999 resultados para wet test chamber


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives of this study were to verify the effects of wet suits (WS) on the performance during 1500m swimming (V1500), on the velocity corresponding to the anaerobic threshold (VAT) and on the drag force (AD) as well as its coefficient (Cx). 19 swimmers randomly completed the following protocols on different days (with and without WS): 1) maximal performance of 1500m swimming; 2) VAT in field test, with fixed concentration of blood lactate (4 mM) and 3) determination of hydrodynamic indices (AD and Cx). The results demonstrated significant differences (p < 0.05) in the VAT (1.27±0.09; 1.21±0.06 m.s-1), and in the V1500 (1.21±0.08; 1.17±0.08 m.s-1), with and without WS, respectively. However the AD, and its Cx did not present significant differences (p>0.05) for the respective maximal speeds of swimming. In summary, we can conclude that WS allows swimmers to reach greater speeds in both, long- and short-course swims. This improvement can be related to the decrease of the AD, since with higher speeds (with WS) the subjects presented the same resistance, as they did when compared to speeds without a WS. Moreover, these data suggest that the methodology used in this study to determine the Cx is unable to detect the improvement caused by WS.


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Aim: To investigate pulp chamber penetration of bleaching agents in teeth following restorative procedures. Methodology: Bovine lateral incisors were sectioned 3 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction and the coronal pulpal tissue was removed. Teeth were divided into six groups (n = 10): G1, G2 and G3 were not submitted to any restorative procedure, while G4, G5 and G6 were submitted to Class V preparations and restored with composite resin. Acetate buffer was placed in the pulp chamber and treatment agents were applied for 60 min at 37°C as follows: G1 and G4, immersion into distilled water; G2 and G5, 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) exposure; G3 and G6, 35% CP bleaching. The buffer solution was removed and transferred to a glass tube where leuco crystal violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined spectrophotometrically at 596 nm. A standard curve made with known amounts of hydrogen peroxide was used to convert the optical density values of the coloured samples into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). Results: Amounts of hydrogen peroxide found in the pulp chamber of G2 and G5 specimens (0.1833 ± 0.2003 μg) were significantly lower (P = 0.001) when compared to G3 and G6 specimens (0.4604 ± 0.3981 μg). Restored teeth held significantly higher (P = 0.001) hydrogen peroxide concentrations in the pulp chamber than intact teeth. Conclusion: Higher concentrations of the bleaching agent produced higher levels of hydrogen peroxide in the pulp chamber, especially in restored teeth.


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This study sought to assess the pulp chamber temperature in different groups of human teeth that had been bleached using hydrogen peroxide gel activated with halogen lamps or hybrid LED/laser appliances. Four groups of ten teeth (maxillary central incisors, mandibular incisors, mandibular canines, and maxillary canines) were used. A digital thermometer with a K-type thermocouple was placed inside pulp chambers that had been filled with thermal paste. A 35% hydrogen peroxide-based red bleaching gel was applied to all teeth and photocured for a total of three minutes and 20 seconds (five activations of 40 seconds each), using light from an LED/laser device and a halogen lamp. The temperatures were gauged every 40 seconds and the data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey's test. Regardless of the light source, statistically significant differences were observed between the groups of teeth. The mean temperature values (±SD) were highest for maxillary central incisors and lowest for mandibular canines. The halogen lamp appliance produced more pulp chamber heating than the LED/laser appliance. The increase in irradiation time led to a significant increase in temperature.


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This study evaluated the Influence of the coloring agent concentration on the temperature of the gel layer and pulp chamber during dental bleaching with an LED/laser light source. Ten human incisors and a digital thermometer with K-type thermocouples were used. Using a high-speed spherical diamond bur, endodontic access was gained through openings on the lingual faces until pulp chamber was exposed. One end of the thermocouple was placed on the labial surface (immersed in bleaching gel) and the other end in the pulp chamber. The same 10 specimens were used in the 12 groups, according to the type and concentration of bleaching gel. Each bleaching gel was used in four different concentrations: manipulated without coloring, with normal quantity recommended by the manufacturer, with double the recommended amount of coloring, and with triple the recommended amount of coloring. The temperature rise was measured every 30 seconds for three minutes with a K-type thermocouple. The data were analyzed by ANOVA to examine the concentration and type of bleaching gel. This test was followed by Tukey's test, which was performed Independently for the gel at the labial surface and the pulp chamber (a = 5%). For both surfaces, values of p = 0.00 were obtained for all factors and for the Interaction between them. The varying concentrations of coloring agent produced statistically significant differences in terms of temperature increase for both the gel layer and the pulp chamber during activation.


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Aim: This study evaluates bond strength between dentin and composite using adhesives with different solvents to dry and wet dentin. Materials and methods: Ninety bovine incisors were used; the vestibular surfaces were worn by the exposure of an area with a diameter of 4 mm of dentin. The specimens were divided into 6 groups, according to the type of adhesive used and hydratation stals: Group SB-wet: Single Bond 2 in wet dentin, Group SBdry: Single Bond 2 in dry dentin, Group SL-wet: Solobond M in wet dentin, Group SL-dry: Solobond M in dentin dry. Group XPwet: XP Bond in wet dentin, Group XP-dry: XP Bond in dentin dry. They were cut to obtain specimens in the shape of stick with 1 × 1 mm and subjected to microtensile test in universal testing machine with a cross speed of 1mm/min. The data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests (5%). Results: ANOVA showed significant differences for surface treatment and interaction, but no difference was found for adhesive factor. The Tukey's test showed that the samples with wet dentin shown higher values of bond strength. Conclusion: The adhesive did not influence in the bond strength. The groups with wet dentin showed higher values of bond strength than groups with dry dentin.


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The rat exposure test (RET) is a prey (mouse)-predator (rat) situation that activates brain defensive areas and elicits hormonal and defensive behavior in the mouse. Here, we investigated possible correlations between the spatiotemporal [time spent in protected (home chamber and tunnel) and unprotected (surface) compartments and frequency of entries into the three compartments] and ethological [e.g., duration of protected and unprotected stretched-attend postures (SAP), duration of contact with the rat's compartment] measures (Experiment 1). Secondly, we investigated the effects of systemic treatment with pro- or anti-aversive drugs on the behavior that emerged from the factor analysis (Experiment 2). The effects of chronic (21 days) imipramine and fluoxetine on defensive behavior were also investigated (Experiment 3). Exp. 1 revealed that the time in the protected compartment, protected SAP and rat contacts loaded on factor 1 (defensive behavior), while the total entries and unprotected SAP loaded on factor 2 (locomotor activity). Exp. 2 showed that alprazolam (but not diazepam) selectively changed the defensive factor. Caffeine produced a mild proaversive-like effect, whereas yohimbine only decreased locomotor activity (total entries). Fluoxetine (but not imipramine) produced a weak proaversive-like effect. 5-HT1A/5-HT2 receptor ligands did not change any behavioral measure. In Exp. 3, chronic fluoxetine (but not imipramine) attenuated the defensive behavior factor without changing locomotion. Given that the defensive factor was sensitive to drugs known to attenuate (alprazolam and chronic fluoxetine) and induce (caffeine) panic attack, we suggest the RET as a useful test to assess the effects of panicolytic and panicogenic drugs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O clareamento dental representa uma manobra conservadora na recuperação estética de dentes com alterações cromáticas. Contudo, os tratamentos clareadores são passíveis de causar efeitos adversos, quando não bem planejados e executados. OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou a influência do gel clareador no aumento da temperatura intra-câmara pulpar através da técnica de clareamento dental fotoativado realizado em consultório. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Um incisivo central superior humano foi seccionado na porção radicular 3 mm abaixo da junção cemento-esmalte. O canal radicular foi alargado para permitir a introdução do sensor do termômetro na câmara pulpar, a qual foi preenchida com pasta térmica, favorecendo a transferência de calor das paredes dentárias para o sensor do termômetro digital com termopar tipo K (MT- 401A) durante o clareamento. Três agentes clareadores fotossensíveis (peróxido de hidrogênio a 35%) foram utilizados, sendo: Whiteness HP (FGM), Whiteness HP Maxx (FGM) e Lase Peroxide Sensy (DMC). Um aparelho fotopolimerizador de led (Flash Lite - Discus Dental) foi empregado para a ativação dos géis clareadores. Seis ciclos de clareamento foram realizados para cada grupo testado. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA de um critério e ao teste t (LSD) (α<0,05). RESULTADO: A menor média de variação de temperatura (ºC) foi observada com o Lase Peroxide Sensy (0,20), enquanto que a maior com o Whiteness HP (1,50). CONCLUSÃO: Os géis clareadores Whiteness HP e Whiteness HP Maxx interferiram significativamente no aumento da temperatura intra-câmara pulpar durante o clareamento, sendo esta variação dependente do tipo de gel clareador empregado.


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O objetivo deste ensaio clínico randomizado foi avaliar o comportamento clínico das restaurações adesivas, usando um adesivo convencional de três passos (CTP), um adesivo autocondicionante de um passo (AUP) e uma técnica simplificada da adesão úmida por etanol (AUET) antes da aplicação de uma resina composta em lesões cervicais não-cariosas. Noventa e três restaurações (31 para cada grupo) foram realizadas em 17 pacientes por um único operador. Nenhum preparo cavitário foi realizado. Depois de 6 e 12 meses, as restaurações foram avaliadas por 2 examinadores previamente treinados, utilizando critérios de Ryge modificados para retenção (kappa=1,00) e adaptação/manchamento marginal (kappa=0,81), e os resultados foram analisados pelos testes Exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis, respectivamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos aos 6 e 12 meses para qualquer um dos critérios avaliados (p≥0,05). A análise intra-grupo feita pelos testes Q de Cochran (para retenção) e Wilcoxon (para adaptação/manchamento marginal) revelou diferenças significativas entre os intervalos de tempo baseline/12 meses para a adaptação marginal no AUP (p=0,0180) e manchamento marginal no CTP (p=0,0117). A análise de sobrevivência para o critério retenção realizada utilizando o teste de log-rank não apresentou diferenças significantes (p≥0,05). As restaurações feitas utilizando a técnica simplificada da adesão úmida por etanol comportaram-se igualmente às outras estratégias adesivas empregadas.


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An experiment was carried out to determine the chemical composition, metabolizable energy values, and coefficients of nutrient digestibility of corn germ meal for layers. The chemical composition of corn germ meal was determined, and then a metabolism assay was performed to determine its apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) values and its dry matter and gross energy apparent metabolizability coefficients (CAMDM and CAMGE, respectively). In the 8-day assay (four days of adaptation and four days of total excreta collection), 60 29-week-old white Lohman LSL layers were used. A completely randomized experimental design, with three treatments with five replicates of four birds each, was applied. Treatments consisted of a reference diet and two test diets, containing 20 or 30% corn germ meal. Results were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by the Tukey tests at 5% probability level. The chemical composition of corn germ meal was: 96.39% dry matter, 49.48% ether extract, 1.87% ashes, 7243 kcal gross energy/kg, 11.48% protein, 0.19% methionine, 0.21% cystine, 0.48% lysine, 0.40% threonine, 0.72% arginine, 0.35% isoleucine, 0.83% leucine, 0.57% valine, and 0.37% histidine, on as-fed basis. There were no statistical differences in AME, AMEn, CAMDM, and CAMGE values with the inclusion of 20 and 30% corn germ meal in the diets. On dry matter basis, AME, AMEn, CAMDM, and CAMGE values of corn germ meal were: 4,578 and 4,548 kcal/kg, 4,723 and 4,372 kcal/kg, 64.95 and 61.86%, respectively.


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Coordenação de Aprefeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This aim of the present study was to evaluate the pulp chamber penetration of 35% hydrogen peroxide activated by LED (light-emitting diode) or Nd:YAG laser in bovine teeth, after an in-office bleaching technique. Forty-eight bovine lateral incisors were divided into four groups, acetate buffer was placed into the pulp chamber and bleaching agent was applied as follows: for group A (n = 12), activation was performed by LED; for group B (n = 12), activation was performed by Nd:YAG laser (60 mJ, 20 Hz); group C (n = 12) received no light or laser activation; and the control group (n = 12) received no bleaching gel application or light or laser activation. The acetate buffer solution was transferred to a glass tube and Leuco Crystal Violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of this solution was determined spectrophotometrically and converted into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. The results were analysed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). It was verified that the effect of activation was significant, as groups activated by LED or laser presented greater hydrogen peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber (0.499 +/- 0.622 microg) compared with groups that were not (0.198 +/- 0.218 microg). There was no statistically significant difference in the penetration of hydrogen peroxide into the pulp chamber between the two types of activation (LED or laser). The results suggest that activation by laser or LED caused an increase in hydrogen peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber.


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The Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detector of ALICE is designed to identify charged particles produced in Pb--Pb collisions at the LHC to address the physics of strongly-interacting matter and the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The detector is based on the Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) technology which guarantees the excellent performance required for a large time-of-flight array. The construction and installation of the apparatus in the experimental site have been completed and the detector is presently fully operative. All the steps which led to the construction of the TOF detector were strictly followed by a set of quality assurance procedures to enable high and uniform performance and eventually the detector has been commissioned with cosmic rays. This work aims at giving a detailed overview of the ALICE TOF detector, also focusing on the tests performed during the construction phase. The first data-taking experience and the first results obtained with cosmic rays during the commissioning phase are presented as well and allow to confirm the readiness state of the TOF detector for LHC collisions.


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This study investigates biomass and particulate matter also known as PM produced from the combustion of a domestic boiler powered by mais and how to separate PM from the stream of smoke output from the boiler using wet scrubber with structured packing. Sperimentations show the inefficiency of the separator used, so we provide an optimization of the structured packing changing geometric parameters as angle of the bend or thickness of the channels. In order to obtain a higher separation efficiency we remove the structured packinkg and introduce a packed bed composed of spheres of polyethylene with a diameter of 3 mm.