937 resultados para Aquaculture, Cytochrome Oxidase I, Ostrea Edulis, Outbreeding Depression, Population Structure


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This research examines three potential mechanisms by which bacteria can adapt to different temperatures: changes in strain-level population structure, gene regulation and particle colonization. For the first two mechanisms, I utilize bacterial strains from the Vibrionaceae family due to their ease of culturability, ubiquity in coastal environments and status as a model system for marine bacteria. I first examine vibrio seasonal dynamics in temperate, coastal water and compare the thermal performance of strains that occupy different thermal environments. Our results suggest that there are tradeoffs in adaptation to specific temperatures and that thermal specialization can occur at a very fine phylogenetic scale. The observed thermal specialization over relatively short evolutionary time-scales indicates that few genes or cellular processes may limit expansion to a different thermal niche. I then compare the genomic and transcriptional changes associated with thermal adaptation in closely-related vibrio strains under heat and cold stress. The two vibrio strains have very similar genomes and overall exhibit similar transcriptional profiles in response to temperature stress but their temperature preferences are determined by differential transcriptional responses in shared genes as well as temperature-dependent regulation of unique genes. Finally, I investigate the temporal dynamics of particle-attached and free-living bacterial community in coastal seawater and find that microhabitats exert a stronger forcing on microbial communities than environmental variability, suggesting that particle-attachment could buffer the impacts of environmental changes and particle-associated communities likely respond to the presence of distinct eukaryotes rather than commonly-measured environmental parameters. Integrating these results will offer new perspectives on the mechanisms by which bacteria respond to seasonal temperature changes as well as potential adaptations to climate change-driven warming of the surface oceans.


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La population canadienne-française a une histoire démographique unique faisant d’elle une population d’intérêt pour l’épidémiologie et la génétique. Cette thèse vise à mettre en valeur les caractéristiques de la population québécoise qui peuvent être utilisées afin d’améliorer la conception et l’analyse d’études d’épidémiologie génétique. Dans un premier temps, nous profitons de la présence d’information généalogique détaillée concernant les Canadiens français pour estimer leur degré d’apparentement et le comparer au degré d’apparentement génétique. L’apparentement génétique calculé à partir du partage génétique identique par ascendance est corrélé à l’apparentement généalogique, ce qui démontre l'utilité de la détection des segments identiques par ascendance pour capturer l’apparentement complexe, impliquant entre autres de la consanguinité. Les conclusions de cette première étude pourront guider l'interprétation des résultats dans d’autres populations ne disposant pas d’information généalogique. Dans un deuxième temps, afin de tirer profit pleinement du potentiel des généalogies canadienne-françaises profondes, bien conservées et quasi complètes, nous présentons le package R GENLIB, développé pour étudier de grands ensembles de données généalogiques. Nous étudions également le partage identique par ascendance à l’aide de simulations et nous mettons en évidence le fait que la structure des populations régionales peut faciliter l'identification de fondateurs importants, qui auraient pu introduire des mutations pathologiques, ce qui ouvre la porte à la prévention et au dépistage de maladies héréditaires liées à certains fondateurs. Finalement, puisque nous savons que les Canadiens français ont accumulé des segments homozygotes, à cause de la présence de consanguinité lointaine, nous estimons la consanguinité chez les individus canadiens-français et nous étudions son impact sur plusieurs traits de santé. Nous montrons comment la dépression endogamique influence des traits complexes tels que la grandeur et des traits hématologiques. Nos résultats ne sont que quelques exemples de ce que nous pouvons apprendre de la population canadienne-française. Ils nous aideront à mieux comprendre les caractéristiques des autres populations de même qu’ils pourront aider la recherche en épidémiologie génétique au sein de la population canadienne-française.


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The community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of a marine Arctic sediment (Smeerenburgfjorden, Svalbard) was characterized by both fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) by using group- and genus-specific 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. Samples stored in PBS-ethanol were diluted and treated by mild sonication. A 10-ml aliquot of a 1:40 dilution was filtered onto a 0.2-mm-pore-size type GTTP polycarbonate filter (Millipore, Eschborn, Germany). Hybridization and microscopic counting of hybridized and 49,69-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells were performed as described previously from Snaidr et al. (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Details of probes and formamide concentrations which were used are listed in futher details.. Means were calculated by using 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields for each filter section, which corresponded to 800 to 1,000 DAPI-stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with probe NON338. The SRB community was dominated by members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus group. This group accounted for up to 73% of the SRB detected. The predominance was shown to be a common feature for different stations along the coast of Svalbard. In a top-to-bottom approach we aimed to further resolve the composition of this large group of SRB by using probes for cultivated genera. While this approach failed, directed cloning of probe-targeted genes encoding 16S rRNA was successful and resulted in sequences which were all affiliated with the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus group. A group of clone sequences (group SVAL1) most closely related to Desulfosarcina variabilis (91.2% sequence similarity) was dominant and was shown to be most abundant in situ, accounting for up to 54.8% of the total SRB detected.


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Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation. 


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The influence of habitat modification by Mytilus edulis L. on the settlement and development of Fucus serratus populations was investigated on rocky shores of the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales. Settlement of fucoids was higher inside mussel habitat than outside on one of two shores studied. The effect of microhabitat on survival of fucoid germlings was examined by transplanting the germlings into and outside mussel habitats, each with and without the exclusion of grazers. Observation showed that periwinkles and top shells were abundant in mussel habitat, while limpets dominated bare rock. Exclusion of grazers greatly enhanced the survival of fucoid germlings in both habitats, indicating that while mussel habitat supports a different grazer assemblage to bare rock, both assemblages are important in limiting fucoid recruitment. The risk of dislodgement was assessed and compared between fucoids growing on mussel shells and bare rock. In situ pull-tests showed that less force was required to detach large fertile thalli growing on mussel shells than those growing on the rock. Adhesion was generally broken between the mussel and the rock rather than between the holdfast and the mussel. These observations indicate that mussels provide an unstable substrate for mature fucoids. Overall results suggest that a negative effect of mussel-modified habitat on fucoids is profound in adults; but the effect is context-dependent in juveniles and can be positive at settlement. Results from a survey on population structure of fucoids across two shores showed that there were greater numbers of large fertile fucoids growing directly attached to rock than on mussel shells, while there was no difference for juvenile fucoids confirming the experimental results. Moreover thalli larger than 60 cm were found only on the rock but not on shells. This finding suggests that a mussel dominated habitat may have a significant impact on reproductive output in fucoid populations.


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The influence of habitat modification by Mytilus edulis L. on the settlement and development of Fucus serratus populations was investigated on rocky shores of the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales. Settlement of fucoids was higher inside mussel habitat than outside on one of two shores studied. The effect of microhabitat on survival of fucoid germlings was examined by transplanting the germlings into and outside mussel habitats, each with and without the exclusion of grazers. Observation showed that periwinkles and top shells were abundant in mussel habitat, while limpets dominated bare rock. Exclusion of grazers greatly enhanced the survival of fucoid germlings in both habitats, indicating that while mussel habitat supports a different grazer assemblage to bare rock, both assemblages are important in limiting fucoid recruitment. The risk of dislodgement was assessed and compared between fucoids growing on mussel shells and bare rock. In situ pull-tests showed that less force was required to detach large fertile thalli growing on mussel shells than those growing on the rock. Adhesion was generally broken between the mussel and the rock rather than between the holdfast and the mussel. These observations indicate that mussels provide an unstable substrate for mature fucoids. Overall results suggest that a negative effect of mussel-modified habitat on fucoids is profound in adults; but the effect is context-dependent in juveniles and can be positive at settlement. Results from a survey on population structure of fucoids across two shores showed that there were greater numbers of large fertile fucoids growing directly attached to rock than on mussel shells, while there was no difference for juvenile fucoids confirming the experimental results. Moreover thalli larger than 60 cm were found only on the rock but not on shells. This finding suggests that a mussel dominated habitat may have a significant impact on reproductive output in fucoid populations.


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Crystallization and determination of the high resolution three-dimensional structure of the β2-adrenergic receptor in 2007 was followed by structure elucidation of a number of other receptors, including those for neurotensin and glucagon. These major advances foster the understanding of structure-activity relationship of these receptors and structure-based rational design of new ligands having more predictable activity. At present, structure determination of gut hormone receptors in complex with their ligands (natural, synthetic) and interacting signalling proteins, for example, G-proteins, arrestins, represents a challenge which promises to revolutionize gut hormone endocrinonology.


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La végétation riveraine et littorale de l’est du Canada a été sévèrement altérée par la drave et plusieurs barrages lacustres subsistent, mais leurs effets et ceux de leur retrait sont peu documentés. Cette étude visait à: i) mesurer les changements de la structure et de la composition végétale des zones riveraines et littorales en fonction de l’élévation par rapport au plan d’eau, ii) évaluer le temps de retour de la végétation à son état de référence naturel suite au retrait de barrages et iii) déterminer les facteurs régissant les réponses de la végétation à ces variations de niveaux d’eau. La structure et la composition végétale suite à la restauration d’un barrage a été comparée sur deux lacs : un témoin et un comprenant quatre bassins présentant un gradient d’influence du barrage. Suite au retrait de barrage, la végétation a été examinée sur quatre lacs, dont un témoin. Les principaux facteurs qui influençaient la végétation riveraine et littorale en présence d’un barrage étaient l’élévation actuelle par rapport au lac et l’ampleur de l’influence du barrage. Suite à un démantèlement de barrage, les principaux facteurs d’influence étaient l’élévation par rapport au rivage et le nombre d’années depuis le retrait de barrage. En présence d’un barrage, la végétation riveraine était caractérisée par la transformation de hautes terres en forêt humide riveraine qui partageait des caractéristiques avec le témoin. À partir de 1 m d’élévation, la végétation était caractérisée par une forêt sèche. Dans les premières années suivant le retrait de barrage, la végétation littorale était composée d’herbiers submergés mixtes à faible densité avec une forte diversité spécifique près du rivage. La structure et la composition végétale étaient similaires au témoin après 16 ans. Il n’y avait pas d’évidence que les communautés végétales déviaient de leur trajectoire successionnelle naturelle sous l’influence des nouvelles conditions environnementales.


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Loess is the most important collapsible soil; possibly the only engineering soil in which real collapse occurs. A real collapse involves a diminution in volume - it would be an open metastable packing being reduced to a more closely packed, more stable structure. Metastability is at the heart of the collapsible soils problem. To envisage and to model the collapse process in a metastable medium, knowledge is required about the nature and shape of the particles, the types of packings they assume (real and ideal), and the nature of the collapse process - a packing transition upon a change to the effective stress in a media of double porosity. Particle packing science has made little progress in geoscience discipline - since the initial packing paradigms set by Graton and Fraser (1935) - nevertheless is relatively well-established in the soft matter physics discipline. The collapse process can be represented by mathematical modelling of packing – including the Monte Carlo simulations - but relating representation to process remains difficult. This paper revisits the problem of sudden packing transition from a micro-physico-mechanical viewpoint (i.e. collapse imetan terms of structure-based effective stress). This cross-disciplinary approach helps in generalization on collapsible soils to be made that suggests loess is the only truly collapsible soil, because it is only loess which is so totally influenced by the packing essence of the formation process.


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Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) are critically endangered and live in fragmented populations spread across 13 countries. Yet in comparison to the African savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana), relatively little is known about the social structure of wild Asian elephants because the species is mostly found in low visibility habitat. A better understanding of Asian elephant social structure is critical to mitigate human-elephant conflicts that arise due to increasing human encroachments into elephant habitats. In this dissertation, I examined the social structure of Asian elephants at three sites: Yala, Udawalawe, and Minneriya National Parks in Sri Lanka, where the presence of large open areas and high elephant densities are conducive to behavioral observations. First, I found that the size of groups observed at georeferenced locations was affected by forage availability and distance to water, and the effects of these environmental factors on group size depended on site. Second, I discovered that while populations at different sites differed in the prevalence of weak associations among individuals, a core social structure of individuals sharing strong bonds and organized into highly independent clusters was present across sites. Finally, I showed that the core social structure preserved across sites was typically composed of adult females associating with each other and with other age-sex classes. In addition, I showed that females are social at all life stages, whereas males gradually transition from living in a group to a more solitary lifestyle. Taking into consideration these elements of Asian elephant social structure will help conservation biologists develop effective management strategies that account for both human needs and the socio-ecology of the elephants.


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The objective of the bottom trawl survey in July/August 2003, was to monitor the changes in the fish stocks in the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria with particular emphasis on species composition, distribution, abundance and population structure.


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In many vertebrate societies, forced eviction of group members is an important determinant of population structure, but little is known about what triggers eviction. Three main explanations are: (i) the reproductive competition hypothesis, (ii) the coercion of cooperation hypothesis, and (iii) the adaptive forced dispersal hypothesis. The last hypothesis proposes that dominant individuals use eviction as an adaptive strategy to propagate copies of their alleles through a highly structured population. We tested these hypotheses as explanations for eviction in cooperatively breeding banded mongooses (Mungos mungo), using a 16-year dataset on life history, behaviour and relatedness. In this species, groups of females, or mixed-sex groups, are periodically evicted en masse. Our evidence suggests that reproductive competition is the main ultimate trigger for eviction for both sexes. We find little evidence that mass eviction is used to coerce helping, or as a mechanism to force dispersal of relatives into the population. Eviction of females changes the landscape of reproductive competition for remaining males, which may explain why males are evicted alongside females. Our results show that the consequences of resolving within-group conflict resonate through groups and populations to affect population structure, with important implications for social evolution.


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The main theme of this thesis is the social, economic and political response of a single community to economic dislocation in the interwar years. The community under consideration is Clydebank., The thesis is divided into several parts. Part I establishes the development of the burgh and considers the physical framework of the community, mainly in the years before 1919. The town's characteristics are examined in terms of population structure and development between the world wars. In the last part of this section there is a review of the economic structure of the burgh and changes occurring in it between 1919 and 1939. In Part II consideration is given to the actual extent and form of the unemployment affecting Clydebank at this time, and comparison is made with other communities and geographic/economic areas. Attention is then focussed more narrowly on the actual individuals suffering unemployment in the burgh during the 1930s, in an attempt to personalise the experience of the unemployed. Part III reviews central and local government responses to the situation in which Clydebank found itself oetween 1919 and 1939. Central government policies discussed include unemployment insurance, public works, the Special Areas legislation, assistance in the construction of the 534 "Queen Mary" and the direction of financial support to areas of particular need. Amongst local authority actions described are additional local support for the poor, public works, efforts to attract new industry to the town, attempts to deal with the housing problem which was particularly acute at times of high unemployment and measures to maintain health standards in the community. In Part IV the responses of the community to unemployment and government policies are detailed. The burgh's commercial sector is surveyed as are developments in leisure provision, religion, temperance and crime, and local politics. A number of individual responses are also given consideration such as migration, commuting, changes in birth and marriage rates and suicide.


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European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, is a highly valuable species in Europe, both for aquaculture in the Mediterranean Sea and for commercial and recreational fisheries in the North East Atlantic Ocean. Subjected to increasing fishing pressure, the wild population has recently experienced significant recruitment fluctuation as well as a northward extension of its distribution area in the North Sea. While the nature of the ecological and/or physiological processes involved remains unresolved, ontogenetic habitat shifts and adult site fidelity could increase the species’ vulnerability to climate change and overfishing. As managers look for expert information to propose management scenarios leading to sustainable exploitation, exploratory modelling appears to be a cost-efficient approach to enhance the understanding of recruitment dynamics and the spatio-temporal scales over which fish populations function. A conceptual modelling framework and its specific data requirements are discussed to tackle some sound ecological questions regarding this species. We consequently provide an updated review of current knowledge on bass population structure, biology and ecology. This paper will hence be particularly valuable to develop spatially-explicit models of European sea bass dynamics under environmental and anthropogenic forcing. Knowledge gaps requiring further research efforts are also reported.


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Humans use their grammatical knowledge in more than one way. On one hand, they use it to understand what others say. On the other hand, they use it to say what they want to convey to others (or to themselves). In either case, they need to assemble the structure of sentences in a systematic fashion, in accordance with the grammar of their language. Despite the fact that the structures that comprehenders and speakers assemble are systematic in an identical fashion (i.e., obey the same grammatical constraints), the two ‘modes’ of assembling sentence structures might or might not be performed by the same cognitive mechanisms. Currently, the field of psycholinguistics implicitly adopts the position that they are supported by different cognitive mechanisms, as evident from the fact that most psycholinguistic models seek to explain either comprehension or production phenomena. The potential existence of two independent cognitive systems underlying linguistic performance doubles the problem of linking the theory of linguistic knowledge and the theory of linguistic performance, making the integration of linguistics and psycholinguistic harder. This thesis thus aims to unify the structure building system in comprehension, i.e., parser, and the structure building system in production, i.e., generator, into one, so that the linking theory between knowledge and performance can also be unified into one. I will discuss and unify both existing and new data pertaining to how structures are assembled in understanding and speaking, and attempt to show that the unification between parsing and generation is at least a plausible research enterprise. In Chapter 1, I will discuss the previous and current views on how parsing and generation are related to each other. I will outline the challenges for the current view that the parser and the generator are the same cognitive mechanism. This single system view is discussed and evaluated in the rest of the chapters. In Chapter 2, I will present new experimental evidence suggesting that the grain size of the pre-compiled structural units (henceforth simply structural units) is rather small, contrary to some models of sentence production. In particular, I will show that the internal structure of the verb phrase in a ditransitive sentence (e.g., The chef is donating the book to the monk) is not specified at the onset of speech, but is specified before the first internal argument (the book) needs to be uttered. I will also show that this timing of structural processes with respect to the verb phrase structure is earlier than the lexical processes of verb internal arguments. These two results in concert show that the size of structure building units in sentence production is rather small, contrary to some models of sentence production, yet structural processes still precede lexical processes. I argue that this view of generation resembles the widely accepted model of parsing that utilizes both top-down and bottom-up structure building procedures. In Chapter 3, I will present new experimental evidence suggesting that the structural representation strongly constrains the subsequent lexical processes. In particular, I will show that conceptually similar lexical items interfere with each other only when they share the same syntactic category in sentence production. The mechanism that I call syntactic gating, will be proposed, and this mechanism characterizes how the structural and lexical processes interact in generation. I will present two Event Related Potential (ERP) experiments that show that the lexical retrieval in (predictive) comprehension is also constrained by syntactic categories. I will argue that the syntactic gating mechanism is operative both in parsing and generation, and that the interaction between structural and lexical processes in both parsing and generation can be characterized in the same fashion. In Chapter 4, I will present a series of experiments examining the timing at which verbs’ lexical representations are planned in sentence production. It will be shown that verbs are planned before the articulation of their internal arguments, regardless of the target language (Japanese or English) and regardless of the sentence type (active object-initial sentence in Japanese, passive sentences in English, and unaccusative sentences in English). I will discuss how this result sheds light on the notion of incrementality in generation. In Chapter 5, I will synthesize the experimental findings presented in this thesis and in previous research to address the challenges to the single system view I outlined in Chapter 1. I will then conclude by presenting a preliminary single system model that can potentially capture both the key sentence comprehension and sentence production data without assuming distinct mechanisms for each.