976 resultados para wheel load distribution


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Wavelength-routed networks (WRN) are very promising candidates for next-generation Internet and telecommunication backbones. In such a network, optical-layer protection is of paramount importance due to the risk of losing large amounts of data under a failure. To protect the network against this risk, service providers usually provide a pair of risk-independent working and protection paths for each optical connection. However, the investment made for the optical-layer protection increases network cost. To reduce the capital expenditure, service providers need to efficiently utilize their network resources. Among all the existing approaches, shared-path protection has proven to be practical and cost-efficient [1]. In shared-path protection, several protection paths can share a wavelength on a fiber link if their working paths are risk-independent. In real-world networks, provisioning is usually implemented without the knowledge of future network resource utilization status. As the network changes with the addition and deletion of connections, the network utilization will become sub-optimal. Reconfiguration, which is referred to as the method of re-provisioning the existing connections, is an attractive solution to fill in the gap between the current network utilization and its optimal value [2]. In this paper, we propose a new shared-protection-path reconfiguration approach. Unlike some of previous reconfiguration approaches that alter the working paths, our approach only changes protection paths, and hence does not interfere with the ongoing services on the working paths, and is therefore risk-free. Previous studies have verified the benefits arising from the reconfiguration of existing connections [2] [3] [4]. Most of them are aimed at minimizing the total used wavelength-links or ports. However, this objective does not directly relate to cost saving because minimizing the total network resource consumption does not necessarily maximize the capability of accommodating future connections. As a result, service providers may still need to pay for early network upgrades. Alternatively, our proposed shared-protection-path reconfiguration approach is based on a load-balancing objective, which minimizes the network load distribution vector (LDV, see Section 2). This new objective is designed to postpone network upgrades, thus bringing extra cost savings to service providers. In other words, by using the new objective, service providers can establish as many connections as possible before network upgrades, resulting in increased revenue. We develop a heuristic load-balancing (LB) reconfiguration approach based on this new objective and compare its performance with an approach previously introduced in [2] and [4], whose objective is minimizing the total network resource consumption.


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Transportation Department, Office of Noise Abatement, Washington, D.C.


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In induction machines the tooth frequency losses due to permeance variation constitute a signif'icant, portion of the total loss. In order to predict and estimate these losses it, is essential to obtain a clear understanding of the no-load distribution of the air gap magnetic field and the magnitude of flux pulsation in both stator and rotor teeth. The existing theories and methods by which the air gap permeance variation in a doubly slotted structure is calculated are either empirical or restricted. The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a detailed analysis of the no-load air gap magnetic field distribution and the effect of air gap geometry on the magnitude and waveform of the tooth flux pulsation. In this thesis a detaiiled theoretical and experimental analysis of flux distribution not only leads to a better understanding of the distribution of no-load losses but also provides theoretical analysis for calculating the losses with greater accuracy


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The computer systems of today are characterised by data and program control that are distributed functionally and geographically across a network. A major issue of concern in this environment is the operating system activity of resource management for different processors in the network. To ensure equity in load distribution and improved system performance, load balancing is often undertaken. The research conducted in this field so far, has been primarily concerned with a small set of algorithms operating on tightly-coupled distributed systems. More recent studies have investigated the performance of such algorithms in loosely-coupled architectures but using a small set of processors. This thesis describes a simulation model developed to study the behaviour and general performance characteristics of a range of dynamic load balancing algorithms. Further, the scalability of these algorithms are discussed and a range of regionalised load balancing algorithms developed. In particular, we examine the impact of network diameter and delay on the performance of such algorithms across a range of system workloads. The results produced seem to suggest that the performance of simple dynamic policies are scalable but lack the load stability of more complex global average algorithms.


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This paper presents a new dynamic load balancing technique for structured mesh computational mechanics codes in which the processor partition range limits of just one of the partitioned dimensions uses non-coincidental limits, as opposed to using coincidental limits in all of the partitioned dimensions. The partition range limits are 'staggered', allowing greater flexibility in obtaining a balanced load distribution in comparison to when the limits are changed 'globally'. as the load increase/decrease on one processor no longer restricts the load decrease/increase on a neighbouring processor. The automatic implementation of this 'staggered' load balancing strategy within an existing parallel code is presented in this paper, along with some preliminary results.


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The anatomy and microstructure of the spine and in particular the intervertebral disc are intimately linked to how they operate in vivo and how they distribute loads to the adjacent musculature and bony anatomy. The degeneration of the intervertebral discs may be characterised by a loss of hydration, loss of disc height, a granular texture and the presence of annular lesions. As such, degeneration of the intervertebral discs compromises the mechanical integrity of their components and results in adaption and modification in the mechanical means by which loads are distributed between adjacent spinal motion segments.


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Insulated rail joints (IRJs) possess lower bending stiffness across the gap containing insulating endpost and hence are subjected to wheel impact. IRJs are either square cut or inclined cut to the longitudinal axis of the rails in a vertical plane. It is generally claimed that the inclined cut IRJs outperformed the square cut IRJs; however, there is a paucity of literature with regard to the relative structural merits of these two designs. This article presents comparative studies of the structural response of these two IRJs to the passage of wheels based on continuously acquired field data from joints strain-gauged closer to the source of impact. Strain signatures are presented in time, frequency, and avelet domains and the peak vertical and shear strains are systematically employed to examine the relative structural merits of the two IRJs subjected to similar real-life loading. It is shown that the inclined IRJs resist the wheel load with higher peak shear strains and lower peak vertical strains than that of the square IRJs.


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An experimental laboratory investigation was carried out to assess the structural adequacy of a disused PHO Class Flat Bottom Rail Wagon (FRW) for a single lane low volume road bridge application as per the design provisions of the Australian Bridge Design Standard AS 5100(2004). The investigation also encompassed a review into the risk associated with the pre-existing damage in wagons incurred during their service life on rail. The main objective of the laboratory testing of the FRW was to physically measure its performance under the same applied traffic loading it would be required to resist as a road bridge deck. In order to achieve this a full width (5.2m) single lane, single span (approximately 10m), simply supported bridge would be required to be constructed and tested in a structural laboratory. However, the available clear spacing between the columns of the loading portal frame encountered within the laboratory was insufficient to accommodate the 5.2m wide bridge deck excluding clearance normally considered necessary in structural testing. Therefore, only half of the full scale bridge deck (single FRW of width 2.6m) was able to be accommodated and tested; with the continuity of the bridge deck in the lateral direction applied as boundary constraints along the full length of the FRW at six selected locations. This represents a novel approach not yet reported in the literature for bridge deck testing to the best of the knowledge of the author. The test was carried out under two loadings provided in AS 5100 (2004) – one stationary W80 wheel load and the second a moving axle load M1600. As the bridge investigated in the study is a single lane single span low volume road bridge, the risk of pre-existing damage and the expected high cycle fatigue failure potential was assessed as being minimal and hence the bridge deck was not tested structurally for fatigue/ fracture. The high axle load requirements have instead been focussed upon the investigation into the serviceability and ultimate limit state requirements. The testing regime adopted however involved extensive recording of strains and deflections at several critical locations of the FRW. Three locations of W80 point load and two locations of the M1600 Axle load were considered for the serviceability testing; the FRW was also tested under the ultimate load dictated by the M1600. The outcomes of the experimental investigation have demonstrated that the FRW is structurally adequate to resist the prescribed traffic loadings outlaid in AS 5100 (2004). As the loading was directly applied on to the FRW, the laboratory testing is assessed as being significantly conservative. The FRW bridge deck in the field would only resist the load transferred by the running platform, where, depending on the design, composite action might exist – thereby the share of the loading which needs to be resisted by the FRW would be smaller than the system tested in the lab. On this basis, a demonstration bridge is under construction at the time of writing this thesis and future research will involve field testing in order to assess its performance.


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The majority of distribution utilities do not have accurate information on the constituents of their loads. This information is very useful in managing and planning the network, adequately and economically. Customer loads are normally categorized in three main sectors: 1) residential; 2) industrial; and 3) commercial. In this paper, penalized least-squares regression and Euclidean distance methods are developed for this application to identify and quantify the makeup of a feeder load with unknown sectors/subsectors. This process is done on a monthly basis to account for seasonal and other load changes. The error between the actual and estimated load profiles are used as a benchmark of accuracy. This approach has shown to be accurate in identifying customer types in unknown load profiles, and is used in cross-validation of the results and initial assumptions.


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This research is part of a major project with a stimulus that rose from the need to manage a large number of ageing bridges in low traffic volume roads (LTVR) in Australia. The project investigated, designed and consequently constructed, involved replacing an ageing super-structure of a 10m span bridge with a disused Flat-bed Rail Wagon (FRW). This research, therefore, is developed on the premises that the FRW can be adopted as the main structural system for the bridges in LTVR network. The main focus of this research is to present two alternate deck wearing systems (DWS) as part of the design of the FRW as road bridge deck conforming to AS5100 (2004). The bare FRW structural components were first examined for their adequacy (ultimate and serviceability) in resisting the critical loads specified in AS5100(2004). Two options of DWSs were evaluated and their effects on the FRW examined. The first option involved usage of timber DWS; the idea of this option was to use all the primary and secondary members of the FRW in load sharing and to provide additional members where weaknesses in the original members arose. The second option involved usage of reinforced concrete DWS with only the primary members of the FRW sharing the AS5100 (2004) loading. This option inherently minimised the risk associated with any uncertainty of the secondary members to their structural adequacy. This thesis reports the design phases of both options with conclusions of the selection of the ideal option for better structural performance, ease of construction and cost. The comparison carried out here focuses on the distribution of the traffic load by the FRW as a superstructure. Advantages and disadvantages highlighting cost comparisons and ease of constructability of the two systems are also included.


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The current state of knowledge in relation to first flush does not provide a clear understanding of the role of rainfall and catchment characteristics in influencing this phenomenon. This is attributed to the inconsistent findings from research studies due to the unsatisfactory selection of first flush indicators and how first flush is defined. The research study discussed in this thesis provides the outcomes of a comprehensive analysis on the influence of rainfall and catchment characteristics on first flush behaviour in residential catchments. Two sets of first flush indicators are introduced in this study. These indicators were selected such that they are representative in explaining in a systematic manner the characteristics associated with first flush. Stormwater samples and rainfall-runoff data were collected and recorded from stormwater monitoring stations established at three urban catchments at Coomera Waters, Gold Coast, Australia. In addition, historical data were also used to support the data analysis. Three water quality parameters were analysed, namely, total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN). The data analyses were primarily undertaken using multi criteria decision making methods, PROMETHEE and GAIA. Based on the data obtained, the pollutant load distribution curve (LV) was determined for the individual rainfall events and pollutant types. Accordingly, two sets of first flush indicators were derived from the curve, namely, cumulative load wash-off for every 10% of runoff volume interval (interval first flush indicators or LV) from the beginning of the event and the actual pollutant load wash-off during a 10% increment in runoff volume (section first flush indicators or P). First flush behaviour showed significant variation with pollutant types. TSS and TP showed consistent first flush behaviour. However, the dissolved fraction of TN showed significant differences to TSS and TP first flush while particulate TN showed similarities. Wash-off of TSS, TP and particulate TN during the first 10% of the runoff volume showed no influence from corresponding rainfall intensity. This was attributed to the wash-off of weakly adhered solids on the catchment surface referred to as "short term pollutants" or "weakly adhered solids" load. However, wash-off after 10% of the runoff volume showed dependency on the rainfall intensity. This is attributed to the wash-off of strongly adhered solids being exposed when the weakly adhered solids diminish. The wash-off process was also found to depend on rainfall depth at the end part of the event as the strongly adhered solids are loosened due to impact of rainfall in the earlier part of the event. Events with high intensity rainfall bursts after 70% of the runoff volume did not demonstrate first flush behaviour. This suggests that rainfall pattern plays a critical role in the occurrence of first flush. Rainfall intensity (with respect to the rest of the event) that produces 10% to 20% runoff volume play an important role in defining the magnitude of the first flush. Events can demonstrate high magnitude first flush when the rainfall intensity occurring between 10% and 20% of the runoff volume is comparatively high while low rainfall intensities during this period produces low magnitude first flush. For events with first flush, the phenomenon is clearly visible up to 40% of the runoff volume. This contradicts the common definition that first flush only exists, if for example, 80% of the pollutant mass is transported in the first 30% of runoff volume. First flush behaviour for TN is different compared to TSS and TP. Apart from rainfall characteristics, the composition and the availability of TN on the catchment also play an important role in first flush. The analysis confirmed that events with low rainfall intensity can produce high magnitude first flush for the dissolved fraction of TN, while high rainfall intensity produce low dissolved TN first flush. This is attributed to the source limiting behaviour of dissolved TN wash-off where there is high wash-off during the initial part of a rainfall event irrespective of the intensity. However, for particulate TN, the influence of rainfall intensity on first flush characteristics is similar to TSS and TP. The data analysis also confirmed that first flush can occur as high magnitude first flush, low magnitude first flush or non existence of first flush. Investigation of the influence of catchment characteristics on first flush found that the key factors that influence the phenomenon are the location of the pollutant source, spatial distribution of the pervious and impervious surfaces in the catchment, drainage network layout and slope of the catchment. This confirms that first flush phenomenon cannot be evaluated based on a single or a limited set of parameters as a number of catchment characteristics should be taken into account. Catchments where the pollutant source is located close to the outlet, a high fraction of road surfaces, short travel time to the outlet, with steep slopes can produce high wash-off load during the first 50% of the runoff volume. Rainfall characteristics have a comparatively dominant impact on the wash-off process compared to the catchment characteristics. In addition, the pollutant characteristics also should be taken into account in designing stormwater treatment systems due to different wash-off behaviour. Analysis outcomes confirmed that there is a high TSS load during the first 20% of the runoff volume followed by TN which can extend up to 30% of the runoff volume. In contrast, high TP load can exist during the initial and at the end part of a rainfall event. This is related to the composition of TP available for the wash-off.


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This paper emphasizes material nonlinear effects on composite beams with recourse to the plastic hinge method. Numerous combinations of steel and concrete sections form arbitrary composite sections. Secondly, the material properties of composite beams vary remarkably across its section from ductile steel to brittle concrete. Thirdly, concrete is weak in tension, so composite section changes are dependent on load distribution. To this end, the plastic zone approach is convenient for inelastic analysis of composite sections that can evaluate member resistance, including material nonlinearities, by routine numerical integration with respect to every fiber across the composite section. As a result, many researchers usually adopt the plastic zone approach for numerical inelastic analyses of composite structures. On the other hand, the plastic hinge method describes nonlinear material behaviour of an overall composite section integrally. Consequently, proper section properties for use in plastic hinge spring stiffness are required to represent the material behaviour across the arbitrary whole composite section. In view of numerical efficiency and convergence, the plastic hinge method is superior to the plastic zone method. Therefore, based on the plastic hinge approach, how to incorporate the material nonlinearities of the arbitrary composite section into the plastic hinge stiffness formulation becomes a prime objective of the present paper. The partial shear connection in this paper is by virtue of the effective flexural rigidity as AISC 1993 [American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). Load and resistance factor design specifications. 2nd ed., Chicago; 1993]. Nonlinear behaviour of different kinds of composite beam is investigated in this paper, including two simply supported composite beams, a cantilever and a two span continuous composite beam.


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Rail steel bridges are vulnerable to high impact forces due to the passage of trains; unfortunately the determination of these transient impact forces is not straightforward as these are affected by a large number of parameters, including the wagon design, the wheel-rail contact and the design parameters of the bridge deck and track, as well as the operational parameters – wheel load and speed. To determine these impact forces, a detailed rail train-track/bridge dynamic interaction model has been developed, which includes a comprehensive train model using multi-body dynamics approach and a flexible track/bridge model using Euler– Bernoulli beam theory. Single and multi-span bridges have been modelled to examine their dynamic characteristics. From the single span bridge, the train critical speed is determined; the minimum distance of two peak loadings is found to affect the train critical speed. The impact factor and the dynamic characteristics are discussed.


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Railhead is perhaps the highest stressed civil infrastructure due to the passage of heavily loaded wheels through a very small contact patch. The stresses at the contact patch cause yielding of the railhead material and wear. Many theories exist for the prediction of these mechanisms of continuous rails; this process in the discontinuous rails is relatively sparingly researched. Discontinuous railhead edges fail due to accumulating excessive plastic strains. Significant safety concern is widely reported as these edges form part of Insulated Rail Joints (IRJs) in the signalling track circuitry. Since Hertzian contact is not valid at a discontinuous edge, 3D finite element (3DFE) models of wheel contact at a railhead edge have been used in this research. Elastic–plastic material properties of the head hardened rail steel have been experimentally determined through uniaxial monotonic tension tests and incorporated into a FE model of a cylindrical specimen subject to cyclic tension load- ing. The parameters required for the Chaboche kinematic hardening model have been determined from the stabilised hysteresis loops of the cyclic load simulation and imple- mented into the 3DFE model. The 3DFE predictions of the plastic strain accumulation in the vicinity of the wheel contact at discontinuous railhead edges are shown to be affected by the contact due to passage of wheels rather than the magnitude of the loads the wheels carry. Therefore to eliminate this failure mechanism, modification to the contact patch is essential; reduction in wheel load cannot solve this problem.


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Impact forces develop at the wheel/rail interface due to the presence of defects in the running surface of the wheel and/ or the railhead. This paper reports on wheel impacts, caused by permanently dipped rail joints, that are characterised by high-frequency impact forces generated by high amplifications of the static load that occur for a very short duration (P1 forces), followed by relatively low frequency, lower amplitude forces (P2 forces) that occur for a longer duration. These impact forces are affected by the design of components adjacent to the wheel and rail, namely the bogie’s primary suspension and rail seat pads; the influences of stiffness and damping characteristics of these components are investigated. A modified three-dimensional simulation model of the dynamics of the wagon/track system that includes defects in the track is created and is used to obtain the time series of the impact force. This is converted into impact force factors that are compared with a set of field-measured data reported in the literature. A simplified equation for the determination of impact force factors due to dipped rail joints is also proposed and validated.