79 resultados para whiplash
Background: It has been shown that perception of elbow joint position is affected by changes in head and neck position. Further, people with whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) present with deficits in upper limb coordination and movement. Objectives: This study is aimed to determine whether the effect of changes in head position on elbow joint position error (JPE) is more pronounced in people with WAD, and to determine whether this is related to the participant's pain and anxiety levels. Methods: Nine people with chronic and disabling WAD and 11 healthy people participated in this experiment. The ability to reproduce a position at the elbow joint was assessed after changes in the position of the head and neck to 30 degrees, and with the head in the midline. Pain was monitored in WAD participants. Results: Absolute elbow JPE with the head in neutral was not different between WAD and control participants (P = 0.5). Changes in the head and neck position increased absolute elbow JPE in the WAD group (P < 0.05), but did not affect elbow JPE in the control group (P = 0.4). There was a connection between pain during testing and the effect of changes in head position on elbow JPE (P < 0.05). Discussion: Elbow JPE is affected by movement of the head and neck, with smaller angles of neck rotation in people with WAD than in healthy individuals. This observation may explain deficits in upper limb coordination in people with WAD, which may be due to the presence of pain or reduced range of motion in this population.
We would like to thank Drs Greve and Bianchini for their interest in our paper and we agree that psychological factors involved in pain presentations can be complex. However, Drs Greve and Bianchini seem to have missed the point of our study. It was not the aim of this study to investigate psychological factors involved in whiplash injury. On the contrary, the aim of the study was to longitudinally investigate the development of sensory changes from the acute stage of whiplash injury until either recovery or the development of persistent symptoms. The GHQ-28 was used as a broad measure of psychological distress in an attempt to account for the effect of psychological distress on pain threshold measures. The authors may like to note that our later paper specifically investigated the development of psychological changes following whiplash injury
Objective: To compare head relocation accuracy in traumatic ( whiplash), insidious onset neck pain patients and asymptomatic subjects when targeting a natural head posture (NHP) and complex predetermined positions. Design: A case-control study. Setting: University-based musculoskeletal research clinic. Participants: Sixty-three volunteers divided into three groups of similar gender and age: Group 1 (n=21) an asymptomatic group; group 2 (n=20) insidious onset neck pain; group 3 (n=22) a history of whiplash injury. Intervention: Five randomly ordered tests designed to detect relocation accuracy of the head. Outcome measures: A 3-Space Fastrak system measured the mean absolute relocation error of three trials of each relocation test. Results: A significant difference was found between groups in one of the tests targeting the NHP (p=0.001). Post-hoc pairwise comparisons revealed a significant difference (pless than or equal to0.05) between the asymptomatic group and each symptomatic group. The difference between the symptomatic groups just failed to reach significance (p=0.07). None of the other four tests revealed significant differences. Conclusion: The test of targeting the NHP indicates that relocation inaccuracy exists in patients with neck pain with a trend to suggest that the deficit may be greater in whiplash patients. Tests employing unfamiliar postures or more complex movement were not successful in differentiating subject groups.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al departament d’anestesiologia de la University of Washington durant juliol i agost del 2006. La fuetada cervical és una lesió molt freqüent. Encara que els problemes associats es resolen en un període de temps curt en la majoria de casos, un percentatge de casos que oscil·la entre el 12 i el 42% desenvolupa dolor cervical crònic i discapacitat associada. Aquesta situació provoca un elevat cost econòmic per a la societat i un elevat patiment per a les persones que pateixen dolor crònic cervical i discapacitat com a conseqüència de la fuetada cervical. Ambdues conseqüències podrien ser evitades dissenyant estratègies de prevenció secundaria efectives. Aquest és precisament l’objectiu de la tesis del doctorant Aquesta va ser considerada essencial perquè en aquesta universitat esta l’únic grup de recerca que esta realitzant un tractament de prevenció secundaria per a pacients amb fuetada cervical. La realització de totes aquestes tasques ha permès al doctorant millorar el seu treball de recerca i començar a dissenyar un programa de prevenció secundaria per a la nostra població de pacients amb fuetada cervical. A més, s’han establert lligams de col·laboració.