950 resultados para Aigua -- Composició


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Biological water quality changes in two Mediterranean river basins from a network of 42 sampling sites assessed since 1979 are presented. In order to characterize the biological quality, the index FBILL, designed to characterize these rivers" quality using aquatic macroinvertebrates, is used. When comparing the data from recent years to older ones, only two headwater sites from the 42 had improved their water quality to good or very good conditions. In the middle or low river basin sites or even in headwater localities were river flow is reduced, the important investment to build up sewage water treatment systems and plants (more than 70 in 15 years) allowed for a small recovery from poor or very poor conditions to moderate water quality. Nevertheless still a significant number (25 %) of the localities remain in poor conditions. The evolution of the quality in several points of both basins shows how the main problems for the recovery of the biological quality is due to the water diverted for small hydraulic plants, the presence of saline pollution in the Llobregat River, and the insufficient water depuration. In the smaller rivers, and specially the Besòs the lack of dilution flows from the treatment plants is the main problem for water quality recovery.


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Durante abril de 2005 se realizó una campaña de muestreo de la vegetación acuática macroscópica en las cuencas de los ríos Foix, Besòs y Llobregat, sumando un total de 68 estaciones de muestreo. El objetivo principal fue evaluar el estado trófico de dichas cuencas mediante el índice trófico generado en España denominado IVAM (Índice de Vegetación Acuática Macroscópica). Se identificaron un total de 44 táxones, 8 géneros de Cyanophyta, 5 de Rodophyta, 2 de Xantophyceae, 3 de Bacillariophyceae, 15 de Clorophyta, 8 de Spermatophyta, 1 liquen y 2 briófitos (musgos y hepáticas). La cuenca del Llobregat fue la más diversa (37 t´axones), seguida del Besós (33) y el Foix (25). Los táxones más frecuentes fueron Cladophora, Vaucheria, Oedogonium, Apium, Rorippa y Oscillatoria, además de los musgos. Las fanerógamas fueron escasas, destacando los g´eneros Ranunculus, Zannichellia y Potamogeton. Los táxones que alcanzaron una mayor puntuación del IVAM (valor de tolerancia, vt = 8), aunque poco frecuentes, fueron Ranunculus, Cymbella, Rivularia, Nostoc, Tolypothrix, Chroococcus y Lemanea, todos indicadores de aguas oligotr´oficas. En aguas de buena calidad pero algo eutrofizadas (aguas mesotróficas, vt = 6), los táxones más frecuentes fueron Chara, Monostroma y Hildenbrandia, además de las hepáticas y un liquen. Según la calificación de los tramos en clases de estado trófico realizada por el IVAM, el 38.2% de los tramos presentaron una buena calidad (clases I y II) mientras que el 61.8% presentaron un estado trófico alterado (clases III, IV y V). La respuesta del IVAM a la concentración de nutrientes (fosfato, amonio, nitrito y nitrato) fue siempre significativa, destacando la alta correlación alcanzada con el ión fosfato (r = 0.71, p < 0.001), superior a la alcanzada por otros índices de diatomeas y macrófitos de resolución taxonómica específica. Este hecho confirma la ventaja de utilizar el IVAM en la evaluación del estado trófico de los ríos, ya que sin necesidad de alcanzar un nivel taxonómico de especie se obtiene una respuesta adecuada a dicha perturbación.


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Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la ultraestructura y la multiplicación asexual de Microspora quadrata Hazen (Microsporaceae, Chlorophyta) en muestras procedentes de los lagos prepirenaicos, de tipo cárstico, de Basturs y Estaña. M. quadrata presenta las características ultraestructurales propias de la familia Microsporaceae; sus filamentos producen dos tipos de zoosporas biflageladas: esféricas y elípticas. Se describe, asimismo, el proceso de elongación de las zoosporas y se discute su función.


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Water is vital to humans and each of us needs at least 1.5 L of safe water a day to drink. Beginning as long ago as 1958 the World Health Organization (WHO) has published guidelines to help ensure water is safe to drink. Focused from the start on monitoring radionuclides in water, and continually cooperating with WHO, the International Standardization Organization (ISO) has been publishing standards on radioactivity test methods since 1978. As reliable, comparable and"fit for purpose" results are an essential requirement for any public health decision based on radioactivity measurements, international standards of tested and validated radionuclide test methods are an important tool for production of such measurements. This paper presents the ISO standards already published that could be used as normative references by testing laboratories in charge of radioactivity monitoring of drinking water as well as those currently under drafting and the prospect of standardized fast test methods in response to a nuclear accident.


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Several methods and approaches for measuring parameters to determine fecal sources of pollution in water have been developed in recent years. No single microbial or chemical parameter has proved sufficient to determine the source of fecal pollution. Combinations of parameters involving at least one discriminating indicator and one universal fecal indicator offer the most promising solutions for qualitative and quantitative analyses. The universal (nondiscriminating) fecal indicator provides quantitative information regarding the fecal load. The discriminating indicator contributes to the identification of a specific source. The relative values of the parameters derived from both kinds of indicators could provide information regarding the contribution to the total fecal load from each origin. It is also essential that both parameters characteristically persist in the environment for similar periods. Numerical analysis, such as inductive learning methods, could be used to select the most suitable and the lowest number of parameters to develop predictive models. These combinations of parameters provide information on factors affecting the models, such as dilution, specific types of animal source, persistence of microbial tracers, and complex mixtures from different sources. The combined use of the enumeration of somatic coliphages and the enumeration of Bacteroides-phages using different host specific strains (one from humans and another from pigs), both selected using the suggested approach, provides a feasible model for quantitative and qualitative analyses of fecal source identification.


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Water soluble perchlorinated trityl (PTM) radicals were found to be effective 95 GHz DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) polarizers in ex situ (dissolution) 13C DNP (Gabellieri et al., Angew Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3360). The degree of the nuclear polarization obtained was reported to be dependent on the position of the chlorine substituents on the trityl skeleton. In addition, on the basis of the DNP frequency sweeps it was suggested that the 13C NMR signal enhancement is mediated by the Cl nuclei. To understand the DNP mechanism of the PTM radicals we have explored the 95 GHz EPR characteristics of these radicals that are relevant to their performance as DNP polarizers. The EPR spectra of the radicals revealed axially symmetric g-tensors. A comparison of the spectra with the 13C DNP frequency sweeps showed that although the solid effect mechanism is operational the DNP frequency sweeps reveal some extra width suggesting that contributions from EPR forbidden transitions involving 35,37Cl nuclear flips are likely. This was substantiated experimentally by ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance) detected NMR measurements, which map the EPR forbidden transitions, and ELDOR experiments that follow the depolarization of the electron spin upon irradiation of the forbidden EPR transitions. DFT (density functional theory) calculations helped to assign the observed transitions and provided the relevant spin Hamiltonian parameters. These results show that the 35,37Cl hyperfine and nuclear quadrupolar interactions cause a considerable nuclear state mixing at 95 GHz thus facilitating the polarization of the Cl nuclei upon microwave irradiation. Overlap of Cl nuclear frequencies and the 13C Larmor frequency further facilitates the polarization of the 13C nuclei by spin diffusion. Calculation of the 13C DNP frequency sweep based on the Cl nuclear polarization showed that it does lead to an increase in the width of the spectra, improving the agreement with the experimental sweeps, thus supporting the existence of a new heteronuclear assisted DNP mechanism.


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Biofilters degrade only a small fraction of the natural organic matter (NOM) contained in seawater which is the leading cause of biofouling in downstream processes. This work studies the effects of chemical additions on NOM biodegradation by biofilters. In this work, biofiltration of seawater with an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of 6 min and a hydraulic loading rate of 10 m h-1 reduces the biological oxygen demand (BOD7) by 8%, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by 6% and the UV absorbance at 254 nm (A254) by 7%. Different amounts of ammonium chloride are added to the seawater (up to twice the total dissolved nitrogen in untreated seawater) to study its possible effect on the removal of NOM by a pilot-scale biofilter. Seawater is amended with different amounts of easily biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) supplied as sodium acetate (up to twice the DOC) for the same purpose. The results of this work reveal that the ammonium chloride additions do not significantly affect NOM removal and the sodium acetate is completely consumed by the biofiltration process. For both types of chemical additions, the BOD7, DOC and A254 in the outlet stream of the biofilter are similar to the values for the untreated control. These results indicate that this biofilter easily removes the BDOC from the seawater when the EBCT is not above 6 min. Furthermore, nitrogen does not limit the NOM biodegradation in seawater under these experimental conditions.


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In the present study, we examined seawater biofiltration in terms of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and turbidity. A pilot biofilter continuously fed with fresh seawater reduced both turbidity and biological activity measured by ATP. Experiments operated with an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of between 2 and 14 min resulted in cellular ATP removals of 32% to 60% and turbidity removals of 38% to 75%. Analysis of the water from backwashing the biofilter revealed that the first half of the biofilter concentrated around 80% of the active biomass and colloidal material that produces turbidity. By reducing the EBCT, the biological activity moved from the first part of the biofilter to the end. Balances of cellular ATP and turbidity between consecutive backwashings indicated that the biological activity generated in the biofilter represented more than 90% of the detached cellular ATP. In contrast, the trapped ATP was less than 10% of the overall cellular ATP detached during the backwashing process. Furthermore, the biological activity generated in the biofilter seemed to be more dependent on the elapsed time than the volume filtered. In contrast, the turbidity trapped in the biofilter was proportional to the volume filtered, although a slightly higher amount of turbidity was found in the backwashing water; this was probably due to attrition of the bed medium. Finally, no correlations were found between turbidity and ATP, indicating that the two parameters focus on different matter. This suggests that turbidity should not be used as an alternative to cellular concentration.


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Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays a central role in the stress. Huprines, a group of potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), have shown a broad cholinergic pharmacological profile. Recently, it has been observed that huprine X (HX) improves cognition in non transgenic middle aged mice and shows a neuroprotective activity (increased synaptophysin expression) in 3xTg-AD mice. Consequently, in the present experiments the potential neuroprotective effect of huprines (HX, HY, HZ) has been analyzed in two different in vitro conditions: undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated PC12 cells. Cells were subjected to oxidative insult (H2O2, 200 µM) and the protective effects of HX, HY and HZ (0.01 µM- 1 µM) were analyzed after a pre-incubation period of 24 and 48 hours. All huprines showed protective effects in both undifferentiated and NGF-differentiated cells, however only in differentiated cells the effect was dependent on cholinergic receptors as atropine (muscarinic antagonist, 0.1 µM) and mecamylamine (nicotinic antagonist, 100 µM) reverted the neuroprotection action of huprines. The decrease in SOD activity observed after oxidative insult was overcome in the presence of huprines and this effect was not mediated by muscarinic or nicotinic receptors. In conclusion, huprines displayed neuroprotective properties as previously observed in in vivo studies. In addition, these effects were mediated by cholinergic receptors only in differentiated cells. However, a non-cholinergic mechanism, probably through an increase in SOD activity, seems to be also involved in the neuroprotective effects of huprines.


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Durant les excavacions de l"avinguda de Cambó dutes a terme el 1986 es van recuperar, entre d"altres, diversos elements identificats com a alambins, que han estat relacionats amb la tècnica d"aplicació d"or al foc sobre objectes metàl·lics, activitat que podria haver tingut lloc en un dels àmbits identificats en el quarter de Sant Pere en època medieval.Amb l"objectiu de comprovar si els alambins recuperats són, d"una banda, de producció local i, d"una altra, si presenten evidències que puguin corroborar el seu ús en aquesta tècnica, es va procedir a la caracterització arqueomètrica de tres d"aquests objectes (BCN224, BCN225 i BCN226), de manera que la seva composicióquímica s"ha determinat per fluorescència de raigs X (FRX) i la composició mineralògica a través de la difracció de raigs X (DRX). Per a l"estudi de la microestructura i estadi de sinterització de la matriu i del vidriat, s"han dut a terme observacions i microanàlisis per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (MER) utilitzant un microscopi Jeol JSM-840 equipat amb un detector de dispersió d"energies de raigs X (EDX). A més, amb la finalitat de fixarles característiques macroscòpiques dels individus es van realitzar observacions a partir de fractures fresques emprant una lupa binocular Olympus SZX10, amb una font d"il·luminació de llum freda Olympus KL 1500 LCD equipada amb filtre de llum de dia i una càmera digital de microfotografia Olympus DP25, amb el software Cell"A. La lupa binocular està equipada amb un objectiu de 1X i oculars de 10X, amb un zoom continuat, amb posicions fixes, que permet fer observacions de 6.3X a 63X, però que s"han estandarditzat a 10X i 25X.


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La referencia a les telecomunicacions en l'àmbit educatiu ha augmentat notablement a causa, sobretot, de les expectatives que l'ús d'lnternet ha despertat entre professionals, administradors, etc. El fenòmen és recent, per aquest motiu el tipus de publicació se centra bé en la descripció de les possibilitats bé en l'analisi d'experiencies concretes. La composició del número monografic Educació i Telematica es mou en aquesta línia. En aquest sentit, hem intentat recollir articles de reflexió juntament amb experiencies concretes que s'estan portant a terme amb l'objectiu que el lector tingui una visió general de les possibilitats pedagógiques de I'ús de les xarxes de comunicació en l'àmbit educatiu.


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En Octubre de 1995 se estudiaron 10s macroinvertebrados acuaticos en varias localidades de la cuenca de la Riera de Sant Cugat (Barcelona) situadas dentro y fuera del Parque Metropolitan0 de Collserola y, se relacionaron con la calidad y la temporalidad de las aguas. Gran parte del recorrido de 10s cauces estaba sec0 en el moment0 de estudio. Algunas localidades, situadas en 10s limites del Parque, poseian flujo permanente per0 con elevados signos de contaminacibn. Dentro del Parque se encontraron algunas zonas con caudal permanente, aunque reducido (desde menos de 1 V s hasta 32 Us), y zonas con flujo intermitente, ademas de 10s que estaban secos. En las quince localidades muestreadas se encontraron un total de 65 taxones distintos; la mayor riqueza en una sola estacidn fue de 33 y se encontraron tanto especies de zonas redfilas (simlilidos o algunos efemerdpteros) como aquellas m8s propias de aguas 16nticas como hemipteros, odonatos o algunos cole6pteros. Mediante un anhlisis de ordenacidn en el espacio se agruparon las estaciones y se ordenaron en funcibn de su flujo y del grado de polucibn, diferenciindose claramente las estaciones externas al parque (con flujo moderado y cierta contaminacidn) de aquellas situadas en el interior del parque y, entre Cstas, las de flujo permanente respecto a las encharcadas. Se analizaron las diferencias entre estos cuatro grupos segun 10s tipos de organismos existentes y su estrategia trófica. A pesar de que muchos puntos de muestreo presentaban poca agua, se refuerza la idea de la importancia de mantener 1os flujos minimos de estos rios para conservar la biodiversidad.


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Se ha aplicado el QBR (índice de calidad del bosque de ribera) a 157 estaciones de muestreo localizadas en ríos pertenecientes a 12 cuencas diferentes del ámbito mediterráneo español. Los resultados indican que más del 34 % de las estaciones muestran valores de calidad buenos y muy buenos (QBR > 75), mientras que el 45 % presenta valores de mala y pésima calidad (QBR < 50). Según una tipología previa establecida para clasificar las estaciones de muestreo, los valores de mayor calidad de QBR se dan en estaciones de cabecera de cuencas calcáreas y en las zonas de karst. Los tipos denominados temporales y ramblas presentan los valores más bajos de calidad, o no tiene representantes de máxima calidad. La ausencia o escasez de bosques de riberas de máxima calidad en las cuencas del sur peninsular puede explicarse por el gradiente de aridez que se establece desde el norte hacia el sur. Además existe un evidente deterioro de las riberas desde las cabeceras a las desembocaduras de los ríos, de manera que ambos factores influyen en el estado actual de las riberas de los ríos mediterráneos ibéricos. Finalmente se discute la utilidad y limitaciones del QBR en ríos sometidos a situaciones de estrés hídrico o ambiental.


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ABSTRACT Proposal for an evaluation protocol of the ecological quality of Andean rivers (CERA) and its use in two basins in Ecuador and Peru A Rapid Protocol is presented for Evaluation of the Ecological Status of Andean Rivers (CERA) localized over 2000 m.a.s.l. from the Northern Andes (Venezuela) through the Altiplano in the Central Andes (Bolivia). This protocol was used in 45 sampling sites in the Guayllabamba River Basin in Ecuador and in 42 sampling sites in the Ca nete River Basin in Peru. Previously, and in order to test if the sampling stations may or not be considered reference stations, we constructed a method that assesses 24 basin attributes, hydrology, reach and riverbed and that uctuates from 24 to 120 points; sites with values higher than 100 were considered as potential reference sites. Besides the benthic macroinvertebrats" evaluation, the river habitat and riparian vegetation were also evaluated through of the application of the indices ABI (R´ os et al., submitted), IHF (Pardo et al., 2002) and QBR-And, respectively. The convenience of the initial allocation of the reference sites was evaluated as well. These indices have been properly adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the high Andes rivers. The results obtained for both basins were compared and discussed. Through the use of the CERA protocol, the particular perturbation gradients and the natural variability of the reference sites in both countries were recognized. RESUMEN Propuesta de un protocolo de evaluación de la calidad ecológica de ríos andinos (CERA) y su aplicaci´on a dos cuencas en Ecuador y Perú Se presenta un protocolo rápido de evaluación de la Calidad Ecológica de Ríos Andinos (CERA), situados sobre los 2000 m.s.n.m, desde los Andes del Norte (Venezuela) hasta el Altiplano de los Andes Centrales (Bolivia). Este protocolo ha sido aplicado en 45 estaciones de muestreo en la cuenca del río Guayllabamba en Ecuador y en 42 estaciones de muestreo en la cuenca del río Cañete en Perú. Previamente, para probar si las estaciones de muestreo pueden o no ser estaciones de referencia construimos un método que valora 24 atributos de cuenca, hidrología, tramo y lecho y que fluctúa de 24 a 120 puntos; valores superiores a 100 fueron considerados como sitios potencialmente de referencia. Además del estudio de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos, se evaluó el hábitat fluvial y la comunidad vegetal de ribera a través de la aplicación de los índices ABI (Ríos et al., sometido), IHF (Pardo et al., 2002) y QBR-And respectivamente; así como la conveniencia de la asignación inicial de las estaciones de referencia. Estos índices han sido adecuadamente adaptados a las condiciones y características propias de los ríos altoandinos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados y discutidos entre ambas cuencas. Mediante la aplicación del protocolo CERA se han reconocido los respectivos gradientes de perturbación y la variabilidad natural de las estaciones de referencia en ambos países.


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Al llarg dels segles XVIII, XIX i XX, el mas la Sala de Folgueroles ha exercit un extens control sobre la gestió de l'aigua del torrent de Folgueroles a través de diverses iniciatives, entre les quals destaquen, per una banda, la conversió de vint-i-dues quarteres de terres i conreu en hortes cultivades per més d'un centenar d'arrendataris del poble, les verdures i hortalisses de les quals anaven destinades a l'autoconsum; i, per l'altra, ja entrat el segle XX, la constitució d'una societat per part de Josep Maria Bru de Sala i Serra, concessionària del subministrament d'aigua potable a Folgueroles. Ambdues activitats exemplifiquen l'orientació empresarial de la burgesia agrària catalana durant l'època contemporània.