880 resultados para zeta-average diameter
Magnetoelectric 0-1 composites comprising CoFe2O4 (CFO) nanoparticles in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymerfibre matrix have been prepared by electrospinning. The average diameter of the electrospun composite fibres D is ~ 325 nm, independently of nanoparticle content, and the amount of crystalline polar β phase is strongly enhanced when compared to pure PVDF polymer fibres. The piezoelectric response of these electroactive nanofibres is modified by an applied magnetic field, thus evidencing the magnetoelectric character of the CFO/PVDF 0-1 composites.
We have studied the effects of rapid thermal annealing at 1300¿°C on GaN epilayers grown on AlN buffered Si(111) and on sapphire substrates. After annealing, the epilayers grown on Si display visible alterations with craterlike morphology scattered over the surface. The annealed GaN/Si layers were characterized by a range of experimental techniques: scanning electron microscopy, optical confocal imaging, energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis, Raman scattering, and cathodoluminescence. A substantial Si migration to the GaN epilayer was observed in the crater regions, where decomposition of GaN and formation of Si3N4 crystallites as well as metallic Ga droplets and Si nanocrystals have occurred. The average diameter of the Si nanocrystals was estimated from Raman scattering to be around 3¿nm. Such annealing effects, which are not observed in GaN grown on sapphire, are a significant issue for applications of GaN grown on Si(111) substrates when subsequent high-temperature processing is required.
This study had the purpose of evaluating the effects of two management types of sugarcane: harvesting of burnt cane (BCH) and mechanized harvesting of unburnt green cane (MCH), on some soil physical properties of a dystrophic Rhodic Haplustox. The data were then compared with results for the same soil type under native forest. A completely randomized design was used, with three treatments and 20 replications. The following characteristics were determined: organic matter, aggregate stability, soil bulk density, and porosity at depths of 0-0.20 m and soil penetration resistance. After 15 years of cultivation, there were some alterations in the soil under cane burnt before harvesting, evidenced by a drop in the weighted average diameter of stable aggregates in water and increased soil bulk density. Significant changes were also detected in total porosity and pore distribution under both harvesting systems. Critical values for penetration resistance were observed in the area under mechanized sugar cane harvesting, with a value of 4.5 MPa in the 40-55 cm layer. This value is considered high and could indicate compaction and restriction of root growth. Soil properties under the green cane (unburned) management system were closest to those of the soil under native forest.
The practice of land leveling alters the soil surface to create a uniform slope to improve land conditions for the application of all agricultural practices. The aims of this study were to evaluate the impacts of land leveling through the magnitudes, variances and spatial distributions of selected soil physical properties of a lowland area in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; the relationships between the magnitude of cuts and/or fills and soil physical properties after the leveling process; and evaluation of the effect of leveling on the spatial distribution of the top of the B horizon in relation to the soil surface. In the 0-0.20 m layer, a 100-point geo-referenced grid covering two taxonomic soil classes was used in assessment of the following soil properties: soil particle density (Pd) and bulk density (Bd); total porosity (Tp), macroporosity (Macro) and microporosity (Micro); available water capacity (AWC); sand, silt, clay, and dispersed clay in water (Disp clay) contents; electrical conductivity (EC); and weighted average diameter of aggregates (WAD). Soil depth to the top of the B horizon was also measured before leveling. The overall effect of leveling on selected soil physical properties was evaluated by paired "t" tests. The effect on the variability of each property was evaluated through the homogeneity of variance test. The thematic maps constructed by kriging or by the inverse of the square of the distances were visually analyzed to evaluate the effect of leveling on the spatial distribution of the properties and of the top of the B horizon in relation to the soil surface. Linear regression models were fitted with the aim of evaluating the relationship between soil properties and the magnitude of cuts and fills. Leveling altered the mean value of several soil properties and the agronomic effect was negative. The mean values of Bd and Disp clay increased and Tp, Macro and Micro, WAD, AWC and EC decreased. Spatial distributions of all soil physical properties changed as a result of leveling and its effect on all soil physical properties occurred in the whole area and not specifically in the cutting or filling areas. In future designs of leveling, we recommend overlaying a cut/fill map on the map of soil depth to the top of the B horizon in order to minimize areas with shallow surface soil after leveling.
Spherical carbon coated iron particles of nanometric diameter in the 510 nm range have been produced by arc discharge at near-atmospheric pressure conditions (using 58·10 4 Pa of He). The particles exhibit a crystalline dense iron core with an average diameter 7.4 ± 2.0 nm surrounded by a sealed carbon shell, shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area diffrac- tion (SAED), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (STEM-EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The SAED, EDX and EELS results indicate a lack of traces of core oxidized phases showing an efficient protection role of the carbon shell. The magnetic properties of the nanoparticles have been investigated in the 5300 K temperature range using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The results reveal a superparamagnetic behaviour with an average monodomain diameter of 7.6 nm of the nanoparticles. The zero field cooled and field cooled (ZFC-FC)magnetization curves show a blocking temperature (TB)at room temperature very suitable for biomedical applications (drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging MRI, hyperthermia).
A new electrochemical method to synthesize mesoporous nanowires of alloys has been developed. Electrochemical deposition in ionic liquid-in-water (IL/W) microemulsion has been successful to grow mesoporous CoPt nanowires in the interior of polycarbonate membranes. The viscosity of the medium was high, but it did not avoid the entrance of the microemulsion in the interior of the membrane"s channels. The structure of the IL/W microemulsions, with droplets of ionic liquid (4 nm average diameter) dispersed in CoPt aqueous solution, defined the structure of the nanowires, with pores of a few nanometers, because CoPt alloy deposited only from the aqueous component of the microemulsion. The electrodeposition in IL/W microemulsion allows obtaining mesoporous structures in which the small pores must correspond to the size of the droplets of the electrolytic aqueous component of the microemulsion. The IL main phase is like a template for the confined electrodeposition. The comparison of the electrocatalytic behaviours towards methanol oxidation of mesoporous and compact CoPt nanowires of the same composition, demonstrated the porosity of the material. For the same material mass, the CoPt mesoporous nanowires present a surface area 16 times greater than compact ones, and comparable to that observed for commercial carbon-supported platinum nanoparticles.
El concepto de aspereza equivalente (ks) permite relacionar la resistencia al flujo de cauces de contorno granular con el tamaño de las partículas que lo conforman, mediante la ley logarítmica de distribución vertical de velocidad de la corriente. En este artículo se revisa el estado del conocimiento acerca de los criterios para la predicción de dicha relación con el objetivo de brindar una guía para la selección de los mismos. Pese a que el análisis de las experiencias compiladas desvela la dispersión de resultados, a efectos prácticos se recomienda para ríos de grava y de montaña: ks 3•d90; ks 3,4•d84 y ks 7•d50. Dicha dispersión y el hecho de que ks sea varias veces superior al diámetro medio del sedimento puede atribuirse en diferente grado: a la heterogeneidad del sedimento en lechos naturales, a las formas de fondo, al transporte sólido de fondo,así como a las limitaciones del modelo logarítmico de distribución de velocidad bajo ciertas condiciones de flujo. La predicción de ks en función de variables estadísticas del campo de elevaciones del lecho se ha revelado como una alternativa con una elevada capacidad explicativa, por lo que en la medida que avancen las técnicas microtopográficas se consolidará esta vía como el método del futuro.
Puupelletti on puumurskeesta puristamalla valmistettu polttoainejaloste, jonka raaka- aineita ovat mekaanisen metsäteollisuuden sivutuotteet kutterinlastu ja sahanpuru. Sylinterin muotoiset pelletit ovat yleensä halkaisijaltaan 6-10 mm ja pituudeltaan 10 - 30 mm. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan pellettiketjua valmistuksesta loppukäyttöön. Työ sisältää valmistuksen, kuljetuksen ja käytön niin tekniset puolet, kuin taloudelliset näkökohdatkin. Myös muiden maiden pellettimarkkinoiden tilanne tuodaan esille. Työn lopussa kuvataan muutama case-esimerkki onnistuneista pellettiketjuista. Suomessa puupellettimarkkinoiden kehitys alkoi 1998 Vöyrissä auenneen pellettitehtaan myötä. Pellettien tuotanto ja kulutus ovat sen jälkeen kasvaneet nopeasti ja nyt vuonna 2001 pellettien tuotantokapasiteetti on 150 000 t/a. Pellettimarkkinoiden nopea kehitys Suomessa perustuu öljyn korkeaan hintaan, käytön helppouteen ja ympäristöystävällisyyteen. Käyttölaitteistojen yleistyessä ja jakelun tehostuessa pellettiliiketoiminta tulee vahvistamaan asemaansa entisestään Suomessa
A new electrochemical method to synthesize mesoporous nanowires of alloys has been developed. Electrochemical deposition in ionic liquid-in-water (IL/W) microemulsion has been successful to grow mesoporous CoPt nanowires in the interior of polycarbonate membranes. The viscosity of the medium was high, but it did not avoid the entrance of the microemulsion in the interior of the membrane"s channels. The structure of the IL/W microemulsions, with droplets of ionic liquid (4 nm average diameter) dispersed in CoPt aqueous solution, defined the structure of the nanowires, with pores of a few nanometers, because CoPt alloy deposited only from the aqueous component of the microemulsion. The electrodeposition in IL/W microemulsion allows obtaining mesoporous structures in which the small pores must correspond to the size of the droplets of the electrolytic aqueous component of the microemulsion. The IL main phase is like a template for the confined electrodeposition. The comparison of the electrocatalytic behaviours towards methanol oxidation of mesoporous and compact CoPt nanowires of the same composition, demonstrated the porosity of the material. For the same material mass, the CoPt mesoporous nanowires present a surface area 16 times greater than compact ones, and comparable to that observed for commercial carbon-supported platinum nanoparticles.
We have produced nanocomposite films of Ni:SiO2 by an alternative polymeric precursor route. Films, with thickness of ~ 1000 nm, were characterized by several techniques including X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, flame absorption atomic spectrometry, and dc magnetization. Results from the microstructural characterizations indicated that metallic Ni-nanoparticles with average diameter of ~ 3 nm are homogeneously distributed in an amorphous SiO2 matrix. Magnetization measurements revealed a blocking temperature T B ~ 7 K for the most diluted sample and the absence of an exchange bias suggesting that Ni nanoparticles are free from an oxide layer.
Spherical carbon coated iron particles of nanometric diameter in the 5-10 nm range have been produced by arc discharge at near-atmospheric pressure conditions (using 5-8·10 4 Pa of He). The particles exhibit a crystalline dense iron core with an average diameter 7.4 ± 2.0 nm surrounded by a sealed carbon shell, shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area diffrac- tion (SAED), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (STEM-EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The SAED, EDX and EELS results indicate a lack of traces of core oxidized phases showing an efficient protection role of the carbon shell. The magnetic properties of the nanoparticles have been investigated in the 5-300 K temperature range using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The results reveal a superparamagnetic behaviour with an average monodomain diameter of 7.6 nm of the nanoparticles. The zero field cooled and field cooled (ZFC-FC)magnetization curves show a blocking temperature (TB)at room temperature very suitable for biomedical applications (drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging-MRI-, hyperthermia).
A new kind of material, denominated MCM-71, was synthesized and characterized by several complementary techniques: X Ray Diffractometry, textural analysis by nitrogen adsorption, Scanning electronic microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. MCM-71 zeolite was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal synthesis in the presence of triethanolamine. Mordenite phase as impurity was not detected, otherwise quartz was observed. The MCM-71 sample obtained presented a BET surface area of 20 m²/g in the as synthesized form and of 85 m²/g in protonic form. By SEM was observed crystals with rectangular shape with average size of 2 x 0,2 x 0,05 µm and this crystals were agglomerated in spherical particles with average diameter between 14 and 24 µm.
Alginate microparticles were prepared by an emulsion method aiming oral controlled release of antigens to fish. The effects of emulsification temperature and impeller type on particle morphology, average diameter, and size distribution were evaluated. Microparticles contaning formalin-killed Flavobacterium columnare cells (a model antigen) were prepared and characterized regarding bacterial release and particle stability when exposed to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) typical gastrointestinal conditions. This methodology allowed the production of microparticles containing up to 14.3 g/L of bacterin, stable at a pH range from 2.0 to 9.0 for 12 h and smaller than 35 μm.
Cellulose acetate produced from mango seed fibers cellulose was used as a matrix for preparation of microparticles empty and load with acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in order to evaluate the incorporation of an active agent during the formation of microparticles. The microparticles are characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The incorporation of paracetamol can be confirmed by the change in value of glass transition temperature (Tg). The formation of microparticles spherical was observed by SEM and showed an average diameter of 1.010 and 0.950 mm for empty and load microparticles respectively.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tarkastella uutta kuvantamistekniikkaa käyttäen happikaasun dispergointia keskisakeuksisen massasuspension joukkoon laboratoriosekoittimessa. Työssä pyrittiin tarkastelemaan muodostuvan dispersion homogeenisuutta neljästä eri kuvauspisteestä sekoittimen kannesta ja kyljestä. Samalla tarkasteltiin myös sekoittimen tehonkulutusta sekä tehonkulutuksen ja aikaansaadun dispersion välistä yhteyttä. Työn yhtenä tarkoituksena oli myös tarkastella uuden kuvantamistekniikan mahdollisuuksia tämäntyyppisissä sovellutuksissa, sillä työ kuuluu PulpVision-projektiin, jossa kehitetään massa- ja paperiteollisuuden uusia konenäkösovellutuksia. Työn kokeellinen osuus koostui sekoituskokeista, joissa tarkasteltiin neljästä kuvauspisteestä kahdella sekoittimen nopeudella mänty- ja koivususpensioihin muodostuvaa kuplakokojakaumaa. Sekoituskokeiden lisäksi tehtiin tehonkulutuskokeita, joissa tarkasteltiin sekoittimen tehonkulutusta sekoittimen täyttöasteen funktiona koivu- ja mäntysuspensioilla sekä vedellä. Työn tuloksien perusteella todettiin, että koivususpensiosta havaittujen kuplien pinta-ala oli noin puolet mäntysuspensiosta havaittujen kuplien pinta-alasta. Sekoittimen roottorin pyörimisnopeuden puolittuessa suspensioon dispergoidun hapen kuplakoko kasvoi huomattavasti. Neljästä kuvausyhteestä tarkasteltuna havaittiin pienimpien kuplien esiintyvän sekoittimen alaosassa. Mäntysuspension tehonkulutuksen havaittiin kasvavan viidenneksellä, kun sekoittimen täyttöaste kasvoi 10 %, kun taas koivususpension tehonkulutuksen kasvu oli tästä vain puolet. Kuvantamislaitteiston todettiin olevan tämänkaltaiseen sovellutukseen riittävä, varsinkin kun valonlähteenä käytetään pulssilaseria.