60 resultados para winemaking


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Las políticas implementadas en el país para superar las consecuencias de la crisis de 1930 se manifestaron, en el caso de las actividades agrarias y agroindustriales, en medidas de regulación de la producción y el comercio. La entidad creada para ocuparse de la vitivinicultura fue la Junta Reguladora de Vinos que comenzó a operar a partir de 1935. Al mismo tiempo que se ponían en ejecución las disposiciones emanadas de ese organismo nacional, las autoridades provinciales de la región productora arbitraban diversas prácticas destinadas a paliar las aristas más agudas de la crisis y a reposicionar a la agroindustria en el ámbito local y el mercado nacional. En la provincia de Mendoza las autoridades provinciales instrumentaron, a partir de 1936, algunas normativas destinadas a modernizar el aparato estatal en un intento de lograr mayor eficiencia en la aplicación de las políticas de regulación y de adecuar la maquinaria gubernamental a las exigencias de la nueva etapa. La creación de un organismo dedicado específicamente a la elaboración de estadísticas y a la investigación económica, en el marco del ministerio de economía provincial fue la medida más importante en este aspecto, mientras otras disposiciones contemporáneas intentaban encontrar en el fomento del turismo una alternativa complementaria de la tradicional actividad vitivinícola.


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Sobre la base de la relación existente entre enseñanza y economía, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar la repercusión de las políticas públicas de enseñanza agrícola en la economía regional vitivinícola. Para ello, en primer lugar, nos centramos en los principales proyectos educativos sectoriales que hubo en Mendoza en el período de consolidación del modelo productivo, de base capitalista, y la contribución en este período de los técnicos vinculados a estos establecimientos. La reconstrucción operada se basa en datos obtenidos de fuentes primarias, éditas e inéditas, oficiales y no oficiales. Como se resultado, se demuestra que el Estado, nacional y provincial, respondió a las demandas de formación de recursos humanos, y la constitución de un subgrupo que inició discusiones técnicas y realizó importantes aportes sobre enología y vinificación.


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Changes in the aromatic composition as well as sensory characteristics in Verdejo white wines were analysed based on two factors: the winemaking methodology and the storing time of wine in bottles. The volatile components were determined by GLC-MS, and the sensory profile was designed and assessed according to the ISO 11035 standard. The results showed that when wines were made in oak barrels, either completely or partially, which means the wines were in contact with the lees, the levels of 1-octanol, ethyl heptanoate and ethyl decanoate were significantly affected (P menor que 0.05); the softness sensation was also influenced (P menor que 0.05). However, the amount of time the wines were stored in bottles significantly affected (P menor que 0.05) the levels of 1-hexanol, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, hexyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and isoamyl lactate and also an odour note (tropical fruit). The compounds with higher OAV values belong to the groups of esters and fatty acids. For these reasons, the composition and the quality of the aroma of Verdejo white wines appear to be significantly affected both by use of oak barrels in winemaking and the time the wines are stored in bottles.


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El presente trabajo de Tesis describe la posibilidad de modular la fermentación alcohólica utilizando bloqueadores metabólicos como furfural, o-vainillina, ácido cinámico, glicolaldehído, p-benzoquinona y cobre; para controlar la producción de etanol. El redireccionamiento de la ruta glicolítica en Saccharomyces cerevisiae favorece el descenso del grado alcohólico gracias al aumento de la producción de metabolitos secundarios de interés enológico. La primera parte de la Tesis presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre estudios previos en los que se ha evaluado el efecto de los diferentes bloqueadores metabólicos en la producción de etanol durante la fermentación alcohólica. La segunda parte muestra los resultados experimentales de producción de etanol obtenidos con los bloqueadores metabólicos, observándose una amplia variabilidad en su efecto en función de la naturaleza química de cada bloqueador y de la naturaleza del medio fermentativo utilizado. Finalmente, la tercera parte del trabajo muestra el efecto de los bloqueadores metabólicos sobre los parámetros colorimétricos y la producción de metabolitos secundarios, observándose un importante efecto en la producción de glicerina y en algunos de los compuestos volátiles fermentativos. La principal aplicación de esta tecnología basada en la utilización de bloqueadores metabólicos sería la elaboración de vinos con una menor graduación alcohólica a partir de uva procedente de zonas cálidas. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the possibility of modulating the alcoholic fermentation using metabolic blockers such as furfural, o-vanillin, cinnamic acid, glycolaldehyde, p-benzoquinone and copper. The controlled production of ethanol by redirecting of the glycolytic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is achieved through diverting some of the carbohydrates away from alcohol production into the formation of glycolytic intermediates of interest to the winemaking industry. The first part of this work shows a literature review on previous studies about the effect of different metabolic blockers in order to reduce the ethanol production during alcoholic fermentation. The second part deals about the experimental results of ethanol production obtained with the metabolic blockers, showing a wide variation in the inhibitory effect depending on the chemical nature of each blocker and the nature of the fermentation medium used. Finally, the third part discussed about the effect of the metabolic blockers on colorimetric parameters and production of secondary metabolites, showing a significant effect on the production of glycerol and in some of the volatile fermentative compounds. The main application of this technology based on the use of metabolic blockers could lie in the preparation of reduced-alcohol wines from grapes grown in hot climate regions.


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In Spain, large quantities of wine are produced every year (3,339,700 tonnes in 2011) (FAO, 2011) with the consequent waste generation. During the winemaking process, solid residues like grape stalks are generated, as well as grape marc and wine lees as by-products. According to the Council Regulation (EC) 1493/1999 on the common organization of the wine market, by-products coming from the winery industry must be sent to alcohol-distilleries to generate exhausted grape marc and vinasses. With an adequate composting treatment, these wastes can be applied to soils as a source of nutrients and organic matter. A three-year field experiment (2011, 2012 and 2013) was carried out in Ciudad Real (central Spain) to study the effects of wine-distillery waste compost application in a melon crop (Cucumis melo L.). Melon crop has been traditionally cultivated in this area with high inputs of water and fertilizers, but no antecedents of application of winery wastes are known. In a randomized complete block design, four treatments were compared: three compost doses consisted of 6.7 (D1), 13.3 (D2) and 20 t compost ha-1 (D3), and a control treatment without compost addition (D0). The soil was a shallow sandy-loam (Petrocalcic Palexeralfs) with a depth of 0.60 m and a discontinuous petrocalcic horizon between 0.60 and 0.70 m, slightly basic (pH 8.4), poor in organic matter (0.24%), rich in potassium (410 ppm) and with a medium level of phosphorus (22.1 ppm). During each growing period four harvests were carried out and total and marketable yield (fruits weighting <1 kg or visually rotten were not considered), fruit average weight and fruit number per plant were determined. At the end of the crop cycle, four plants per treatment were sampled and the nutrient content (N, P and K) was determined. Soil samplings (0-30 cm depth) were carried before the application of compost and at the end of each growing season and available N and P, as well as exchangeable K content were analyzed. With this information, an integrated analysis was carried out with the aim to evaluate the suitability of this compost as organic amendment.


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The present study was done in collaboration with J. Faria e Filhos company, a Madeira wine producer, and its main goal was to fully characterize three wines produced during 2014 harvest and identify possible improving points in the winemaking process. The winemaking process was followed during 4 weeks, being registered the amounts of grapes received, the fermentation temperatures, the time at which fermentation was stopped and evolution of must densities until the fortification time. The characterization of musts and wines was done in terms of density, total and volatile acidity, alcohol content, pH, total of polyphenol, organic acids composition, sugars concentration and the volatile profile. Also, it was developed and validated an analytical methodology to quantify the volatile fatty acids, namely using SPME-GC-MS. Briefly, the following key features were obtained for the latter methodology: linearity (R2=0.999) e high sensitivity (LOD =0.026-0.068 mg/L), suitable precision (repeatability and reproducibility lower than 8,5%) and good recoveries (103,11-119,46%). The results reveal that fermentation temperatures should be controlled in a more strictly manner, in order to ensure a better balance in proportion of some volatile compounds, namely the esters and higher alcohols and to minimize the concentration of some volatiles, namely hexanoic, octanoic and decanoic acids, that when above their odours threshold are not positive for the wine aroma. Also, regarding the moment to stop the fermentation, it was verified that it can be introduced changes which can also be benefit to guarantee the tipicity of Madeira wine bouquet.


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A actividade vitivinícola possui um conjunto diverso de características presentes no solo, território e comunidade que fazem parte do património cultural de uma determinada região. Quando a tradição se traduz num conceito como terroir que é formado por características territoriais, sociais e culturais de uma região rural, o vinho apresenta uma “assinatura” que se escreve “naturalmente” no paladar regionalmente identificado. Os vinhos da Região de Nemea, na Grécia e de Basto (Região dos Vinhos Verdes) em Portugal, estão ambos sob a proteção dos regulamentos das Denominações de Origem. No entanto, apesar de ambos serem regulados por sistemas institucionais de certificação e controlo de qualidade, afigura-se a necessidade de questionar se o património cultural e a identidade territorial específica, “impressa” em ambos os terroirs, pode ser protegida num sentido mais abrangente do que apenas origem e qualidade. Em Nemea, a discussão entre os produtores diz respeito ao estabelecimento de sub-zonas, isto é incluir na regulação PDO uma diferente categorização territorial com base no terroir. Ou seja, para além de estar presente no rótulo a designação PDO, as garrafas incluirão ainda informação certificada sobre a área específica (dentro do mesmo terroir) onde o vinho foi produzido. A acontecer resultaria em diferentes status de qualidade de acordo com as diferentes aldeias de Nemea onde as vinhas estão localizadas. O que teria possíveis impactos no valor das propriedades e no uso dos solos. Para além disso, a não participação da Cooperativa de Nemea na SON (a associação local de produtores de vinho) e como tal na discussão principal sobre as mudanças e os desafios sobre o terroir de Nemea constitui um problema no sector vitivinícola de Nemea. Em primeiro lugar estabelece uma relação de não-comunicação entre os dois mais importantes agentes desse sector – as companhias vinícolas e a Cooperativa. Em segundo lugar porque constituiu uma possibilidade real, não só para os viticultores ficarem arredados dessa discussão, como também (porque não representados pela cooperativa) ficar impossibilitado um consenso sobre as mudanças discutidas. Isto poderá criar um ‘clima’ de desconfiança levando a discussão para ‘arenas’ deslocalizadas e como tal para decisões ‘desterritorializadas’ Em Basto, há vários produtores que começaram a vender a sua produção para distribuidoras localizadas externamente à sub-região de Basto, mas dentro da Região dos Vinhos Verdes, uma vez que essas companhias tem um melhor estatuto nacional e internacional e uma melhor rede de exportações. Isto está ainda relacionado com uma competição por uma melhor rede de contactos e status mais forte, tornando as discussões sobre estratégias comuns para o desenvolvimento rural e regional de Basto mais difícil de acontecer (sobre isto a palavra impossível foi constantemente usada durante as entrevistas com os produtores de vinho). A relação predominante entre produtores é caracterizada por relações individualistas. Contudo foi observado que essas posições são ainda caracterizadas por uma desconfiança no interior da rede interprofissional local: conflitos para conseguir os mesmos potenciais clientes; comprar uvas a viticultores com melhor rácio qualidade/preço; estratégias individuais para conseguir um melhor status político na relação com a Comissão dos Vinhos Verdes. Para além disso a inexistência de uma activa intermediação institucional (autoridades municipais e a Comissão de Vinho Verde), a inexistência entre os produtores de Basto de uma associação ou mesmo a inexistência de uma cooperativa local tem levado a região de Basto a uma posição de subpromoção nas estratégias de promoção do Vinho Verde em comparação com outras sub-regiões. É também evidente pelos resultados que as mudanças no sector vitivinícolas na região de Basto têm sido estimuladas de fora da região (em resposta também às necessidades dos mercados internacionais) e raramente de dentro – mais uma vez, ‘arenas’ não localizadas e como tal decisões desterritorializadas. Nesse sentido, toda essa discussão e planeamento estratégico, terão um papel vital na preservação da identidade localizada do terroir perante os riscos de descaracterização e desterritorialização. Em suma, para ambos os casos, um dos maiores desafios parece ser como preservar o terroir vitivinícola e como tal o seu carácter e identidade local, quando a rede interprofissional em ambas as regiões se caracteriza, tanto por relações não-consensuais em Nemea como pelo modus operandi de isolamento sem comunicação em Basto. Como tal há uma necessidade de envolvimento entre os diversos agentes e as autoridades locais no sentido de uma rede localizada de governança. Assim sendo, em ambas as regiões, a existência dessa rede é essencial para prevenir os efeitos negativos na identidade do produto e na sua produção. Uma estratégia de planeamento integrado para o sector será vital para preservar essa identidade, prevenindo a sua desterritorialização através de uma restruturação do conhecimento tradicional em simultâneo com a democratização do acesso ao conhecimento das técnicas modernas de produção vitivinícola.


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The present study was done in collaboration with J. Faria e Filhos company, a Madeira wine producer, and its main goal was to fully characterize three wines produced during 2014 harvest and identify possible improving points in the winemaking process. The winemaking process was followed during 4 weeks, being registered the amounts of grapes received, the fermentation temperatures, the time at which fermentation was stopped and evolution of must densities until the fortification time. The characterization of musts and wines was done in terms of density, total and volatile acidity, alcohol content, pH, total of polyphenol, organic acids composition, sugars concentration and the volatile profile. Also, it was developed and validated an analytical methodology to quantify the volatile fatty acids, namely using SPME-GC-MS. Briefly, the following key features were obtained for the latter methodology: linearity (R2=0.999) e high sensitivity (LOD =0.026-0.068 mg/L), suitable precision (repeatability and reproducibility lower than 8,5%) and good recoveries (103,11-119,46%). The results reveal that fermentation temperatures should be controlled in a more strictly manner, in order to ensure a better balance in proportion of some volatile compounds, namely the esters and higher alcohols and to minimize the concentration of some volatiles, namely hexanoic, octanoic and decanoic acids, that when above their odours threshold are not positive for the wine aroma. Also, regarding the moment to stop the fermentation, it was verified that it can be introduced changes which can also be benefit to guarantee the tipicity of Madeira wine bouquet.


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Summary There is concern about the health problems caused by pesticides in humans, which has led some grape producers to adopt organic procedures in their vineyards, and a certain amount of these grapes are directed to winemaking. Despite the approval awarded to this organic grape production by the certified organizations, there has been a demand to carry out a survey to determine the physicochemical composition of the wine derived from these products. Some of these wines were made from a single grape variety and others from more than one. For this survey, the samples consisted of five bottles of each type of wine, acquired from wineries and supermarkets in the Serra Gaúcha region, RS, Brazil. The analyses were carried out by physicochemical methods: volatile compounds by gas chromatography; minerals and trace elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry; and pesticide residues by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that in general the physicochemical composition of these wines was within the limits established by Brazilian legislation. The mineral and trace element concentrations were very low and pesticide residues were not detected (MRL = 10 μg.kg?1) in any of the wines. Resumo: Há preocupação em relação a problemas causados por pesticidas no ser humano, o que levou uma parcela de viticultores a adotar procedimentos de agricultura orgânica em seus vinhedos. Assim, devido a essa preocupação, eles estão produzindo uva pelo sistema orgânico, sendo que uma parte dessa produção é direcionada à elaboração de vinho. Apesar de essas uvas terem sido aprovadas por entidades certificadoras, houve demanda para a realização de um levantamento para determinar a composição dos vinhos delas derivados. Portanto, cinco garrafas de cada tipo de vinho foram coletadas em vinícolas e supermercados da Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul, sendo uma parte de vinhos varietais e outra, de cortes de diferentes variedades. As análises foram feitas por métodos físico-químicos: compostos voláteis, por cromatografia gasosa; minerais e elementos-traço, por espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma acoplado indutivamente, e resíduos de pesticidas, por cromatografia líquida-espectrometria de massa. Os resultados mostram que a composição físico-química desses vinhos e dos minerais situou-se, em geral, dentro dos limites da legislação brasileira. As concentrações de minerais e de elementos-traço foram muito baixas, e não foram detectados resíduos de pesticidas (LMR = 10 μg.kg?1) em nenhum vinho.


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Each grape variety has its own phenolic profile. However, the concentration of the phenolic compounds present in wine mainly dependson winemaking processes. Phenolic compounds influence wine sensorial characteristics namely taste or mouthfeel, bitterness, astringency and color. Humans can perceive six basic tastes: sweet, salty; sour; umami; fat-taste and bitter taste. This last basic taste is considered as a defense mechanism against the ingestion of potential poisons. Some of the genes,encoding G-protein-coupled receptors - TAS2Rs, which translate for these distinct bitter compounds detectors have been identified. Different phenolic compounds activate distinguished combination of TAS2Rs. Astringency in wine is primarily driven by proanthocyanidins, soluble protein-proanthocyanidins complexes which diminish the protective salivary film and bind to the salivary pellicle; insoluble protein-proanthocyanidins complex and proanthocyanidins are rejected against salivary film and trigger astringency sensation via increasing friction. Thus, the aim of this review is to expand the knowledge about the role of wine phenolic compounds in wine sensorial properties, namely in bitterness and astringency phenomenon’s.


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Grape metabolites can be affected by many extrinsic and intrinsic factors, such as grape variety, ripening stage, growing regions, vineyard management practices, and edaphoclimatic conditions. However, there is still much about the in vivo formation of grape metabolites that need to be investigated. The winemaking process also can create distinct wines. Nowadays, wine fermentations are driven mostly by single-strain inoculations, allowing greater control of fermentation. Pure cultures of selected yeast strains, mostly Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are added to grape must, leading to more predictable outcomes and decreasing the risk of spoilage. Besides yeasts, lactic acid bacteria also play an important role, in the final wine quality. Thus, this chapter attempts to present an overview of grape berry physiology and metabolome to provide a deep understanding of the primary and secondary metabolites accumulated in the grape berries and their potential impact in wine quality. In addition, biotechnological approaches for wine quality practiced during wine alcoholic and malolactic fermentation will also be discussed.


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The production of fine wines in the Sub-middle of the São Francisco River Valley, Northeast of Brazil, is relatively recent, about twenty-five years ago. This region presents different characteristics, with a tropical semiarid climate, in a flat landscape. Presenting high annual average temperature, solar radiation and water in abundance for irrigation, it?s possible the scaling the grape harvests for winemaking throughout the year, allowing to obtain until two harvests per year. Several factors may affect the aromatic compounds in wines, such as viticulture practices, climatic conditions, cultivars and winemaking process. This study aimed to evaluate the aromatic stability of Syrah and Petit Verdot tropical wines elaborated in two different periods in the year. The grapes were harvested in the first and second semesters of 2009, in June and November. The wines were elaborated and then, they were bottled and analyzed in triplicate, thirty days and one year after bottling, by gas chromatography with ionization detector flame (GC-FID), to evaluate the profile and the stability of the aroma compounds. Principal component analysis was applied to discriminate between wine samples and to find the compounds responsible by the variability. The results showed that Syrah and Petit Verdot tropical wines presented different responses, for stability of higher alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids.


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At worldwide level, the classical viticulture produces wines is almost all places in different climate types, where it is possible to obtain only one harvest per year. In these conditions, bud burst in vines occurs as a result of temperature raising at the end of the winter?beginning of spring. With the development of the vegetative cycle, grapes arrive to maturity/harvest period at the end of the summer?beginning of the fall season. After the fall of the leaves, vines undergo a dormant period with a vegetative repose (condition found also in some intertropical producer regions). A lot of grapes are produced for a long-time in the intertropical zone, but only a little part is used to winemaking. Considered a challenge in the past, to produce quality wines in the tropics became reality. The present industry of fine wines began about 30 years ago. Today, there are many commercial wineries in several countries in Occident and Orient in the tropical zone of the globe, like in Brazil, India, Thailand and Venezuela, producing some million liters of fine wines per year - called ?tropical wines?. This article analysis these climates, in relation to the particular viticulture adapted and developed, where it is possible to have more than one cycle per year, with one or more harvests per year. Based on the particularities of this viticulture, a characterization is proposed for the viticulture of ?tropical wines?. Some examples showing different tropical climates are presented.


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The wine production in the region of the Sub-middle São Francisco river Valley has started there are few years ago.The region has a climate variability that allows to obtain two or three harvests per year, which influences significantly the composition of the grapes. This work aimed to evaluate the amount of amines present in white and red tropical wines produced in the Northeast of Brazil. The winemaking was done by the traditional method. After stabilizing the wines were bottled and then analyzed for the determination of the amines putrescine, spermidine and spermine, by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The harvests were in June (harvest I) and November (harvest II) 2009. The results showed that the edaphoclimatic conditions of the two harvests had significant influence (p> 0.05) on bioactive amines concentration, with high values for red wines. In addition, tropical wines from Sub-middle São Francisco river Valley showed adequate correlation between bioactive amines as compared to other wines in the world.