951 resultados para weight at 8 months


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta pesquisa analisa o desenvolvimento da espermatogênese em caititus (Tayassu tajacu) e determina a idade em que atingem a puberdade, considerando-se a biometria testicular e dos túbulos seminíferos, a quantificação das células espermatogênicas, a descrição morfológica dos estádios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero (CES), a freqüência relativa com a qual aparecem no interior dos túbulos seminíferos e o rendimento geral da espermatogênese. No experimento, os animais foram divididos de acordo com a faixa etária, em cinco grupos, com três animais em cada grupo, sendo G1 (7 a 8 meses), G2 (9 a 10 meses), G3 (11 a 12 meses), G4 (13 a 14 meses) e G5 (15 a 16 meses). Os animais foram submetidos à cirurgia de orquiectomia, para obtenção das amostras testiculares, as quais foram fixadas em solução de Alfac por 24 horas e processadas histologicamente, onde cortes de 5 μm foram corados em Hematoxilina-Eosina. Tendo como base, o método da morfologia tubular, foi feita a quantificação dos tipos celulares corrigidos para seus diâmetros nucleares médios de 10 secções transversais de túbulos seminíferos no estádio 1 do CES para animais com a espermatogênese estabelecida e 20 secções transversais para os animais mais jovens, nos quais não havia atividade espermatogênica estabelecida; e também a classificação dos estádios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero, por meio da análise de 100 secções transversais de túbulos seminíferos. Os dados da biometria testicular, a saber, o peso, o comprimento e a largura, revelaram crescimento constante e gradual com diferenças estatísticas significativas (p<0,05) e alta correlação entre si. Os valores do diâmetro tubular apresentaram significância estatística do G1 ao G4, a partir deste, tiveram crescimento acelerado e contínuo, não havendo significância estatística (p >0,05). De acordo com as análises quantitativas e morfológicas das células espermatogênicas que compõem o epitélio germinativo, os grupos etários dos animais foram classificados nas fases seguintes: impúbere (G1), pré-púbere (G2), puberdade (G3), pós-puberdade 1 (G4) e pós-puberdade 2 (G5). A fase em que ocorreu o início da atividade reprodutiva, ou seja, a puberdade, foi determinada nos animais a partir de 11 meses de idade, onde ocorreu o maior crescimento no número de células espermatogênicas e uma correlação positiva com o peso testicular. Nessa fase, as células de Sertoli, apresentaram um decréscimo significativo (p<0,05). Na determinação da freqüência relativa dos estádios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero, foram observadas oito tipos de associações, segundo o método da morfologia tubular, onde o estádio com maior e menor freqüências foram o 1 e o 3, respectivamente. A fase pós-meiótica, apresentou maior freqüência e a fase meiótica, a menor, sendo estatisticamente significativa em relação às demais. A eficiência reprodutiva foi demonstrada por meio dos valores traduzidos pelas razões celulares entre as espermatogônias do tipo A e espermátides arredondadas, não tendo sido observado aumento significativo das espermátides arredondadas entre os grupos G3 ao G5 (p>0,05); e o índice das células de Sertoli apresentou diferença estatística significativa entre todas as possíveis comparações dos grupos etários do G3 ao G5 (p <0,05).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudos biológicos são necessários para o manejo da vida silvestre em cativeiro, e o conhecimento da reprodução é um dos aspectos importantes para o aumento da produção. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a idade da puberdade do cateto macho. Foram utilizadas amostras testiculares de 15 animais, entre 7 a 16 meses, distribuídos em cinco grupos (G1, G2, G3, G4 e G5). Os testículos aumentaram no peso, comprimento e largura consideravelmente (p < 0,05) do G1 ao G3, enquanto que, a partir deste grupo, o desenvolvimento desse órgão foi mais lento. Houve correlação positiva (p < 0,001) entre os seguintes parâmetros testiculares: peso e comprimento (r = 0,97), peso e largura (r = 0,88), comprimento e largura (r = 0,92). Com relação ao diâmetro tubular, observou-se um aumento (p < 0,05) do G1 ao G4. A quantidade total de células espermatogênicas aumentou significativamente (p < 0,05) até o G3, e se estabilizou a partir deste grupo. Houve correlação positiva entre o peso testicular e o diâmetro tubular (r = 0,99, p < 0,001), bem como o peso testicular e as células espermatogênicas (r = 0,98, p < 0,001). A quantidade de células de Sertoli reduziu significativamente (p < 0,05) do G1, onde se encontravam indiferenciadas como células de suporte, até G5, onde foram observadas juntamente com todas as células da linhagem espermática. Estes resultados demonstraram que as fases do desenvolvimento reprodutivo de catetos podem ser classificadas em: impúbere (G1, 7-8 meses), pré-púbere (G2, 9-10 meses), púbere (G3, 11-12 meses), pós-púbere 1 (G4, 13-14 meses) e pós-púbere 2 (G5, 15-16 meses). Com base na análise histológica, a puberdade dos catetos machos ocorre entre 11 e 12 meses de idade.


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Para testar a técnica de aversão alimentar condicionada como método de controle para a intoxicação por I. carnea, foram realizados 3 experimentos administrando cloreto de lítio (LiCl) na dose de 175-200mg kg-1 após a ingestão da planta por caprinos. No primeiro, foram induzidos à aversão 10 caprinos que tinham o hábito de ingerir a planta e com sinais clínicos da intoxicação. Apesar da realização de diversos tratamentos aversivos, após os animais ingerirem a planta, a aversão não foi eficiente, demonstrando que a técnica não é eficiente em caprinos que já estão habituados a ingerir a planta. No segundo experimento, 14 caprinos foram adaptados a ingerir a planta na pastagem e, após ingerirem a planta a campo, foram induzidos à aversão com LiCl. Neste grupo, a aversão persistiu até o fim do Experimento, 2 anos e 8 meses após a aversão. Em outro experimento, 20 caprinos foram adaptados a consumir I. carnea e, em seguida, induzidos à aversão com LiCl. Esses animais foram transferidos para uma propriedade na Ilha de Marajó, onde foram realizadas 9 visitas com intervalos de 2-3 meses para verificar a duração da aversão. Após 2 anos de observações, nenhum animal voltou a ingerir a planta na pastagem e não foram observados casos de intoxicação, enquanto que, em 6 propriedades vizinhas, a doença foi observada com uma prevalência de até 60%. Esses resultados demonstram a eficiência da aversão alimentar condicionada para evitar a ingestão de I. carnea em caprinos recém adaptados a ingerir a planta, nas regiões invadidas por esta planta e nas condições naturais da Ilha de Marajó.


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This work aimed to evaluate the carcass yields, commercial cuts and non-carcass components of Santa Inês lambs fed with 30, 40, 50 or 60% of oldman saltbush hay with concentrated. Were used 32 castrated lambs at 8 months old and initial body weight of 22 + 1.97kg, housed individually and slaughtered after 60 days of feedlot. The weights of hot and cold carcass decreased linearly with the inclusion of saltbush hay in the diet, however, there was no effect for true carcass yield and commercial cuts: shoulder (19.26%), neck (8.52%) ribs (26.57%) and leg (33.88%). There was a linear decrease for ribeye area and fat thickness when the level of hay in the diet increased. The weights and yields of skin, liver, heart, kidneys with perirenal fat, omental and mesenteric fats decreased linearly with the inclusion of hay in the diet, while the content (%) of gastrointestinal tract increased. The increased proportion of saltbush hay in the diet of lambs provided adequate true carcass yield and commercial cuts, however, reduces the ribeye area and fat thickness, important measurements in the qualitative evaluation of the lamb's carcass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to reduce the sedentarism and to improve population's health condition, many physical activity incentive programs have been stimulated. As a result, many people have adhered to street racing, but their health condition is almost always ignored. The aim of this study was to evaluate street racers' health condition, identifying the presence of cardiovascular risk factors as well as problems associated to street racing. The study case was composed by 111 racers from the town of Bauru (94 men and 17 women) aged in average 39±13 years old, who were evaluated in 4 street race competitions. The subjects answered to an anamnesis with questions about their socioeconomic status, medicine use, cardiovascular risk, physical exercise practices, and issues related to racing and injury. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI, kg/m²) as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), abdominal circumference (AC), and flexibility. It could be observed that the majority of racers were Caucasian, married and belonged to social classes over C. The prevalent age was between 18 and 35 years old (42%). Among the participants, 38.7% have already undergone some kind of surgery and 13% declared having some health problem. The questionnaire pointed out that 36% had low and moderate cardiovascular risk. It could be noticed from the AC that 10% of men and 18% of women had high cardiac risk. Among the tested, 43.2% (24.3% altered and 18.9% borderline) showed high BP on the day of the test, but only 2.7% had self-declared hypertensive. In relation to injury, 36% had already had lesions of some kind, 27.5% of which had occurred in the last 8 months. 66.6% had derived from training or racing competitions and the knee was the mostly affected body part. Only 43% had professional orientation by a physical education teacher during their training and the main reasons for them to begin racing practice were...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study examined the effect of weight loss after 3, 6 and 12 months of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) on energy intake and on several biomarkers of oxidative stress such as levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E (diet/blood), nitric oxide metabolites (NOx), myeloperoxidase (MPO), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced glutathione (GSH) and activity of catalase (CAT). SUBJECTS/METHODS: Study with a control group (CG), assessed once, and a bariatric group (BG) assessed at the basal period as well as at 3, 6 and 12 months post-surgery; both groups were composed of 5 men and 31 women (n = 36). Age was 38.7 +/- 9.4 and 39.6 +/- 9.2 years old and body mass index (BMI) was 22.2 +/- 2.1 and 47.6 +/- 9.1 kg/m(2), respectively. The variance measure quoted was SEM. RESULTS: The body weight at 12 months was 35.8 +/- 1.0% (P<0.001) lower than that of the basal period. At the basal period BG showed higher levels of NOx (P=0.007) and TBARS (P<0.001) and lower levels of vitamins C and E (P<0.001) compared with CG. After 3 months the activity of MPO was decreased (P<0.001). Six months after surgery GSH levels were decreased (P=0.037), whereas CAT activity was increased (P=0.029). After 12 months levels of NOx (P=0.004), TBARS (P<0.001), beta-carotene (P<0.001) and vitamin E (P<0.001) were decreased, whereas those of vitamin C (P<0.001) were increased compared with controls. CONCLUSION: RYGB followed by a daily vitamin supplement apparently attenuated pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers 1 year after surgery, but additional antioxidant supplementation appears necessary.


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Objetivo: Quantificar as fibras colágenas de meniscos de coelhos submetidos à temperaturas e períodos de preservação variáveis. Métodos: Retirou-se assepticamente 120 meniscos (mediais e laterais) de 30 coelhos (Nova Zelândia), machos, idade entre 6/8 meses, peso médio de 3250g. Os meniscos foram congelados, de dois até trinta dias, a 7,2°Celsius negativos (n=60) e 73°Celsius negativos (n=60). A cada dois dias, de cada temperatura, foram descongelados quatro meniscos que foram encaminhados para o estudo histológico. A descrição morfológica foi feita com os cortes corados por HE, e para o estudo morfométrico os cortes foram corados pelo método de Picrosirius e posteriormente submetidos à polarização. A quntificação de área ocupada pelas fibras colágenas em cada lâmina foi calculada por subtração de imagens à partir do programa de software Image Pro Plus. Resultados: Na análise descritiva das médias percentuais de colágeno foram observadas diferenças maiores e estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001) à temperatura de 73ºCelsius negativos. A análise comparativa das médias percentuais de fibras colágenas ao longo dos períodos de preservação, embora com diferença de valores, apresentaram uma curva simétrica de variação. Também obervou-se que à partir do 14ºdia, em ambas temperaturas, a variação na porcentagem de fibras colágenas em relação aos demais períodos, não apresenta significância estatística, contudo a temperatura de 73ºCelsius negativos mostrou-se superior à 7,2ºCelsius negativos na preservação de fibras colágenas. A análise de regressão polinomial mostrou que a variação das médias percentuais de fibras colágenas é um polinômio de terceiro grau, sugerindo outras variáveis implicadas na preservação do colágeno. Conclusão: A temperatura de 73ºCelsius negativos mostrou médias percentuais de colágeno superiores em todos os períodos observados, porém à partir do 14º até o 30º dia de congelamento, a quantidade de fibras colágenas permanece estável em ambas temperaturas.


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Food packaging protects food, but it can sometimes become a source of undesired contaminants. Paper based materials, despite being perceived as “natural” and safe, can contain volatile contaminants (especially if made from recycled paper) able to migrate to food, as mineral oil, phthalates and photoinitiators. Mineral oil is a petroleum product used as printing ink solvent for newspapers, magazines and packaging. From paperboard printing and from recycled fibers (if present), mineral oil migrates into food, even if dry, through the gas phase. Its toxicity is not fully evaluated, but a temporary Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 0.6 mg kg-1 has been established for saturated mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH), while aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) are more toxic. Extraction and analysis of MOSH and MOAH is difficult due to the thousands of molecules present. Extraction methods for packaging and food have been optimized, then applied for a “shopping trolley survey” on over 100 Italian and Swiss market products. Instrumental analyses were performed with online LC-GC/FID. Average concentration of MOSH in paperboards was 626 mg kg-1. Many had the potential of contaminating foods exceeding temporary ADI tens of times. A long term migration study was then designed to better understand migration kinetics. Egg pasta and müesli were chosen as representative (high surface/weight ratio). They were stored at different temperatures (4, 20, 30, 40 and 60°C) and conditions (free, shelved or boxed packs) for 1 year. MOSH and MOAH kinetic curves show that migration is a fast process, mostly influenced by temperature: in egg pasta (food in direct contact with paperboard), half of MOSH is transferred to food in a week at 40°C and in 8 months at 20°C. The internal plastic bag present in müesli slowed down the startup of migration, creating a “lag time” in the curves.


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OBJECTIVE: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage acts as a surface growth plate for the underlying epiphyseal bone. Concomitantly, it undergoes a fundamental process of structural reorganization from an immature isotropic to a mature (adult) anisotropic architecture. However, the mechanism underlying this structural transformation is unknown. It could involve either an internal remodelling process, or complete resorption followed by tissue neoformation. The aim of this study was to establish which of these two alternative tissue reorganization mechanisms is physiologically operative. We also wished to pinpoint the articular cartilage source of the stem cells for clonal expansion and the zonal location of the chondrocyte pool with high proliferative activity. METHODS: The New Zealand white rabbit served as our animal model. The analysis was confined to the high-weight-bearing (central) areas of the medial and lateral femoral condyles. After birth, the articular cartilage layer was evaluated morphologically at monthly intervals from the first to the eighth postnatal month, when this species attains skeletal maturity. The overall height of the articular cartilage layer at each juncture was measured. The growth performance of the articular cartilage layer was assessed by calcein labelling, which permitted an estimation of the daily growth rate of the epiphyseal bone and its monthly length-gain. The slowly proliferating stem-cell pool was identified immunohistochemically (after labelling with bromodeoxyuridine), and the rapidly proliferating chondrocyte population by autoradiography (after labelling with (3)H-thymidine). RESULTS: The growth activity of the articular cartilage layer was highest 1 month after birth. It declined precipitously between the first and third months, and ceased between the third and fourth months, when the animal enters puberty. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer followed a corresponding temporal trend. During the first 3 months, when the articular cartilage layer is undergoing structural reorganization, the net length-gain in the epiphyseal bone exceeded the height of the articular cartilage layer. This finding indicates that the postnatal reorganization of articular cartilage from an immature isotropic to a mature anisotropic structure is not achieved by a process of internal remodelling, but by the resorption and neoformation of all zones except the most superficial (stem-cell) one. The superficial zone was found to consist of slowly dividing stem cells with bidirectional mitotic activity. In the horizontal direction, this zone furnishes new stem cells that replenish the pool and effect a lateral expansion of the articular cartilage layer. In the vertical direction, the superficial zone supplies the rapidly dividing, transit-amplifying daughter-cell pool that feeds the transitional and upper radial zones during the postnatal growth phase of the articular cartilage layer. CONCLUSIONS: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage fulfils a dual function, viz., it acts not only as an articulating layer but also as a surface growth plate. In the lapine model, this growth activity ceases at puberty (3-4 months of age), whereas that of the true (metaphyseal) growth plate continues until the time of skeletal maturity (8 months). Hence, the two structures are regulated independently. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer coincides temporally with the cessation of its growth activity - for the radial expansion and remodelling of the epiphyseal bone - and with sexual maturation. That articular cartilage is physiologically reorganized by a process of tissue resorption and neoformation, rather than by one of internal remodelling, has important implications for the functional engineering and repair of articular cartilage tissue.


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In progressive immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN), intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment has been used to delay disease progression, but the long-term efficacy is largely unknown. We report the clinical outcomes after IVIg therapy in six male patients with progressive IgAN [median glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 31 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)] followed for a median observation period of 8 years. In this single-arm, non-randomized study, IVIg was given monthly at a dose of 2 g/kg body weight for 6 months. The course of renal function was assessed by linear regression analysis of GFR and proteinuria, and was compared to eight patients with IgAN (median GFR 29 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)) without IVIg as a contemporaneous control group. IgAN disease progression was delayed after IVIg therapy on average for 3 years. The mean loss of renal function decreased from -1.05 ml/min per month to -0.15 ml/min per month (P = 0.024) and proteinuria decreased from 2.4 g/l to 1.0 g/l (P = 0.015). The primary end-point (GFR < 10 ml/min or relapse) occurred 5.2 years (median; range 0.4-8.8) after the first IVIg pulse, and after 1.3 years (median; range 0.8-2.4) in the control group (P = 0.043). In Kaplan-Meier analysis, the median renal survival time with IVIg was prolonged by 3.5 years (IVIg 4.7 years versus control 1.2 years; P = 0.006). IVIg pulse therapy may be considered as a treatment option to reduce the loss of renal function and improve proteinuria in patients with progressive IgAN.