964 resultados para 871-1.09
Atomic ordering in network glasses on length scales longer than nearest-neighbour length scales has long been a source of controversy(1-6). Detailed experimental information is therefore necessary to understand both the network properties and the fundamentals of glass formation. Here we address the problem by investigating topological and chemical ordering in structurally disordered AX2 systems by applying the method of isotopic substitution in neutron diffraction to glassy ZnCl2. This system may be regarded as a prototypical ionic network forming glass, provided that ion polarization effects are taken into account(7), and has thus been the focus of much attention(8-14). By experiment, we show that both the topological and chemical ordering are described by two length scales at distances greater than nearest-neighbour length scales. One of these is associated with the intermediate range, as manifested by the appearance in the measured diffraction patterns of a first sharp diffraction peak at 1.09( 3) angstrom(-1); the other is associated with an extended range, which shows ordering in the glass out to 62( 4) angstrom. We also find that these general features are characteristic of glassy GeSe2, a prototypical covalently bonded network material(15,16). The results therefore offer structural insight into those length scales that determine many important aspects of supercooled liquid and glass phenomenology(11).
Totaling EUR 29 billion, Hungary is in the midst of implementing its largest economic development program in its young democratic history. At the center of the European Union led development program is an effort to revitalize and reequip Hungary’s languishing small and medium sized enterprises (SME), long the country's heart of employment. This paper examines the efficiency and impact of two Structural Fund's instruments to enhance SME development – ECOP 2.1.1 and JEREMIE. A survey of 1275 SME and interviews with dozens of top policy-makers paint a flawed development program in dire need of reform. Despite this, empirical analysis suggests JEREMIE funds may have dampened the effects of the financial crisis and are crucial for the continued liquidity of SME, who have been particularly hit hard by the world financial crisis.
A vállalati, pontosabban szólva az üzleti szemléletmód persze nagymértékben indokolhatja a fejlődés koncepciójának versenyképességi koncepcióként való felfogását és a hangsúlynak a vállalatok működése, hatékonysága és eredményessége szempontjából meghatározó szerepű belső mikró- és makró-gazdasági körülményekre helyezését, sőt, a vonatkozó mutatószámok létjogosultságát is. Mindez azonban nem lehet mentség a nemzetek, illetve országok fejlődésének és a feltételezetten közöttük folyó versenynek a fölöttébb leegyszerűsítő és egyoldalú értelmezésére. _________ The working paper is the analysis of understanding and measurement of competitiveness in critical view. Competitiveness has become a very fashionable term recently, used not only in regard to the marketing of products or services, and the rivalry of enterprises but also concerning nations or rather countries. The study reviews the understanding of competitiveness, the role of corporate transnationalization and the opportunities of measurement and assessment of national competitiveness. There are several understanding of competitiveness of nations or countries, and there are also many indices to measure it. The understanding of national competitiveness is many times confused with economic development.
Background: Arterial pulse pressure, the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, has been used as an indicator (surrogate measure) of arterial stiffness. High arterial pulse pressure (> 40) has been associated with increased cardiovascular disease and mortality. Several clinical trials have reported that the proportion of calories from carbohydrate has an effect on blood pressure. The primary objective of this study was to assess arterial pulse pressure and its association with carbohydrate quantity and quality (glycemic load) with diabetes status for a Cuban American population. Methods: A single point analysis included 367 participants. There was complete data for 365 (190 with and 175 without type 2 diabetes). The study was conducted in the investigator’s laboratory located in Miami, Florida. Demographic, dietary, anthropometric and laboratory data were collected. Arterial pulse pressure was calculated by the formula systolic minus the diastolic blood pressure. Glycemic load, fructose, sucrose, percent of average daily calories from carbohydrate, fat and protein, grams of fiber and micronutrient intakes were calculated from a validated food frequency questionnaire. Results: The mean arterial pulse pressure was significantly higher in participants with (52.9 ± 12.4) than without (48.6 ± 13.4) type 2 diabetes. The odds of persons with diabetes having high arterial pulse pressure (>40) was 1.85 (95% CI =1.09, 3.13); p=0.023. For persons with type 2 diabetes higher glycemic load was associated with lower arterial pulse pressure. Conclusions: Arterial pulse pressure and diet are modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Arterial pulse pressure may be associated with carbohydrate intake differently considering diabetes status. Results may be due to individuals with diabetes following dietary recommendations. The findings of this study suggest clinicians take into consideration how medical condition, ethnicity and diet are associated with arterial pulse pressure before developing a medical nutrition therapy plan in collaboration with the client.
BACKGROUND: Observational studies evaluating the possible interaction between proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and clopidogrel have shown mixed results. We conducted a systematic review comparing the safety of individual PPIs in patients with coronary artery disease taking clopidogrel. METHODS AND RESULTS: Studies performed from January 1995 to December 2013 were screened for inclusion. Data were extracted, and study quality was graded for 34 potential studies. For those studies in which follow-up period, outcomes, and multivariable adjustment were comparable, meta-analysis was performed.The adjusted odds or hazard ratios for the composite of cardiovascular or all-cause death, myocardial infarction, and stroke at 1 year were reported in 6 observational studies with data on individual PPIs. Random-effects meta-analyses of the 6 studies revealed an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events for those taking pantoprazole (hazard ratio 1.38; 95% CI 1.12-1.70), lansoprazole (hazard ratio 1.29; 95% CI 1.09-1.52), or esomeprazole (hazard ratio 1.27; 95% CI 1.02-1.58) compared with patients on no PPI. This association was not significant for omeprazole (hazard ratio 1.16; 95% CI 0.93-1.44). Sensitivity analyses for the coronary artery disease population (acute coronary syndrome versus mixed) and exclusion of a single study due to heterogeneity of reported results did not have significant influence on the effect estimates for any PPIs. CONCLUSIONS: Several frequently used PPIs previously thought to be safe for concomitant use with clopidogrel were associated with greater risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Although the data are observational, they highlight the need for randomized controlled trials to evaluate the safety of concomitant PPI and clopidogrel use in patients with coronary artery disease.
Objectif : Examiner la relation entre l’accès aux ressources alimentaires et le degré de l’insécurité alimentaire du ménage parmi les nouveaux utilisateurs des organismes communautaires d’intervention en sécurité alimentaire de Montréal. Méthode : Étude observationnelle transversale. Elle consiste en une analyse secondaire de données (n=785) qui proviennent du premier temps de mesure de l’enquête sur les effets des interventions en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal menée entre 2011 et 2012. La variable dépendante a été l’insécurité alimentaire. Les variables indépendantes ont été le mode de transport utilisé pour transporter les aliments, l’emplacement de l’épicerie la plus fréquentée par le participant, la distance entre l’organisme communautaire fréquenté par le participant et son domicile, la proximité de l’épicerie la plus fréquentée, la satisfaction quant à l’acceptabilité et le caractère abordable des aliments dans l’épicerie la plus fréquentée, et les difficultés d’accès aux aliments. Des régressions logistiques furent effectuées afin d’évaluer la relation entre les variables indépendantes et le degré de l’insécurité alimentaire, en utilisant l’insécurité sévère comme catégorie de référence. Résultats : Nos données suggèrent que la sévérité de l’insécurité alimentaire est associée à la difficulté d’accès aux aliments à cause de la cherté des aliments (pour la sécurité alimentaire, OR=0.13; CI : 0.07-0.25 et pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=0.42; CI : 0.28-0.63), au fait de faire l’épicerie à l’extérieur du quartier ou de faire rarement l’épicerie (pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=0.50, CI : 0.30-0.84), au fait d’avoir accès au transport collectif (pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=1.73; CI : 1.09-2.73), au fait de résider à une distance moyenne (soit entre 1000 et 2000 mètres) d’un organisme communautaire en sécurité alimentaire (pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=1.83; CI : 1.14-2.92), et à la difficulté d’accès aux aliments à cause de contraintes de transport (pour la sécurité alimentaire, OR=0.18, CI : 0.06-0.52). Conclusion : L’accès aux ressources alimentaires est associé au degré de l’insécurité alimentaire des nouveaux ménages participant aux interventions en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal.
The boron isotope systematics has been determined for azooxanthellate scleractinian corals from a wide range of both deep-sea and shallow-water environments. The aragonitic coral species, Caryophyllia smithii, Desmophyllum dianthus, Enallopsammia rostrata, Lophelia pertusa, and Madrepora oculata, are all found to have relatively high d11B compositions ranging from 23.2 per mil to 28.7 per mil. These values lie substantially above the pH-dependent inorganic seawater borate equilibrium curve, indicative of strong up-regulation of pH of the internal calcifying fluid (pH(cf)), being elevated by ~0.6-0.8 units (Delta pH) relative to ambient seawater. In contrast, the deep-sea calcitic coral Corallium sp. has a significantly lower d11B composition of 15.5 per mil, with a corresponding lower Delta pH value of ~0.3 units, reflecting the importance of mineralogical control on biological pH up-regulation. The solitary coral D. dianthus was sampled over a wide range of seawater pH(T) and shows an approximate linear correlation with Delta pH(Desmo) = 6.43 - 0.71 pH(T) (r**2 = 0.79). An improved correlation is however found with the closely related parameter of seawater aragonite saturation state, where Delta pH(Desmo) = 1.09 - 0.14 Omega(arag) (r**2 = 0.95), indicating the important control that carbonate saturation state has on calcification. The ability to up-regulate internal pH(cf), and consequently Omega(cf), of the calcifying fluid is therefore a process present in both azooxanthellate and zooxanthellate aragonitic corals, and is attributed to the action of Ca2+ -ATPase in modulating the proton gradient between seawater and the site of calcification. These findings also show that the boron isotopic compositions (d11Bcarb) of aragonitic corals are highly systematic and consistent with direct uptake of the borate species within the biologically controlled extracellular calcifying medium.
Thick Holocene sedimentary sections (>45 m) cored in the Palmer Deep by the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) and during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178 provide the first opportunity to examine past geomagnetic field behavior at high southern latitudes. After removal of a low-coercivity drilling overprint the sediments display a stable, single-component remanent magnetization. Two short cores that recovered the uppermost 2.6 m of sediment have inclinations that fluctuate about the present day inclination (-57°) measured at Faraday Station, and several features with wavelengths of 10 to 20 cm appear to be correlative. However, shipboard measurements of inclination fluctuations on split-core samples from three holes drilled at ODP Site 1098 do not correlate well with each other, even though the intensity and susceptibility data correlate very well and the overall mean inclination for cores from each hole is consistent with the expected geocentric axial dipole (GAD) inclination. The correlation is improved dramatically by using inclinations measured on u-channels taken from the pristine center of a split core. Consequently, the anomalous directions and the resulting poor between-hole correlation of inclinations obtained from shipboard data can be attributed to coring-induced deformation, which is common on the outer edge of ODP piston cores, and/or measurement artifacts in the split-core data. Our preferred inclination record is thus derived from u-channel results. The upper ~25 m represents continuous sedimentation over the past 9000 yr, with an average sedimentation rate exceeding 250 cm/kyr (0.25 cm/yr). Given that remanence measurements on u-channels average over an interval <7 cm long, we obtained independent measurements of the paleo-geomagnetic field that average over only ~30 yr. This high-resolution record is characterized by an inclination that fluctuates within +/-15° of the current GAD inclination.
Greenhouses have become an invaluable source of year-round food production. Further development of viable and efficient high performance greenhouses is important for future food security. Closing the greenhouse envelope from the environment can provide benefits in space heating energy savings, pest control, and CO2 enrichment. This requires the application of a novel air conditioning system to handle the high cooling loads experienced by a greenhouse. Liquid desiccant air-conditioning (LDAC) have been found to provide high latent cooling capacities, which is perfect for the application of a humid greenhouse microclimate. TRNSYS simulations were undertaken to study the feasibility of two liquid desiccant dehumidification systems based on their capacity to control the greenhouse microclimate, and their cooling performance. The base model (B-LDAC) included a natural gas boiler, and two cooling systems for seasonal operation. The second model (HP-LDAC) was a hybrid liquid desiccant-heat pump dehumidification system. The average tCOPdehum and tCOPtotal of the B-LDAC system increased from 0.40 and 0.56 in January to 0.94 and 1.09 in June. Increased load and performance during a sample summer day improved these values to 3.5 and 3.0, respectively. The average eCOPdehum and eCOPtotal values were 1.0 and 1.8 in winter, and 1.7 and 2.1 in summer. The HP-LDAC system produced similar daily performance trends where the annual average eCOPdehum and eCOPtotal values were 1.3 and 1.2, but the sample day saw peaks of 2.4 and 3.2, respectively. The B-LDAC and HP-LDAC results predicted greenhouse temperatures exceeding 30°C for 34% and 17% of the month of July, respectively. Similarly, humidity levels increased in summer months, with a maximum of 14% of the time spent over 80% in May for both models. The percentage of annual savings in space heating energy associated with closing the greenhouse to ventilation was 34%. The additional annual regeneration energy input was reduced by 26% to 526 kWhm-2, with the implementation of a heat recovery ventilator on the regeneration exhaust air. The models also predicted an electrical energy input of 245 kWhm-2 and 305 kWhm-2 for the B-LDAC and HP-LDAC simulations, respectively.
BACKGROUND: Multiple recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs10771399, at 12p11 that is associated with breast cancer risk. METHOD: We performed a fine-scale mapping study of a 700 kb region including 441 genotyped and more than 1300 imputed genetic variants in 48,155 cases and 43,612 controls of European descent, 6269 cases and 6624 controls of East Asian descent and 1116 cases and 932 controls of African descent in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC; http://bcac.ccge.medschl.cam.ac.uk/ ), and in 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers in the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA). Stepwise regression analyses were performed to identify independent association signals. Data from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project (ENCODE) and the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) were used for functional annotation. RESULTS: Analysis of data from European descendants found evidence for four independent association signals at 12p11, represented by rs7297051 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.09, 95 % confidence interval (CI) = 1.06-1.12; P = 3 × 10(-9)), rs805510 (OR = 1.08, 95 % CI = 1.04-1.12, P = 2 × 10(-5)), and rs1871152 (OR = 1.04, 95 % CI = 1.02-1.06; P = 2 × 10(-4)) identified in the general populations, and rs113824616 (P = 7 × 10(-5)) identified in the meta-analysis of BCAC ER-negative cases and BRCA1 mutation carriers. SNPs rs7297051, rs805510 and rs113824616 were also associated with breast cancer risk at P < 0.05 in East Asians, but none of the associations were statistically significant in African descendants. Multiple candidate functional variants are located in putative enhancer sequences. Chromatin interaction data suggested that PTHLH was the likely target gene of these enhancers. Of the six variants with the strongest evidence of potential functionality, rs11049453 was statistically significantly associated with the expression of PTHLH and its nearby gene CCDC91 at P < 0.05. CONCLUSION: This study identified four independent association signals at 12p11 and revealed potentially functional variants, providing additional insights into the underlying biological mechanism(s) for the association observed between variants at 12p11 and breast cancer risk
We know now from radial velocity surveys and transit space missions thatplanets only a few times more massive than our Earth are frequent aroundsolar-type stars. Fundamental questions about their formation history,physical properties, internal structure, and atmosphere composition are,however, still to be solved. We present here the detection of a systemof four low-mass planets around the bright (V = 5.5) and close-by (6.5pc) star HD 219134. This is the first result of the Rocky Planet Searchprogramme with HARPS-N on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo in La Palma.The inner planet orbits the star in 3.0935 ± 0.0003 days, on aquasi-circular orbit with a semi-major axis of 0.0382 ± 0.0003AU. Spitzer observations allowed us to detect the transit of the planetin front of the star making HD 219134 b the nearest known transitingplanet to date. From the amplitude of the radial velocity variation(2.25 ± 0.22 ms-1) and observed depth of the transit(359 ± 38 ppm), the planet mass and radius are estimated to be4.36 ± 0.44 M⊕ and 1.606 ± 0.086R⊕, leading to a mean density of 5.76 ± 1.09 gcm-3, suggesting a rocky composition. One additional planetwith minimum-mass of 2.78 ± 0.65 M⊕ moves on aclose-in, quasi-circular orbit with a period of 6.767 ± 0.004days. The third planet in the system has a period of 46.66 ± 0.08days and a minimum-mass of 8.94 ± 1.13 M⊕, at0.233 ± 0.002 AU from the star. Its eccentricity is 0.46 ±0.11. The period of this planet is close to the rotational period of thestar estimated from variations of activity indicators (42.3 ± 0.1days). The planetary origin of the signal is, however, thepreferredsolution as no indication of variation at the corresponding frequency isobserved for activity-sensitive parameters. Finally, a fourth additionallonger-period planet of mass of 71 M⊕ orbits the starin 1842 days, on an eccentric orbit (e = 0.34 ± 0.17) at adistance of 2.56 AU.The photometric time series and radial velocities used in this work areavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/584/A72
Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death. In recent years, numerous countries have initiated the prohibition of smoking in restaurants, workplaces and public spaces. The Vietnamese government intends to follow the precautions against public smoking as well. Over and above the number of some hazardous chemical components found in tobacco, 210Po isotope content could enhance the probability of the development of lung cancer. In this study 14 Vietnamese tobacco products (commercial cigarettes and pipe tobacco) 210Po activity concentration were determined using PIPS semiconductor alpha spectrometry. The results showed that the 210Po activity concentration of the investigated samples varied between 7.40 ± 1.09 - 128.64 ± 11.22 mBq g-1. The average 210Po content of commercial cigarettes was 15.5 mBq g-1, whilst the average of pipe tobacco was 20.4 mBq g-1. To estimate the risk of inhalation of 210Po isotopes originating as a result of smoking, dose estimations were carried out. © Versita Sp. z o.o.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08