964 resultados para Angular retreat


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Aims:We searched for very high energy (VHE) γ-ray emission from the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A Methods: The shell-type supernova remnant Cassiopeia A was observed with the 17 m MAGIC telescope between July 2006 and January 2007 for a total time of 47 h. Results: The source was detected above an energy of 250 GeV with a significance of 5.2σ and a photon flux above 1 TeV of (7.3 ± 0.7_stat ± 2.2_sys) × 10-13 cm-2s-1. The photon spectrum is compatible with a power law dN/dE ∝ E-Γ with a photon index Γ = 2.3 ± 0.2_stat ± 0.2_sys. The source is point-like within the angular resolution of the telescope.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa moottoriajoneuvon suorituskyvyn mittaukseen käytettävä järjestelmä. Järjestelmä koostuu sylinterin muotoisesta rullasta ja tiedonkeruujärjestelmästä. Rullaa, jonka hitausmomentti tunnetaan kiihdytetään ajoneuvon vetopyörien välityksellä ja mitatuista arvoista lasketaan teho ja vääntömomenttiarvot moottorin kierrosluvun funktiona. Tiedonkeruu tapahtuu PC-mikrotietokoneen avulla, johon on liitetty tiedonkeruukortti. PC-mikrotietokone muodostaa käyttöliittymän, jonka avulla saadut tulokset esitetään kuvaajien avulla käyttäjälle. Käyttöliittymän avulla suoritetaan myös tulosten talletus ja raportin tulostus. Teoriaosassa tarkastellaan suorituskyvyn mittaamiseen käytettyjä menetelmiä ja laitteistoja, sekä tiedonkeruujärjestelmän rakennetta ja sen valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Käytännön osassa suunnitellaan muokkainkortti, jonka avulla erilaisilta antureilta saadut signaalit voidaan sovittaa tiedonkeruukortin tuloalueelle sopiviksi. Myös käyttöliittymän toimintaa ja sen rakentamiseen käytettyjä työkaluja tarkastellaan.


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The contribution of the propagating and the evanescent waves associated with freely propagating non-paraxial light fields whose transverse component is azimuthally polarized at some plane is investigated. Analytic expressions are derived for describing both the spatial shape and the relative weight of the propagating and the evanescent components integrated over the transverse plane. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the plane-wave angular spectrum approach. These results are used to illustrate the behavior of a kind of donut-like beams with transverse azimuthal polarization at some plane.


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Interception requires precise estimation of time-to-contact (TTC) information. A long-standing view posits that all relevant information for extracting TTC is available in the angular variables, which result from the projection of distal objecs on to the retina. The diferent timing models rooted in this tradition have consequently relied on combining visual angle and its rate of expansion in diferent ways with tau being the most well-known solution for TTC...


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Com o objetivo de estabelecer um modelo matemático para estimar de forma precisa a área foliar da videira 'Niagara Rosada' na região de Cardoso Moreira-RJ, realizou-se este trabalho em vinhedo particular do sítio pioneiro, implantado no ano de 2002, em sistema de latada. Foram coletadas aleatoriamente, no ciclo de produção iniciado em 2011, 70 folhas de diversos tamanhos, completamente expandidas e sem danos aparentes para determinar a relação entre a área foliar (AF) e a área do círculo (AC), considerando seu diâmetro igual à largura da folha. Por meio da análise de regressão, obteve-se a equação linear (AFes = 0,82*AC + 16,12) que, juntamente com mais outras duas, foram utilizadas para comparar a área foliar estimada com a área foliar medida em 30 folhas do ciclo de produção posterior (Março de 2012). Constatou-se que as equações apresentadas permitem estimar de forma precisa a área foliar da videira 'Niagara Rosada/IAC 572' conduzida em sistema de latada, na região de Cardoso Moreira-RJ, com apenas uma dimensão foliar: a largura da folha, sendo que o modelo de regressão obtido (AFes = 0,82*AC + 16,12) foi o que menos subestimou a área da folha comparada (coeficiente angular = 0,99), seguido pelo modelo indicado por Pedro Jr. et al. (1986).


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In this paper we describe a new Mueller matrix (MM) microscope that generalizes and makes quantitative the polarized light microscopy technique. In this instrument all the elements of the MU are simultaneously determined from the analysis in the frequency domain of the time-dependent intensity of the light beam at every pixel of the camera. The variations in intensity are created by the two compensators continuously rotating at different angular frequencies. A typical measurement is completed in a little over one minute and it can be applied to any visible wavelength. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument.


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Työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa simulointimalli, jolla pystytään tutkimaan kestomagnetoidun tahtikoneen aiheuttaman vääntömomenttivärähtelyn vaikutuksia sähkömoottoriin liitetyssä mekaniikassa. Tarkoitus oli lisäksi selvittää kuinka kyseinen simulointimalli voidaan toteuttaa nykyaikaisia simulointiohjelmia käyttäen. Saatujen simulointitulosten oikeellisuus varmistettiin tätä työtä varten rakennetulla verifiointilaitteistolla. Tutkittava rakenne koostui akselista, johon kiinnitettiin epäkeskotanko. Epäkeskotankoon kiinnitettiin massa, jonka sijaintia voitiin muunnella. Massan asemaa muuttamalla saatiin rakenteelle erilaisia ominaistaajuuksia. Epäkeskotanko mallinnettiin joustavana elementtimenetelmää apuna käyttäen. Mekaniikka mallinnettiin dynamiikan simulointiin tarkoitetussa ADAMS –ohjelmistossa, johon joustavana mallinnettu epäkeskotanko tuotiin ANSYS –elementtimenetelmäohjelmasta. Mekaniikan malli siirrettiin SIMULINK –ohjelmistoon, jossa mallinnettiin myös sähkökäyttö. SIMULINK –ohjelmassa mallinnettiin sähkökäyttö, joka kuvaa kestomagnetoitua tahtikonetta. Kestomagnetoidun tahtikoneen yhtälöt perustuvat lineaarisiin differentiaaliyhtälöihin, joihin hammasvääntömomentin vaikutus on lisätty häiriösignaalina. Sähkökäytön malli tuottaa vääntömomenttia, joka syötetään ADAMS –ohjelmistolla mallinnettuun mekaniikkaan. Mekaniikan mallista otetaan roottorin kulmakiihtyvyyden arvo takaisinkytkentänä sähkömoottorin malliin. Näin saadaan aikaiseksi yhdistetty simulointi, joka koostuu sähkötoimilaitekäytöstä ja mekaniikasta. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että sähkökäyttöjen ja mekaniikan yhdistetty simulointi on mahdollista toteuttaa valituilla menetelmillä. Simuloimalla saadut tulokset vastaavat hyvin mitattuja tuloksia.


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RESUMO O objetivo do trabalho foi estimar a soma térmica e o filocrono de quatro cultivares e duas ‘seleções’ de morangueiro para o Planalto Sul- Catarinense. O experimento foi conduzido no Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, na Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. Foram utilizadas duas seleções de morangueiro em avançada fase de estudos, denominadas ‘SEL1’ e ‘SEL2’, utilizando mudas provenientes de um programa público de melhoramento genético da Itália e quatro cultivares: Camino Real e Camarosa, provenientes do Chile, e San Andreas eAlbion, provenientes da Argentina. O transplante das mudas foi realizado em 26-06-2012. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, cada repetição composta de oito plantas, sendo utilizadas as quatro plantas centrais. O filocrono foi determinado a partir do inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre o número de folhas acumuladas na haste e a soma térmica acumulada após o transplante. Observou-se linearidade entre o desenvolvimento vegetal e a temperatura média do ar nas condições do estudo. Dentre as seleções e cultivares estudadas a ‘San Andreas’ apresenta o ciclo mais precoce, necessitando de menor acúmulo de temperatura (774,70 grausdia), e a cultivar Camarosa, o ciclo mais tardio, com maior acúmulo de soma térmica (1.137,75 graus-dia). A seleção Sel1 apresentou o menor filocrono, 69,96ºC dia1 folha-1, e a cultivar Albion maior valor, 135,61 oC dia1 folha-1. Durante o período estudado, a cultivar San Andreas apresentou maior produção de frutos.


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The modern generation of Cherenkov telescopes has revealed a new population of gamma-ray sources in the Galaxy. Some of them have been identified with previously known X-ray binary systems while other remain without clear counterparts a lower energies. Our initial goal here was reporting on extensive radio observations of the first extended and yet unidentified source, namely TeV J2032+4130. This object was originally detected by the HEGRA telescope in the direction of the Cygnus OB2 region and its nature has been a matter of debate during the latest years. The situation has become more complex with the Whipple and MILAGRO telescopes new TeV detections in the same field which could be consistent with the historic HEGRA source, although a different origin cannot be ruled out. Aims.We aim to pursue our radio exploration of the TeV J2032+4130 position that we initiated in a previous paper but taking now into account the latest results from new Whipple and MILAGRO TeV telescopes. The data presented here are an extended follow up of our previous work. Methods.Our investigation is mostly based on interferometric radio observations with the Giant Metre Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) close to Pune (India) and the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico (USA). We also conducted near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope and the OMEGA2000 camera at the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) in Almería (Spain). Results.We present deep radio maps centered on the TeV J2032+4130 position at different wavelengths. In particular, our 49 and 20 cm maps cover a field of view larger than half a degree that fully includes the Whipple position and the peak of MILAGRO emission. Our most important result here is a catalogue of 153 radio sources detected at 49 cm within the GMRT antennae primary beam with a full width half maximum (FWHM) of 43 arc-minute. Among them, peculiar sources inside the Whipple error ellipse are discussed in detail, including a likely double-double radio galaxy and a one-sided jet source of possible blazar nature. This last object adds another alternative counterpart possibility to be considered for both the HEGRA, Whipple and MILAGRO emission. Moreover, our multi-configuration VLA images reveal the non-thermal extended emission previously reported by us with improved angular resolution. Its non-thermal spectral index is also confirmed thanks to matching beam observations at the 20 and 6 cm wavelengths.


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A very important alluvial fan clastic sedimentation, took place in the NNESSW trending Valles-Penedes graben (northeastem Spain) during Miocene time. Shallow lacustrine and paludine areas developed in distal zones of these alluvial fan complexes during Burdigalian (Early Miocene). At that time both facies development and their distribution were closely controlled by tectonic activity. Fault scarp retreat and back-faulting processes in the southeastem edge of the basin (observed in westem Valles afea), originated an expansive advance of distal alluvial-fan facies in that direction. The decreasing or cessation of the activity of the southeastern margin fault ca~sedi,n Late Burdigalian time (while faults in the northwestern margin were still active) facies redistribution, and gave way to the assymetry of the basin. Finally lacustrine, marine and transitional deposits of late burdigalian and langhian age, were laid down overlapping the southeastem inactive margins.


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In machine design we always want to save space, save energy and produce as much power as possible. We can often reduce accelerations, inertial loads and energy consumption by changing construction. In this study the old cardan gear mechanism (hypocycloid mechanism) has been compared with the conventional slider-crank mechanism in air pumps and four-stroke engines. Comprehensive Newtonian dynamics has been derived for the both mechanisms. First the slidercrank and the cardan gear machines have been studied as lossless systems. Then the friction losses have been added to the calculations. The calculation results show that the cardan gear machines can be more efficient than the slider-crank machines. The smooth running, low mass inertia, high pressures and small frictional power losses make the cardan gear machines clearly better than the slider-crank machines. The dynamic tooth loads of the original cardan gear construction do not rise very high when the tooth clearances are kept tight. On the other hand the half-size crank length causes high bearing forces in the cardan gear machines. The friction losses of the cardan gear machines are generally quite small. The mechanical efficiencies are much higher in the cardan gear machines than in the slider-crank machines in normal use. Crankshaft torques and power needs are smaller in the cardan gear air pumps than in the equal slider-crank air pumps. The mean crankshaft torque and the mean output power are higher in the cardan gear four-stroke engines than in the slider-crank four-stroke engines in normal use. The cardan gear mechanism is at its best, when we want to build a pump or an engine with a long connecting rod (≈ 5⋅crank length) and a thin piston (≈ 1.5⋅crank length) rotating at high angular velocity and intermittently high angular acceleration. The cardan gear machines can be designed also as slide constructions without gears. Suitable applications of the cardan gear machines are three-cylinder half-radial engines for motorcycles, sixcylinder radial engines for airplanes and six-cylinder double half-radial engines for sport cars. The applied equations of Newtonian dynamics, comparative calculations, calculation results (tables, curves and surface plots) and recommendations presented in this study hold novelty value and are unpublished before. They have been made and written by the author first time in this study.


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Characterizing the geological features and structures in three dimensions over inaccessible rock cliffs is needed to assess natural hazards such as rockfalls and rockslides and also to perform investigations aimed at mapping geological contacts and building stratigraphy and fold models. Indeed, the detailed 3D data, such as LiDAR point clouds, allow to study accurately the hazard processes and the structure of geologic features, in particular in vertical and overhanging rock slopes. Thus, 3D geological models have a great potential of being applied to a wide range of geological investigations both in research and applied geology projects, such as mines, tunnels and reservoirs. Recent development of ground-based remote sensing techniques (LiDAR, photogrammetry and multispectral / hyperspectral images) are revolutionizing the acquisition of morphological and geological information. As a consequence, there is a great potential for improving the modeling of geological bodies as well as failure mechanisms and stability conditions by integrating detailed remote data. During the past ten years several large rockfall events occurred along important transportation corridors where millions of people travel every year (Switzerland: Gotthard motorway and railway; Canada: Sea to sky highway between Vancouver and Whistler). These events show that there is still a lack of knowledge concerning the detection of potential rockfalls, making mountain residential settlements and roads highly risky. It is necessary to understand the main factors that destabilize rocky outcrops even if inventories are lacking and if no clear morphological evidences of rockfall activity are observed. In order to increase the possibilities of forecasting potential future landslides, it is crucial to understand the evolution of rock slope stability. Defining the areas theoretically most prone to rockfalls can be particularly useful to simulate trajectory profiles and to generate hazard maps, which are the basis for land use planning in mountainous regions. The most important questions to address in order to assess rockfall hazard are: Where are the most probable sources for future rockfalls located? What are the frequencies of occurrence of these rockfalls? I characterized the fracturing patterns in the field and with LiDAR point clouds. Afterwards, I developed a model to compute the failure mechanisms on terrestrial point clouds in order to assess the susceptibility to rockfalls at the cliff scale. Similar procedures were already available to evaluate the susceptibility to rockfalls based on aerial digital elevation models. This new model gives the possibility to detect the most susceptible rockfall sources with unprecented detail in the vertical and overhanging areas. The results of the computation of the most probable rockfall source areas in granitic cliffs of Yosemite Valley and Mont-Blanc massif were then compared to the inventoried rockfall events to validate the calculation methods. Yosemite Valley was chosen as a test area because it has a particularly strong rockfall activity (about one rockfall every week) which leads to a high rockfall hazard. The west face of the Dru was also chosen for the relevant rockfall activity and especially because it was affected by some of the largest rockfalls that occurred in the Alps during the last 10 years. Moreover, both areas were suitable because of their huge vertical and overhanging cliffs that are difficult to study with classical methods. Limit equilibrium models have been applied to several case studies to evaluate the effects of different parameters on the stability of rockslope areas. The impact of the degradation of rockbridges on the stability of large compartments in the west face of the Dru was assessed using finite element modeling. In particular I conducted a back-analysis of the large rockfall event of 2005 (265'000 m3) by integrating field observations of joint conditions, characteristics of fracturing pattern and results of geomechanical tests on the intact rock. These analyses improved our understanding of the factors that influence the stability of rock compartments and were used to define the most probable future rockfall volumes at the Dru. Terrestrial laser scanning point clouds were also successfully employed to perform geological mapping in 3D, using the intensity of the backscattered signal. Another technique to obtain vertical geological maps is combining triangulated TLS mesh with 2D geological maps. At El Capitan (Yosemite Valley) we built a georeferenced vertical map of the main plutonio rocks that was used to investigate the reasons for preferential rockwall retreat rate. Additional efforts to characterize the erosion rate were made at Monte Generoso (Ticino, southern Switzerland) where I attempted to improve the estimation of long term erosion by taking into account also the volumes of the unstable rock compartments. Eventually, the following points summarize the main out puts of my research: The new model to compute the failure mechanisms and the rockfall susceptibility with 3D point clouds allows to define accurately the most probable rockfall source areas at the cliff scale. The analysis of the rockbridges at the Dru shows the potential of integrating detailed measurements of the fractures in geomechanical models of rockmass stability. The correction of the LiDAR intensity signal gives the possibility to classify a point cloud according to the rock type and then use this information to model complex geologic structures. The integration of these results, on rockmass fracturing and composition, with existing methods can improve rockfall hazard assessments and enhance the interpretation of the evolution of steep rockslopes. -- La caractérisation de la géologie en 3D pour des parois rocheuses inaccessibles est une étape nécessaire pour évaluer les dangers naturels tels que chutes de blocs et glissements rocheux, mais aussi pour réaliser des modèles stratigraphiques ou de structures plissées. Les modèles géologiques 3D ont un grand potentiel pour être appliqués dans une vaste gamme de travaux géologiques dans le domaine de la recherche, mais aussi dans des projets appliqués comme les mines, les tunnels ou les réservoirs. Les développements récents des outils de télédétection terrestre (LiDAR, photogrammétrie et imagerie multispectrale / hyperspectrale) sont en train de révolutionner l'acquisition d'informations géomorphologiques et géologiques. Par conséquence, il y a un grand potentiel d'amélioration pour la modélisation d'objets géologiques, ainsi que des mécanismes de rupture et des conditions de stabilité, en intégrant des données détaillées acquises à distance. Pour augmenter les possibilités de prévoir les éboulements futurs, il est fondamental de comprendre l'évolution actuelle de la stabilité des parois rocheuses. Définir les zones qui sont théoriquement plus propices aux chutes de blocs peut être très utile pour simuler les trajectoires de propagation des blocs et pour réaliser des cartes de danger, qui constituent la base de l'aménagement du territoire dans les régions de montagne. Les questions plus importantes à résoudre pour estimer le danger de chutes de blocs sont : Où se situent les sources plus probables pour les chutes de blocs et éboulement futurs ? Avec quelle fréquence vont se produire ces événements ? Donc, j'ai caractérisé les réseaux de fractures sur le terrain et avec des nuages de points LiDAR. Ensuite, j'ai développé un modèle pour calculer les mécanismes de rupture directement sur les nuages de points pour pouvoir évaluer la susceptibilité au déclenchement de chutes de blocs à l'échelle de la paroi. Les zones sources de chutes de blocs les plus probables dans les parois granitiques de la vallée de Yosemite et du massif du Mont-Blanc ont été calculées et ensuite comparés aux inventaires des événements pour vérifier les méthodes. Des modèles d'équilibre limite ont été appliqués à plusieurs cas d'études pour évaluer les effets de différents paramètres sur la stabilité des parois. L'impact de la dégradation des ponts rocheux sur la stabilité de grands compartiments de roche dans la paroi ouest du Petit Dru a été évalué en utilisant la modélisation par éléments finis. En particulier j'ai analysé le grand éboulement de 2005 (265'000 m3), qui a emporté l'entier du pilier sud-ouest. Dans le modèle j'ai intégré des observations des conditions des joints, les caractéristiques du réseau de fractures et les résultats de tests géoméchaniques sur la roche intacte. Ces analyses ont amélioré l'estimation des paramètres qui influencent la stabilité des compartiments rocheux et ont servi pour définir des volumes probables pour des éboulements futurs. Les nuages de points obtenus avec le scanner laser terrestre ont été utilisés avec succès aussi pour produire des cartes géologiques en 3D, en utilisant l'intensité du signal réfléchi. Une autre technique pour obtenir des cartes géologiques des zones verticales consiste à combiner un maillage LiDAR avec une carte géologique en 2D. A El Capitan (Yosemite Valley) nous avons pu géoréferencer une carte verticale des principales roches plutoniques que j'ai utilisé ensuite pour étudier les raisons d'une érosion préférentielle de certaines zones de la paroi. D'autres efforts pour quantifier le taux d'érosion ont été effectués au Monte Generoso (Ticino, Suisse) où j'ai essayé d'améliorer l'estimation de l'érosion au long terme en prenant en compte les volumes des compartiments rocheux instables. L'intégration de ces résultats, sur la fracturation et la composition de l'amas rocheux, avec les méthodes existantes permet d'améliorer la prise en compte de l'aléa chute de pierres et éboulements et augmente les possibilités d'interprétation de l'évolution des parois rocheuses.


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A comparison is established between the contributions of transverse and longitudinal components of both the propagating and the evanescent waves associated to freely propagating radially polarized nonparaxial beams. Attention is focused on those fields that remain radially polarized upon propagation. In terms of the plane-wave angular spectrum of these fields, analytical expressions are given for determining both the spatial shape of the above components and their relative weight integrated over the whole transverse plane. The results are applied to two kinds of doughnut-like beams with radial polarization, and we compare the behavior of such fields at two transverse planes.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma câmara de ionização de placas paralelas de dupla face para determinação de kerma no ar e taxa de kerma no ar em campos de radiação-X utilizados em radiografia convencional e mamografia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A câmara desenvolvida tem janelas de entrada de poliéster aluminizado, elétrodos internos e anéis de guarda de alumínio em uma face (face A) e de grafite na outra (face G). Neste trabalho foram testadas as características operacionais de linearidade, dependência angular e energética de resposta. RESULTADOS: A linearidade de resposta foi de 0,86% para a face A e de 0,92% para a face G. Para ângulos de incidência da radiação de 0° a ± 5°, a variação da resposta relativa foi menor que 0,8% para ambas as faces da câmara. A dependência energética de resposta foi de 0,8% para a face A nas qualidades de raios-X para diagnóstico convencional e de 2,4% para a face G da câmara nas qualidades de raios-X para mamografia. CONCLUSÃO: Esta câmara pode ser utilizada rotineiramente na determinação de kerma no ar e taxa de kerma no ar em feixes de raios-X utilizados em radiografia convencional e mamografia.


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Language diversity has become greatly endangered in the past centuries owing to processes of language shift from indigenous languages to other languages that are seen as socially and economically more advantageous, resulting in the death or doom of minority languages. In this paper, we define a new language competition model that can describe the historical decline of minority languages in competition with more advantageous languages. We then implement this non-spatial model as an interaction term in a reactiondiffusion system to model the evolution of the two competing languages. We use the results to estimate the speed at which the more advantageous language spreads geographically, resulting in the shrinkage of the area of dominance of the minority language. We compare the results from our model with the observed retreat in the area of influence of the Welsh language in the UK, obtaining a good agreement between the model and the observed data