964 resultados para 14C plateau boundaries used as tie points
In this study, we demonstrate the utility of amino acid geochronology based on single-foraminiferal tests in Quaternary sediment cores from the Queensland margin, Australia. The large planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata is ubiquitous in shelf, slope, and basin sediments of north Queensland as well as pantropical oceans. Fossil tests are resistant to dissolution, and retain substantial concentrations of amino acids (2-4 nmol/mg of shell) over hundreds of thousands of years. Amino acid D and L isomers of aspartic acid (Asp) and glutamic acid (Glu) were separated using reverse phase chromatography, which is sensitive enough to analyze individual foraminifera tests. In all, 462 Pulleniatina tests from 80 horizons in 11 cores exhibit a systematic increase in D/L ratios down core. D/L ratios were determined in 32 samples whose ages are known from AMS 14C analyses. In all cases, the Asp and Glu D/L ratios are concordant with 14C age. D/L ratios of equal-age samples are slightly lower for cores taken from deeper water sites, reflecting the sensitivity of the rate of racemization to bottom water temperature. Beyond the range of 14C dating, previously identified marine oxygen-isotope stage boundaries provide approximate ages of the sediments up to about 500,000 years. For this longer time frame, D/L ratios also vary systematically with isotope-correlated ages. The rate of racemization for Glu and Asp was modeled using power functions. These equations can be used to estimate ages of samples from the Queensland margin extending back at least 500,000 years. This analytical approach provides new opportunities for geochronological control necessary to understand fundamental sedimentary processes affecting a wide range of marine environments.
Concordant plateau and isochron ages were calculated from 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments on volcanic rocks recovered by drilling at four Leg 115 sites and two industry wells along the volcanic lineament connecting Reunion Island to the Deccan flood basalts, western Indian Ocean. The new ages provide unequivocal evidence that volcanic activity migrated southward along this sequence of linear ridges. The geometry and age distribution of volcanism are most compatible with origin above a stationary hotspot centered beneath Reunion. The hotspot became active with rapid eruption of the Deccan flood basalts, western India, and subsequent volcanic products record the northward motion of the Indian and African plates over the hotspot through Tertiary time. The radiometric ages are in general accord with basal biostratigraphic age estimates, although some adjustments in current magnetobiostratigraphic time scales may be required.
Primary production in water column (P_p) varied from 107 to 312 mg C/m**2/day in Yenisey Bay: from 25 to 63 mg C/m**2/day in Obskaya Guba: and from 20 to 359 mg C/m**2/day in the open sea, that is: in the western Kara Sea and Ob-Yenisey shoals. The average concentration of chlorophyll a in the photosynthesis layer (C_ph) ranged from 0.2 to 1.8 mg/m**3 in these two regions, lower than in the estuaries of Ob (1.6-21.7 mg/m**3) and Yenisey (2.0-5.2 mg/m**3) Rivers. An inverse relation between surface salinity (S) and chlorophyll concentration (C_s) and chlorophyll concentration in the photosynthesis layer was found for all of the regions. The highest values of C_s and C_ph (0.8-22 mg/m**3) were measured at S<10 ppt, and the lowest values (0.2-0.8 mg/m**3) at S>22 ppt. A similar correlation of S with values of Pp occurred only in the Yenisey Bay and offshore regions. Obtained results agree well with the "outwelling" hypothesis. It states that large part of organic matter produced in estuaries is not used in estuarine trophic chains but is transported into adjacent sea areas and increases their productivity. Low values of Pp in the study regions may be attributed to such unfavorable factors as deficiency in nutrients, low temperature and turbidity, and lack of solar radiation.
In this study, ICESat altimetry data are used to provide precise lake elevations of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) during the period of 2003-2009. Among the 261 lakes examined ICESat data are available on 111 lakes: 74 lakes with ICESat footprints for 4-7 years and 37 lakes with footprints for 1 -3 years. This is the first time that precise lake elevation data are provided for the 111 lakes. Those ICESat elevation data can be used as baselines for future changes in lake levels as well as for changes during the 2003-2009 period. It is found that in the 74 lakes (56 salt lakes) examined, 62 (i.e. 84%) of all lakes and 50 (i.e. 89%) of the salt lakes show tendency of lake level increase. The mean lake water level increase rate is 0.23 m/year for the 56 salt lakes and 0.27 m/year for the 50 salt lakes of water level increase. The largest lake level increase rate (0.80 m/year) found in this study is the lake Cedo Caka. The 74 lakes are grouped into four subareas based on geographical locations and change tendencies in lake levels. Three of the four subareas show increased lake levels. The mean lake level change rates for subareas I, II, III, IV, and the entire TP are 0.12, 0.26, 0.19, -0.11, and 0.2 m/year, respectively. These recent increases in lake level, particularly for a high percentage of salt lakes, supports accelerated glacier melting due to global warming as the most likely cause.
Paleogene stable oxygen and carbon isotopes were measured in formainifera from ODP Sites 689 and 690 at Maud Rise in the Atlantic Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean, and from Sites 738, 744, 748 and 749 at the southern Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean sector. These data were compared with sedimentological data from the same sample set. Both benthic and planktic d18O values document a cooling trend beginning around 49.5 Ma at all sites. During the late middle Eocene planktic d18O values indicate a steepening latitudinal temperature gradient from 14°C at the northern sites towards 10°C at the southernmost sites. Terrigeneous sand grains of probably ice rafted origin and clay mineral assemblages point to the existence of a limited East Antarctic ice cap with some glaciers reaching sea level as early as middle Eocene time around 45.5 Ma. Between 45 and 40 Ma, average paleotemperatures were between 5° and 7°C in deep and intermediate water masses, while near-surface water masses ranged between 6° and 10°C. During the late Eocene, between 40 and 36 Ma, average temperatures further decreased to 4°-5°C in the deep and intermediate water masses and to 5°-8°C near the sea surface. Abruptly increasing d18O values at approximately 35.9 Ma exactly correlate with a sharp pulse in the deposition of ice-rafted material on the Kerguelen Plateau, a dramatic change in clay mineral composition, and an altered Southern Ocean circulation indicated by a differentiation of benthic d13C values between sites, increasing opal concentrations and decreasing carbonate contents. For planktic and benthic foraminifera this d18O increase ranges between 1.0 and 1.3 per mil, and between 0.9 and 1.4 per mil, respectively. We favour a hypothesis that explains most of the d18O shift at 35.9 Ma with a buildup of a continental East Antarctic ice sheet. Consequently, relatively warm Oligocene Antarctic surface water temperatures probably are explained by a temperate, wet-based nature of the ice sheet. This would also aid in the fast build-up of an ice sheet by enhancing the moisture transport on to the continent.