996 resultados para Age, 14C calibrated, CALIB 5 (Stuiver et al., 1998)


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Climate conditions in the westernmost Mediterranean (Alboran Sea basin) over the last two millennia have been reconstructed through integration of molecular proxies applied for the first time in this region at such high resolution. Two temperature proxies, one based on isoprenoid membrane lipids of marine Thaumarchaeota (TEXH86-tetraether index of compounds consisting of 86 carbons) and the other on alkenones produced by haptophytes (UK'37 ratio) were applied to reconstruct sea surface temperature (SST). Both records reveal a progressive long term decline in SST over the last two millennia and an increased rate of warming during the second half of the twentieth century. This is in accord with previous temperature reconstructions for the Northern Hemisphere. TEXH86 temperature values are higher than those inferred from UK'37, probably due to differences in the bloom season of haptophytes and Thaumarchaeota, and reflect summer SST. The branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether index (BIT index) suggests a low contribution of soil organic matter (OM) to the sedimentary OM. The stable carbon isotopic composition of long chain n-alkanes indicates a predominant C3 plant contribution, with no major change in vegetation over the last 2000 yr. The distribution of long chain 1,14-diols (most likely sourced by Proboscia species in this setting) provided insight into variation in upwelling conditions during the last 2000 yr and depicts a correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, providing evidence of enhanced wind induced upwelling during periods of a persistent positive mode of the NAO.


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he oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Vancouver Island was more oxygen depleted relative to modern conditions during the Allerød (~13.5 to 12.6 calendar kyr) and again from ~11 to 10 kyr. The timing of OMZ intensification is similar to that seen throughout the North Pacific, although the onset appears to have been delayed by ~1500 years off Vancouver Island. Radiocarbon dating of coeval benthic and planktonic foraminifera shows that between 16.0 and 12.6 kyr the age contrast between surface and intermediate waters (920 m depth) off Vancouver Island was similar to, or slightly less than, that today. There is no evidence of an increased age difference (i.e., decreased ventilation) during the deglaciation, particularly during the Allerød. However, sedimentary marine organic carbon concentration and mass accumulation rate increased substantially in the Allerød, suggesting that increased organic matter export was the principal cause of late Pleistocene OMZ intensification off Vancouver Island.


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Newly acquired bathymetric and seismic reflection data have revealed mass-transport deposits (MTDs) on the northeastern Cretan margin in the active Hellenic subduction zone. These include a stack of two submarine landslides within the Malia Basin with a total volume of approximately 4.6 km**3 covering an area of about 135 km**2. These two MTDs have different geometry, internal deformations and transport structures. The older and stratigraphic lower MTD is interpreted as a debrite that fills a large part of the Malia Basin, while the second, younger MTD, with an age of at least 12.6 cal. ka B.P., indicate a thick, lens-shaped, partially translational landslide. This MTD comprises multiple slide masses with internal structure varying from highly deformed to nearly undeformed. The reconstructed source area of the older MTD is located in the westernmost Malia Basin. The source area of the younger MTD is identified in multiple headwalls at the slope-basin-transition in 450 m water depth. Numerous faults with an orientation almost parallel to the southwest-northeast-trending basin axis occur along the northern and southern boundaries of the Malia Basin and have caused a partial steepening of the slope-basin-transition. The possible triggers for slope failure and mass-wasting include (i) seismicity and (ii) movement of the uplifting island of Crete from neotectonics of the Hellenic subduction zone, and (iii) slip of clay-mineral-rich or ash-bearing layers during fluid involvement.


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A multiproxy record has been acquired from a piston core (SO139-74KL) taken offshore southern Sumatra, an area which is situated in the southwestern sector of the tropical Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. The high-resolution data sets (X-ray fluorescence, total organic carbon, and C37 alkenones) were used to track changes in paleoproductivity, freshwater budget, and sea surface temperature (SST) of the tropical climate system at orbital time scales over the past 300 ka. Our paleoclimatic data show that enhanced marine paleoproductivity was directly related to strengthening of coastal upwelling during periods of increased boreal summer insolation and associated SE monsoon strength with a precessional cyclicity. Changes in freshwater supply were primarily forced by precession-controlled changes in boreal NW winter monsoon rainfall enclosing an additional sea level component. SST variations of 2°-5°C occurred at eccentricity and precessional cyclicity. We suggest that the sea surface temperature variability off southern Sumatra is predominantly related to three major causes: (1) variations in upwelling intensity; (2) an elevated freshwater input into the southern Makassar Strait leading to reduced supply of warmer surface waters from the western Pacific and increased subsurface water transport via the Indonesian Throughflow into the Indian Ocean; and (3) long-term changes in the intensity or frequency of low-latitude climate phenomena, such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation.