917 resultados para wing


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Morphing aircraft have the ability to actively adapt and change their shape to achieve different missions efficiently. The development of morphing structures is deeply related with the ability to model precisely different designs in order to evaluate its characteristics. This paper addresses the dynamic modeling of a sectioned wing profile (morphing airfoil) connected by rotational joints (hinges). In this proposal, a pair of shape memory alloy (SMA) wires are connected to subsequent sections providing torque by reducing its length (changing airfoil camber). The dynamic model of the structure is presented for one pair of sections considering the system with one degree of freedom. The motion equations are solved using numerical techniques due the nonlinearities of the model. The numerical results are compared with experimental data and a discussion of how good this approach captures the physical phenomena associated with this problem. © The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. 2012.


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Pigmentation patterns, ultraviolet reflection and fluorescent emission are often involved in mate recognition and mate quality functions in many animal taxa. We investigated the role of wing ultra-violet reflection, fluorescence emission, and pigmentation on age and sexual signals in the damselfly Mnesarete pudica. In this species, wings are sexually dimorphic in colour and exhibit age dependency: males and females show a smoky black colouration when young, turning red in mature males while it turns brown in females. First, we investigated wing UV patterns through reflectance and emission spectra. Second, behavioural experiments were undertaken to show male and female responses to manipulated wing pigmentation and experimentally reduced UV (UV-). Reflectance spectra of the wings of juvenile and mature males and females were used to show the differences between controls and individuals with manipulated colouration used in the behavioural experiment. UV-reduced, females with wings painted red, and control males and females were tethered and presented to conspecific males and females, and their behavioral responses were recorded. The male red wing pigmentation and females with red wings elicited an aggressive response in territorial males and a sexual response in females. Both males and females showed neutral responses towards individuals with reduced UV. Wing signals of juvenile individuals also provoked neutral responses. These results suggest that UV, together with pigmentation, plays a role during mate recognition in males and females. Other than butterflies and spiders, it seems that fluorescence signals and UV reflectance can also be part of communication in odonates. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Wing pigmentation is a trait that predicts the outcome of male contests in some damselflies. Thus, it is reasonable to suppose that males would have the ability to assess wing pigmentation and adjust investment in a fight according to the costs that the rival may potentially impose. Males of the damselfly Mnesarete pudica exhibit red-coloured wings and complex courtship behaviour and engage in striking male– male fights. In this study, we investigated male assessment behaviour during aerial contests. Theory suggests that the relationship between male resource-holding potential (RHP) and contest duration describes the kind of assessment adopted by males: self-assessment, opponent-only assessment or mutual assessment. A recent theory also suggests that weak and strong males exhibit variations in the assessment strategies adopted. We estimated male RHP through male body size and wing colouration (i.e. pigmentation, wing reflectance spectra and transmission spectra) and studied the relationship between male RHP and contest duration from videodocumented behavioural observations of naturally occurring individual contests in the field. The results showed that males with more opaque wings and larger red spots were more likely to win contests. The relationships between RHP and contest durations partly supported the self-assessment and the mutual assessment models. We then experimentally augmented the pigmented area of the wings, in order to evaluate whether strong and weak males assess rivals’ RHP through wing pigmentation. Our experimental manipulation, however, clearly demonstrated that strong males assess rivals’ wing pigmentation. We finally suggest that there is a variation in the assessment strategy adopted by males


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper shows the application of a hysteretic model for the Magnetorheological Damper (MRD) placed in the plunge degree-of-freedom of aeroelastic model of a wing. This hysteretic MRD model was developed by the researchers of the French Aerospace Lab. (ONERA) and describe, with a very good precision, the hysteretic behavior of the MRD. The aeroelastic model used in this paper do not have structural nonlinearities, the only nonlinearities showed in the model, are in the unsteady flow equations and are the same proposed by Theodorsen and Wagner in their unsteady aerodynamics theory; and the nonlinearity introduced by the hysteretic model used. The main objective of this paper is show the mathematical modeling of the problem and the equations that describes the aeroelastic response of our problem; and the gain obtained with the introduction of this hysteretic model in the equations with respect to other models that do not show the this behavior, through of pictures that represents the time response and Phase diagrams. These pictures are obtained using flow velocities before and after the flutter velocity. Finally, an open-loop control was made to show the effect of the MRD in the aeroelastic behavior.


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Acoustic conditions in hospitals have been shown to influence a patient’s physical and psychological health. Noise levels in an Omaha, Nebraska, hospital were measured and compared between various times: before, during, and after renovations of a hospital wing. The renovations included cosmetic changes and the installation of new in-room patient audio-visual systems. Sound pressure levels were logged every 10-seconds over a four-day period in three different locations: at the nurses' station, in the hallway, and in a nearby patient’s room. The resulting data were analyzed in terms of the hourly A-weighted equivalent sound pressure levels (


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We undertook geometric morphometric analysis of wing venation to assess this character's ability to distinguish Anopheles darlingi Root populations and to test the hypothesis that populations from coastal areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest differ from those of the interior Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and the regions South and North of the Amazon River. Results suggest that populations from the coastal and interior Atlantic Forest are more similar to each other than to any of the other regional populations. Notably, the Cerrado population was more similar to that from north of the Amazon River than to that collected of south of the River. thus showing no correlation with geographical distances. We hypothesize that environmental and ecological factors may affect wing evolution in An. darlingi. Although it is premature to associate environmental and ecological determinants with wing features and evolution of the species, investigations on this field are promising. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pterosaurs were widely spread throughout the Mesozoic Era, populating the whole world. Among this great diversity, two groups are commonly found in Brazil: the Anhangueridae and Tapejaridae. These can be mainly identified by cranial synapomorphies. However, because of the fragility of the pterosaur skeleton and rarity of the fossilisation process, the fossils found are usually incomplete, which hampers a proper taxonomic identification of the specimens. The specific proportions of these two groups of pterosaurs were obtained from bibliographic data and measurements of specimens. Eight Anhangueridae-like and seven Tapejaridae were used: Anhanguera piscator, Anhanguera santanae, Anhanguera spielbergi, Araripesaurus castilhoi, Barbosania gracilisrostris and three Anhangueridae sp. indet.; Sinopterus dongi, Tapejara wellnhoferi and five Tapejaridae sp. indet. We find that proportions of the humerus, wing metacarpal, first phalanx of the wing digit, femur and tibia are sufficient to identify partial remains of Araripe pterosaurs. A principal component analysis shows that each clade has different, non-overlapping scores in the studied ratios and these can be used with precision. Specific bone ratios for fast identification of anhanguerids and tapejarids are given, opening a broader way to diagnostic fragmentary bones.


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Aedes aegypti is the most important vector of dengue viruses in tropical and subtropical regions. Because vaccines are still under development, dengue prevention depends primarily on vector control. Population genetics is a common approach in research involving Ae. aegypti. In the context of medical entomology, wing morphometric analysis has been proposed as a strong and low-cost complementary tool for investigating population structure. Therefore, we comparatively evaluated the genetic and phenotypic variability of population samples of Ae. aegypti from four sampling sites in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo city, Brazil. The distances between the sites ranged from 7.1 to 50 km. This area, where knowledge on the population genetics of this mosquito is incipient, was chosen due to the thousands of dengue cases registered yearly. The analysed loci were polymorphic, and they revealed population structure (global F-ST = 0.062; p < 0.05) and low levels of gene flow (Nm = 0.47) between the four locations. Principal component and discriminant analyses of wing shape variables (18 landmarks) demonstrated that wing polymorphisms were only slightly more common between populations than within populations. Whereas microsatellites allowed for geographic differentiation, wing geometry failed to distinguish the samples. These data suggest that microevolution in this species may affect genetic and morphological characters to different degrees. In this case, wing shape was not validated as a marker for assessing population structure. According to the interpretation of a previous report, the wing shape of Ae. aegypti does not vary significantly because it is stabilised by selective pressure. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the framework of an international collaboration with South Africa CSIR, the structural design, manufacturing and testing of the new wing for the Modular UAS in composite materials has been performed.


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Analisi strutturale dell’ala di un UAV (velivolo senza pilota a bordo), sviluppata usando varie metodologie: misurazioni sperimentali statiche e dinamiche, e simulazioni numeriche con l’utilizzo di programmi agli elementi finiti. L’analisi statica è stata a sua volta portata avanti seguendo due differenti metodi: la classica e diretta determinazione degli spostamenti mediante l’utilizzo di un catetometro e un metodo visivo, basato sull’elaborazione di immagini e sviluppato appositamente a tale scopo in ambiente Matlab. Oltre a ciò è stata svolta anche una analisi FEM volta a valutare l’errore che si ottiene affrontando il problema con uno studio numerico. Su tale modello FEM è stata svolta anche una analisi di tipo dinamico con lo scopo di confrontare tali dati con i dati derivanti da un test dinamico sperimentale per ottenere informazioni utili per una seguente possibile analisi aeroelastica.