976 resultados para Activity concentration correction


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[EN] The in situ activity of the enzymes aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) and the growth rates of naupliar stages of the planktonic marine copepod Paracartia grani were measured in the laboratory under different temperature and food concentrations. We assessed the effect of these parameters on growth and protein synthesis rates of P. grani nauplii. Growth and protein synthesis rates of P. grani nauplii depended on temperature and food concentration. AARS activity is valid as an index of somatic growth for P. grani nauplii when growth is not limited by food availability. However, the relationship between protein-specific AARS activity and nauplii growth varied according to food availability levels. The degradation of proteins during starvation and/or the ß-oxidation of fatty acids affected the relationship between specific AARS activity and growth rates. The results presented here add to previous studies showing that the AARS activity is a useful tool for estimating somatic growth of this and other key copepod species. Nevertheless, further research is required to elucidate the validity of AARS activity as a universal proxy for growth.


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Nandrolone and other anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) at elevated concentration can alter the expression and function of neurotransmitter systems and contribute to neuronal cell death. This effect can explain the behavioural changes, drug dependence and neuro degeneration observed in steroid abuser. Nandrolone treatment (10-8M–10-5M) caused a time- and concentration-dependent downregulation of mu opioid receptor (MOPr) transcripts in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. This effect was prevented by the androgen receptor (AR) antagonist hydroxyflutamide. Receptor binding assays confirmed a decrease in MOPr of approximately 40% in nandrolonetreated cells. Treatment with actinomycin D (10-5M), a transcription inhibitor, revealed that nandrolone may regulate MOPr mRNA stability. In SH-SY5Y cells transfected with a human MOPr luciferase promoter/reporter construct, nandrolone did not alter the rate of gene transcription. These results suggest that nandrolone may regulate MOPr expression through post-transcriptional mechanisms requiring the AR. Cito-toxicity assays demonstrated a time- and concentration dependent decrease of cells viability in SH-SY5Y cells exposed to steroids (10-6M–10-4M). This toxic effects is independent of activation of AR and sigma-2 receptor. An increased of caspase-3 activity was observed in cells treated with Nandrolone 10-6M for 48h. Collectively, these data support the existence of two cellular mechanisms that might explain the neurological syndromes observed in steroids abuser.


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The subject of this Ph.D. research thesis is the development and application of multiplexed analytical methods based on bioluminescent whole-cell biosensors. One of the main goals of analytical chemistry is multianalyte testing in which two or more analytes are measured simultaneously in a single assay. The advantages of multianalyte testing are work simplification, high throughput, and reduction in the overall cost per test. The availability of multiplexed portable analytical systems is of particular interest for on-field analysis of clinical, environmental or food samples as well as for the drug discovery process. To allow highly sensitive and selective analysis, these devices should combine biospecific molecular recognition with ultrasensitive detection systems. To address the current need for rapid, highly sensitive and inexpensive devices for obtaining more data from each sample,genetically engineered whole-cell biosensors as biospecific recognition element were combined with ultrasensitive bioluminescence detection techniques. Genetically engineered cell-based sensing systems were obtained by introducing into bacterial, yeast or mammalian cells a vector expressing a reporter protein whose expression is controlled by regulatory proteins and promoter sequences. The regulatory protein is able to recognize the presence of the analyte (e.g., compounds with hormone-like activity, heavy metals…) and to consequently activate the expression of the reporter protein that can be readily measured and directly related to the analyte bioavailable concentration in the sample. Bioluminescence represents the ideal detection principle for miniaturized analytical devices and multiplexed assays thanks to high detectability in small sample volumes allowing an accurate signal localization and quantification. In the first chapter of this dissertation is discussed the obtainment of improved bioluminescent proteins emitting at different wavelenghts, in term of increased thermostability, enhanced emission decay kinetic and spectral resolution. The second chapter is mainly focused on the use of these proteins in the development of whole-cell based assay with improved analytical performance. In particular since the main drawback of whole-cell biosensors is the high variability of their analyte specific response mainly caused by variations in cell viability due to aspecific effects of the sample’s matrix, an additional bioluminescent reporter has been introduced to correct the analytical response thus increasing the robustness of the bioassays. The feasibility of using a combination of two or more bioluminescent proteins for obtaining biosensors with internal signal correction or for the simultaneous detection of multiple analytes has been demonstrated by developing a dual reporter yeast based biosensor for androgenic activity measurement and a triple reporter mammalian cell-based biosensor for the simultaneous monitoring of two CYP450 enzymes activation, involved in cholesterol degradation, with the use of two spectrally resolved intracellular luciferases and a secreted luciferase as a control for cells viability. In the third chapter is presented the development of a portable multianalyte detection system. In order to develop a portable system that can be used also outside the laboratory environment even by non skilled personnel, cells have been immobilized into a new biocompatible and transparent polymeric matrix within a modified clear bottom black 384 -well microtiter plate to obtain a bioluminescent cell array. The cell array was placed in contact with a portable charge-coupled device (CCD) light sensor able to localize and quantify the luminescent signal produced by different bioluminescent whole-cell biosensors. This multiplexed biosensing platform containing whole-cell biosensors was successfully used to measure the overall toxicity of a given sample as well as to obtain dose response curves for heavy metals and to detect hormonal activity in clinical samples (PCT/IB2010/050625: “Portable device based on immobilized cells for the detection of analytes.” Michelini E, Roda A, Dolci LS, Mezzanotte L, Cevenini L , 2010). At the end of the dissertation some future development steps are also discussed in order to develop a point of care (POCT) device that combine portability, minimum sample pre-treatment and highly sensitive multiplexed assays in a short assay time. In this POCT perspective, field-flow fractionation (FFF) techniques, in particular gravitational variant (GrFFF) that exploit the earth gravitational field to structure the separation, have been investigated for cells fractionation, characterization and isolation. Thanks to the simplicity of its equipment, amenable to miniaturization, the GrFFF techniques appears to be particularly suited for its implementation in POCT devices and may be used as pre-analytical integrated module to be applied directly to drive target analytes of raw samples to the modules where biospecifc recognition reactions based on ultrasensitive bioluminescence detection occurs, providing an increase in overall analytical output.


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Carbonylsulfid (COS) ist eines der stabilsten reduzierten schwefelhaltigen Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In der gut durchmischten Troposphäre bewegt sich seine Konzentration um 500 ppt. COS spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Produktion von stratosphärischem Aerosol und im Ozon Zyklus. Dieses Spurengas hat eine Vielfalt an natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen, denen gleichstarke Senken, darunter die dominanten wie Vegetation und Boden, gegenüber stehen. Die Stärke der Senken ist trotz langjähriger Forschungen immer noch Gegenstand der Diskussionen. Daher ist es wichtig die kontrollierenden Parameter zu charakterisieren. Alle Austauschmessungen vor 1990 vermuteten Böden als Quelle von COS, was aber durch Castro and Galloway (1991) klar widerlegt wurde. Heute werden Böden in Ergänzung zur Vegetation grundsätzlich als Senke betrachtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden Bodenproben auf den Austausch von Carbonylsulfid mit der Atmosphäre unter verschiedenen Umgebungsbedingungen untersucht. Drei Ackerböden aus Deutschland, China und Finnland und zwei Waldböden aus Sibirien und Surinam konnten parametrisiert werden in Relation zur atmosphärischen Umgebungskonzentration, Temperatur und Bodenfeuchte (WC). Neben Umgebungskonzentration und Bodenfeuchte, scheinen Bodenstruktur und enzymatische Aktivität die Richtung und Größe des Austauschflusses zu kontrollieren. Die übereinstimmenden Optima für boreale Böden in Relation zum wassergefüllten Porenvolumen des Bodens (WFPS) und die Linearität zwischen Depositionsgeschwindigkeit (Vd) und Bulk density lassen auf eine Dominanz der Abhängigkeit der COS-Aufnahme von der durch WFPS bestimmten Diffusionsfähigkeit schließen. WFPS ist abhängig von WC, Bodenstruktur und Bodenporosität. In Ergänzung zu diesen eher physikalischen Parametern konnte die Carboanhydrase (CA) als kontrollierendes Enzym in Böden identifiziert werden. Erste Versuche zur direkten Bestimmung der CA in den untersuchten Böden erlaubten eine erste, aber noch sehr ungenaue Abschätzung der Enzymaktivität.


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The evaluation of chronic activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is critical for determining the impact of chronic stressful situations. The potential use of hair glucocorticoids as a non-invasive, retrospective, biomarker of long term HPA activity is of great interest, and it is gaining acceptance in humans and animals. However, there are still no studies in literature examining hair cortisol concentration in pigs and corticosterone concentration in laboratory rodents. Therefore, we developed and validated, for the first time, a method for measuring hair glucocorticoids concentration in commercial sows and in Sprague-Dawley rats. Our preliminary data demonstrated: 1) a validated and specific washing protocol and extraction assay method with a good sensitivity in both species; 2) the effect of the reproductive phase, housing conditions and seasonality on hair cortisol concentration in sows; 3) similar hair corticosterone concentration in male and female rats; 4) elevated hair corticosterone concentration in response to chronic stress manipulations and chronic ACTH administration, demonstrating that hair provides a good direct index of HPA activity over long periods than other indirect parameters, such adrenal or thymus weight. From these results we believe that this new non-invasive tool needs to be applied to better characterize the overall impact in livestock animals and in laboratory rodents of chronic stressful situations that negatively affect animals welfare. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to improve this methodology and maybe to develop animal models for chronic stress of high interest and translational value in human medicine.


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This doctorate was funded by the Regione Emilia Romagna, within a Spinner PhD project coordinated by the University of Parma, and involving the universities of Bologna, Ferrara and Modena. The aim of the project was: - Production of polymorphs, solvates, hydrates and co-crystals of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and agrochemicals with green chemistry methods; - Optimization of molecular and crystalline forms of APIs and pesticides in relation to activity, bioavailability and patentability. In the last decades, a growing interest in the solid-state properties of drugs in addition to their solution chemistry has blossomed. The achievement of the desired and/or the more stable polymorph during the production process can be a challenge for the industry. The study of crystalline forms could be a valuable step to produce new polymorphs and/or co-crystals with better physical-chemical properties such as solubility, permeability, thermal stability, habit, bulk density, compressibility, friability, hygroscopicity and dissolution rate in order to have potential industrial applications. Selected APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) were studied and their relationship between crystal structure and properties investigated, both in the solid state and in solution. Polymorph screening and synthesis of solvates and molecular/ionic co-crystals were performed according to green chemistry principles. Part of this project was developed in collaboration with chemical/pharmaceutical companies such as BASF (Germany) and UCB (Belgium). We focused on on the optimization of conditions and parameters of crystallization processes (additives, concentration, temperature), and on the synthesis and characterization of ionic co-crystals. Moreover, during a four-months research period in the laboratories of Professor Nair Rodriguez-Hormedo (University of Michigan), the stability in aqueous solution at the equilibrium of ionic co-crystals (ICCs) of the API piracetam was investigated, to understand the relationship between their solid-state and solution properties, in view of future design of new crystalline drugs with predefined solid and solution properties.


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Während des frühen Lebens stellen epileptische Anfälle schwere neurologische Zustände dar, weil sie ein großer Risikofaktor für die Manifestation der Epilepsie sind und eine hohe pharmakologische Resistenz zeigen. In meiner Doktorarbeit konzentrierte ich mich auf die Frage, wie verschiedene Neurotransmitter-Systeme und klinisch verwendete Medikamente epileptiforme Entladungen im perinatalen Hippocampus beeinflussen. rnIm ersten Teil meines Projektes untersuchte ich die Wirkung von GABA-Antagonisten und Modulatoren, die zwischen phasischen und tonischen GABAergen Strömen differenzieren, auf Feldpotentialaktivität in Hippocampusschnitten. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass im unreifen Hippocampus synaptische GABAerge Aktivität benötigt wird, um die Erregbarkeit zu begrenzen, während tonische GABAerge Ströme die Erregbarkeit verstärken können. Dies könnte darauf hinweisen, dass Antiepileptika mit einer höheren Spezifität für synaptische GABAA-Rezeptoren wirksamer zur Behandlung von epileptischen Anfällen bei Neugeborenen sein können. rnUm den Einfluss von Dopamin auf die Erregbarkeit des unreifen Hippocampus herauszufinden, untersuchte ich im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit die Wirkung von verschiedenen Dopaminkonzentrationen und spezifische Agonisten und Antagonisten der Dopamin-Rezeptor-Subtypen auf epileptiforme Entladungen. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass niedrige Dopamin Konzentrationen eine antikonvulsive Wirkung haben, welche vom D2-ähnliche-Rezeptor-Agonisten Quinpirol nachgeahmt werden kann, während höhere Dopamin-Konzentrationen eine prokonvulsive Wirkung über Aktivierung von D1-ähnlichen Rezeptoren hervorrufen. Obwohl unsere Untersuchungen eine mögliche Verwendung von D2-ähnlichen Rezeptor-Agonisten zur Kontrolle epileptischer Anfälle in Neugeborenen nahelegen, müssen mögliche negative Auswirkungen von DAergen Agonisten und Antagonisten auf die neuronale Entwicklung berücksichtigt werden.rnIm dritten Teil meiner Arbeit untersuchte ich welche Konzentrationen von Methylxanthinen epileptische Anfälle in Hippocampuspreparationen auslösen die synaptische Übertragungen verändern können. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass sowohl Theophyllin als auch Koffein in höheren Konzentrationen die basale synaptische Übertragungen in der CA1-Region des Hippocampus modifizieren und epileptiforme Entladungen provozieren. Die Auswirkungen auf die postsynaptischen Antworten und spontanen epileptiformen Entladungen durch Koffein waren weniger ausgeprägt, was darauf hindeutet, dass diese Substanz potentiell vorteilhafter für therapeutische Anwendungen bei Frühgeborenen sein kann. rnZusammenfassend bereichern die Ergebnisse meiner Studie erheblich unser Wissen über die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen epileptiformer Aktivität im unreifen Hippocampus und den therapeutischen Einsatz von Methylxanthinen und Pharmaka, die auf das GABAerge und DArge System einwirken.rnrn


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Epileptic seizures are the manifestations of epilepsy, which is a major neurological disorder and occurs with a high incidence during early childhood. A fundamental mechanism underlying epileptic seizures is loss of balance between neural excitation and inhibition toward overexcitation. Glycine receptor (GlyR) is ionotropic neurotransmitter receptor that upon binding of glycine opens an anion pore and mediates in the adult nervous system a consistent inhibitory action. While previously it was assumed that GlyRs mediate inhibition mainly in the brain stem and spinal cord, recent studies reported the abundant expression of GlyRs throughout the brain, in particular during neuronal development. But no information is available regarding whether activation of GlyRs modulates neural network excitability and epileptiform activities in the immature central nervous system (CNS). Therefore the study in this thesis addresses the role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat brain. By using in vitro intact corticohippocampal formation (CHF) of rats at postnatal days 4-7 and electrophysiological methods, a series of pharmacological examinations reveal that GlyRs are directly implicated in the control of hippocampal excitation levels at this age. In this thesis I am able to show that GlyRs are functionally expressed in the immature hippocampus and exhibit the classical pharmacology of GlyR, which can be activated by both glycine and the presumed endogenous agonist taurine. This study also reveals that high concentration of taurine is anticonvulsive, but lower concentration of taurine is proconvulsive. A substantial fraction of both the pro- and anticonvulsive effects of taurine is mediated via GlyRs, although activation of GABAA receptors also considerably contributes to the taurine effects. Similarly, glycine exerts both pro- and anticonvulsive effects at low and high concentrations, respectively. The proconvulsive effects of taurine and glycine depend on NKCC1-mediated Cl- accumulation, as bath application of NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide completely abolishes proconvulsive effects of low taurine and glycine concentrations. Inhibition of GlyRs with low concentration of strychnine triggers epileptiform activity in the CA3 region of immature CHF, indicating that intrinsically an inhibitory action of GlyRs overwhelms its depolarizing action in the immature hippocampus. Additionally, my study indicates that blocking taurine transporters to accumulate endogenous taurine reduces epileptiform activity via activation of GABAA receptors, but not GlyRs, while blocking glycine transporters has no observable effect on epileptiform activity. From the main results of this study it can be concluded that in the immature rat hippocampus, activation of GlyRs mediates both pro- and anticonvulsive effects, but that a persistent activation of GlyRs is required to prevent intrinic neuronal overexcitability. In summary, this study uncovers an important role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat hippocampus, and indicates that glycinergic system can potentially be a new therapeutic target against epileptic seizures of children.


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Extended cluster radio galaxies show different morphologies com- pared to those found isolated in the field. Indeed, symmetric double radio galaxies are only a small percentage of the total content of ra- dio loud cluster galaxies, which show mainly tailed morphologies (e.g. O’Dea & Owen, 1985). Moreover, cluster mergers can deeply affect the statistical properties of their radio activity. In order to better understand the morphological and radio activity differences of the radio galaxies in major mergeing and non/tidal-merging clusters, we performed a multifrequency study of extended radio galax- ies inside two cluster complexes, A3528 and A3558. They belong to the innermost region of the Shapley Concentration, the most massive con- centration of galaxy clusters (termed supercluster) in the local Universe, at average redshift z ≈ 0.043. We analysed low frequency radio data performed at 235 and 610 MHz with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and we combined them with proprietary and literature observations, in order to have a wide frequency range (150 MHz to 8.4 GHz) to perform the spectral analysis. The low frequency images allowed us to carry out a detailed study of the radio tails and diffuse emission found in some cases. The results in the radio band were also qualitatively compared with the X-ray information coming from XMM-Newton observations, in order to test the interaction between radio galaxies and cluster weather. We found that the brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in the A3528 cluster complex are powerful and present substantial emission from old relativistic plasma characterized by a steep spectrum (α > 2). In the light of observational pieces of evidence, we suggest they are possible re-started radio galaxies. On the other hand, the tailed radio galaxies trace the host galaxy motion with respect to the ICM, and our find- ings is consistent with the dynamical interpretation of a tidal interaction (Gastaldello et al. 2003). On the contrary, the BCGs in the A3558 clus- ter complex are either quiet or very faint radio galaxies, supporting the hypothesis that clusters mergers quench the radio emission from AGN.


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Pergularain e I, a cysteine protease with thrombin-like activity, was purified by ion exchange chromatography from the latex of Pergularia extensa. Its homogeneity was characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), native PAGE and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The molecular mass of pergularain e I by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) was found to be 23.356 kDa and the N-terminal sequence is L-P-H-D-V-E. Pergularain e I is a glycoprotein containing approximately 20% of carbohydrate. Pergularain e I constituted 6.7% of the total protein with a specific activity of 9.5 units/mg/min with a 2.11-fold increased purity. Proteolytic activity of the pergularain e I was completely inhibited by iodoacetic acid (IAA). Pergularain e I exhibited procoagulant activity with citrated plasma and fibrinogen similar to thrombin. Pergularain e I increases the absorbance of fibrinogen solution in concentration-dependent and time-dependent manner. At 10 microg concentration, an absorbance of 0.48 was reached within 10 min of incubation time. Similar absorbance was observed when 0.2 NIH units of thrombin were used. Thrombin-like activity of pergularain e I is because of the selective hydrolysis of A alpha and B beta chains of fibrinogen and gamma-chain was observed to be insusceptible to hydrolysis. Molecular masses of the two peptide fragments released from fibrinogen due to the hydrolysis by pergularain e I at 5-min incubation time were found to be 1537.21 and 1553.29 and were in close agreement with the molecular masses of 16 amino acid sequence of fibrinopeptide A and 14 amino acid sequence of fibrinopeptide B, respectively. Prolonged fibrinogen-pergularain e I incubation releases additional peptides and their sequence comparison of molecular masses of the released peptides suggested that pergularain e I hydrolyzes specifically after arginine residues.


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Pneumococcal meningitis causes apoptosis of developing neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The death of these cells is accompanied with long-term learning and memory deficits in meningitis survivors. Here, we studied the role of the PI3K/Akt (protein kinase B) survival pathway in hippocampal apoptosis in a well-characterized infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Meningitis was accompanied by a significant decrease of the PI3K product phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP(3)) and of phosphorylated (i.e., activated) Akt in the hippocampus. At the cellular level, phosphorylated Akt was decreased in both the granular layer and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, the region where the developing neurons undergo apoptosis. Protein levels and activity of PTEN, the major antagonist of PI3K, were unaltered by infection, suggesting that the observed decrease in PIP(3) and Akt phosphorylation is a result of decreased PI3K signaling. Treatment with the PTEN inhibitor bpV(pic) restored Akt activity and significantly attenuated hippocampal apoptosis. Co-treatment with the specific PI3K inhibitor LY294002 reversed the restoration of Akt activity and attenuation of hippocampal apoptosis, while it had no significant effect on these parameters on its own. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of bpV(pic) on apoptosis was mediated by PI3K-dependent activation of Akt, strongly suggesting that bpV(pic) acted on PTEN. Treatment with bpV(pic) also partially inhibited the concentration of bacteria and cytokines in the CSF, but this effect was not reversed by LY294002, indicating that the effect of bpV(pic) on apoptosis was independent of its effect on CSF bacterial burden and cytokine levels. These results indicate that the PI3K/Akt pathway plays an important role in the death and survival of developing hippocampal neurons during the acute phase of pneumococcal meningitis.


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Cytokinin ribosides (N(6)-substituted adenosine derivatives) have been shown to have anticancer activity both in vitro and in vivo. This study presents the first systematic analysis of the relationship between the chemical structure of cytokinins and their cytotoxic effects against a panel of human cancer cell lines with diverse histopathological origins. The results confirm the cytotoxic activity of N(6)-isopentenyladenosine, kinetin riboside, and N(6)-benzyladenosine and show that the spectrum of cell lines that are sensitive to these compounds and their tissues of origin are wider than previously reported. The first evidence that the hydroxylated aromatic cytokinins (ortho-, meta-, para-topolin riboside) and the isoprenoid cytokinin cis-zeatin riboside have cytotoxic activities is presented. Most cell lines in the panel showed greatest sensitivity to ortho-topolin riboside (IC(50)=0.5-11.6 microM). Cytokinin nucleotides, some synthesized for the first time in this study, were usually active in a similar concentration range to the corresponding ribosides. However, cytokinin free bases, 2-methylthio derivatives and both O- and N-glucosides showed little or no toxicity. Overall the study shows that structural requirements for cytotoxic activity of cytokinins against human cancer cell lines differ from the requirements for their activity in plant bioassays. The potent anticancer activity of ortho-topolin riboside (GI(50)=0.07-84.60 microM, 1st quartile=0.33 microM, median=0.65 microM, 3rd quartile=1.94 microM) was confirmed using NCI(60), a standard panel of 59 cell lines, originating from nine different tissues. Further, the activity pattern of oTR was distinctly different from those of standard anticancer drugs, suggesting that it has a unique mechanism of activity. In comparison with standard drugs, oTR showed exceptional cytotoxic activity against NCI(60) cell lines with a mutated p53 tumour suppressor gene. oTR also exhibited significant anticancer activity against several tumour models in in vivo hollow fibre assays.


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Mobility of naturally occurring U-238 and U-234 radionuclides was studied in a low permeability, reducing claystone formation (Opalinus Clay) near its contact with an overlying oxidising aquifer (Dogger Limestones) at Mont Terri, Switzerland. Our data point to a limited redistribution of U in some of the studied samples. Observed centimetre-scale U mobility is explained by slow diffusive transport of U-234 in the pore waters of the Opalinus Clay driven by spatially variable in situ supply (by alpha-recoil) of U-234 from the rock matrix. Metre-scale mobility is interpreted as a result of infiltration of meteoric water into the overlying aquifer which developed gradients of U concentration across the two rock formations. This triggered a slow in-diffusion of U with (U-234/U-238) > 1 into the Opalinus Clay as attested by a clear-cut pattern of decreasing bulk rock (U-234/U-238) inwards the Opalinus Clay, away from the Dogger Limestones.


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The effect of induction of parturition with a PGF(2)alpha analog on plasma concentration of prolactin (PRL) and its effects on colostrum concentration of IgG and chitotriosidase (ChT) activity were studied in 16 pregnant Majorera goats. Treated goats, those in which parturition was induced, had greater concentrations of PRL than control goats 24 h before parturition (P < 0.05) and 48 h after parturition (P < 0.05). Control goats had greater concentrations of PRL than treated goats 96 h after parturition (P < 0.05). Plasma concentration of IgG did not differ between groups during the experimental period, but colostrum concentrations of IgG were greater in control goats than in treated goats at parturition (P < 0.05). Plasma ChT activity decreased during the period 72 h before parturition to 24 h after parturition in control and treated goats. Time evolution after partum affected the colostrum ChT activity, being greater at parturition than after parturition in both groups (P < 0.05). In summary, concentration of IgG in colostrum is slightly diminished if parturition is induced. Induction of parturition causes an early increase in PRL, which is most likely responsible for preterm suppression of IgG transport into mammary secretions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: The disease alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by the larval stage of the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis, is fatal if treatment is unsuccessful. Current treatment options are, at best, parasitostatic, and involve taking benzimidazoles (albendazole, mebendazole) for the whole of a patient's life. In conjunction with the recent development of optimized procedures for E. multilocularis metacestode cultivation, we aimed to develop a rapid and reliable drug screening test, which enables efficient screening of a large number of compounds in a relatively short time frame. METHODS: Metacestodes were treated in vitro with albendazole, the nitro-thiazole nitazoxanide and 29 nitazoxanide derivatives. The resulting leakage of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) activity into the medium supernatant was measured and provided an indication of compound efficacy. RESULTS: We show that upon in vitro culture of E. multilocularis metacestodes in the presence of active drugs such as albendazole, the nitro-thiazole nitazoxanide and 30 different nitazoxanide derivatives, the activity of PGI in culture supernatants increased. The increase in PGI activity correlated with the progressive degeneration and destruction of metacestode tissue in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, which allowed us to perform a structure-activity relationship analysis on the thiazolide compounds used in this study. CONCLUSIONS: The assay presented here is inexpensive, rapid, can be used in 24- and 96-well formats and will serve as an ideal tool for first-round in vitro tests on the efficacy of large numbers of antiparasitic compounds.