epithelial cell line (HOSE) using a cDNA array. We identified 17 genes that were under-expressed and 10 genes that were over-expressed in the cell lines compared to the HOSE cells. One of the genes under-expressed in the ovarian cancer cell lines, Id3, a transcriptional inactivator, was selected for further investigation. Id3 mRNA was expressed at reduced levels in 6 out of 9 ovarian cancer cell lines compared to the HOSE cells while at the protein level, all 7 ovarian cancer cell lines examined expressed the Id3 protein at greatly reduced levels. Expression of Id3 mRNA was also examined in primary ovarian tumours and was found in only 12/38 (32%) cases. A search was conducted far mutations of Id3 in primary ovarian cancers using single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Only one nucleotide substitution, present also in the corresponding constitutional DNA, was found in 94 ovarian tumours. Furthermore no association was found between LOH at 1p36 and lack of expression of Id3. These data suggest that Id3 is not the target of LOH at 1p36. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.
The spermatozoa of Gymnophiona show the following autapomorphies: 1) penetration of the distal centriole by the axial fiber; 2) presence of an acrosomal baseplate; 3) presence of an acrosome seat (flattened apical end of nucleus); and 4) absence of juxta-axonemal fibers. The wide separation of the plasma membrane bounding the undulating membrane is here also considered to be apomorphic. Three plesiomorphic spermatozoal characters are recognized that are not seen in other Amphibia but occur in basal amniotes: 1) presence of mitochondria with a delicate array of concentric cristae (concentric cristae of salamander spermatozoa differ in lacking the delicate array); 2) presence of peripheral dense fibers associated with the triplets of the distal centriole; and 3) presence of a simple annulus (a highly modified, elongate annulus is present in salamander sperm). The presence of an endonuclear canal containing a perforatorium is a plesiomorphic feature of caecilian spermatozoa that is shared with urodeles, some basal anurans, sarcopterygian fish, and some amniotes. Spermatozoal synapornorphies are identified for 1) the Uraeotyphlidae and Ichthyophiidae, an 2) the Caeciliidae and Typhlonectidae, suggesting that the members of each pair of families are more closely related to each other than to other caecilians. Although caecilian spermatozoa exhibit the clear amphibian synapomorphy of the unilateral location of the undulating membrane and its axial fiber, they have no apomorphic characters that suggest a closer relationship to either the Urodela or Axiura. J. Morphol. 258:179-192, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Hot-wire anemometers at low operating currents are used as fast response resistance thermometers for the study of heated turbulent flows. Simultaneous measurement of temperature and velocity is generally performed with multi-wire arrays. In order to give good spatial resolution a new layout has been tested which uses an inclined temperature wire positioned parallel to the nearest inclined velocity wire. This leads to an asymmetric wire arrangement relative to the mean flow direction. As expected, a reduction in thermal interference from the velocity wires results when compared with an array containing a temperature wire placed normal to the flow. However, measurement of higher order moments of fluctuating quantities in an axisymmetric jet shows considerable distortion of radial distributions which is traced to alteration of the temperature field sensed by the temperature wire. When inclined velocity sensitive wires contain a temperature component, the latter may be affected by the same phenomenon.
This paper presents the design of Ku-band (12.25 12.75 GHz) dual-polarized reflectarrays for Optus BI satellites to obtain a contoured beam for Australia and New Zealand. The specified radiation pattern is synthesized using a phase-only synthesis method based on the concept of intersection approach. Having determined the phasing data, single- and double-layer reflectarrays ore designed using variable-size rectangular patches. The performances of the two reflectarrays are assessed by comparing their radiation patterns with the assumed pattern. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 37: 321-325, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10. 1002/mop. 10907.
An equivalent unit cell waveguide approach (WGA) is described to obtain reflection coefficient phase curves for designing a microstrip patch reflectarray supported by a ground plane with periodic apertures or slots. Based on the presented theory, a computer algorithm for determining the reflection coefficient of a plane wave normally incident on a multi-layer structure of patches and apertures is developed. The validity of the developed algorithm is verified by comparing the obtained results with those published in the literature and the ones generated by Agilent High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). A good agreement in all the presented examples is obtained, proving that the developed theory and computer algorithm can be an effective tool for designing multi-layer microstrip reflectarrays with a periodically perforated ground plane. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
An equivalent unit cell waveguide approach (WGA) to designing 4 multilayer microstrip reflectarray of variable size patches is presented. In this approach, a normal incidence of a plane wave on an infinite periodic array of radiating elements is considered to obtain reflection coefficient phase curves for the reflectarray's elements. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to the problem of reflection of the dominant TEM mode in a waveguide with patches interleaved by layers of dielectric. This waveguide problem is solved using a field matching technique and a method of moments (MoM). Based on this solution, a fast computer algorithm is developed to generate reflection coefficient phase curves for a multilayer microstrip patch reflectarray. The validity of the developed algorithm is tested against alternative approaches and Agilent High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). Having confirmed the validity of the WGA approach, a small offset feed two-layer microstrip patch array is designed and developed. This reflectarray is tested experimentally and shows good performance.
This communications describes an electromagnetic model of a radial line planar antenna consisting of a radial guide with one central probe and many peripheral probes arranged in concentric circles feeding an array of antenna elements such as patches or wire curls. The model takes into account interactions between the coupling probes while assuming isolation of radiating elements. Based on this model, computer programs are developed to determine equivalent circuit parameters of the feed network and the radiation pattern of the radial line planar antenna. Comparisons are made between the present model and the two-probe model developed earlier by other researchers.
To define the location of potential oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in ocular melanoma we carried out comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis on a population-based series of 25 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary tumors comprising 17 choroidal, 2 ciliary body, 4 iris, and 2 conjunctival melanomas. Twelve (48%) of the 25 melanomas showed no chromosomal changes and 13 (52%) had at least one chromosomal gain or loss. The mean number of CGH changes in all tumors was 3.3, with similar mean numbers of chromosomal gains (1.5) and losses (1.8). The highest number of chromosomal changes (i.e., nine) occurred in a conjunctival melanoma and included four changes not observed in tumors at any other ocular site (gains in 22q and 11p and losses in 6p and 17p). The most frequent gains in all primary ocular melanomas were on chromosome arm 8q (69%), 6p (31%) and 8p (23%) and the most frequent losses were on 6q (38%), 10q (23%), and 16q (23%). The most common pairing was gain in 8p and gain in 8q, implying a whole chromosome copy number increase; gains in 8p occurred only in conjunction with gains in 8q. The smallest regions of copy number alteration were mapped to gain of 8q21 and loss of 6q21, 10q21, and 16q22. Sublocalization of these chromosomal changes to single-band resolution should accelerate the identification of genes involved in the genesis of ocular melanoma.
This study describes the derivation of two new lines of transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase under the control of tyrosinase transcriptional elements. To determine the suitability of the Tyrosinase-Cre transgene for tissue-specific gene ablation studies, a fate map of Cre expression domains was determined using the Z/AP reporter strain. It was shown that Cre-expressing cells contribute to a wide array of neural crest and neuroepithelial-derived lineages. The melanocytes of the harderian gland and eye choroid, sympathetic cephalic ganglia, leptomeninges of the telencephalon, as well as cranial nerves (V), (VII), and (IX) are derived either fully or partly from Cre-expressing cephalic crest. The cells contributing to the cranial nerves were the first to exhibit Cre expression at E10.5 as they were migrating into the branchial arches. The melanocytes, chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and dorsal root ganglia are derived from trunk neural crest that either express Cre or were derived from Cre-expressing precursors. An array of brain tissue including the basal forebrain, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and the granule cell layer of the lateral cerebellum, as well as the retinal pigmented epithelium and glia of the optic nerve originate from Cre-expressing neuroepithelial cells. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This review summarizes the development of exclusion chromatography, also termed gel filtration, molecular-sieve chromatography and gel permeation chromatography, for the quantitative characterization of solutes and solute interactions. As well as affording a means of determining molecular mass and molecular mass distribution, the technique offers a convenient way of characterizing solute selfassociation and solute-ligand interactions in terms of reaction stoichiometry and equilibrium constant. The availability of molecular-sieve media with different selective porosities ensures that very little restriction is imposed on the size of solute amenable to study. Furthermore, access to a diverse array of assay procedures for monitoring the column eluate endows analytical exclusion chromatography with far greater flexibility than other techniques from the viewpoint of solute concentration range that can be examined. In addition to its widely recognized prowess as a means of solute separation and purification, exclusion chromatography thus also possesses considerable potential for investigating the functional roles of the purified solutes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Fatty acids inhibit insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle, an effect largely attributed to defects in insulin-mediated glucose transport. Insulin-resistant mice transgenic for the overexpression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in skeletal muscle were used to examine the molecular mechanism(s) in more detail. Using DNA gene chip array technology, and confirmation by RT-PCR and Western analysis, increases in the yeast Sec1p homolog Munc18c mRNA and protein were found in the gastrocnemius muscle of transgenic mice, but not other tissues. Munc18c has been previously demonstrated to impair insulin-mediated glucose transport in mammalian cells in vitro. Of interest, stably transfected C2C12 cells overexpressing LPL not only demonstrated increases in Munc18c mRNA and protein but also in transcription rates of the Munc18c gene. jlr To confirm the relevance of fatty acid metabolism and insulin resistance to the expression of Munc18c in vivo, a 2-fold increase in Munc18c protein was demonstrated in mice fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks. Together, these data are the first to implicate in vivo increases in Munc18c as a potential contributing mechanism to fatty acid-induced insulin resistance.
Venomous animals have evolved a vast array of peptide toxins for prey capture and defence. These peptides are directed against a wide variety of pharmacological targets, making them an invaluable source of ligands for studying the properties of these targets in different experimental paradigms. A number of these peptides have been used in vivo for proof-of-concept studies, with several having undergone preclinical or clinical development for the treatment of pain, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Here we survey the pharmacology of venom peptides and assess their therapeutic prospects.
Subtractive imaging in confocal fluorescence light microscopy is based on the subtraction of a suitably weighted widefield image from a confocal image. An approximation to a widefield image can be obtained by detection with an opened confocal pinhole. The subtraction of images enhances the resolution in-plane as well as along the optic axis. Due to the linearity of the approach, the effect of subtractive imaging in Fourier-space corresponds to a reduction of low spatial frequency contributions leading to a relative enhancement of the high frequencies. Along the direction of the optic axis this also results in an improved sectioning. Image processing can achieve a similar effect. However, a 3D volume dataset must be acquired and processed, yielding a result essentially identical to subtractive imaging but superior in signal-to-noise ratio. The latter can be increased further with the technique of weighted averaging in Fourier-space. A comparison of 2D and 3D experimental data analysed with subtractive imaging, the equivalent Fourier-space processing of the confocal data only, and Fourier-space weighted averaging is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.