999 resultados para AQUEOUS SOLUBILIZATION


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The preconcentration of phenanthrene from aqueous solution was discussed. The study was carried out by using a slightly hydrophobic nonionic surfactant. The slightly hydrophobic surfactant, at proper condition enhanced the performance of the surfactant-based extraction process on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The results show that the increasing the temperature difference enhanced the preconcentration factors prominently but only slightly the recovery efficiency.


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Biodegradation of poorly soluble polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been a challenge in bioremediation. In recent years, surfactant-enhanced bioremediation of PAH contaminants has attracted great attention in research. In this study, biodegradation of phenanthrene as a model PAHs solubilized in saline micellar solutions of a biodegradable commercial alcohol ethoxylate nonionic surfactant was investigated. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the surfactant and its solubilization capacity for phenanthrene were examined in an artificial saline water medium, and a type of marine bacteria, Neptunomonas naphthovorans, was studied for the biodegradation of phenanthrene solubilized in the surfactant micellar solutions of the saline medium. It is found that the solubility of phenanthrene in the surfactant micellar solutions increased linearly with the surfactant concentrations, but, at a fixed phenanthrene concentration, the biodegradability of phenanthrene in the micellar solutions decreased with the increase of the surfactant concentrations. This was attributed to the reduced bioavailability of phenanthrene, due to its increased solubilization extent in the micellar phase and possibly lowered mass transfer rate from the micellar phase into the aqueous phase or into the bacterial cells. In addition, an inhibitory effect of the surfactant on the bacterial growth at high surfactant concentrations may also play a role. It is concluded that the surfactant largely enhanced the solubilization of phenanthrene in the saline water medium, but excess existence of the surfactant in the medium should be minimized or avoided for the biodegradation of phenanthrene by Neptunomonas naphthovorans.


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A novel but simple cloud-point extraction (CPE) process is developed to preconcentrate the trace of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with the use of the readily biodegradable nonionic surfactant Tergitol 15-S-7 as extractant. The concentrations of PAHs, mixtures of naphthalene and phenanthrene as well as pyrene, in the spiked samples were determined with the new CPE process at ambient temperature (23 °C) followed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. More than 80% of phenanthrene and pyrene, respectively, and 96% of naphthalene initially present in the aqueous solutions with concentrations near or below their aqueous solubilities were recovered using this new CPE process. Importantly Tergitol 15-S-7 does not give any fluorometric signal to interfere with fluorescence detection of PAHs in the UV range. No special washing step is, thus, required to remove surfactant before HPLC analyses. Different experimental conditions were studied. The optimum conditions for the preconcentration and determi nation of these selected PAHs at ambient temperature have been established as the following:  (1) 3 wt % surfactant; (2) addition of 0.5 M Na2SO4; (3) 10 min for equilibration time; and (4) 3000 rpm for centrifugal speed with duration of 10 min.


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We describe the direct electro-chemical reduction of graphene oxide to graphene from aqueous suspension by applying reduction voltages exceeding -1.0 to -1.2 V. The conductivity of the deposition medium is of crucial importance and only values between 4-25 mS cm-1 result in deposition. Above 25 mS cm-1 the suspension de-stabilises while conductivities below 4 mS cm-1 do not show a measurable deposition rate. Furthermore, we show that deposition can be carried out over a wide pH region ranging from 1.5 to 12.5. The electro-deposition process is characterised in terms of electro-chemical methods including cyclic voltammetry, quartz crystal microbalance, impedance spectroscopy, constant amperometry and potentiometric titrations, while the deposits are analysed via Raman spectroscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The determined oxygen contents are similar to those of chemically reduced graphene oxide, and the conductivity of the deposits was found to be ~20 S cm -1.


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The ionic liquid (IL) 2-butylthiolonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, [mimSBu][NTf2], facilitates the efficient extraction of silver(i) from aqueous media via interaction with both the cation and anion components of the IL. Studies with a conventional aqueous-IL two phase system as well as microextraction of silver(i) by a thick IL film adhered to an electrode monitored in situ by cyclic voltammetry, established that [mimSBu][NTf2] can extract electroactive silver(i) ions from an aqueous solution. The pH of the aqueous phase decreases upon addition of [mimSBu]+, which is attributed to partial release of the hydrogen attached to the N(3) nitrogen atom of the imidazolium ring. The presence of silver(i) further increase the acidity of the aqueous phase as a consequence of coordination with the IL cation component. Voltammetric and 1H and 13C NMR techniques have been used to establish the nature of the silver(i) complexes extracted, and show that the form of interaction with the IL differs from that outlined previously for the extraction of copper(ii). Insights on the competition established when silver(i) is extracted in the presence of copper(ii) are provided. Finally, it is noted that metallic silver can be directly electrodeposited at the electrode surface after extraction of silver(i) into [mimSBu][NTf2] and that back extraction of silver(i) into aqueous media is achieved by addition of an acidic aqueous solution.


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Ionic liquid surface treatments are proposed as a method of controlling corrosion processes on magnesium alloys. An important magnesium alloy, ZE41 (nominally 4% Zn and 1% rare earth), was treated with the ionic liquid trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium diphenylphosphate (P66614DPP). Impedance spectra were acquired at intervals during the treatment, indicating the development of a film and allowing a measure of the film formation process to be obtained over time. Mechanically polished and electro-polished surfaces were prepared; these surfaces, treated and untreated, were subsequently exposed to 0.1 M NaCl aqueous solutions. The corrosion behavior of the prepared surfaces were assessed using impedance spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The results indicated a significant role for the method of surface preparation used and, in both cases, the ionic liquid treatment produced a more corrosion-resistant surface.


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Colistin is an amphiphilic antibiotic that has re-emerged into clinical use due to the increasing prevalence of difficult-to-treat Gram-negative infections. The existence of self-assembling colloids in solutions of colistin and its derivative prodrug, colistin methanesulfonate (CMS), was investigated. Colistin and CMS reduced the air−water interfacial tension, and dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies showed the existence of 2.07 ± 0.3 nm aggregates above 1.5 mM for colistin and of 1.98 ± 0.36 nm aggregates for CMS above 3.5 mM (mean ± SD). Above the respective critical micelle concentrations (CMC) the solubility of azithromycin, a hydrophobic antibiotic, increased approximately linearly with increasing surfactant concentration (5:1 mol ratio colistin:azithromycin), suggestive of hydrophobic domains within the micellar cores. Rapid conversion of CMS to colistin occurred below the CMC (60% over 48 h), while conversion above the CMC was less than 1%. The formation of colistin and CMS micelles demonstrated in this study is the proposed mechanism for solubilization of azithromycin and the concentration-dependent stability of CMS.


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Substrate-induced coagulation (SIC) is a coating process based on self-assembly for coating different surfaces with fine particulate materials. The particles are dispersed in a suitable solvent and the stability of the dispersion is adjusted by additives. When a surface, pre-treated with a flocculant e.g. a polyelectrolyte, is dipped into the dispersion, it induces coagulation resulting in the deposition of the particles on the surface. A non-aqueous SIC process for carbon coating is presented, which can be performed in polar, aprotic solvents such as N-Methyl-2- pyrrolidinone (NMP). Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) is used to condition the surface of substrates such as mica, copperfoil, silicon-wafers and lithiumcobalt oxide powder, a cathode material used for Li-ion batteries. The subsequent SIC carbon coating produces uniform layers on the substrates and causes the conductivity of lithiumcobalt oxide to increase drastically, while retaining a high percentage of active battery material.


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Forces between mica surfaces immersed in Me4NBr, Pr4NBr, and Pe4NBr solutions over a wide concentration range are reported (Me = methyl, Pr = propyl, Pe = pentyl). In each case the cation adsorbs quite strongly onto the negatively charged mica surface and determines the double-layer potential. However, this strong adsorption does not cause complete neutralization of the negative lattice charge apparently because of packing constraints due to the large size of these ions. Adsorption of Me4N+ ions gives rise to a short-range (<2 nm) repulsive force similar to that previously observed between bilayers of CTAB and may be due to the residual hydration of these ions. The large rations also, unexpectedly, give rise to short-range repulsive forces but of a somewhat different nature. In this case, the repulsive forces can be explained by assuming that the large adsorbed ions shift the plane of charge a distance of one ion diameter from the mica surface. At all but very high concentrations these larger ions could be displaced from the mica surfaces on forcing them together. No evidence of any “hydrophobic attraction” was observed between surfaces containing these adsorbed ions. Previous studies on coagulation are discussed in the light of our results.


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A stable aqueous electrolyte film is formed between a mercury drop and a flat mica surface due to electrical double-layer repulsion when a negative potential is applied to the mercury. Film thickness has been measured as a function of applied potential while keeping the film pressure constant. By making measurements in this way, it is possible to map the data directly according to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. An excellent fit to the data is obtained, providing direct evidence for this classical equation and its use as the basis of the Gouy-Chapman model of the diffuse double layer in electrolyte solutions.


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An atomic force microscope was used to measure the forces acting between two polystyrene latex spheres in aqueous media. The results show an electrostatic repulsion at large separations which is overtaken by an attractive “hook” that pulls the two spheres into contact from a considerable range (20−400 nm), much larger than could be expected for a van der Waals attraction. The range of operation of this attraction varies from one experiment to another and is not correlated with electrolyte concentration. However, the range is found to decrease significantly when the level of dissolved gas in the water is reduced.