994 resultados para 196-1173
Fas死亡结构域相关蛋白(Fas-associated death domain protein,FADD)是死亡信号转导通路中的连接蛋白,在脊椎动物中其结构和功能都很保守。本文首次克隆了头索动物白氏文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)FADD(bbFADD)的cDNA和基因组DNA序列。bbFADDcDNA全长1239 bp,编码217个氨基酸。与脊椎动物的FADD一样,bbFADD含有N端的死亡效应结构域(Death Effector Domain,DED)和C端的死亡结构域(Dea
Abstract-Mathematical modelling techniques are used to predict the axisymmetric air flow pattern developed by a state-of-the-art Banged exhaust hood which is reinforced by a turbulent radial jet flow. The high Reynolds number modelling techniques adopted allow the complexity of determining the hood's air Bow to be reduced and provide a means of identifying and assessing the various parameters that control the air Bow. The mathematical model is formulated in terms of the Stokes steam function, ψ, and the governing equations of fluid motion are solved using finite-difference techniques. The injection flow of the exhaust hood is modelled as a turbulent radial jet and the entrained Bow is assumed to be an inviscid potential flow. Comparisons made between contours of constant air speed and centre-line air speeds deduced from the model and all the available experimental data show good agreement over a wide range of typical operating conditions. | Mathematical modelling techniques are used to predict the axisymmetric air flow pattern developed by a state-of-the-art flanged exhaust hood which is reinforced by a turbulent radial jet flow. The high Reynolds number modelling techniques adopted allow the complexity of determining the hood's air flow to be reduced and provide a means of identifying and assessing the various parameters that control the air flow. The mathematical model is formulated in terms of the Stokes steam function, Ψ, and the governing equations of fluid motion are solved using finite-difference techniques. The injection flow of the exhaust hood is modelled as a turbulent radial jet and the entrained flow is assumed to be an inviscid potential flow. Comparisons made between contours of constant air speed and centre-line air speeds deduced from the model and all the available experimental data show good agreement over a wide range of typical operating conditions.
报道了2001~2003年对长江上游特有鱼类黑尾近红鲌开展人工繁殖试验的结果。黑尾近红亲鱼来源于四川泸州长江上游一级支流龙溪河。催产剂为促黄体素释放激素类似物(LRH A),绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)与鲤鱼脑垂体(PG)。采用一次注射法,并用干法进行人工授精。共进行了23次人工催产,催产成功的占16次,有效的占3次,失败的占4次;共注射雌鱼70尾,其中46尾雌鱼排卵,平均催产率65.71%,受精率8.33%~100.0%,孵化率0.50%~94.71%,获得仔鱼29.3万尾。对亲鱼选择、催产方法、孵化与
齿体特征是车轮虫物种鉴定的一个重要依据。本文首次提出一种齿体结构面积比例量化法 ,即通过对齿钩、齿锥、齿棘、齿体环各部分反口面观面积的测量 ,分别计算出前三者与所在齿体的面积比以及所有齿体总面积与齿体环的面积比 ,从而将齿体特征转换为量化指标。依据所测量化值 ,采用相似性聚类法 ,我们首先探讨了显著车轮虫 (TrichodinanobbillisChen ,196 3)的三个种群的亲缘关系 ,然后以劳牧小车轮虫 (TrichodinellalomiXu ,Song&Warren ,1999)为外类群 ,选
介绍了采用 Karr提出、经 Fausch等修订后的生物完整性指数 (IBI)进行水环境质量评价的原理和概念 ,并根据长江中游鱼类种类组成特征、可获得数据的类型和资料的性质 ,初步建立了适合长江中游浅水湖泊的 IBI体系。同时 ,以基本保持了长江中游浅水湖泊自然属性的五湖 1978年的调查数据为参照 ,选择长江中游不同类型的浅水湖泊进行了生物完整性时空变化的比较研究。结果表明 :以洪湖为例进行纵向比较 ,在 196 4、1981、1993年和 1998年等 4个不同的年代 ,其生物完整性呈逐步下降的趋势
对东湖水生植物的调查结果表明 ,东湖现存水生维管束植物共计 2 0科 2 5属 33种 ,其生物量约为 1,137t,分布面积仅占东湖总面积的 0 .7% ,其中挺水植物分布面积占总面积的 98%。与 195 7年、196 2~ 196 3年和 1988~ 1994年相比 ,东湖水生植物的种类、分布面积和生物量进一步减少。认为造成东湖水生植被衰退的主要原因包括富营养化作用加剧、过度放养草食性鱼类和人类活动的影响。
This paper presents an explicit time-marching formulation for the solution of the coupled thermal flow mechanical behavior of gas- hydrate sediment. The formulation considers the soil skeleton as a deformable elastoplastic continuum, with an emphasis on the effect of hydrate (and its dissociation) on the stress-strain behavior of the soil. In the formulation, the hydrate is assumed to deform with the soil and may dissociate into gas and water. The formulation is explicitly coupled, such that the changes in temperature because of energy How and hydrate dissociation affect the skeleton stresses and fluid (water and gas) pressures. This, in return, affects the mechanical behavior. A simulation of a vertical well within a layered soil is presented. It is shown that the heterogeneity of hydrate saturation causes different rates of dissociation in the layers. The difference alters the overall gas production and also the mechanical-deformation pattern, which leads to loading/ unloading shearing along the interfaces between the layers. Copyright © 2013 Society of Petorlleum Engineers.