985 resultados para [ka before AD 2000], GICC05 time scale (Andersen et al., 2006)
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides continuous measurements made with a FRRF instrument, operating in a flow-through mode during the 2009-2012 part of the expedition. It operates by exciting chlorophyll fluorescence using a series of short flashes of controlled energy and time intervals (Kolber et al, 1998). The fluorescence transients produced by this excitation signal were analysed in real-time to provide estimates of abundance of photosynthetic pigments, the photosynthetic yields (Fv/Fm), the functional absorption cross section (a proxy for efficiency of photosynthetic energy acquisition), the kinetics of photosynthetic electron transport between Photosystem II and Photosystem I, and the size of the PQ pool. These parameters were measured at excitation wavelength of 445 nm, 470nm, 505 nm, and 535 nm, allowing to assess the presence and the photosynthetic performance of different phytoplankton taxa based on the spectral composition of their light harvesting pigments. The FRRF-derived photosynthetic characteristics were used to calculate the initial slope, the half saturation, and the maximum level of Photosynthesis vs Irradiance relationship. FRRF data were acquired continuously, at 1-minute time intervals.
This paper will document financial aspects of transactions, and trade credit supply behavior with FDI among small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) based on two original surveys, conducted in four cities in China in 2003. The survey was designed to capture the nature of inter-firm transactions, trade credit and other financial conditions. Literature on FDI mainly refers to technology transfer, employment or investment. This paper focuses on the role and significance of FDI in the supply of trade credit due to its trade credit enforcement technology. Yanagawa, Ito and Watanabe [2006] developed a model which indicates that when a seller has higher enforcement technology or a buyer has richer liquidity, both trade credit and transaction volume will be increased. In this paper, we confirmed that FDI and G contributed to the provision of trade credit and had a positive external effect on trade credit enforcement towards China’s economy. (1) Sales towards FDI customers have the power to increase the trade credit ratio,even when controlling other factors such as choice of payment instrument, competitiveness, and expost default management. This implies that FDI does provide trade credit, not only because it has superior liquidity, but because it is also superior in terms of enforcement of trade credit repayment.(2) Cash constraints of the buyer influence the decisions concerning trade credit provided by the seller, as a model in Yanagawa, et al. [2006] predicted, and this implies that strategic default is a serious concern among SMEs in China. (3) Spillover effect exists in payment enforcement technology in transactions with FDI customers.
The tsunami deposits of the valley of Agaete (Pérez-Torrado et al., 2006), north-western Gran Canaria, attributed to the Guimar flank collapse in Tenerife, have been revisited and new data are presented here. Besides the occurrences reported by Pérez-Torrado et al. (2006) a new outcrop was found and named “La Ruina” (at 28º 05’ 47,41” N; 15º 41’ 52,04” W; 71 m asl). The above-mentioned authors suggested the possibility that more than one marine conglomerate deposit could be present in the outcrops of “Llanos de Turmán” and “Berrazales”. At “La Gasolinera” and “La Aldea 1” the conglomerates are formed by a single layer representing one depositional event; at “La Aldea 2”, the conglomerates are composed of two layers directly contacting with each other, but evidence of a time hiatus between them was not found. Although the hypothesis of stacking of two depositional units within the same episode versus deposition of two distinct layers in different time-moments is debatable at the present state of knowledge, the first possibility is favoured. The field evidence at “Llanos de Turman” and “Berrazales” unquestionably shows that terrestrial sediments (colluvia; paleosols) are present and separate two marine conglomerate deposits, indicating that at least two distinct tsunami inundations are needed to explain the stratigraphy. However, at the new “La Ruina” outcrop, besides the two deposits mentioned above, a third and older marine conglomerate was found, clearly separated in time from the ones cited above. The existence of marine conglomerates emplaced in different moments is evidenced by the occurrence of intercalated paleosols, colluvia and other subaerial materials, implying significant time intervals between the emplacement of marine conglomeratic layers. A number of gastropod operculae from the tsunamiites were sent for U-Th dating to try to further constrain the age span of these deposits. The field evidence presented above shows that the emplacement of the deposits is related to, at least, three tsunami events. The lateral correlation between different outcrops is difficult due to variable number of deposits in each outcrop, lateral discontinuity and variability, and to compositional and textural similarity between distinct tsunami sediments. The occurrence of three Pleistocene tsunami deposits in the same area points to a relatively high frequency of tsunamis (generated by landslides, surface rupturing earthquakes, fast entry of voluminous volcanic deposits into the sea or large submarine eruptions). It is possible that this recurrence of tsunami inundations may reflect multiple-phased landslides responsible for the mega-landslide scars prominent in the geomorphology of the neighbouring island of Tenerife. This is a contribution from project “Estabilidad de los edificios volcánicos en Canarias: análisis de los factores geológicos, geomecánicos y paleoclimáticos. Aplicación a los flancos N y S de la isla de Tenerife” financed by MCT, Spain.
La asociación Rhizobium-leguminosa constituye una interacción planta-microorganismo particularmente beneficiosa a nivel medioambiental debido a su capacidad promotora del crecimiento vegetal en condiciones de deficiencia de nitrógeno. Se ha demostrado que una excesiva concentración de metales pesados en el suelo afecta negativamente la competitividad bacteriana y al desarrollo de interacciones diazotróficas eficientes (Chaudri et al., 2000; Pereira et al., 2006). Por otro lado, el suministro de metales como Fe, Mo, Ni o Cu es fundamental para la biosíntesis de enzimas bacterianas relacionadas con el proceso de fijación de nitrógeno que ocurre en el interior de los nódulos de las leguminosas (Moreau et al., 1995). Con objeto de identificar sistemas génicos implicados en la homeostasis de níquel en bacterias endosimbióticas, se ha llevado a cabo una mutagénesis mediante inserción aleatoria de un minitransposón derivado de Tn5 en Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae UPM1137, una cepa capaz de resistir elevadas concentraciones de níquel y cobalto. Como resultado de esta mutagénesis se han obtenido 14 mutantes incapaces de crecer en medios suplementados con NiCl2. La localización de la inserción en estos mutantes muestra que una elevada proporción de los genes afectados codifican proteínas de membrana o proteínas secretadas. En paralelo, se ha obtenido la secuencia del genoma de la cepa UPM1137, lo que permite realizar estudios in silico comparando los genomas disponibles de varias cepas de R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, que presentan una menor sensibilidad a metales. El análisis bioinformático de los genomas secuenciados y la caracterización fenotípica de los mutantes obtenidos permitirá identificar potenciales sistemas de resistencia y su contribución a la homeostasis de metales.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar la distribución espacial de los centros eruptivos monogenéticos según el análisis de vecino más próximo de Poisson, propuesto por Clark y Evans (1954), en las Islas Canarias. Se pretende adquirir así unos valores cuantitativos que permitan interpretar si los centros eruptivos monogenéticos se distribuyen de forma aleatoria, concentrada o dispersa en cada isla. La confrontación de estos resultados con la bibliografía ayudará a interpretarlos mediante comparación. Como objetivo secundario y parte fundamental del trabajo se presenta la necesidad y el fin de adquirir conocimientos teóricos y prácticos de análisis espacial, además de destreza en el uso de lenguajes y entornos de programación adecuados para este tipo de estudios. Otro de los objetivos es desarrollar una aplicación que haga extensible este tipo de estudios de forma sencilla y ponga a disposición, en el caso de una publicación final, de la comunidad científica y de los usuarios a nivel universitario, una herramienta eficaz de análisis cuantitativo para hallar los índices requeridos para llevar a cabo el análisis de vecino más próximo de Poisson. El área de estudio son las Islas Canarias que conforman un archipiélago de siete islas mayores (Fig. 1): Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera y El Hierro; cuatro islas menores: Lobos, La Graciosa, Montaña Clara y Alegranza; y varios roques. Queda comprendido entre los paralelos 27 º 37 ' N y 29 º 35 ' N (Punta de La Restinga, en El Hierro; Punta de los Mosegos, en la isla de la Alegranza) y entre los meridianos 13 º 20 ' W y 18 º 10 ' W (Roque del Este; Punta de Orchilla, en El Hierro) y se encuentra a distancias de entre 100 km y 500 km de la costa noroccidental africana. Queda englobado dentro de la región de la Macaronesia, conjunto de cinco archipiélagos de origen volcánico situado en el Atlántico Oriental, a saber: Azores, Madeira, Salvajes, Canarias y Cabo Verde; y está limitada por los paralelos 14 º 49 ' N y 39 º 45 ' N, y por los meridianos 13 º 20 ' W y 31 º 17 ' W, estando separados entre sus puntos norte y sur por 2 700 km y entre sus puntos este y oeste por 1 800 km de distancia (Gosálvez et al., 2010). Sobre el origen del archipiélago y su contexto geodinámico, se han propuesto varias hipótesis, e.g.: Carracedo et al. (1998), Anguita y Hernán (2000), Ancochea et al. (2006), en las que aún no queda completamente claro el origen de la Islas Canarias, ya que algunos dan un protagonismo mayor a la actividad tectónica como causante del ascenso del magma a través de la corteza y otros defienden la existencia de un punto caliente como verdadera causa del volcanismo en Canarias.