966 resultados para wind turbine performance


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La industria de la energía eólica marina ha crecido de forma significativa durante los últimos 15 años, y se espera que siga creciendo durante los siguientes. La construcción de torres en aguas cada vez más profundas y el aumento en potencia y tamaño de las turbinas han creado la necesidad de diseñar estructuras de soporte cada vez más fiables y optimizadas, lo que requiere un profundo conocimiento de su comportamiento. Este trabajo se centra en la respuesta dinámica de una turbina marina con cimentación tipo monopilote y sobre la que actúa la fuerza del viento. Se han realizado cálculos con distintas propiedades del suelo para cubrir un rango de rigideces que va desde una arena muy suelta a una muy densa. De este modo se ha analizado la influencia que tiene la rigidez del suelo en el comportamiento de la estructura. Se han llevado a cabo análisis estáticos y dinámicos en un modelo de elementos finitos implementado en Abaqus. El desplazamiento en la cabeza de la torre y la tensión en su base se han obtenido en función de la rigidez del suelo, y con ellos se ha calculado la amplificación dinámica producida cuando la frecuencia natural del sistema suelo‐cimentación torre se aproxima a la frecuencia de la carga. Dos diferentes enfoques a la hora de modelizar el suelo se han comparado: uno utilizando elementos continuos y otro utilizando muelles elásticos no lineales. Por último, un análisis de fiabilidad se ha llevado a cabo con un modelo analítico para calcular la probabilidad de resonancia del sistema, en el que se han considerado las propiedades de rigidez del suelo como variables aleatorias. Offshore wind energy industry has experienced a significant growth over the past 15 years, and it is expected to continue its growth in the coming years. The expansion to increasingly deep waters and the rise in power and size of the turbines have led to a need for more reliable and optimized support designs, which requires an extensive knowledge of the behaviour of these structures. This work focuses on the dynamic response of an offshore wind turbine founded on a monopile and subjected to wind loading. Different soil properties have been considered in order to cover the range of stiffness from a very loose to a very dense sand. In this way, the influence of stiffness on the structure behaviour has been assessed. Static and dynamic analyses have been carried out by means of a finite element model implemented in Abaqus. Head displacement and stress at the tower base have been obtained as functions of soil stiffness, and they have been used to calculate the dynamic amplification that is produced when the natural frequency of the system soil‐foundation‐tower approaches the load frequency. Two different approaches of soil modelling have been compared: soil modelled as a continuum and soil simulated with non linear elastic springs. Finally, a reliability analysis to assess the probability of resonance has been performed with an analytical model, in which soil stiffness properties are considered as stochastic variables.


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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"DOE/EIS-0006; UC 11, 13, 60."


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell's work within the Lloyd's Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell's work within the Lloyd's Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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For water depths greater than 60m floating wind turbines will become the most economical option for generating offshore wind energy. Tension mooring stabilised units are one type of platform being considered by the offshore wind energy industry. The complex mooring arrangement used by this type of platform means that the dynamics are greatly effected by offsets in the positioning of the anchors. This paper examines the issue of tendon anchor position tolerances. The dynamic effects of three positional tolerances are analysed in survival state using the time domain FASTLink. The severe impact of worst case anchor positional offsets on platform and turbine survivability is shown. The worst anchor misposition combinations are highlighted and should be strongly avoided. Novel methods to mitigate this issue are presented.


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An 8 MW wind turbine is described in terms of mass distribution, dimensions, power curve, thrust curve, maximum design load and tower configuration. This turbine has been described as part of the EU FP7 project LEANWIND in order to facilitate research into logistics and naval architecture efficiencies for future offshore wind installations. The design of this 8 MW reference wind turbine has been checked and validated by the design consultancy DNV-GL. This turbine description is intended to bridge the gap between the NREL 5 MW and DTU 10 MW reference turbines and thus contribute to the standardisation of research and development activities in the offshore wind energy industry.


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Current trends in the automotive industry have placed increased importance on engine downsizing for passenger vehicles. Engine downsizing often results in reduced power output and turbochargers have been relied upon to restore the power output and maintain drivability. As improved power output is required across a wide range of engine operating conditions, it is necessary for the turbocharger to operate effectively at both design and off-design conditions. One off-design condition of considerable importance for turbocharger turbines is low velocity ratio operation, which refers to the combination of high exhaust gas velocity and low turbine rotational speed. Conventional radial flow turbines are constrained to achieve peak efficiency at the relatively high velocity ratio of 0.7, due the requirement to maintain a zero inlet blade angle for structural reasons. Several methods exist to potentially shift turbine peak efficiency to lower velocity ratios. One method is to utilize a mixed flow turbine as an alternative to a radial flow turbine. In addition to radial and circumferential components, the flow entering a mixed flow turbine also has an axial component. This allows the flow to experience a non-zero inlet blade angle, potentially shifting peak efficiency to a lower velocity ratio when compared to an equivalent radial flow turbine.
This study examined the effects of varying the flow conditions at the inlet to a mixed flow turbine and evaluated the subsequent impact on performance. The primary parameters examined were average inlet flow angle, the spanwise distribution of flow angle across the inlet and inlet flow cone angle. The results have indicated that the inlet flow angle significantly influenced the degree of reaction across the rotor and the turbine efficiency. The rotor studied was a custom in-house design based on a state-of-the-art radial flow turbine design. A numerical approach was used as the basis for this investigation and the numerical model has been validated against experimental data obtained from the cold flow turbine test rig at Queen’s University Belfast. The results of the study have provided a useful insight into how the flow conditions at rotor inlet influence the performance of a mixed flow turbine.


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Optical full-field measurement methods such as Digital Image Correlation (DIC) provide a new opportunity for measuring deformations and vibrations with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, application to full-scale wind turbines is not trivial. Elaborate preparation of the experiment is vital and sophisticated post processing of the DIC results essential. In the present study, a rotor blade of a 3.2 MW wind turbine is equipped with a random black-and-white dot pattern at four different radial positions. Two cameras are located in front of the wind turbine and the response of the rotor blade is monitored using DIC for different turbine operations. In addition, a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system is used in order to measure the wind conditions. Wind fields are created based on the LiDAR measurements and used to perform aeroelastic simulations of the wind turbine by means of advanced multibody codes. The results from the optical DIC system appear plausible when checked against common and expected results. In addition, the comparison of relative out-of-plane blade deflections shows good agreement between DIC results and aeroelastic simulations.


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The length of wind turbine rotor blades has been increased during the last decades. Higher stresses arise especially at the blade root because of the longer lever arm. One way to reduce unsteady blade-root stresses caused by turbulence, gusts, or wind shear is to actively control the lift in the blade tip region. One promising method involves airfoils with morphing trailing edges to control the lift and consequently the loads acting on the blade. In the present study, the steady and unsteady behavior of an airfoil with a morphing trailing edge is investigated. Two-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are performed for a typical thin wind turbine airfoil with a morphing trailing edge. Steady-state simulations are used to design optimal geometry, size, and deflection angles of the morphing trailing edge. The resulting steady aerodynamic coefficients are then analyzed at different angles of attack in order to determine the effectiveness of the morphing trailing edge. In order to investigate the unsteady aerodynamic behavior of the optimal morphing trailing edge, time-resolved RANS-simulations are performed using a deformable grid. In order to analyze the phase shift between the variable trailing edge deflection and the dynamic lift coefficient, the trailing edge is deflected at four different reduced frequencies for each different angle of attack. As expected, a phase shift between the deflection and the lift occurs. While deflecting the trailing edge at angles of attack near stall, additionally an overshoot above and beyond the steady lift coefficient is observed and evaluated.


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The accurate prediction of stress histories for the fatigue analysis is of utmost importance for the design process of wind turbine rotor blades. As detailed, transient, and geometrically non-linear three-dimensional finite element analyses are computationally weigh too expensive, it is commonly regarded sufficient to calculate the stresses with a geometrically linear analysis and superimpose different stress states in order to obtain the complete stress histories. In order to quantify the error from geometrically linear simulations for the calculation of stress histories and to verify the practical applicability of the superposition principal in fatigue analyses, this paper studies the influence of geometric non-linearity in the example of a trailing edge bond line, as this subcomponent suffers from high strains in span-wise direction. The blade under consideration is that of the IWES IWT-7.5-164 reference wind turbine. From turbine simulations the highest edgewise loading scenario from the fatigue load cases is used as the reference. A 3D finite element model of the blade is created and the bond line fatigue assessment is performed according to the GL certification guidelines in its 2010 edition, and in comparison to the latest DNV GL standard from end of 2015. The results show a significant difference between the geometrically linear and non-linear stress analyses when the bending moments are approximated via a corresponding external loading, especially in case of the 2010 GL certification guidelines. This finding emphasizes the demand to reconsider the application of the superposition principal in fatigue analyses of modern flexible rotor blades, where geometrical nonlinearities become significant. In addition, a new load application methodology is introduced that reduces the geometrically non-linear behaviour of the blade in the finite element analysis.


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Implementation of stable aeroelastic models with the ability to capture the complex features of Multi concept smartblades is a prime step in reducing the uncertainties that come along with blade dynamics. The numerical simulations of fluid structure interaction can thus be used to test a realistic scenarios comprising of full-scale blades at a reasonably low computational cost. A code which was a combination of two advanced numerical models was designed and was run with the help of paralell HPC supercomputer platform. The first model was based on a variation of dimensional reduction technique proposed by Hodges and Yu. This model was the one to record the structural response of heterogenous composite blades. This technique reduces the geometrical complexities of the heterogenous blade section into a stiffness matrix for an equivalent beam. This derived equivalent 1-D strain energy matrix is similar to the actual 3-D strain energy matrix in an asymptotic sense. As this 1-D matrix helps in accurately modeling the blade structure as a 1-D finite element problem, this substantially redues the computational effort and subsequently the computational cost that are required to model the structural dynamics at each step. Second model comprises of implementation of the Blade Element Momentum Theory. In this approach we map all the velocities and the forces with the help of orthogonal matrices that help in capturing the large deformations and the effects of rotations in calculating the aerodynamic forces. This ultimately helps us to take into account the complex flexo torsional deformations. In this thesis we have succesfully tested these computayinal tools developed by MTU’s research team lead by for the aero elastic analysis of wind-turbine blades. The validation in this thesis is majorly based on several experiments done on NREL-5MW blade, as this is widely accepted as a benchmark blade in the wind industry. Along with the use of this innovative model the internal blade structure was also changed to add up to the existing benefits of the already advanced numerical models.


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Wind energy is evaluated positively, from the environmental point of view, considering the wind a renewable resource to produce electricity, avoiding the use of fossil resources during operation, but not much has been studied about the impacts associated with the materials of the wind turbines. This study aims to contribute to an improved understanding of the environmental implications of the materials in the moving parts of a wind turbine and how the Eco strategies as recycling are increasingly adopted to ensure the minimization of environmental impacts. First, we investigate the moving parts of a wind turbine highlighting possible hot spots of impacts. Second, we assess the benefit of introducing recycling materials instead of the originals. © Research India Publications.


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This paper presents an integrated model for an offshore wind turbine taking into consideration a contribution for the marine wave and wind speed with perturbations influences on the power quality of current injected into the electric grid. The paper deals with the simulation of one floating offshore wind turbine equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator, and a two-level converter connected to an onshore electric grid. The use of discrete mass modeling is accessed in order to reveal by computing the total harmonic distortion on how the perturbations of the captured energy are attenuated at the electric grid injection point. Two torque actions are considered for the three-mass modeling, the aerodynamic on the flexible part and on the rigid part of the blades. Also, a torque due to the influence of marine waves in deep water is considered. Proportional integral fractional-order control supports the control strategy. A comparison between the drive train models is presented.