967 resultados para weak organic acid


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Voltammetry has been employed to study the influence of systematic additions of citric acid on the E-I curves of Tin in 0.5 M NaClO4, in order to verify the film growth in the presence of the organic acid and the inhibition of the pitting corrosion of the metal. The minimum concentration of the organic acid needed to change the GI curves is 10(-2) M, in the pH range 1.0-4.0. At pH 3.0 and 4.0, the scan rate dependence on current density, in the potential region of formation and reduction of the film, showed that in a first stage adsorption occurs. In a second stage, the v(1/2) dependence found can he explained by ohmic resistance control. The formation of tin/citric acid complexes, 10(-2) M, is suggested. The pitting inhibition may be due to the formation of a mixed layer of tin in citric acid concentrations higher than 10(-2) oxide and tin citrate complexes on the electrode surface. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this analysis a 3.5 years data set of aerosol and precipitation chemistry, obtained in a remote site in Central Amazonia (Balbina, (1A degrees 55' S, 59A degrees 29' W, 174 m a.s.l.), about 200 km north of Manaus) is discussed. Aerosols were sampled using stacked filter units (SFU), which separate fine (d < 2.5 mu m) and coarse mode (2.5 mu m < d < 10.0 mu m) aerosol particles. Filters were analyzed for particulate mass (PM), Equivalent Black Carbon (BCE) and elemental composition by Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE). Rainwater samples were collected using a wet-only sampler and samples were analyzed for pH and ionic composition, which was determined using ionic chromatography (IC). Natural sources dominated the aerosol mass during the wet season, when it was predominantly of natural biogenic origin mostly in the coarse mode, which comprised up to 81% of PM10. Biogenic aerosol from both primary emissions and secondary organic aerosol dominates the fine mode in the wet season, with very low concentrations (average 2.2 mu g m(-3)). Soil dust was responsible for a minor fraction of the aerosol mass (less than 17%). Sudden increases in the concentration of elements as Al, Ti and Fe were also observed, both in fine and coarse mode (mostly during the April-may months), which we attribute to episodes of Saharan dust transport. During the dry periods, a significant contribution to the fine aerosols loading was observed, due to the large-scale transport of smoke from biomass burning in other portions of the Amazon basin. This contribution is associated with the enhancement of the concentration of S, K, Zn and BCE. Chlorine, which is commonly associated to sea salt and also to biomass burning emissions, presented higher concentration not only during the dry season but also for the April-June months, due to the establishment of more favorable meteorological conditions to the transport of Atlantic air masses to Central Amazonia. The chemical composition of rainwater was similar to those ones observed in other remote sites in tropical forests. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) pH was 4.90. The most important contribution to acidity was from weak organic acids. The organic acidity was predominantly associated with the presence of acetic acid instead of formic acid, which is more often observed in pristine tropical areas. Wet deposition rates for major species did not differ significantly between dry and wet season, except for NH4+, citrate and acetate, which had smaller deposition rates during dry season. While biomass burning emissions were clearly identified in the aerosol component, it did not present a clear signature in rainwater. The biogenic component and the long-range transport of sea salt were observed both in aerosols and rainwater composition. The results shown here indicate that in Central Amazonia it is still possible to observe quite pristine atmospheric conditions, relatively free of anthropogenic influences.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, fermentation patterns and aerobic stability of sugarcane silages with addition of amino acid production (monosodium glutamate) by-product (APB) and microbial inoculants. Mature sugarcane was chopped and ensiled in laboratory silos (n = 4/treatment) without additives (control) and with APB (10 g/kg), Pioneer 1174® (PIO, 1.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus plantarum + Streptoccoccus faecium, Pioneer), Lalsil Cana (2.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus buchineri, Lallemand) or Mercosil Maís 11C33® (1.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus buchineri + Lactobacillus plantarum + Streptoccoccus faecium, Timac Agro). Fresh silage and silage liquor samples were obtained to assess pH, chemical composition and organic acid concentrations. Silage temperature was recorded throughout seven days to evaluate aerobic stability. The addition of APB decreased lactic acid levels, increased pH and N-NH3 and did not alter ethanol, acetic and butyric acids concentrations or dry matter (DM) losses. Microbial inoculants enhanced acetic acid levels, although only Pioneer 1174® and Mercosil Maís 11C33® lowered ethanol, butyric acid and DM losses. The addition of APB increased CP content and did not modify DM, soluble carbohydrates contents or in vitro dry matter digestibility. Additives did not alter silage maximum temperature or temperature increasing rate; however, Pioneer 1174® and Mercosil Maís 11C33® increased the time elapsed to reach maximum temperature. Monosodium glutamate production by-product does not alter fermentation patterns or aerobic stability of sugarcane silages, whereas homofermentative bacteria can provide silages of good quality.


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Data on amounts of various functional groups, i.e. aldehyde, acid, ester, alcohol, thiol and aromatic groups in several fractions of low-polarity dissolved organic matter are presented. An assumption that this organic matter is part of the lipid fraction is not confirmed. Amount of aromatic compounds in waters of the Northwest Indian Ocean is estimated to be about 1000 times higher than quantity of aromatic hydrocarbons discharged into the ocean each year in petroleum and petroleum products.


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Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi), which shows high Al resistance, accumulates Al in the leaves. The internal detoxification mechanism was studied by purifying and identifying Al complexes in the leaves and roots. About 90% of Al accumulated in the leaves was found in the cell sap, in which the dominant organic acid was oxalic acid. Purification of the Al complex in the cell sap of leaves by molecular-sieve chromatography resulted in a complex with a ratio of Al to oxalic acid of 1:3. A 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance study of the purified cell sap revealed only one signal at a chemical shift 164.4 ppm, which was assigned to the Al-chelated carboxylic group of oxalic acid. A 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed one major signal at the chemical shift of 16.0 to 17.0 ppm, with a minor signal at the chemical shift of 11.0 to 12 ppm in both the intact roots and their cell sap, which is consistent with the Al-oxalate complexes at 1:3 and 1:2 ratios, respectively. The purified cell sap was not phytotoxic to root elongation in corn (Zea mays). All of these results indicate that Al tolerance in the roots and leaves of buckwheat is achieved by the formation of a nonphytotoxic Al-oxalate (1:3) complex.


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Acknowledgements BP Exploration Co. is thanked for funding, and particularly the Carbonate Team (Anna Matthews, Teresa Sabato Ceraldi, and Darryl G. Green) for supporting this research and for fruitful discussions. Mark Anderson, Kim Rosewell, and Tony Sinclair (University of Hull) are thanked for laboratory assistance, and for SEM sample preparation and set-up respectively. The technical and human support from Prof. Jörg Hardege and Maggy A. Harley (University of Hull) was key to perform these experiments. We would like to acknowledge an anonymous reviewer for the detailed and constructive comments, and Brian Jones's editorial handling of the manuscript which is greatly appreciated.


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Lactic acid bacteria expolysaccharides (LAB-EPS), in particular those formed from sucrose have the potential to improve food and beverage rheology and enhance their sensory properties potentially replacing or reducing expensive hydrocolloids currently used as improvers in food and beverage industries. Addition of sucrose not only enables EPS formation but also affects organic acid formation, thus influencing the sensory properties of the resulting food/beverage products. The first part of the study the organoleptic modulation of barley malt derived wort fermented using in situ produced bacterial polysaccharides has been investigated. Weisella cibaria MG1 was capable to produce exopolysaccharides during sucrosesupplemented barley malt derived wort fermentation. Even though the strain dominated the (sucrose-supplemented) wort fermentation, it was found to produce EPS (14.4 g l-1) with lower efficiency than in SucMRS (34.6 g l-1). Higher maltose concentration in wort led to the increased formation of oligosaccharide (OS) at the expense of EPS. Additionally, small amounts of organic acids were formed and ethanol remained below 0.5% (v/v). W. cibaria MG1 fermented worts supplemented with 5 or 10% sucrose displayed a shear-thinning behaviour indicating the formation of polymers. This report showed how novel and nutritious LAB fermented wort-base beverage with prospects for further advancements can be formulated using tailored microbial cultures. In the next step, the impact of exopolysaccharide-producing Weissella cibaria MG1 on the ability to improve rheological properties of fermented plant-based milk substitute plant based soy and quinoa grain was evaluated. W. cibaria MG1 grew well in soy milk, exceeding a cell count of log 8 cfu/g within 6 h of fermentation. The presence of W. cibaria MG1 led to a decrease in gelation and fermentation time. EPS isolated from soy yoghurts supplemented with sucrose were higher in molecular weight (1.1 x 108 g/mol vs 6.6 x 107 g/mol), and resulted in reduced gel stiffness (190 ± 2.89 Pa vs 244 ± 15.9 Pa). Soy yoghurts showed typical biopolymer gels structure and the network structure changed to larger pores and less cross-linking in the presence of sucrose and increasing molecular weight of the EPS. In situ investigation of Weissella cibaria MG1 producing EPS on quinoa-based milk was performed. The production of quinoa milk, starting from wholemeal quinoa flour, was optimised to maximise EPS production. On doing that, enzymatic destructuration of protein and carbohydrate components of quinoa milk was successfully achieved applying alpha-amylase and proteases treatments. Fermented wholemeal quinoa milk using Weissella cibaria MG1 showed high viable cell counts (>109 cfu/mL), a pH of 5.16, and significantly higher water holding capacity (WHC, 100 %), viscosity (> 0. 5 Pa s) and exopolysaccharide (EPS) amount (40 mg/L) than the chemically acidified control. High EPS (dextran) concentration in quinoa milk caused earlier aggregation because more EPS occupy more space, and the chenopodin were forced to interact with each other. Direct observation of microstructure in fermented quinoa milk indicated that the network structures of EPS-protein could improve the texture of fermented quinoa milk. Overall, Weissella cibaria MG1 showed favorable technology properties and great potential for further possible application in the development of high viscosity fermented quinoa milk. The last part of the study investigate the ex-situ LAB-EPS (dextran) application compared to other hydrocolloids as a novel food ingredient to compensate for low protein in biscuit and wholemeal wheat flour. Three hydrocolloids, xanthan gum, dextran and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, were incorporated into bread recipes based on high-protein flours, low-protein flours and coarse wholemeal flour. Hydrocolloid levels of 0–5 % (flour basis) were used in bread recipes to test the water absorption. The quality parameters of dough (farinograph, extensograph, rheofermentometre) and bread (specific volume, crumb structure and staling profile) were determined. Results showed that xanthan had negative impact on the dough and bread quality characteristics. HPMC and dextran generally improved dough and bread quality and showed dosage dependence. Volume of low-protein flour breads were significantly improved by incorporation of 0.5 % of the latter two hydrocolloids. However, dextran outperformed HPMC regarding initial bread hardness and staling shelf life regardless the flour applied in the formulation.


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Calcium oxalate (CaOX) is the most intractable scale component to remove in sugar mill evaporators by either mechanical or chemical means. The operating conditions of sugar mill evaporators should preferentially favour the formation of the thermodynamically stable calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM), yet analysis of scale deposit from different sugar factories have shown that calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD) is usually the predominant phase, and in some cases is the only hydrate formed. The effects of trans-aconitic, succinic and acetic acids, all of which are present in sugarcane juice, and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) on the growth of CaOX crystals have been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). trans-Aconitic acid, which constitutes two-thirds of the organic acid component in sugarcane juice, in the presence of sugar resulted in the formation of COD and COM in a 3:1 ratio. EDTA was the most effective acid to promote the formation of COD followed by trans-aconitic acid, then acetic acid and lastly succinic acid.


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Goethite, one of the most thermodynamically stable iron oxides, has been extensively researched especially the structure (including surface structure), the adsorption capacity to anions, organic/organic acid (especially for the soil organic carbon) and cations in the natural environment and its potential application in environmental protection. For example, the adsorption of heavy metals by goethite can decrease the concentration of heavy metals in aqueous solution and immobilize; the adsorption to soil organic carbon can decrease the release of carbon and fix carbon. In this present overview, the possible physicochemical properties of the goethite surface contributing to the strong affinity of goethite to nutrients and contaminants in natural environment are reported. Moreover, these chemicals adsorbed by goethite were also summarized and the suggested adsorption mechanism for these adsorbates was elucidated, which will help us understand the role of goethite in natural environment and provide some information about goethite as an absorbent. In addition, the feasibility of goethite used as catalyst carrier and the precursor of NZVI was proposed for removal of environmental pollution.


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This investigation used a combination of techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy, to determine the dissolution mechanisms of the Bayer precipitate and the associated rate of dissolution in acetic, citric and oxalic acid environments. The Bayer precipitate is a mixture of hydrotalcite, calcium carbonate and sodium chloride that forms during the seawater neutralisation of Bayer liquors (waste residue of the alumina industry). The dissolution rate of a Bayer precipitate is found to be dependent on (1) the strength of the organic acid and (2) the number of donating H+ ions. The dissolution mechanism for a Bayer precipitate consists of several steps involving: (1) the dissolution of CaCO3, (2) formation of whewellite (calcium oxalate) when oxalic acid is used and (3) multiple dissolution steps for hydrotalcite that are highly dependent on the pH of solution. The decomposition of the Al–OH hydrotalcite layers resulted in the immediate formation of Al(OH)3, which is stable until the pH decreases below 5.5. This investigation has found that the Bayer precipitate is stable across a wide pH range in the presence of common organic acids found in the rhizosphere, and that initial decomposition steps are likely to be beneficial in supporting plant growth through the release of nutrients such as Ca2þ and Mg2þ.


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The drying of grapes is a more complex process compared to the dehydration of other agricultural materials due to the necessity of a pretreatment operation prior to drying. Grape drying to produce raisins is a very slow process, due to the peculiar structure of grape peel, that is covered by a waxy layer.Its removal has benn so far carried out by using several chemical pre-treatments. However, they cause heterogeneity in the waxes removal and create microscopic cracks. In this paper an abrasive pretreatment for enhancing the drying rate and preserving the grape samples is proposed. Two cultivars of grape were investigated: Regina white grape and Red Globe red grape. The drying kinetics of untreated and treated samples were studied using a convective oven at 50 C. Fruit quality parameters such as sugar and organic acid contents, shrinkage, texture, peel damage (i.e. by SEM analysis) and rehydration capacity were studied to evaluate the effectiveness of abrasive pretreatment on raisins. Abrasive pretreatment contributed to reduce drying time and rehydration time. The treated and untreated dried grapes were significantly different (p<0.05) in sugar and in tartaric acid content. On the contrary, no significant differences (p<0.05) in malic and citric acids in texture peoperties between untreated and treated samples were observed.


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Basidiomycetous white-rot fungi are the only organisms that can efficiently decompose all the components of wood. Moreover, white-rot fungi possess the ability to mineralize recalcitrant lignin polymer with their extracellular, oxidative lignin-modifying enzymes (LMEs), i.e. laccase, lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), and versatile peroxidase (VP). Within one white-rot fungal species LMEs are typically present as several isozymes encoded by multiple genes. This study focused on two effi cient lignin-degrading white-rot fungal species, Phlebia radiata and Dichomitus squalens. Molecular level knowledge of the LMEs of the Finnish isolate P. radiata FBCC43 (79, ATCC 64658) was complemented with cloning and characterization of a new laccase (Pr-lac2), two new LiP-encoding genes (Pr-lip1, Pr-lip4), and Pr-lip3 gene that has been previously described only at cDNAlevel. Also, two laccase-encoding genes (Ds-lac3, Ds-lac4) of D. squalens were cloned and characterized for the first time. Phylogenetic analysis revealed close evolutionary relationships between the P. radiata LiP isozymes. Distinct protein phylogeny for both P. radiata and D. squalens laccases suggested different physiological functions for the corresponding enzymes. Supplementation of P. radiata liquid culture medium with excess Cu2+ notably increased laccase activity and good fungal growth was achieved in complex medium rich with organic nitrogen. Wood is the natural substrate of lignin-degrading white-rot fungi, supporting production of enzymes and metabolites needed for fungal growth and the breakdown of lignocellulose. In this work, emphasis was on solid-state wood or wood-containing cultures that mimic the natural growth conditions of white-rot fungi. Transcript analyses showed that wood promoted expression of all the presently known LME-encoding genes of P. radiata and laccase-encoding genes of D. squalens. Expression of the studied individual LME-encoding genes of P. radiata and D. squalens was unequal in transcript quantities and apparently time-dependent, thus suggesting the importance of several distinct LMEs within one fungal species. In addition to LMEs, white-rot fungi secrete other compounds that are important in decomposition of wood and lignin. One of these compounds is oxalic acid, which is a common metabolite of wood-rotting fungi. Fungi produce also oxalic-acid degrading enzymes of which the most widespread is oxalate decarboxylase (ODC). However, the role of ODC in fungi is still ambiguous with propositions from regulation of intra and extracellular oxalic acid levels to a function in primary growth and concomitant production of ATP. In this study, intracellular ODC activity was detected in four white-rot fungal species, and D. squalens showed the highest ODC activity upon exposure to oxalic acid. Oxalic acid was the most common organic acid secreted by the ODC-positive white-rot fungi and the only organic acid detected in wood cultures. The ODC-encoding gene Ds-odc was cloned from two strains of D. squalens showing the first characterization of an odc-gene from a white-rot polypore species. Biochemical properties of the D. squalens ODC resembled those described for other basidiomycete ODCs. However, the translated amino acid sequence of Ds-odc has a novel N-terminal primary structure with a repetitive Ala-Ser-rich region of ca 60 amino acid residues in length. Expression of the Ds-odc transcripts suggested a constitutive metabolic role for the corresponding ODC enzyme. According to the results, it is proposed that ODC may have an essential implication for the growth and basic metabolism of wood-decaying fungi.