593 resultados para 3PL-warehouse


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Libraries since their inception 4000 years ago have been in a process of constant change. Although, changes were in slow motion for centuries, in the last decades, academic libraries have been continuously striving to adapt their services to the ever-changing user needs of students and academic staff. In addition, e-content revolution, technological advances, and ever-shrinking budgets have obliged libraries to efficiently allocate their limited resources among collection and services. Unfortunately, this resource allocation is a complex process due to the diversity of data sources and formats required to be analyzed prior to decision-making, as well as the lack of efficient integration methods. The main purpose of this study is to develop an integrated model that supports libraries in making optimal budgeting and resource allocation decisions among their services and collection by means of a holistic analysis. To this end, a combination of several methodologies and structured approaches is conducted. Firstly, a holistic structure and the required toolset to holistically assess academic libraries are proposed to collect and organize the data from an economic point of view. A four-pronged theoretical framework is used in which the library system and collection are analyzed from the perspective of users and internal stakeholders. The first quadrant corresponds to the internal perspective of the library system that is to analyze the library performance, and costs incurred and resources consumed by library services. The second quadrant evaluates the external perspective of the library system; user’s perception about services quality is judged in this quadrant. The third quadrant analyses the external perspective of the library collection that is to evaluate the impact of the current library collection on its users. Eventually, the fourth quadrant evaluates the internal perspective of the library collection; the usage patterns followed to manipulate the library collection are analyzed. With a complete framework for data collection, these data coming from multiple sources and therefore with different formats, need to be integrated and stored in an adequate scheme for decision support. A data warehousing approach is secondly designed and implemented to integrate, process, and store the holistic-based collected data. Ultimately, strategic data stored in the data warehouse are analyzed and implemented for different purposes including the following: 1) Data visualization and reporting is proposed to allow library managers to publish library indicators in a simple and quick manner by using online reporting tools. 2) Sophisticated data analysis is recommended through the use of data mining tools; three data mining techniques are examined in this research study: regression, clustering and classification. These data mining techniques have been applied to the case study in the following manner: predicting the future investment in library development; finding clusters of users that share common interests and similar profiles, but belong to different faculties; and predicting library factors that affect student academic performance by analyzing possible correlations of library usage and academic performance. 3) Input for optimization models, early experiences of developing an optimal resource allocation model to distribute resources among the different processes of a library system are documented in this study. Specifically, the problem of allocating funds for digital collection among divisions of an academic library is addressed. An optimization model for the problem is defined with the objective of maximizing the usage of the digital collection over-all library divisions subject to a single collection budget. By proposing this holistic approach, the research study contributes to knowledge by providing an integrated solution to assist library managers to make economic decisions based on an “as realistic as possible” perspective of the library situation.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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El cambio es tan válida, como cuando se aplica al contexto logístico donde sus implicaciones sobre la efectividad de las empresas del cual se deben enfrentarse en un mercado global; hoy, no basta con tener un producto “estrella” y un precio competitivo, sino también prestar el mejor servicio al cliente, gerenciando los recursos involucrados en la cadena de abastecimiento. En el proyecto se expone la formulación viable para la logística en la cadena de abastecimiento en la empresa BIMBO, el cual efectúe la estrategia de “Autoventa”, métodos a partir de la administración de productos de alta rotación y controlar el manejo de información relacionada con el consumo, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes de manera rentable. El objetivo de este proceso es hacer llegar el producto correcto al cliente correcto en el lugar correcto y en el momento correcto. Por consiguiente este trabajo es el resultado del análisis de la cadena de Abastecimiento y el acercamiento a la creación de un plan estratégico de logística.


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Nos dias de hoje o acesso à informação por parte das empresas é vital para o bom desempenho das suas funções. As empresas de telecomunicações não fogem à regra, a sua posição no mercado está dependente das decisões que são tomadas com base na avaliação dessa informação. Para suportar os processos de apoio à decisão é coerente recorrer-se a Data Warehouses que permitem integrar informação de diversas fontes, verificando a sua qualidade, actualização e coerência, organizando-a para um fácil acesso e consulta de vários pontos de vista. Numa empresa de telecomunicações móvel, um Data Mart geográfico baseado na informação de tráfego da companhia que pode identificar as localizações preferenciais dos utilizadores na rede é muito importante porque fornece indicadores muito úteis para o departamento de marketing e negócio da empresa de maneira a que se saiba onde e como actuar para permitir que esta se desenvolva e ganhe vantagem no mercado. ABSTRACT: Today the access to information by enterprises is vital for the company’s performance. Telecommunications companies are no exception. Their position in the market is dependent on the decisions that are taken based on the evaluation of such information. To support the decision making process Data Warehouse is today an extremely useful tool; it integrates information from different sources, checking on its validity, quality and update, coherence, organizing it for an easy access and search from various perspectives. ln a mobile telecommunications company a geographical Data Mart-based traffic information that can identify the preferential locations of users on the network is very important It provides useful indicators to the Department of Marketing and Business there by allowing you to know where and how to act and boosting the development of the company.


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Pretende-se desenvolver um Data Warehouse para um grupo empresarial constituído por quatro empresas, tendo como objectivo primordial a consolidação de informação. A consolidação da informação é de extrema utilidade, uma vez que as empresas podem ter dados comuns, tais como, produtos ou clientes. O principal objectivo dos sistemas analíticos é permitir analisar os dados dos sistemas transacionais da organização, fazendo com que os utilizadores que nada percebem destes sistemas consigam ter apoio nas tomadas decisão de uma forma simples e eficaz. A utilização do Data Warehouse é útil no apoio a decisões, uma vez que torna os utilizadores autónomos na realização de análises. Os utilizadores deixam de estar dependentes de especialistas em informática para efectuar as suas consultas e passam a ser eles próprios a realizá-las. Por conseguinte, o tempo de execução de uma consulta através do Data Warehouse é de poucos segundos, ao contrário das consultas criadas anteriormente pelos especialistas que por vezes demoravam horas a ser executadas. __ ABSTRACT: lt is intended to develop a Data Warehouse for a business related group of four companies, having by main goal the information consolidation. This information consolidation is of extreme usefulness since the companies can have common data, such as products or customers. The main goal of the analytical systems is to allow analyze data from the organization transactional systems, making that the users that do not understand anything of these systems may have support in a simple and effective way in every process of taking decisions. Using the Data Warehouse is useful to support decisions, once it will allow users to become autonomous in carrying out analysis. Users will no longer depend on computer experts to make their own queries and they can do it themselves. Therefore, the time of a query through the Data Warehouse takes only a few seconds, unlike the earlier queries created previously by experts that sometimes took hours to run.


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L'obiettivo di ciascuna azienda privata, piccola o grande che sia, è quello di ottenere utili attraverso la commercializzazione di beni o servizi. Per raggiungere ciò, la base da cui si parte è sempre una corretta organizzazione della struttura e dei processi aziendali. Questi ultimi, per poter raggiungere i risultati attesi, hanno bisogno costantemente di informazioni. All'interno di un'impresa la parte che si occupa della gestione di informazioni e processi viene chiamata Sistema Informativo (SI). Questo progetto di tesi nasce dall'esigenza di un'azienda privata in ambito utility di analizzare il proprio Sistema Informativo con il duplice scopo di effettuare una diagnosi dell'attuale e progettare una possibile soluzione ottimale. Andando nello specifico, il progetto è stato suddiviso in due parti: la prima comprende tutta la fase di analisi del SI con la relativa diagnosi, mentre la seconda, ben più verticale, tratta la progettazione e prototipazione di un Data Mart per la gestione delle informazioni all'interno dell'azienda.


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Considering the great development of robotics in industrial automation, the Remodel project aims to reproduce, through the use of Cobots, the wiring activity typical of a human operator and to realize an autonomous storage work. My researches focused on this second topic. In this paper, we will see how to realize a gripper compatible with an Omron TM5X-900, able to perform a pick and place of different types of cables, but also how to compute possible trajectories. In particular, what I needed, was a trajectory going from the Komax, the cables production machine, to a Warehouse taking into account the possible entangles of cables with the robot during its motion. The last part has been dedicated to the synchronization between robot and main machine work.


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Una gestione, un’analisi e un’interpretazione efficienti dei big data possono cambiare il modello lavorativo, modificare i risultati, aumentare le produzioni, e possono aprire nuove strade per l’assistenza sanitaria moderna. L'obiettivo di questo studio è incentrato sulla costruzione di una dashboard interattiva di un nuovo modello e nuove prestazioni nell’ambito della Sanità territoriale. Lo scopo è quello di fornire al cliente una piattaforma di Data Visualization che mostra risultati utili relativi ai dati sanitari in modo da fornire agli utilizzatori sia informazioni descrittive che statistiche sulla attuale gestione delle cure e delle terapie somministrate. Si propone uno strumento che consente la navigazione dei dati analizzando l’andamento di un set di indicatori di fine vita calcolati a partire da pazienti oncologici della Regione Emilia Romagna in un arco temporale che va dal 2010 ad oggi.