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In order to calculate the daily stress degree of a bean crop submitted to four water regime applications, cover crop and air daily measurements temperatures were accomplished by using a hand-held infrared thermometer. The treatments did not present crop water stress except the control (without irrigation). The highest yield was obtained by the treatment that received less irrigation frequency, and among the treatments that had the same number of irrigation. The largest yield was obtained with the one that received larger amount of applied water. The largest irrigation frequency did not result in larger productivity. The methodologies used for the irrigation planning were efficient for the replacement of soil water. The daily stress degree index was effective in determining crop water stress; and it was reliable presenting negative values in good water soil condition.
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We evaluated the effect of fertilization with 0, 50, 100 and 200 kg/ha of N, applied in each four growth intervals in the winter/spring season on dry matter yield in 30 days (DMY), leaf chlorophyll index (LCI) and total digestible nutrients (TDN), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin contents, and correlation equations of LCI with DMY and CP content in the marandu and ruziziensis grasses after intercrop arrangements with corn in Red Latosol (Oxisol) under irrigation. The major DMY occurred with photoperiod increasing, however, there were different responses to this attribute over of growth intervals, between and among the grasses with the N fertilization. In irrigated croplivestock integration under savannah soil is technicality viable the cultivation of marandu and ruziziensis grasses, established by intercrop with corn at sowing or at the N fertilization. As even, in the N fertilization absence, produced satisfactory amounts of forage, with 1733 kg/ha (DMY), at the time of greatest scarcity of roughage to animals (winter/spring season). However, after the corn harvest, the N fertilization increase the DMY and improves the chemical composition, increasing the LCI, and CP and TDN contents, and decreasing NDF and ADF contents in the winter/spring season.The best correlation equations in function of LCI were logatithmica for DMY and potential for CP of the marandu grass and potential for both attributes of the ruziziensis grass.
This paper presents the results of the longitudinal profile analysis and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the Patos River, a tributary of the Ivaí River basin, PR. The goal is identify and quantify the anomalous zones along river course concerning their genesis - activity neotectonic or/and lithological imposition. The Patos River has a length of 127 km and a relief amplitude of 660 m, The occurrence of an important knickpoint in the middle course the Patos River can be divided into two stretches. Of the 22 sections measured, 10 were considered anomalous, distributed in both upper and lower course. In the upper course, over a basaltic bedrock of the Serra Geral Formation the RDE values are lower than those in the lower course, where river flows over sedimentary rocks of the Terezina Formation. The 2 nd order anomalies are related to lithological changes, relief alignments and channel confluences - as in the case of São João River. The 1st order anomalies are linked to differences in rock resistance associated with structural control, which provides the formation of waterfalls.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of fish oil acidity on the growth of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) juveniles. Two hundred juveniles with 10.53±0.65 g of weight and 8.74±0.13 cm of total length, were distributed in a totally randomized design in 20, 0.15 m3 meshmade tanks placed in a 25 m3 holding tank. Extruded commercial diets sprayed with soybean oil (control) with acidity index of 0.24 and fish oil with acidity index of 1.48, 6.40 and 9.85 were used. The fish were fed four times a day until apparent satiety. Productive performance, centesimal composition and blood biochemistry were analysed. At the end of the feeding period none of the analyzed parameters was affected by the use of acidified fish oil. Therefore, fish oil may be supplied to the pacu juveniles regardless of their pH.
The reproductive efficiency of Nellore females was described on the basis of sexual precocity, staying productive in the herd (NP), maternal productivity (PM) and estimated cost for maintenance (CM). The combination of these traits resulted in the bioeconomic maternal revenue index (RMat) ensures reproductive efficiency. The index estimates the return in kilograms of live weight produced per cow per year. In addition, the composition of calf weight produced was considered, adding to the PM the information on the scores of conformation, muscling and early finishing at weaning, in order to input the calf biotype. The females considered precocious had their age at first calving before 30 months. The NP was expressed by the number of calving till 53 months of age. The CM was calculated according to the estimated feed intake of dry matter. The estimated average RMat was 62.02±24.12 kg/ cow/year. Estimates of additive genetic and residual variances for RMat, using restricted maximum likelihood under a single trait animal model was equal to 195.35 and 242.96, respectively. The heritability estimated was 0.45±0.02, indicating that RMat is inheritable and can be applied in the breeding program to improve reproductive efficiency. The NP was the main component of variation for RMat. Sires selected based on RMat tended to have more efficient daughters.
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The tomato cultivation in the greenhouse has been expanded in the last years, mainly, in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, whose purpose is to improve the productivity and the quality of the agricultural products, offering regularity in the production. The present study aimed to determine, along the crop cycle, the relationship between the leaf area index and the productivity, and at the end of the cycle, the components of production of the tomato in the greenhouse. The models were generated through polynomial equations of 1st and 2nd order, having as independent variable the number of days after the transplanting. It was verified that it is possible to determine, in the greenhouse, through mathematical models, the leaf area index of the tomato crop considering the days after the transplanting. Basing on values of leaf area index, the productivity of the crop and the period of the maximum productivity can be determined, aiding the farmers to determine the best sowing and transplanting time of the tomato crop.