1000 resultados para AACPD e curva de progresso


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O presente trabalho investiga a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo em 1998, de modo que tem como eixo de pesquisa e reflexões a política pública progressão continuada e seu processo de implantação e implementação. Houve o uso de duas linhas de pesquisa: pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa e análise do discurso oficial, não somente aquele que implanta o regime citado, mas também a gradação das leis e suas características. O suporte central de pesquisa apoia-se em duas consagradas obras: “A estrutura das revoluções científicas” e “A origem das espécies”, de Thomas Kuhn e Charles Darwin, respectivamente. As obras citadas farão jus ao título desse trabalho, a qual utiliza das discussões propostas por Kuhn sobre ‘crise’, tendo esta como uma das linhas mestras para analisar os períodos pré e pós implantação do regime combinado ao darwinismo, que aqui se denomina darwinismo pedagógico. Para estabelecer uma conexão entre o objeto central de pesquisa e as obras acima citadas, houve a necessidade de pesquisar e discutir temáticas diretamente relacionadas, como ‘um rio e seus afluentes’. Os ‘afluentes’ pesquisados e discutidos foram: pedagogia e ciência, regime de seriação, darwinismo, metáfora, políticas públicas, gradação das leis, identidade, resistência e desistência. Os ‘afluentes’ não ficaram restritos a pesquisa bibliográfica, houve a necessidade de também no discurso oficial realizar esta linha metodológica. A pesquisa revelou que a partir das contribuições de Kuhn, a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo apenas fez com que a educação no estado saísse de uma crise e entrasse em outra. Além disso, revelou também que o darwinismo pedagógico que imperava no regime de seriação, muda de face no regime de progressão continuada, porém continua ativo, agora afetando diretamente os docentes, que resistem ativamente ou em oposição, ou desistem, seja de forma anunciada ou velada.


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Some quality defects can cause changes in attributes of the meat, among these we can detach the PSE meat (Pale, Soft and Exudative). The PSE meat is pale, flaccid and exudative and result from sudden pH decrease while the carcass is still under high temperature. The identification of PSE meat has been done by measuring pH and L* (Lightness). However, studies suggest that a more precise evaluation of the kinetics of pH and temperature decrease has to be conducted to better understand the etiology of PSE meat in poultry. The aim of this study was to obtain the glycolytic curve for normal and PSE meat of chicken, through the pH, L* and CRA (water holding capacity) analysis. This experiment was conducted with carcasses obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 35) of Cobb lineage, 50 days old, from the same batch of creation and with the same pre-slaughter fasting time (10h). Samples of breast fillets were obtained from carcasses randomly collected immediately at the output of pre-cooling chiller, and the analysis of pH, temperature and L * were conducted in the same in times 1h35, 2h35, 3h35, 5h35, 8h35, 11h35, 14h35, 17h35, 20h35, 23h35 and 25h35 post mortem. The CRA analyzes were performed at the time of 25h35 post mortem. The pH measurements indicated that only from the 04 time (8h35 post mortem) was possible to verify an indicative of stabilization, being that PSE meat pH was 5,69±0,07, and normal meat was 5,93±0,09. The final pH (25h35 post mortem) was 5,98±0,06 and L* 57,30± 2,39 for normal meat, while for PSE meat the result was 5,72±0,06 and L* 59,44±1,51. To CRA, the average of the samples (67,19±3.13 and 64,45± 2.66) showed a difference between the normal chicken fillets and PSE respectively. The data found in this study are consistent with those reported by own research group in another slaughterhouse and contradicts similar works, but made at room temperature, indicating that for chickens under commercial conditions the resolution of rigor mortis occurs after 8h35 post mortem.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se no Brasil exista a relação da hipótese da curva ambiental de Kuznets, onde atividades que degradam o meio ambiente vão diminuindo após certo ponto de renda per capita atingido. Essa teoria será verificada através de um modelo estimado por mínimos quadrados ordinários com as variáveis de emissão de CO2 e a renda per capita e seus termos ao quadrado e ao cubo. Segundo os resultados obtidos, o Brasil ainda não apresenta este padrão de curva de Kuznets.


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Este trabalho busca apresentar a relação entre o crescimento econômico e a desigualdade de gênero, no Brasil durante o período de 1990 a 2012, verificando se esta relação apresenta-se como a Curva de Kuznets, isto é, se apresenta fases, crescimento da desigualdade de gênero e decrescimento da desigualdade de gênero conforme ocorre o crescimento econômico no país. Através do método de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) será estimado um modelo quadrático e um modelo cúbico, buscando testar se a hipótese da Curva de Kuznets apresentará o formato de “U” invertido ou o formato de “S” da curva adaptada de Kuznets para gênero. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o Brasil se encontra, possivelmente, entre a primeira fase e a segunda fase da relação entre o crescimento econômico e a desigualdade de gênero, neste período, apresentando o formato de “U” invertido.


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En este trabajo se realiza un estudio del desarrollo hist?rico de la noci?n de curva desde la forma sint?tica hasta la representaci?n anal?tica; tomando como rejilla de an?lisis dos categor?as metodol?gicas presentes en el tratamiento hist?rico de la noci?n de curva como lo son la tematizaci?n y la generalizaci?n. Y considerando los aportes m?s importantes de la concepci?n de las curvas en la antigua Grecia, en la geometr?a cartesiana y en la representaci?n de las curvas mediante series de potencias.


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Discursos pronunciados na camara federal a 28 de novembro, 1 e 12 de dezembro de 1924, e artigos publicados no paiz, no a.b.c. e na revista da semana.


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This chapter explores the relationship between environmental conflicts and technical progress, trying to understand, in the case of large mines of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, in Alentejo, how emerging environmental problems conditioned the performance or led to the search for alternative technical solutions, taking as chronological limit for this observation the beginning of World War II. In the absence of the archives of the companies, the research was based on existing administrative documents in the state archives (mining engineers reports, the licensing of mining activities), on reports and documents published in specialized mining press, in particular, the Bulletin of the Ministry of Public Works, Trade and Industry, the Journal of Public Works, Trade and Industry (both in Portuguese), and finally in the local press. Despite that limitation, the information available shows that in global competition markets, the success of the British enterprise in Santo Domingo had the active search for new technical solutions for the creation and adaptation of existing knowledge to local problems in order to maximize the mineral resources available. The early development of the hydrometallurgical processes for the treatment of poor ores, named ‘natural cementation’, can be explained as the way these companies tried to solve problems of competitiveness, boosting economies of scale. Thus, they transferred the environmental costs previously limited to agriculture to more fragile social groups, the poor fishermen of Guadiana River and of Vila Real de Santo António. Therefore, the hydrometallurgy of pyrites was developed locally, pioneered in Santo Domingo that allowed the survival and expansion of the British company from the late 1870s, that is, at a time when most small mines shut since they were not able to compete globally. Through different consented and regulated processes (judicial), through conflict or parliamentary mediation, the State imposed exceptionally additional costs to companies, either for compensation, the imposing the application of remediation measures to reduce the environmental damage in some cases, thus contributing to derail some projects. These cases suggest that the interaction between local conflicts, corporate behavior and technological progress proves to be complex. This article aims to contribute to the debate on economic and social history between the environment and technological progress, arguing that the fixed costs and economic imponderable social risks were factors that encouraged the companies to search for new solutions and to introduce innovations since that would allow the expansion of their activity. In this process the companies sometimes faced environmental dilemmas and unforeseen costs with consequences on the economy of firms. The nature of the knowledge needed to address the environmental problems they created, however, is of a very different nature from that knowledge needed to face the environmental burdens that were inherent to the development of its activity.


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With the new discoveries of oil and gas, the exploration of fields in various geological basins, imports of other oils and the development of alternative fuels, more and more research labs have evaluated and characterized new types of petroleum and derivatives. Therefore the investment in new techniques and equipment in the samples analysis to determine their physical and chemical properties, their composition, possible contaminants, especification of products, among others, have multiplied in last years, so development of techniques for rapid and efficient characterization is extremely important for a better economic recovery of oil. Based on this context, this work has two main objectives. The first one is to characterize the oil by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and correlate these results with from other types of characterizations data previously informed. The second is to use the technique to develop a methodology to obtain the curve of evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in oil. Thus, four samples were analyzed by TG-MS, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). TG results can be used to indicate the nature of oil, its tendency in coke formation, temperatures of distillation and cracking, and other features. It was observed in MS evaluations the behavior of oil main compounds with temperature, the points where the volatilized certain fractions and the evaluation gas analysis of sulfide hydrogen that is compared with the evaluation curve obtained by Petrobras with another methodology


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Petroleum evaluation is analyze it using different methodologies, following international standards to know their chemical and physicochemical properties, contaminant levels, composition and especially their ability to generate derivatives. Many of these analyzes consuming a lot of time, large amount of samples , supplies and need an organized transportation logistics, schedule and professionals involved. Looking for alternatives that optimize the evaluation and enable the use of new technologies, seven samples of different centrifuged Brazilian oils previously characterized by Petrobras were analyzed by thermogravimetry in 25-900° C range using heating rates of 05, 10 and 20ºC per minute. With experimental data obtained, characterizations correlations were performed and provided: generation of true boiling point curves (TBP) simulated; comparing fractions generated with appropriate cut standard in temperature ranges; an approach to obtain Watson characterization factor; and compare micro carbon residue formed. The results showed a good chance of reproducing simulated TBP curve from thermogravimetry taking into account the composition, density and other oil properties. Proposed correlations for experimental characterization factor and carbon residue followed Petrobras characterizations, showing that thermogravimetry can be used as a tool on oil evaluation, because your quick analysis, accuracy, and requires a minimum number of samples and consumables


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La ecografía básica cardiaca (ECB) es una herramienta útil en la Unidad de Cuidados intensivos al facilitar la realización de ciertas intervenciones. No se ha definido el número de repeticiones necesarias para obtener un nivel de competencia adecuado. La evidencia encontrada indica un número mínimo de cincuenta repeticiones, para alcanzar cierto grado de habilidad.


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