901 resultados para ñande reko (guaraní way of being)


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Antigen recognition by cytotoxic CD8 T cells is dependent upon a number of critical steps in MHC class I antigen processing including proteosomal cleavage, TAP transport into the endoplasmic reticulum, and MHC class 1 binding. Based on extensive experimental data relating to each of these steps there is now the capacity to model individual antigen processing steps with a high degree of accuracy. This paper demonstrates the potential to bring together models of individual antigen processing steps, for example proteosome cleavage, TAP transport, and MHC binding, to build highly informative models of functional pathways. In particular, we demonstrate how an artificial neural network model of TAP transport was used to mine a HLA-binding database so as to identify H LA-binding peptides transported by TAP. This integrated model of antigen processing provided the unique insight that HLA class I alleles apparently constitute two separate classes: those that are TAP-efficient for peptide loading (HLA-B27, -A3, and -A24) and those that are TAP-inefficient (HLA-A2, -B7, and -B8). Hence, using this integrated model we were able to generate novel hypotheses regarding antigen processing, and these hypotheses are now capable of being tested experimentally. This model confirms the feasibility of constructing a virtual immune system, whereby each additional step in antigen processing is incorporated into a single modular model. Accurate models of antigen processing have implications for the study of basic immunology as well as for the design of peptide-based vaccines and other immunotherapies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To evaluate the remodeling of collagen fibers in the articular cartilage of rat ankles, with and without immobilization, after application of muscle stretching protocol. Twenty three Wistar rats were divided into four groups: immobilized (I), n = 6; immobilized and stretched (IS), n = 6; stretched (S), n = 6 and control (C), n = 5. The animals in groups I and IS were submitted to immobilization. After the period of immobilization, the animals in groups IS and S were submitted to a muscle stretching protocol. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and the joints removed, processed and stained with Picrosirius red. The analysis was carried out using a polarized light microscope. The density of collagen fibers were quantified according to the intensity of birefringence displayed. By way of statistical analyses, the right and left hind limbs of the different groups were compared based on the total density of collagen fibers, the density of thick collagen fibers and the density of thin collagen fibers. Immobilization promoted a reduction in density of the thin fibers and of total collagen. The muscle stretching protocol after immobilization promoted a reduction in density of the total collagen and of the thick fibers, but the density of the thin fibers showed the same values as control. The collagen fibers were remodeled by the different stimuli. Immobilization was harmful to the collagen fibers and the muscle stretching protocol only recovered the thin collagen fibers.


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This article discusses the ethical justification for and reviews the American evidence on the effectiveness of; treatment for alcohol and heroin dependence that is provided under legal coercion to offenders whose alcohol and drug dependence has contributed to the commission of the offence with which they have been charged or convicted. The article focuses on legally coerced treatment for drink-driving offenders and heroin-dependent property offenders. it outlines the various arguments that have been made for providing such treatment under legal coercion, namely. the over-representation of alcohol and drug dependent persons in prison populations; the contributory causal role of alcohol and other drug problems in the offences that lead to their imprisonment; the high rates of relapse to drug use and criminal involvement after incarceration; the desirability of keeping injecting heroin users out of prisons as a way of reducing the transmission of infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis; and the putatively greater cost-effectiveness of treatment compared with incarceration. The ethical objections to legally coerced drug treatment are briefly discussed before the evidence on the effectiveness of legally coerced treatment for alcohol and other drug dependence is reviewed. The evidence, which is primarily from the USA, gives qualified support for some forms of legally coerced drug treatment provided that these programs are well resourced, carefully implemented, and their performance is monitored to ensure that they provide a humane and effective alternative to imprisonment. Expectations about what these programs can achieve also need to be realistic.


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The construct of coping is explored in this paper utilising repertory grid technique with a small group of non-patients with chronic pain. Nineteen volunteers with low back pain completed a repertory grid with eight given elements signifying various self and illness-related roles. Two constructs were given and the remainder elicited using the triad method. The 19 participants rated themselves as being in less pain than those they typified as ill or disabled and considered themselves to be coping with their pain. The constructs elicited emphasised authenticity, the limitations of being a coper, mastery, active stoicism, cheerfulness, acceptance and maintaining acceptable social interactions and appearances. Copers were considered to not be in constant pain. Self, ideal-self and social-self constructs were closely related, The participants rated themselves more like copers than ill, pain-suffering, invalid or hypochondriacal persons. Being a coper, however, was less desirable than being pain free, In essence, these volunteers with low back pain see coping as a necessary evil. This ambivalent and ambiguous construing of coping needs to be further explored in community and patient groups if we are to improve the collaboration between patients and therapists in achieving good pain management. (C) 1997 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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objective. To describe the management of patients with long-term central venous catheters (CVCs) during an outbreak of infection due to Pseudomonas putida and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia associated with contaminated heparin catheter-lock solution. design. Descriptive study. setting. Private, 250-bed tertiary-care hospital. methods. In March 2003, we identified 2 febrile cancer patients with P. putida bacteremia. Over 2 days, 7 cases of bacteremia were identified; lots of syringes prefilled with heparin catheter-lock solution, supplied by a compounding pharmacy, were recalled and samples were cultured. More cases of bacteremia appeared during the following days, and any patient who had had a catheter lock infused with the suspect solution was asked to provide blood samples for culture, even if the patient was asymptomatic. Isolates that were recovered from culture were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Antimicrobial salvage treatment of long-term CVCs was attempted. results. A total of 154 patients had had their catheter lock infused with solution from the lots that were suspected of being contaminated. Only 48 of these patients had CVCs. By day 7 of the outbreak, 18 of these patients had become symptomatic. Twenty-six of the remaining 30 asymptomatic patients then also provided blood samples for culture, 10 of whom developed fever shortly after samples were collected. Thirty-two patients were identified who had P. putida bacteremia; 9 also had infection due to S. maltophilia. Samples from 1 of the 3 lots of prefilled syringes in use at the time of the outbreak also grew P. putida on culture. Molecular typing identified 3 different clones of P. putida from patients and heparin catheter-lock solution, and 1 clone of S. maltophilia. A total of 27 patients received antimicrobial therapy regimens, some of which included decontamination of the catheter lock with anti- infective lock solution. Of 27 patients, 19 (70%) retained their long-term CVC during the 6-month follow-up period. conclusions. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest prospective experiences in the management of bloodstream infection associated with long-term CVCs. The infections were caused by gram-negative bacilli and were managed without catheter removal, with a high response rate. We emphasize the risks of using intravenous formulations of medications supplied by compounding pharmacies that produce large quantities of drugs.


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The successful elimination of vectorial and transfusional transmission of Chagas` disease from some countries is a result of the reduction of domestic density of the primary vector Triatoma infestans, of almost 100% of coverage in blood serological selection and to the fact that the basic reproductive number of Chagas` disease is very close to one (1.25). Therefore, congenital transmission is currently the only way of acquiring Chagas` Disease in such regions. In this paper we propose a model of congenital transmission of Chagas` disease. Its aim is to provide an estimation of the time period it will take to eliminate this form of transmission in regions where vetorial transmission was reduced to close to zero, like in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Context. Although several studies have evaluated the frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in general medicine, few studies have looked at the epidemiology of adverse drug events (ADEs) in oncology. Objectives. We sought to investigate how many hospital admissions in oncology are related to a DDI or an ADR. Methods. All cancer patients admitted to an oncology ward during an eight-month period had their charts retrospectively evaluated for reasons of hospitalization, using a 4-point scale (definitely, probably, possibly, or unlikely associated) to classify admissions by their probability of being associated with either a DDI or an ADR. Results. From September 2007 to May 2008, there were 550 hospital admissions and 458 were eligible. Among unplanned admissions (n = 298), 39 (13.0%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 9.4%-17.4%) were considered to be associated with an ADE, 33 (11.0%, 95% CI 7.7%-15.2%) with an ADR, and six (2.0%, 95% CI 0.7%-4.3%) with a DDI. The most common DDIs involved warfarin, captopril, and anti-inflammatory agents, and the most frequent ADR was neutropenic fever post-chemotherapy. Most patients were discharged completely recovered, but two patients died. Conclusion. Approximately one in 10 unplanned hospitalizations of cancer patients is associated with an ADE. Prospective and population-based studies are warranted to evaluate their magnitude in oncology. J Pain Symptom Manage 2011;42:342-353. (C) 2011 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: A new adjustable pinch has been developed for producing a crush injury, with a previously known load of 5 kg, on a 5 mm-long segment of the nerve. Methods: Stainless steel was the material selected for building the pinch due its durability and possibility of sterilization with anti-septic substances, which are often corrosive. The crushing load of the pinch is adjustable by increasing or decreasing the tension of the spring by means of a screw used for calibration, which is performed by a load cell. Result: This pinch has been used in a few experimental investigations and was shown to be as efficient as both the universal testing machine and the dead weight machine, previously used. Conclusion: The developed pinch has the advantages of being portable and user-friendly. In addition, the pinch is cheap and allows for the standardization of the applied load.


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In the present study, we investigated the involvement of resident cell and inflammatory mediators in the neutrophil migration induced by chemotactic activity of a glucose/mannose-specific lectin isolated from Dioclea rostrata seeds (DrosL). Rats were injected i.p. with DrosL (125-1000 mu g/cavity), and at 2-96 h thereafter the leukocyte counts in peritoneal fluid were determined. DrosL-induced a dose-dependent neutrophil migration accumulation, which reached maximal response at 24 h after injection and declines thereafter. The carbohydrate ligand nearly abolished the neutrophil influx. Pre-treatment of peritoneal cavities with thioglycolate which increases peritoneal macrophage numbers, enhanced neutrophil migration induced by DrosL by 303%. However, the reduction of peritoneal mast cell numbers by treatment of the cavities with compound 48/80 did not modify DrosL-induced neutrophil migration. The injection into peritoneal cavities of supernatants from macrophage cultures stimulated with DrosL (125, 250 and 500 mu g/ml) induced neutrophil migration. In addition, DrosL treatment induced cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CINC-1) and NO release into the peritoneal cavity of rats. Finally, neutrophil chemotaxis assay in vitro showed that the lectin (15 and 31 mu g/ml) induced neutrophil chemotaxis by even 180%. In conclusion, neutrophil migration induced by D. rostrata lectin occurs by way of the release of NO and cytokines such as IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and CINC-1. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to deter-mine maximum bite force in molar and incisor regions in young Brazilian indigenous individuals, who have had a natural diet since birth, and compare the sample with white Brazilian individuals. To do this, individuals were paired one-to-one (same weight, height, and Class I facial pattern). A secondary purpose was to elucidate the relation between bite force and gender in both populations. Eighty-two Brazilians took part in this study. Participants were aged between 18 and 28 years and were divided into two groups: 41 Xingu indigenous individuals and 41 white Brazilian individuals, with 28 men and 13 women in each group. The inclusion criteria were: having complete dentition; normal occlusion; no neurological, psychiatric or movement disorders.; no reports of toothaches; having satisfactory periodontal health; absence of large facial skeletal alterations (typical Class II and Class III individuals); and no previous treatments using occlusal splints. To measure maximum bite force, a digital dynamometer model IDDK (Kratos-Equipamentos Industriais Ltda, Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil) was used, with a capacity of 1000 N, adapted for oral conditions. Assessments were made in the first molar (right and left) and central incisive regions. Results reveal that mean maximum bite forces in indigenous individuals of the right molar is 421 N, left molar 429 N and incisor region is 194 14 and for white individuals of the right molar is 410 N, left molar 422 N and incisor region is 117 N. Comparing indigenous with white individuals, maximal bite force showed a tendency of being greater in the indigenous group. It was observed that the incisor region showed statistical significance (p < 0.0005) but no significance was observed in the molar region. Moreover, indigenous men showed the highest bite force values. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is technically feasible for mobile social software such as pairing or ‘matchmaking’ systems to introduce people to others and assist information exchange. However, little is known about the social structure of many mobile communities or why they would want such pairing systems. While engaged in other work determining requirements for a mobile travel assistant we saw a potentially useful application for a pairing system to facilitate the exchange of travel information between backpackers. To explore this area, we designed two studies involving usage of a low-fidelity role prototype of a social pairing system for backpackers. Backpackers rated the utility of different pairing types, and provided feedback on the social implications of being paired based on travel histories. Practical usage of the social network pairing activity and the implications of broader societal usage are discussed.


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Kenyan women have more children, especially in rural areas, than in most developing nations. This is widely believed to be an impediment to Kenya’s economic development. Thus, factors influencing family size in the Kenyan context are important for its future. A brief review of economic theories of fertility leads to the conclusion that both economics and social/cultural factors must be considered simultaneously when examining factors that determine the number of children in a family. The need to do this is borne out in Kenya’s situation by utilising responses from a random sample of rural households in the Nyeri district of Kenya. Economic and social/cultural factors intertwine to influence family sizes in this district. After providing a summary of the main statistical results from the survey, we use multiple regression analysis to explore the influences of a woman’s age, level of education, whether she has outside employment, whether the family keeps livestock, whether she expresses a preference for more boys than girls, whether the family uses only family labour (including child labour) and the size of the farm, which is used as a proxy for family income. It was found that preference for male children has an important positive influence on family size in this district. Women were found to have greater preference for male children than their male counterparts possibly because of their fear of being disinherited if they do not produce an heir for their husbands. Preference for sons was also found in allocation of human capital resources at the household level in that the female respondents were found to have lower levels of education than their male counterparts. Various long-term policies are outlined that may help to reduce the number of offspring of women in Kenya.


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Events during perinatal and early life may influence the incidence of breast cancer in adult life, and some case-control studies suggest that having been breastfed may reduce breast cancer risk. The authors studied this association among premenopausal and postmenopausal women by using data from the two Nurses' Health Studies, the Nurses' Health Study (using data from 1992 to 1996) and the Nurses' Health Study II (using data from 1991 to 1997). A history of being breastfed was self-reported by the study participants. During a total of 695,655 person-years, 1,073 cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed. The authors did not observe any important overall association between having been breastfed and the development of breast cancer later in life among premenopausal women (covariate-adjusted relative risk = 0.97, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.78, 1.20) or postmenopausal women (covariate-adjusted relative risk = 1.12, 95% CI: 0.92, 1.37). No significant trend was observed with increasing duration of breastfeeding. The authors also used data on breastfeeding retrospectively collected from 2,103 mothers of participants of the two Nurses' Health Studies. With the mothers' reports, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio of breast cancer was 1.11 (95% CI: 0.88, 1.39) for women who were breastfed compared with those who were not. Data from these two large cohorts do not support the hypothesis that being breastfed confers protection against subsequent breast cancer.


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This paper presents a method of formally specifying, refining and verifying concurrent systems which uses the object-oriented state-based specification language Object-Z together with the process algebra CSP. Object-Z provides a convenient way of modelling complex data structures needed to define the component processes of such systems, and CSP enables the concise specification of process interactions. The basis of the integration is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to that of CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to he used directly within the CSP part of the specification. In addition to specification, we also discuss refinement and verification in this model. The common semantic basis enables a unified method of refinement to be used, based upon CSP refinement. To enable state-based techniques to be used fur the Object-Z components of a specification we develop state-based refinement relations which are sound and complete with respect to CSP refinement. In addition, a verification method for static and dynamic properties is presented. The method allows us to verify properties of the CSP system specification in terms of its component Object-Z classes by using the laws of the the CSP operators together with the logic for Object-Z.


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Why did Levinas choose Isaiah 45:7 ("I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all that") as a superscription of his essay on evil? This article explores the role of evil in Levinas's religious ethics. The author discusses the structure of evil as revealed phenomenologically and juxtaposes it to the structure of subjectivity found in the writings of Levinas. The idea of the "ethical anthropic principle," modeled upon the cosmic anthropic principle, is then used to link evil to the responsibility of the subject. The link is subsequently extended to God. This is proposed as one way of understanding the meaning of Isaiah 45:7. © 2001 Journal of Religious Ethics, Inc.