913 resultados para 100508 Satellite Communications


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The task of this work is to apply thoughts from Georg Lukács’ final book, the Ontology of Social Being, for the theoretical analysis of cultural and digital labour. It discusses Lukács’ concepts of work and communication and relates them to the analysis of cultural and digital work. It also analyses his conception of the relation of labour and ideology and points out how we can make use of it for critically understanding social media ideologies. Lukács opposes the dualist separation of the realms of work and ideas. He introduces in this context the notion of teleological positing that allows us to better understand cultural and digital labour as well as associated ideologies, such as the engaging/connecting/sharing-ideology, today. The analysis shows that Lukács’ Ontology is in the age of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter still a very relevant book, although it has thus far not received the attention that it deserves. This article also introduces the Ontology’s main ideas on work and culture, which is important because large parts of the book have not been translated from the German original into English. Lukács’ notion of teleological positing is crucial for understanding the common features of the economy and culture.


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Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) is the key enabling technology for the present and future vehicular communication for various applications, such as safety improvement and traffic jam mitigation. This paper describes the development of a microstrip antenna array for the roadside equipment of a DSRC system, whose characteristics are according with the vehicular communications standards. The proposed antenna, with circular polarization, has a wide bandwidth, enough to cover the current European DSRC 5.8 GHz band and the future 5.9 GHz band for next generation DSRC communications. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53: 2794-2796, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26394


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In this paper, the design of low profile antennas by using Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures is introduced. Taking advantage of the fact that they can behave as Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC), it is shown that these structures exhibit dual band in-phase reflection at WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) bands, the 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz bands. These structures are applied to PIFA (Planar Inverted-F Antenna) and the results show that it is possible to obtain low profile PIFA's.


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We present an algorithm for bandwidth allocation for delay-sensitive traffic in multi-hop wireless sensor networks. Our solution considers both periodic as well as aperiodic real-time traffic in an unified manner. We also present a distributed MAC protocol that conforms to the bandwidth allocation and thus satisfies the latency requirements of realtime traffic. Additionally, the protocol provides best-effort service to non real-time traffic. We derive the utilization bounds of our MAC protocol.


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PROFIBUS is an international standard (IEC 61158, EN 50170) for factory-floor communications, with several thousands of installations worldwide. Taking into account the increasing need for mobile devices in industrial environments, one obvious solution is to extend traditional wired PROFIBUS networks with wireless capabilities. In this paper, we outline the major aspects of a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS-based architecture, where most of the design options were made in order to guarantee the real-time behaviour of the overall network. We also introduce the timing unpredictability problems resulting from the co-existence of heterogeneous physical media in the same network. However, the major focus of this paper is on how to guarantee real-time communications in such a hybrid network, where nodes (and whole segments) can move between different radio cells (inter-cell mobility). Assuming a simple mobility management mechanism based on mobile nodes performing periodic radio channel assessment and switching, we propose a methodology to compute values for specific parameters that enable an optimal (minimum) and bounded duration of the handoff procedure.


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Modelling the fundamental performance limits of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is of paramount importance to understand the behaviour of WSN under worst case conditions and to make the appropriate design choices. In that direction, this paper contributes with a methodology for modelling cluster tree WSNs with a mobile sink. We propose closed form recurrent expressions for computing the worst case end to end delays, buffering and bandwidth requirements across any source-destination path in the cluster tree assuming error free channel. We show how to apply our theoretical results to the specific case of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee WSNs. Finally, we demonstrate the validity and analyze the accuracy of our methodology through a comprehensive experimental study, therefore validating the theoretical results through experimentation.


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This paper presents the design methodology for the creation of corrugated horn antennas for the CosmoGal satellite. The mission will collect the radiation of the cosmic microwave background, by a radiometer in three different radio astronomy frequency bands (10.6-10.7GHz; 15.35-15.4GHz; 23.6-24GHz). It is discussed the design of several types of horns, simulated with the CST software. The best result points to a choked Gaussian corrugated horn antenna, with directivity of 23 dBi, side lobes 35 dB below and cross polarization better than -45 dB. Plus, with the advantage of having a small dimension, with a total length of only 7.43λ © 2014 IEEE.


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The urgent need to mitigate traffic problems such as accidents, road hazards, pollution and traffic jam have strongly driven the development of vehicular communications. DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) is the technology of choice in vehicular communications, enabling real time information exchange among vehicles V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and between vehicles and infrastructure V2I (Vehicle-Infrastructure). This paper presents a receiving antenna for a single lane DSRC control unit. The antenna is a non-uniform array with five microstrip patches. The obtained beam width, bandwidth and circular polarization quality, among other characteristics, are compatible with the DSRC standards, making this antenna suitable for this application. © 2014 IEEE.


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The reef levels of the gulf of skoura belong to the reef formation of the Upper Miocene of the South-Rifan straits. A detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of various forms of colonies has led to the establishment of precise coral morphologies zonation. This palaeoecological approach leads us to distinguish between two environments in the Skoura gulf, probably corresponding to two reef episodes. The palaeogeographical implications (relationships between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea) will be pointed out.


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Wireless networks have joined to the sports venues, offering to the public a set of facilities, such as the access to email, news, and also to use the social networking, uploading their photos. New challenges have emerged to provide Wi-Fi in this densely populated stadiums, such as increasing capacity and coverage. In this article, an access point antenna array to cover a sector of a stadium is presented. Its structure, designed in a low cost material allows to reduce the total manufacturing costs, an important factor due to the large number of antennas required in these venues. The material characteristic, the broad bandwidth of operation (300 MHz), along with to the low side lobe levels, important to reduce interference between sectors, makes this antenna well-positioned for wireless communications in these particular locals. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 57:2037-2041, 2015.


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Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Wireless communications had a great development in the last years and nowadays they are present everywhere, public and private, being increasingly used for different applications. Their application in the business of sports events as a means to improve the experience of the fans at the games is becoming essential, such as sharing messages and multimedia material on social networks. In the stadiums, given the high density of people, the wireless networks require very large data capacity. Hence radio coverage employing many small sized sectors is unavoidable. In this paper, an antenna is designed to operate in the Wi-Fi 5GHz frequency band, with a directive radiation pattern suitable to this kind of applications. Furthermore, despite the large bandwidth and low losses, this antenna has been developed using low cost, off-the-shelf materials without sacrificing quality or performance, essential to mass production. © 2015 EurAAP.


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Tendo em conta a popularidade que as comunicações Wi-Fi têm na atualidade em vários dispositivos como computadores portáteis, telemóveis ou tablets, sendo estes utilizados praticamente por qualquer pessoa, surgiu a ideia de utilizar esta tecnologia de baixo custo e isenta de licenciamento num cenário de comunicações marítimas. Neste contexto, esta permite fornecer o acesso à Internet em banda larga a grupos de embarcações, que atualmente recorrem a tecnologias de elevado custo (satélite) e/ou de banda estreita (rádios VHF). Com o acesso em banda larga, os proprietários poderão utilizar aplicações informáticas de interesse à atividade de negócio ou de lazer, até então só disponíveis junto à costa onde existe cobertura celular. Nesta tese pretende-se fazer um estudo teórico e prático sobre o alcance e respetivo desempenho de comunicações de banda larga em ambiente marítimo, utilizando parte da gama de frequências dos 5,8 GHz, isenta de licença, e a norma IEEE 802.11n. Para se utilizar equipamento produzido em massa a operar nessa gama, existem duas normas disponíveis, a IEEE 802.11a e a IEEE 802.11n. Optou-se pelo IEEE 802.11n pois os esquemas de codificação ao nível físico permitem débitos mais elevados e MIMO. Para a realização dos testes experimentais, foi necessário elaborar um protótipo de comunicação ponto a ponto, constituído por dois nós de comunicação. Um deles foi instalado numa embarcação de pesca em colaboração com a Associação Propeixe e o outro no Edifício Transparente, no Porto, em colaboração com a entidade gestora do edifício e a Associação Porto Digital. Tanto quanto se conhece é o primeiro teste de comunicações Wi-Fi realizado nestas condições a nível mundial. Os objetivos do trabalho foram atingidos. Foi possível estabelecer comunicações Wi-Fi na banda dos 5,8 GHz até cerca de 7 km com débito médio mínimo de 1 Mbit/s. O ambiente de testes desenvolvido e os resultados obtidos servirão de base para futuros trabalhos de investigação na área das comunicações marítimas.


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Integrated Communication Strategy for MyLabel Following paper presents Integrated Communication Strategy for Continente’s private label brand of cosmetics MyLabel. The main purpose of the project is to position MyLabel as venture brand which will gain strong market position in order to compete with the manufacturer brands. Therefore, based on the created brand equity model for the venture cosmetic brand, MyLabel will be approached from the branding perspective in order to improve perceived quality and consecutively, build brand recognition and credibility. In this respect, integrated communication strategy includes some of the branding tactics and marketing communication mix. Thereafter, MyLabel will be transformed into the sub-brand MyBeauty, which can exploit opportunities given by the new market image of retailers’ brands and gain special, unique position in the market.


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Perinteisten markkinointiviestintäkanavien menettäessä jatkuvasti tehoaan mediakentän ja kohderyhmien sirpaloituessa yhä pienempiin yksiköihin markkinointiorganisaatiot etsivät vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tavoittaakseen kohdeyleisönsä. Yksi vaihtoehtoinen markkinointiviestintäkeino on tuotesijoittelu (product placement), jossa (merkki)tuotteita sijoitetaan erilaisten viihdetuotantojen, kuten elokuvien, televisio-ohjelmien ja tietokonepelien, tarinan yhteyteen, jotta yhä medialukutaitoisempi kohdeyleisö ei pystyisi välttämään kaupallista viestiä esimerkiksi vaihtamalla televisiokanavaa tai kääntämällä lehden sivua. Koska tuote on sijoitettu kerrottavan tarinan sisään, markkinointiviestin — eli tuotteen havaitsemisen — välttäminen on huomattavasti vaikeampaa kuin perinteisten markkinointiviestintämenetelmien kohdalla. Lisäksi, sijoitellut tuotteet ovat tavallisesti kiinteässä yhteydessä tarinan juonen ja henkilöhahmojen kanssa siten, että tuote saa näistä yhteyksistä positiivista vahvistusta imagolleen. Pro Gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää tuotesijoittelun käyttökelpoisuutta markkinointiviestinnässä sekä miten kulutushyödykemarkkinoijat voivat hyödyntää menetelmää markkinointiviestintästrategioissaan. Tuotesijoittelun poikkeava luonne markkinointiviestintävälineenä tuotti kysymyksen miten tuotesijoittelua voitaisiin hyödyntää yhteistyössä muiden markkinointiviestintäkeinojen kanssa. Tätä varten tutkimuksessa tuotesijoittelu yhdistettiin integroidun markkinointiviestinnän (IMC) viitekehykseen. IMC-konsepti syntyi markkinointiviestinnässä vastaamaan samaan tarpeeseen kuin tuotesijoittelukin: pirstaloitunut mediakenttä ja yksittäiset kohderyhmät vaativat kehittyneempää ja yhtenäisempää markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua ja toteutusta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä tuotesijoittelu todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi markkinointiviestintäkeinoksi mikäli viestinnän tavoitteena on muu kuin tuotteen myyntiin suorasti vaikuttaminen. Tuotesijoittelu on sen sijaan erittäin tehokas tuotetietoisuuden lisäämisessä, erityisesti tunnistamisen kohdalla. Tuotesijoittelu voi myös tuottaa suoran ostotarpeen mutta tällöin viestin vastaanottajalla täytyy olla vallitseva tarve kyseisen tuoteryhmän osalta ennen altistumista ko. markkinointiviestille. Tuotesijoittelu voidaan sisällyttää IMC-suunnitteluprosessiin markkinointiviestintästrategian kiinteänä osana. Integraatio markkinointiviestinnässä siten, että tuotesijoittelua tuettaisiin muilla viestintäkeinoilla yhtenäisen kampanjan kehittämiseksi on kuitenkin paljon ennakoitua harvinaisempaa, johtuen ehkä eniten tuotesijoittelun poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta ja kyseisen viestintämuodon vaikeasta hallittavuudesta markkinoijan taholta. Tutkimus toteutettiin normatiivisena case-tutkimuksena pääasiassa sekundäärisiä tietolähteitä hyödyntäen. Case-tutkimuksia varten kerättiin primääristä tietoa kyselylomakkeella kahdesta tuotesijoittelua käyttävästä kansainvälisestä yhtiöstä, jonka lisäksi myös sekundäärisiä tietolähteitä hyödynnettiin case-osan tiedonkeruussa.