944 resultados para xerophytic plants
A chemotaxonomic analysis is described of a database containing various types of compounds from the Heliantheae tribe (Asteraceae) using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). The numbers of occurrences of 9 chemical classes in different taxa of the tribe were used as variables. The study shows that SOM applied to chemical data can contribute to differentiate genera, subtribes, and groups of subtribes (subtribe branches), as well as to tribal and subtribal classifications of Heliantheae, exhibiting a high hit percentage comparable to that of an expert performance, and in agreement with the previous tribe classification proposed by Stuessy.
In addition to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, mitochondria have been implicated in the regulation of several physiological responses in plants, such as programmed cell death (PCD) activation. Salicylic acid (SA) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential signaling molecules involved in such physiological responses; however, the mechanisms by which they act remain unknown. In non-photosynthesizing tissues, mitochondria appear to serve as the main source of ROS generation. Evidence suggests that SA and ROS could regulate plant PCD through a synergistic mechanism that involves mitochondria. Herein, we isolate and characterize the mitochondria from non-photosynthesizing cell suspension cultures of Rubus fruticosus. Furthermore, we assess the primary site of ROS generation and the effects of SA on isolated organelles. Mitochondrial Complex III was found to be the major source of ROS generation in this model. In addition, we discovered that SA inhibits the electron transport chain by inactivating the semiquinone radical during the Q cycle. Computational analyses confirmed the experimental data, and a mechanism for this action is proposed.
Aim of the study: Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. 82 Endl.) H. Robinson, Asteraceae] is an Andean species that has traditionally been used as an anti-diabetic herb in several countries around the world, including Brazil. Its hypoglycaemic action has recently been demonstrated in normal and diabetic rats. However, studies about the safety of prolonged oral consumption of yacon leaf extracts are lacking. Thus, this work was undertaken to evaluate the repeated-dose toxicity of three extracts from yacon leaves: the aqueous extract (AE) prepared as a tea infusion; the leaf-rinse extract (LRE), which is rich in sesquiterpene lactones (STLs); and a polar extract from leaves without trichomes, or polar extract (PE), which lacks STLs but is rich in chlorogenic acids (CGAs). Materials and methods: The major classes of the compounds were confirmed in each extract by IR spectra and HPLC-UV-DAD profiling as well as comparison to standard compounds. The toxicity of each extract was evaluated in a repeated-dose toxicity study in Wistar rats for 90 days. Results: The PE was rich in CGAs, but we did not detect any STLs. The AE and LEE showed the presence of STLs. The polar extract caused alterations in some biochemical parameters, but the animals did not show signs of behavioural toxicity or serious lesions in organs. Alterations of specific biochemical parameters in the blood (creatinine 7.0 mg/dL, glucose 212.0 mg/dL, albumin 2.8 g/dL) of rats treated with AE (10,50 and 100 mg/kg) and LRE (10 and 100 mg/kg) pointed to renal damage, which was confirmed by histological analysis of the kidneys. Conclusions: The renal damage was associated with increased blood glucose levels after prolonged oral administration of the AE. This observation suggested that the hypoglycaemic effect observed after treatment for 30 days in an earlier study is reversible and was likely the result of renal injury caused by the toxicity of yacon. Because STLs were detected in both AE and LRE, there is strong evidence that these terpenoids are the main toxic compounds in the leaves of the yacon. Based on our results, we do not recommend the oral use of yacon leaves to treat diabetes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ecological and economic importance of oleoresin produced by Copaifera langsdorffii is well established. This study aims to investigate the ontogeny, anatomy and ultrastructure of the internal glands of C. langsdorffii during plant development. Samples were processed for light and electron microscopy and a specific technique was applied to impregnate endomembranes. Internal secretory glands were observed in the hypocotyl, epicotyl and eophylls of seedlings, and in the primary stem, pulvinus, petiole, rachis and leaf blade of adult plants. Canals and cavities show differential distribution. They arise from ground meristem cells, and the lumen is first formed by schizogenesis followed by later schizolysigenous development. The dense cytoplasm of epithelial cells shows mitochondria, plastids without thylakoids, polyribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum. A periplastidial reticulum was also observed. Secretion is released by eccrine, granulocrine and holocrine processes. Lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds were histochemically detected in both canals and cavities, whereas resin was detected only in canals. The presence of these substances has been associated with plants` defences against dehydration, as well as against attacks from herbivores and pathogens, from seedling stage onwards. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
This study is an integral part of a research project which seeks the establishment of protocols for the production of standardized herbal dried extracts emphasizing the spouted bed drying. This thesis was conducted at faculty of Pharmaceutical Science of Ribeiro Preto/University of So Paulo, Brazil, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Wanderley Pereira Oliveira*, defended on September 28, 2007.
Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora medicaginis) and colletotrichum crown rot (Colletotrichum trifoli) are the 2 most serious pathogens of lucerne in eastern Australia. Work reported in this paper shows that in glasshouse tests of the 11 most commonly grown Australian lucerne cultivars, the proportion of individual plants with resistance to both pathogens ranges from 0 (Hunter River and Aurora) through to a maximum of 19.8% (Sequel HR). Within 9 of the cultivars, the proportion of individual plants resistant to the 2 pathogens was <7%. Since these 2 diseases are known to cause serious losses in eastern Australia, the results indicate further improvement in lucerne production can be obtained by increasing the proportion of individual plants in a cultivar resistant to both pathogens. This would be best achieved by identifying dominant sources of resistance and incorporating this into on-going lucerne breeding programs.
A 1369 bp DNA fragment (Sc) was isolated from a full-length clone of sugarcane bacilliform badnavirus (ScBV) and was shown to have promoter activity in transient expression assays using monocot (banana, maize, millet and sorghum) and dicot plant species (tobacco, sunflower, canola and Nicotiana benthamiana). This promoter was also tested for stable expression in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. These experiments showed that this promoter could drive high-level expression of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in most plant cells. The expression level was comparable to the maize ubiquitin promoter in standardised transient assays in maize. In transgenic banana plants the expression levels were variable for different transgenic lines but was generally comparable with the activities of both the maize ubiquitin promoter and the enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The Sc promoter appears to express in a near-constitutive manner in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. The promoter from sugarcane bacilliform virus represents a useful tool for the high-level expression of foreign genes in both monocot and dicot transgenic plants that could be used similarly to the CaMV 35S or maize polyubiquitin promoter.
Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches at Narrabri, Australia, were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). The size of the second generation was significantly related to the size of the first generation, to winter rainfall, which had a positive effect, and to spring rainfall which had a negative effect. These variables accounted for up to 96% of the variation in size of the second generation from year to year. Rainfall and crop hosts were also important for the size of the third generation. The area and tonnage of many potential host crops were significantly correlated with winter rain. When winter rain was omitted from the analysis, the sizes of both the second and third generations could be expressed as a function of the size of the previous generation and of the areas planted to lucerne, sorghum and maize. Lucerne and maize always had positive coefficients and sorghum a negative one. We extended our analysis to catches of H. punctigera (Wallengren), which declines in abundance after the second generation. Winter rain had a positive effect on the sizes of the second and third generations, and rain in spring or early summer had a negative effect. Only the area grown to lucerne had a positive effect on abundance. Forecasts of pest levels from a few months to a few weeks in advance are discussed, along with the improved understanding of the seasonal dynamics of both species and the significance of crops in the management of insecticide resistance for H. armigera.
The Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from Aequorea victor-in has begun to be used as a reporter protein in plants. It is particularly useful as GFP fluorescence can be detected in a non-destructive manner, whereas detection of enzyme-based reporters often requires destruction of the plant tissue. The use of GFP as a reporter enables transgenic plant tissues to be screened in vivo at any growth stage. Quantification of GFP in transgenic plant extracts will increase the utility of GFP as a reporter protein. We report herein the quantification of a mGFP5-ER Variant in tobacco leaf extracts by UV excitation and a sGFP(S65T) variant in sugarcane leaf and callus extracts by blue light excitation using the BioRad VersaFluor(TM) Fluorometer System or the Labsystems Fluoroskan Ascent FL equipped with a narrow band emission filter (510 +/- 5 nm). The GFP concentration in transgenic plant extracts was determined from a GFP-standard series prepared in untransformed plant extract with concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 4 mu g/ml of purified rGFP. Levels of sgfp(S65T) expression, driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter, in sugarcane calli and leaves ranged up to 0.525 mu g and 2.11 mu g sGFP(S65T) per mg of extractable protein respectively. In tobacco leaves the expression of mgfPS-ER, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, ranged up to 7.05 mu g mGFP5-ER per mg extractable protein.
In this paper, a new v-metric based approach is proposed to design decentralized controllers for multi-unit nonlinear plants that admit a set of plant decompositions in an operating space. Similar to the gap metric approach in literature, it is shown that the operating space can also be divided into several subregions based on a v-metric indicator, and each of the subregions admits the same controller structure. A comparative case study is presented to display the advantages of proposed approach over the gap metric approach. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Much interest has been generated by recent reports on the discovery of circular (i.e. head-to-tail cyclized) proteins in plants. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of one of the newest such circular proteins, MCoTI-II, a novel trypsin inhibitor from Momordica cochinchinensis, a member of the Cucurbitaceae plant family. The structure consists of a small beta -sheet, several turns, and a cystine knot arrangement of the three disulfide bonds. Interestingly, the molecular topology is similar to that of the plant cyclotides (Craik, D. J., Daly, N. L., Bond, T., and Waine, C. (1999) J. Mol. Biol, 294, 1327-1336), which derive from the Rubiaceae and Violaceae plant families, have antimicrobial activities, and exemplify the cyclic cystine knot structural motif as part of their circular backbone. The sequence, biological activity, and plant family of MCoTI-II are all different from known cyclotides. However, given the structural similarity, cyclic backbone, and plant origin of MCoTI-II, we propose that MCoTI-II can be classified as a new member of the cyclotide class of proteins. The expansion of the cyclotides to include trypsin inhibitory activity and a new plant family highlights the importance and functional variability of circular proteins and the fact that they are more common than has previously been believed, Insights into the possible roles of backbone cyclization have been gained by a comparison of the structure of MCoTI-II with the homologous acyclic trypsin inhibitors CMTI-I and EETI-II from the Cucurbitaceae plant family.
L-studio/cpfg is a plant modeling software system designed for Windows 95/98/NT platforms. Its key components are the L-system-based plant simulator cpfg and the modeling environment called L-studio. We overview version 1.0 of this system from the user's perspective.
Sum: Plant biologists in fields of ecology, evolution, genetics and breeding frequently use multivariate methods. This paper illustrates Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Gabriel's biplot as applied to microarray expression data from plant pathology experiments. Availability: An example program in the publicly distributed statistical language R is available from the web site (www.tpp.uq.edu.au) and by e-mail from the contact. Contact: scott.chapman@csiro.au.