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Interessada em atividades com foco conservacionista, a Ong SOS Cuesta Botucatu foi selecionada pelo programa Petrobrás Ambiental para desenvolver o Projeto Córrego da Cascata no município de Botucatu. Este projeto é uma proposta de mobilização e educação ambiental para envolver a sociedade, principalmente a população ribeirinha, na gestão e no planejamento estratégico de recuperação e conservação ambiental da Microbacia Hidrográfica do Córrego da Cascata. O foco do projeto é promover a reversão dos processos de degradação e planejar ações estratégicas integradas e participativas de manejo e de gestão para a preservação da qualidade ambiental desse córrego urbano, por meio de uma caracterização socioambiental da referida Microbacia. Em relação à caracterização ambiental, o presente estudo refere-se ao levantamento da mastofauna em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica situados na área da Microbacia. O levantamento dos mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte foi realizado no período de abril de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012, com a utilização de dois métodos: parcelas de areia e câmeras trap. Outros dois métodos complementares também foram utilizados na tentativa de conseguir resultados que, invariavelmente, não seriam obtidos com as metodologias acima, como entrevistas e registro de atropelamentos. O objetivo é avaliar a riqueza da mastofauna da região comparando com trabalhos anteriores feitos em fragmentos com características semelhantes aos inseridos na Microbacia do Córrego da Cascata, Botucatu, São Paulo. Foram registradas 14 espécies de mamíferos pertencentes a sete Ordens distintas, sendo duas espécies consideradas ameaçadas. Houve predominância de registros de animais generalistas/oportunistas em áreas com menor diversidade de mastofauna


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As explosões de violência que assolam a sociedade humana são noticiadas diariamente pela mídia, e vivenciadas pelos indivíduos. As queixas sobre a disseminação da violência estão espalhadas como areia pelo vento. As manifestações de agressão podem ocorrer por diversos motivos: disputas por território, fama, “status”, para impor dominação, agressividade como forma de alerta, para atingir um objetivo sexual, um instrumento para humilhar e coagir o outro, entre outros tantos e variados motivos. As ciências que se ocupam do estudo das relações humanas abordam o tema, mas devido à complexidade e abrangência de suas manifestações, existem muito mais lacunas do que respostas. A agressividade e violência não são exclusivas da sociedade humana, mas graças ao desenvolvimento técnico-científico, para a humanidade a associação entre estas tendências e a capacidade destrutiva do homem, geralmente, são catastróficas, ameaçando não apenas sua própria espécie, mas tudo ao seu redor. É impossível negar a ancestralidade comum entre o homem e os grandes primatas, chimpanzés, orangotangos, gorilas e bonobos. Intrigante é o fato de encontrar ocorrências de atos violentos semelhantes aos humanos entre eles. Por exemplo, orangotangos cometem estupros, chimpanzés além de surras, atacam de modo mortal indivíduos da mesma espécie, e entre gorilas o infanticídio é um ato banal. Apenas os bonobos fogem deste legado violento, apresentando-se como sociedade pacífica, liderada por fêmeas, onde conflitos são resolvidos pelo ato sexual. Os chimpanzés são extremamente próximos aos humanos, compartilhando mais de 95% da bagagem genética. A diferença entre os chimpanzés e humanos é menor do que a existente entre eles e os gorilas. A agressividade em ambos é algo que chama atenção para o possível legado genético, visto ser uma característica comportamental típica dos animais. No caso do ser humano, este tipo de...


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The AA356 alloy is an alloy widely used in the automotive industry and aerospace due to its excellent mechanical properties. Refining the structure of eutectic silicon aluminum alloys is a fairly common practice in the foundry through treatment known as modification. This can be achieved by modifying agent adding chemicals such as contained in groups I and IIa of the periodic table and rare earths (europium, céreioi, praseodymium, neodymium, etc.). Has the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce an action modifier strong when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of the shafts turn silicon into a fibrous form and branched surrounded by metallic matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. In this work will be obtained ingots with and without the modifier type Al-10% Sr, made in sand molds and are generated and analyzed cooling curves and also the study of the macrostructure and microstructure of the solidified material. It was found that by adding the Al-Sr made shorten the solidification time and lower the grain size


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Groundwater in the Rio Claro district is predominantly extracted from low productivity wells on the Itararé Aquifer, from depths greater than 150 m. These factors in conjunction with increasing demand for water supply have stimulated many industries to exploit the Rio Claro Aquifer, constituted by Cenozoic sediments of the Rio Claro Formation, where hydraulic properties are poorly known. For this reason, it is necessary to study the possible vulnerable to contamination punctual locations of the aquifer, in order to enable proper management of these groundwater reserves and to allow continuity of supply. Thus, this study aims to assess the vulnerability to groundwater on contamination Rio Claro Aquifer, punctually in Mandu mining site area, located in the District of Ajapi, Rio Claro - SP, the company which operates and sells industrial sand. The risk of groundwater contamination depends on the relationship between the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer layer (vulnerability to contamination) and the pollutant load. To evaluate the susceptibility to contamination it was applied the method GOD (FOSTER and HIRATA, 1987; FOSTER et. al., 2002) and, in addition, field and laboratory tests were performed to chacacterize the granulometry of the strata, hydraulic conductivity and some physical indices to make the evaluation more assertive and detailed. Punctual contamination vulnerability found in the aquifer Rio Claro, was moderate, which means that the aquifer is vulnerable to some contaminants, but when continuously discharged or leached. Thus, Mandu mining has a great role on preventing the emission of contaminants in the process of extraction and processing of sand... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Callinectes ornatus tem sua distribuição geográfica no Atlântico ocidental: da Carolina do Norte até a Florida, golfo do México, Antilhas, Colômbia, Venezuela, Guiana e Brasil (Amapá ao Rio Grande ao Sul), ocorrendo em fundos de areia, lama e águas menos salinas podendo alcançar 75 metros de profundidade (Melo, 1996). Essa espécie tem um papel importante na teia trófica marinha, pois possui o habito carnívoro oportunista alimentando se também de detritos, assim controlando a estrutura de várias comunidades bentônicas (Haefner, 1990; Mantelatto & Christofoletti, 2001; Mantelatto et al., 2002). O presente estudo aborda as populações de C. ornatus que vivem no infralitoral não-consolidado das regiões das Ilhas do Mar Virado e das Couves, localizadas no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, e teve por objetivo a caracterização dos períodos de recrutamento e reprodutivos da espécie baseado na presença de jovens/adultos e fêmeas ovígeras respectivamente. Os dados utilizados nesse estudo foram coletados do Verão de 1998 á Primavera de 1999 no infralitoral não consolidado das Ilhas do Mar Virado e das Couves totalizando dois anos. As amostragens foram realizadas mensalmente, com auxilio de um barco de pesca equipado com duas redes do tipo “double-rig”. O total coletado durante os dois anos foi de 1164 animais. Os menores indivíduos machos e fêmeas encontrados na Ilha do Mar Virado apresentam os seguintes tamanhos respectivamente 22,2 mm e 17,7 mm, já na Ilha das Couves foram de 20,2 mm e de 32,3 mm. Foi obtido um total de 12 classes de tamanho, com 5,0 mm de amplitude. As duas primeiras classes foram ocupadas apenas por indivíduos jovens já as cinco ultimas principalmente por indivíduos adultos e fêmeas ovígeras. Para os indivíduos machos adultos foi possível observar o deslocamento de modas da Primavera de 1998 à Primavera de 1999... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A formação de mosaicos de habitats em regiões de reflorestamento e outras atividades antrópicas acabam influenciando na comunidade de mamíferos silvestres, de diferentes formas. Os mamíferos de médio e grande porte têm importantes funções como dispersores de sementes, polinizadores e predadores. Concomitantemente, este grupo de animais vem se tornando cada vez mais ameaçado na Mata Atlântica, especialmente no estado de São Paulo. O presente estudo realizou a caracterização da comunidade de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte, presente em dois ambientes: fragmentos de vegetação natural e talhões de eucalipto. Para tanto, foram utilizados métodos indiretos de registro: observação de pegadas em transectos lineares e em armadilhas de areia. De acordo com a curva acumulativa de espécies, o esforço amostral se mostrou suficiente para registrar as espécies que vivem no ambiente de mata e eucalipto. A riqueza de espécies na mata foi maior que a riqueza nos eucaliptos, sendo este último, um ambiente preferencialmente de passagem, enquanto a mata é um habitat natural para os mamíferos. Entretanto, o ambiente de eucalipto se mostra importante para diversas espécies de mamíferos, que utilizam este ambiente como abrigo e para busca de recursos


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A parameter commonly used in investigations of environmental magnetism is the magnetic susceptibility (MS), which is the quantitative measure of the ability of magnetization of a specific material in the presence of an induced magnetic field. The present study aimed to determine the magnetic susceptibility of sediments collected on the continental shelf near the Santos Basin, southeast of the São Sebastião island (25°57.97’S 45°07.81'W), seeking to identify the possible source area of terrigenous sediments and the flow patterns of siliciclastic sediment yield in the area. It was used particle size analysis and contents of organic matter and calcium carbonate to characterize the sediments, besides paleomagnetism parameters. The analyzed material - core NAP61-1 - was collected using the piston corer sampler in 60 meters water depth, recovering 3.98 meters of sediment core. As from experiments, cyclicity was observed in relative abundance between sand and silt, most likely due to rapid and cyclical variations in the depositional environment. In general, the MS values are low, and show that the sand supply (terrigenous material) has a certain consistency, probably having the same origin. More absolute age is still necessary to establish clearly the events marked here


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One of the most important strategies for biodiversity conservation is the establishment of protected areas, which protect areas important for the survival of several species. The park “Parque Natural Municipal Cachoeira da Marta”, located in Botucatu, São Paulo, is a unit of strictly protected area and aims to conserve the ecosystems and the biodiversity that exists in the area. The park has a management plan, but this does not include a survey of mammals present in the area, which is relevant as the group has a high degree of threat and a huge ecological importance. Thus, this study aimed to conduct a quick survey of terrestrial mammals of medium and large through the methodology of sand plots, with 25 plots distributed in five areas throughout the park. We recorded 4 orders, 6 families and 9 species (Nasua Nasua, Eira Barbara, Procyon cancrivorous, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus sp., Dasypus novemcinctus, Tamandua tetradctyla, and Cavia aperea Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Most animals marked are generalist feeding habits, but it was also reported the presence of species more demanding regarding the quality of the habitat


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Atropelamentos associados à fragmentação dos habitats naturais, tanto para construção de estradas, quanto para agricultura, são uma das principais causas de mortalidade para várias espécies de animais silvestres pelo mundo todo. Durante o período de agosto de 2011 e junho de 2012, em um trecho da Estrada Vicinal Alcides Rodrigues Soares do município de Botucatu, interior do estado de SP, foi realizado o levantamento de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte através do método de parcelas de areia e transecto, além da procura de carcaça de animais atropelados. Espécies como Onça-parda (Puma concolor) e Tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), ambas em situação vulnerável de extinção, foram registradas em proximidade da estrada. Através dos dados obtidos, tem se como objetivo demonstrar a importância da valorização da fauna local, com a construção de passagens de fauna, como uma das medidas para a sua conservação e consequente redução dos diversos distúrbios e impactos causados por estradas


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Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are between the biological richest areas in the world, for that are considered top conservation priorities. Those ecosystems are found at Botucatu region, where it´s extremely fragmented by routes, agricultural areas and urban centres. This fragmentation causes restrictions on animals populations, in particular to medium and large mammals, that needs larger areas to live and also are often hunted. Even isolated and suffering anthropic influences the fragments are fundamental for local biodiversity conservation. We realized a mammal survey on two forest fragments of Atlantic forest transition to Cerrado of Rubião Júnior – Botucatu – SP – Brazil: Santo Antônio Church and Parque das Cascatas forests. The Santo Antônio church munt is considered a turistic point and its forest receive many visitants, Parque das Cascatas forest is inside of a residential condominium. Both areas are classify as semidecidual stational forest and are disconected by Domingos Sartori route, that connect Botucatu centre to Rubião Júnior district. Around both fragments can be found residences, plantations and pastures. The utilized method included: recognition of tracks on the forests, interviews with next residents and sand plots mounting. The interviews indicated 29 mammals species, and 19 was validated for animal traces, overruns or visualization. Other 3 species found were not mentioned on interviews. Totally, was found 22 small and medium mammals presence evidences on both forest fragments. Parque das Cascatas forest showed more diversity (19) then Santo Antônio Church forest (11), and species like Eira barbara, Procyon cancrivorus, Mazama americana, Shiggurus villosus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Didelphis albiventris, Lutreolina crassicaudata and Lepus europaeus looked for other areas once that was verifyed overruns of individuals... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The mining of sand, currently, is essential for urban growth, by providing input for the building industry. The consequences of this mining activity to environmental triggers may be severe and irreversible. Among the major impacts caused by sand mining the riparian vegetation removal is detached. The riparian vegetation is essential for balance and maintaining the local ecosystem. For all that had been shown, is possible to verify the importance of environmental studies in areas wich there are mining. This study aimed specially to assess environmental impacts triggered by a mining, located near the headwaters of the stream Mandu, situated in Ajapi, District of Rio Claro-SP. For this purpose, we used remote sensing techniques and GIS to produce thematic maps of slope, pedology, geology, land use and occupation of the soil, and riparian vegetation, using the capabilities of GIS / ArcGIS. The slope map was based on data from the Cartographic IGC 1979, scale 1:10,000. For the production of pedological and geological maps were used Semi-Detailed soil survey of the state of São Paulo, 1981 (1:100,000) and the Geological Map of Zaine (1994), scale 1:50,000, respectively. Since the maps of Use and Land Occupation and Riparian Forest were obtained by visual interpretation of the image of CBERS 2010 following the merger between the HRC and CCD images. From these mappings, and through multi-criteria analysis, map of susceptibility to erosion was made, which supported the environmental assessment of the studied area, indicating susceptible and unsuitable areas for the deployment of economic activities and urban sprawl. This study serves as a model can be replicated in other watersheds, assisting in the proper use planning and land use, aiming at the rational use of natural resources


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The growing demand for electricity in Brazil has stimulated the implementation of Small Hydro Power (PCH) in various regions of the country. However, the silting of reservoirs is a major problem faced by power plants and power plants. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the data hydrosedimentological strategic points of the watershed of the Alto Rio Sucuriú (MS) to identify the possible causes siltation of the reservoir PCH Costa Rica and suggest mitigation measures. Hydrosedimentological surveys were conducted during the rainy season (February / March 2012) and drought (August 2012), and obtained data flow, discharge liquid, suspended solids and bottom and organic matter content. Based on these results it was determined that the points 2, 4, 7 and 9 are the largest contributors to sedimentation, and point 4 got most liquid discharge (38,20 m3s-1), point 7 largest discharge of solid suspension (906,3 mg L-1), points 2 and 4 major discharges solid totals (231,59 t dia-1 and 238,185 t dia-1 respectively) and point 9 higher organic matter content (22,18%) . Found greater fraction of fine sand and very fine suspended solids and solid medium sand in the background. As mitigation measures for the process of silting of the reservoir PCH Costa Rica (MS) highlights the orientation of landowners in adopting conservation measures and planting of leguminous species native to the region in symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria


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The present work aims to study the characteristics of the alloy Al - 7 % Si - 0 , 3Mg ( AA356 ) , more specifically characterize the macrostructure and microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy ingots AA356 obtained in metal molds and sand molds for power studying the structures through the difference of cooling rates . This alloy is explained by the fact of referring league has excellent combination of properties such as low solidification shrinkage and good fluidity, good weldability , high wear resistance , high strength to weight ratio, has wide application in general engineering , and particularly in the automotive and aerospace engineering . In this work we will verify this difference in properties through two different cooling rates . We monitor the solid solidification temperatures by thermocouples building with them the cooling curve as a tool that will aid us to evaluate the effectiveness of the grain refining because it achieved with some important properties of the alloy as the latent heat of solidification fraction the liquid and solid temperatures, the total solidification time, and identify the presence of inoculants for grain refinement. Thermal analysis will be supported by the study of graphic software “Origin “will be achieved where the cooling curve and its first derivative that is the cooling rate. Made thermal analysis, analysis will be made in macrographs ingots obtained for observation of macrostructures obtained in both types of ingots and also analysis of micrographs where sampling will occur in strategic positions ingots to correlate with the microstructure. Finally will be collecting data from Brinell hardness of ingots and so then correlating the properties of their respective ingots with cooling rate. We found that obtained with cast metal ingots showed superior properties to the ingots obtained with sand mold


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The aim of this study is to characterize the macrostructure and microstructure of Al - 1%Si alloy obtained in sand and metallic molds. Aluminium has good mechanical properties, but adding silicon, even in small quantities, can change the microstructure and improves mechanical behavior. Workpieces were castings in metallic and sand molds and one can see a difference in their cooling curve, macroscopic and microscopic structures. The sand mold casting has lower cooling rate and so its grains are larger. Due to the lower concentration of grain boundary, the hardness is lower compared to that found in metallic molds, which has smaller grains and a higher hardness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the cooling rate and alloying elements affect the final microstructure of the workpiece


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It is very important to study the macrostructure of a material in the crude state of solidification due to influence the mechanical properties, as well as the study of their cooling curve. In the present work was to study the alloy AA 356, its macrostructure and its cooling curve. The material was cast in two different molds, a sand and other metallic. In this paper we study the differences in its macrostructure and its cooling curves. In macrostructure can observe the absence of the three zones of solidification and the presence of large pores because of moisture in the sand. In the sample taken from the metal mold can observe the three zones of solidification: a coquilhada, columnar and equiaxed