971 resultados para Architects, Renaissance.
North-West elevation, as seen from street.
As seen from dining room.
As seen from the North-East.
Looking through to sitting room beyond.
Leon Battista Alberti, 'On the Art of Building in Ten Books' Translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavemor L. A. Zhadova (ed.), 'Tatlin' (Budapest 1984). English translation Helen Ross, 'Just For Living, Aboriginal Perceptions of Housing in North West Australia' Tony Fry, 'Design History Australia: A Source Text in Methods and Resources' Phillip Cox and David Moore, 'The Australian Functional Tradition' Lenore Coltheart and Don Fraser (eds.), 'Lamdmarks in Public Works, Engineers and Their Works in New South Wales 1884-1914' Peter Bridges and Don MacDonald, 'James Barnet, Colonial Architect' Don Watson and Judith McKay, 'A Directory of Queensland Architects to 1940' Russell Walden, 'Voices of Silence: New Zealand's Chapel of Futuna' Jeremy Salmond, 'Old New Zealand Houses 1800-1940' Victoria Middleton, 'The Legend of Green Valley' Dyranda Prevost and Ann Rado, 'Living Places' Mark Jackson and Mark Stiles (directors), 'Universal Provider' Lars Lerup, 'Planned Assaults'
Detail view of timber cross-bracing with polycarbonate sheeting behind as seen from upper level dining studio.
North elevation, deck below and belvedere above, as seen from path to beach.
View along south elevation, stair to belvedere beyond and bedboxes above.
View past kitchen windows and roof overhang to entrance deck to the south-west.
View of ocean and coastal vegetation
Detail view of timber cross-bracing to dining studio, as seen from upper living area.
Detail view of timber cross-bracing with polycarbonate sheeting behind as seen from upper level dining studio.
View along circulation deck to belvedere (deck) beyond.