995 resultados para (CH3OH)-C-13 assignment


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Abstract INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis C is a public health problem of global dimensions, affecting approximately 200 million people worldwide. The main objective of this study was to estimate the incidence rate of hepatitis C in Brazil during the period between 2001 and 2012. METHODS: An epidemiological, temporal, and descriptive study was performed using data from the Information System for Reportable Diseases. RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2012, a total of 151,056 hepatitis C cases were recorded, accounting for 30.3% of all hepatitis notifications in Brazil. The average gross coefficient for the analysis period was 6.7 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The regions with the highest rates were the Southeast region (8.7 new cases/100,000 inhabitants) and the South (13.9 new cases/100,000 inhabitants). There was a predominance of men with respect to the incidence rate (8.0 new cases/100,000 inhabitants) compared to women (5.5 new cases/100,000 inhabitants). Injection drug use was the most common source of infection, and members of the white race, residents of urban areas, and those aged 60 to 64 years had the highest incidences. CONCLUSIONS: Over the last 10 years, the incidence of hepatitis C in Brazil has increased, mainly in the South and Southeast. The adoption of fast, accurate diagnostic methods, together with epidemiological awareness, can facilitate early intervention measures for adequate control of the disease.


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1825-26 pt. 13-17


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FUNDAMENTO: Estudos sobre o impacto da HDL-c e ocorrência de doença cardiovascular (CV) em idosos são escassos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais e a ocorrência de eventos CV em idosos estratificados de acordo com o comportamento da HDL-c em seguimento de oito anos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, em dois momentos (A1 e A2), com espaço mínimo de cinco anos, 81 idosos, com idade média de 68,51 ± 6,32 (38,2% do sexo masculino). Os indivíduos foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o nível da HDL-c: HDL-c normal nas duas avaliações (GN) (n=31); HDL-c baixa nas duas avaliações (GB) (n=21); e HDL-c variável de A1 para A2 (GV) (n=29). Foram registrados os eventos CV maiores: doença coronariana (angina, infarto miocárdio, revascularização miocárdica percutânea/cirúrgica), acidente vascular encefálico, acidente isquêmico transitório, doença carotídea, demência e insuficiência cardíaca. RESULTADOS: Os grupos não diferiram quanto à idade e sexo em A1 e A2. As médias dos triglicérides foram menores no GN em A1 (p=0,027) e A2 (p=0,016) que no GB. Já a distribuição de eventos CV foi de 13 eventos no GN (41,9%), 16 (76,2%) no GB e de 12 (41,4%) no GV (χ2=7,149, p=0,024). Em análise de regressão logística observou-se que quanto maior a idade (OR=1,187, p=0,0230) e quanto menor a HDL-c (OR=0,9372, p=0,0102), maior a ocorrência de eventos CV. CONCLUSÃO: O HDL-c permanentemente baixo ao longo de oito anos de acompanhamento foi fator de risco para desenvolvimento de eventos CV em idosos.


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FUNDAMENTO: Vários estudos sugerem que a proteína-C reativa (PCR) se correlaciona com doença arterial coronariana em adultos. Entretanto, essa associação ainda é pouco explorada em adolescentes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre a PCR e os fatores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes obesos. MÉTODOS: Oitenta e quatro adolescentes (12,6 ± 1,3 anos), ambos os sexos, foram distribuídos nos grupos Eutrófico (n = 28), Sobrepeso (n = 28) e Obeso (n = 28), segundo o índice de massa corpórea (IMC). A concentração de PCR (ELISA ultrassensível), o perfil lipídico e o conteúdo de anticorpos anti-LDLox (ELISA) foram determinados após jejum de 12h. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto a idade (p = 0,13) e sexo (p = 0,83). Colesterol total, HDL-C, CT/HDL-C e LDL-C/HDL-C apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos Eutrófico e Obeso. Não houve variação significativa no conteúdo de anticorpos anti-LDLox. Os valores de PCR foram diferentes entre os três grupos (p < 0,01). PCR apresentou associação significativa com IMC (β = 2,533), CB (β = 2,645) e CC (β = 2,945), CT (β = 0,006), LDL-C (β = 0,006) e anticorpos anti-LDLox (β = 0,383) e negativa entre HDL-C (β = -0,017). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam que a PCR se associa significativamente com marcadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes.


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Fundamento: O valor prognóstico incremental da dosagem plasmática de Proteína C-reativa (PCR) em relação ao Escore GRACE não está estabelecido em pacientes com síndromes coronarianas agudas sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (SCA). Objetivo: Testar a hipótese de que a medida de PCR na admissão incrementa o valor prognóstico do escore GRACE em pacientes com SCA. Métodos: Foram estudados 290 indivíduos, internados consecutivamente por SCA, os quais tiveram material plasmático colhido na admissão para dosagem de PCR por método de alta sensibilidade (nefelometria). Desfechos cardiovasculares durante hospitalização foram definidos pela combinação de óbito, infarto não fatal ou angina refratária não fatal. Resultados: A incidência de eventos cardiovasculares durante hospitalização foi 15% (18 óbitos, 11 infartos, 13 anginas), tendo a PCR apresentado estatística-C de 0,60 (95% IC = 0,51 - 0,70; p = 0,034) na predição desses desfechos. Após ajuste para o Escore GRACE, PCR elevada (definida pelo melhor ponto de corte) apresentou tendência a associação com eventos hospitalares (OR = 1,89; 95% IC = 0,92 - 3,88; p = 0,08). No entanto, a adição da variável PCR elevada no modelo GRACE não promoveu incremento significativo na estatística-C, a qual variou de 0,705 para 0,718 (p = 0,46). Da mesma forma, não houve reclassificação de risco significativa com a adição da PCR no modelo preditor (reclassificação líquida = 5,7%; p = 0,15). Conclusão Embora PCR possua associação com desfechos hospitalares, esse marcador inflamatório não incrementa o valor prognóstico do Escore GRACE.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la School of Chemistry de la University of Bristol, Gran Bretanya, entre 2006 i 2008. La reacció d’activació del pre-catalitzador CH3-Fe(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph, que es dóna en presència de H2 i P(CH3)3, és una reacció spin-prohibida ja que els reactius i els productes tenen diferents estat d’espín en el seu estat fonamental: el pre-catalitzador és quintet, mentre que el producte format després de l’eliminació de metà, PMe3(H3)-Fe[(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph, és singlet. Un dels intermedis d’aquesta reacció és d’especial interès ja que catalitza la hidrogenació d’olefines. Intermedi que experimentalment s’ha proposat com a H-Fe[(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph] o el Hx-Fe[(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph]. Aquestes espècies han estat estudiades computacionalment, mitjançant la combinació de mètodes del funcional de la densitat calibrats mitjançant càlculs ab initio. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que les superfícies d’energia potencial singlet, triplet i quintet es creuen al llarg de les reaccions descrites. La reacció d’activació del pre-catalitzador és una reacció multi spin-prohibida (més d’un canvi d’espín), en la que el mecanisme preferit addiciona primer hidrogen i després la fosfina, el pas determinant de la velocitat és el creuament de la superfície d’energia potencial quintet a la triplet a la geometria del reactiu, que es produeix amb una barrera d’aproximadament 18 kcal/mol. La reacció d’hidrogenació d’olefines en canvi pot ser o no una reacció espín prohibida depenent de les condicions en que es dugui a terme. En cas de que la reacció es dugui a terme en un excés d’hidrogen, en el mecanisme principal l’espècie activa seria el (H2)H-Fe[(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph] singlet en el seu estat fonamental que hidrogenaria l’olefina sense cap pas espín prohibit. Aquest mecanisme és el de barrera més baixa però s’espera que estigui més desafavorit entropicament. Si les condicions no són d’un important excés d’hidrogen, llavors l’espècie activa s’espera que sigui H-Fe[(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph], la reacció llavors seria multi espín prohibida amb una barrera de unes 13 kcal/mol corresponents al creuament entre la superfície quintet i triplet a la geometria del H-Fe[(P(iPr)2CH2)3B-Ph].


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Waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a measure of body fat distribution and a predictor of metabolic consequences independent of overall adiposity. WHR is heritable, but few genetic variants influencing this trait have been identified. We conducted a meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide association studies for WHR adjusted for body mass index (comprising up to 77,167 participants), following up 16 loci in an additional 29 studies (comprising up to 113,636 subjects). We identified 13 new loci in or near RSPO3, VEGFA, TBX15-WARS2, NFE2L3, GRB14, DNM3-PIGC, ITPR2-SSPN, LY86, HOXC13, ADAMTS9, ZNRF3-KREMEN1, NISCH-STAB1 and CPEB4 (P = 1.9 × 10⁻⁹ to P = 1.8 × 10⁻⁴⁰) and the known signal at LYPLAL1. Seven of these loci exhibited marked sexual dimorphism, all with a stronger effect on WHR in women than men (P for sex difference = 1.9 × 10⁻³ to P = 1.2 × 10⁻&supl;³). These findings provide evidence for multiple loci that modulate body fat distribution independent of overall adiposity and reveal strong gene-by-sex interactions.


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The class B scavenger receptor CD36 is a component of the pattern recognition receptors on monocytes that recognizes a variety of molecules. CD36 expression in monocytes depends on exposure to soluble mediators. We demonstrate here that CD36 expression is induced in human monocytes following exposure to IL-13, a Th2 cytokine, via the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma pathway. Induction of CD36 protein was paralleled by an increase in CD36 mRNA. The PPARgamma pathway was demonstrated using transfection of a PPARgamma expression plasmid into the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, expressing very low levels of PPARgamma, and in peritoneal macrophages from PPARgamma-conditional null mice. We also show that CD36 induction by IL-13 via PPARgamma is dependent on phospholipase A2 activation and that IL-13 induces the production of endogenous 15-deoxy-Delta12,14-prostaglandin J2, an endogenous PPARgamma ligand, and its nuclear localization in human monocytes. Finally, we demonstrate that CD36 and PPARgamma are involved in IL-13-mediated phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes. These results reveal a novel role for PPARgamma in the alternative activation of monocytes by IL-13, suggesting that endogenous PPARgamma ligands, produced by phospholipase A2 activation, could contribute to the biochemical and cellular functions of CD36.


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The prevalence of hepatitis B and C infection has been determined in a seroepidemiological survey among blood donors from the south of Brazil (Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina). These markers has also been correlated with the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), a surrogate marker to prevent post-transfusion hepatitis. Sera from 5000 donors were randomly collected in the period of April to November 1991. The prevalences of HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc were respectively 0.78, 7.02 and 13.98. The anti-HCV prevalence after confirmation testing with line immunoassay (LIA), was 1.14. Normal values of ALT ( < = 32 U/ml) were found in 59.78, values slightly above the mean (ALT between 32-70 U/ml) in 37.74 and high values of ALT ( > = 70 U/ml) in 2.48. The positivity of anti-HCV antibodies increased with the elevation of ALT levels. This correlation was not observed in relation to HBsAg. There exists a diversity in the recognition of HCV epitopes among HCV positive donors. Via the confirmation test used, we could observe that 94.7 of donors recognize the structural core antigen. Besides that, we observed that 5.26 of the HCV reactive sera recognized only epitopes located in the NS4 and/or NS5 region, indicating the importance of these epitopes for the improvement of assays.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a two-compartment metabolic model of brain metabolism to assess oxidative metabolism from [1-(11)C] acetate radiotracer experiments, using an approach previously applied in (13)C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and compared with an one-tissue compartment model previously used in brain [1-(11)C] acetate studies. Compared with (13)C MRS studies, (11)C radiotracer measurements provide a single uptake curve representing the sum of all labeled metabolites, without chemical differentiation, but with higher temporal resolution. The reliability of the adjusted metabolic fluxes was analyzed with Monte-Carlo simulations using synthetic (11)C uptake curves, based on a typical arterial input function and previously published values of the neuroglial fluxes V(tca)(g), V(x), V(nt), and V(tca)(n) measured in dynamic (13)C MRS experiments. Assuming V(x)(g)=10 × V(tca)(g) and V(x)(n)=V(tca)(n), it was possible to assess the composite glial tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle flux V(gt)(g) (V(gt)(g)=V(x)(g) × V(tca)(g)/(V(x)(g)+V(tca)(g))) and the neurotransmission flux V(nt) from (11)C tissue-activity curves obtained within 30 minutes in the rat cortex with a beta-probe after a bolus infusion of [1-(11)C] acetate (n=9), resulting in V(gt)(g)=0.136±0.042 and V(nt)=0.170±0.103 μmol/g per minute (mean±s.d. of the group), in good agreement with (13)C MRS measurements.


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Background: Inhibition of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway by the TAT-coupled peptide XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1) induces strong neuroprotection in ischemic stroke in rodents. We investigated the effect of JNK inhibition in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Methods: Three hours after induction of ICH by intrastriatal collagenase injection in mice, the animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mu g/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed daily and the mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 1, 2 or 5 days after ICH. Results: XG-102 administration significantly improved the neurological outcome at 1 day (p < 0.01). The lesion volume was significantly decreased after 2 days (29 +/- 11 vs. 39 +/- 5 mm(3) in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05). There was also a decreased hemispheric swelling (14 +/- 13 vs. 26 +/- 9% in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05) correlating with increased aquaporin 4 expression. Conclusions: XG-102 attenuates cerebral edema in ICH and functional impairment at early time points. The beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in ICH, as well as in ischemic stroke, open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before imaging, thereby saving precious time.