887 resultados para victim blaming


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ABSTRACT When asked about the proposal for a black-focused school, black youth from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) voiced their agreement with elements of the proposal, but resisted the idea of implementing the proposal by creating a separate school. Although media representations and Dei (1996, 2006) provide insight into what Torontonians' reactions are to the proposed blackfocused school there has been no such information documented on what black youth in the GTA think about the project. This is the first known study that attempts to fill that gap by providing a representation of black youths' voices obtained via focus groups. The study examines what black youth know and think about the proposal, and why they largely disagree with the blackfocused school proposal. While the findings of this study indicate that the participants saw many positive elements of the proposal, they did not support the implementation of a black-focused school as they saw the creation of a separate space for the school as a negative thing. The youth had trouble conceptualizing 'black-focused schooling' as an alternative approach to mainstream education, which had an impact on whether they choose to, or could, respond to questions that precisely related to the black-focused school project. The study concludes that the youth could not visualize what the school would look like and how it would operate because they draw on liberal racist discourses (e.g. colour-blindness, blaming the victim, and equal opportunity) when thinking about their educational experiences; however, there was a clear contradiction in the way the youths' voices reflected an awareness of the role of race in education experiences. It was evident when they talked about fear of stigmatization, but when using liberal discourses the youth discounted the role of race, and seemed not to be aware of its role in educational experiences. These findings pose important implications for educators, would-be educators, administrators, the TDSB and proponents of the black-focused school.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise cherche à jeter un regard approfondi sur les cas des jeunes contrevenants référés au processus de médiation à Trajet, un organisme de justice alternative à Montréal. Plus précisément, les objectifs sont de décrire les caractéristiques des cas référés, d’explorer leur relation avec la participation au processus de médiation et avec le résultat de celui-ci, et de comparer ces mêmes éléments en regard de deux périodes inclues dans le projet : celle où s’appliquait la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants et celle où la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents assortie de l’Entente cadre sont entrés en vigueur. Des méthodes de recherche quantitatives ont été utilisées pour analyser les cas référés à Trajet sur une période de 10 ans (1999-2009). Des analyses descriptives ont permis d’établir les caractéristiques communes ou divergentes entre les cas référés à Trajet et ceux référés à d’autres programmes de médiation. Des analyses bi-variées ont révélé qu’une relation significative existait entre la participation au processus de médiation et l’âge et le sexe des contrevenants, le nombre de crimes commis par ceux-ci, le nombre de victimes impliquées, le type de victime, l’âge et le sexe des victimes et, le délai entre la commission du crime et le transfert du dossier à Trajet. La réalisation d’une régression logistique a révélé que trois caractéristiques prédisent de manière significative la participation à la médiation : l’âge des contrevenants, le nombre de victimes impliquées et le délai entre la commission du crime et le transfert du dossier à Trajet. La faible proportion d’échecs du processus de médiation a rendu inutile la réalisation d’analyses bi et multi-variées eu égard au résultat du processus de médiation. Des différences significatives ont été trouvées entre les cas référés en médiation sous la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants et ceux référés sous la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents assortie à l’Entente cadre en ce qui a trait au type de crime, au nombre de délits commis, à l’existence d’une référence précédente à Trajet, aux raisons pour lesquelles la médiation n’a pas eu lieu, à la restitution sous toutes ces formes et, plus spécialement, la restitution financière. La participation à la médiation est apparue plus probable sous la LSJPA que sous la LJC. Des corrélations partielles ont montré que différentes caractéristiques étaient associées à la participation à la médiation dans les deux périodes en question. Seule une caractéristique, le sexe des victimes, s’est avérée reliée significativement à la participation à la médiation tant sous la LJC que sous la LSJPA. Les résultats de ce projet ont donné lieu à une connaissance plus approfondie des cas référés à Trajet pour un processus de médiation et à une exploration de l’impact que la LSJPA et l’Entente cadre sur ce processus. Toutefois, l’échantillon étant limité au cas traités à Trajet ne permet pas la généralisation de ces résultats à l’ensemble des cas référés aux organismes de justice alternative du Québec pour le processus de médiation.


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Este artigo incide sobre o modo como as vítimas respondem à situação de vitimização através da «fala» ou sobre uma política de articulação. Aborda o papel da ordem social na criação da tortura como meio de alcançar o controlo e o papel das vítimas que inadvertidamente se tornam cúmplices da vitimização num sistema «que faz com que os homens torturem e prendam pessoas inocentes». O artigo examina igualmente as nuances da palavra «fala» e as suas conotações mais profundas em termos de resistência face a uma ordem injusta. As vítimas são tão complexas quanto o fenómeno de vitimização. Por esse motivo, uma perspectiva interdisciplinar é essencial para compreender o significado do acto de falar da vítima; essa é a perspectiva aqui seguida para sustentar a minha visão sobre o modo como a vítima deixa de ser vítima durante o processo de «fala».


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This study was conducted to examine factors associated with blaming the target of sexual harassment. Participants' experiences of sexual harassment, sexist attitudes, gender, gender role identity, age, worker or student status, and belief in a just world were included as independent variables. Level of blame was evaluated using a series of 12 vignettes that manipulated the gender of the target and harasser as well as the seriousness of the harassing behavior. The sample comprised 30 female and 32 male workers from two workplaces, whose ages ranged from 18 to 65 (M = 35) years, and 102 female and 18 male university students whose ages ranged from 17 to 40 (M = 21) years. Approximately 70% of the sample were from Anglo Australian background, and 30% from European, Middle Eastern or Asian background. Females experienced more sexual harassment than males did, although the male rate was higher than expected. Although the majority of subjects attributed little blame to the target, males blamed the target of sexual harassment more than females did, and workers blamed the target of harassment more than university students did. Worker status, sexist attitudes, and gender significantly predicted blame for the total sample. Gender-typing increased the blame of the target by males but not by females. Attribution of blame was significantly influenced by worker versus student status, which supports the social psychological perspective that gender-related behavior is context dependent. The findings from this study suggest that organisational culture and environment influence respondents' attitudes to sexually harassing behavior.


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The modification of denial, defensiveness, and cognitive distortions and the enhancement of victim empathy are central components in the treatment of pedophilic sex offenders (PSOs) and are thus important factors to evaluate. This review of the literature highlights three broad problems with self-report measures of these variables. First, the psychometric properties of measures vary enormously, with some having no established validity or reliability. Second, the purpose of the measure is generally quite transparent, enabling the respondent to easily pick the socially acceptable responses. Finally, it is difficult to determine which are the best measures to use in assessing PSOs. Measures range from those designed for the general public to those designed specifically for PSOs. Also, they range from those that assess broad processes (e.g., general empathy) to those that assess offensespecific variables (e.g., victim empathy). This article argues that these issues need to be addressed to improve both the assessment of these processes among PSOs and the evaluation of treatment programs for PSOs.


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Recently enacted legislation in New Zealand, the Parole (Extended Supervision) Amendment Act 2004, allows for the imposition of up to 10 years of supervision in the community for child-victim sex offenders following their release from prison. The Act requires reports to be written specifically assessing the risk of sexual re-offending against children. This study examined the application of actuarial measures used by the New Zealand Department of Corrections in these assessments, including a computer-scored instrument based on static factors (the Automated Sexual Recidivism Scale; ASRS) and a clinically-based judgement of dynamic risk factors (the SONAR). It was expected that a conservative approach would be taken in making recommendations for or against extended periods of supervision, such that a high score on either measure would predict a recommendation for extended supervision. It was found, however, that a more individualized approach was often taken, whereby a baseline assessment of risk as predicted by the ASRS was adjusted by clinicians based on SONAR ratings. Implications for the practice of risk assessment in sexual re-offending are discussed.


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Sexual offenders with child victims in New Zealand who are considered at high risk for reoffending are subject to an Extended Supervision Order. This allows for a period of supervision of up to ten years following release to the community. The present study examined 89 offenders given Extended Supervision Orders over the 33 month period since the legislation was enacted. All types of reoffending resulting in criminal convictions by this group were included. A matched sample of sexual offenders with child victims released prior to this legislation and a sample of offenders judged to be lower risk were compared to those under extended supervision. Offenders under extended supervision reoffended faster and at a higher rate for both sexual and general offences than those deemed lower risk, but at a lower rate than pre-extended supervision high risk offenders. The relationship between specialist treatment programme attendance and completion, actuarial risk level, and recidivism in the extended supervision sample were also investigated. These variables were found not to be significant predictors of sexual recidivism.


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Actuarial instruments for assessing sex offender recidivism have limited utility for specific risk assessment questions, such as the risk posed to particular types of victim. In order to obtain variables that discriminate between offenders with different classes of victim, data were coded from 324 files of child sexual offenders from a community-based sexual offender treatment program. Offenders with single or multiple victims were compared, as were offenders who did or did not offend against victims of both genders, and offenders with only intra-familial or extra-familial victims versus offenders with victims in both relationship categories. Variables that discriminated single-victim and multiple-victim offenders were similar to those identified in actuarial risk assessment scales, with the exception of history of childhood sexual abuse. With the exception of physical abuse history, the same variables discriminated specific offender groups according to victim gender and victim relationship, although in different combinations. There was limited support for the notion of specific risk variables.


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Specific scales were developed for discriminating child sexual offenders with different classes of victim. The project demonstrates a method of individualising scores on actuarial risk assessment measured in a way that makes them more meaningful for those involved in decision-making about individual child sexual offenders. At present, the only quantifiable approach to specific decision-making relies on a general prediction of future behaviour, based on group data. The Bayesian approach is one method that can be used to assist decision-makers to use this information in ways that lead to the more appropriate management of risk. Ultimately, the better management of known child sexual offenders will lead to fewer offences and a reduction in the number of children who lives are profoundly affected by sexual victimisation.


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Purpose. Rape victims have been found to have a heightened risk of secondary victimization in the legal system through biased perceptions of their credibility. In this study, participants observed a video of a rape victim reporting the crime and evaluated her credibility, to establish the influence of victim emotional expressiveness on evaluations of victim credibility. Methods. The nonverbal (eye-contact, crying) and paralinguistic (tone of voice) behaviour of the rape victim was manipulated such that the emotional presentation viewed by observers was either expressive, or not expressive. One hundred and thirty seven participants were randomly allocated to observe a videotape of either an expressive or a non-expressive victim. Participants' specific expectations about the emotional expressiveness of rape victims in general were also measured. Results. Results revealed no significant main effect of emotional expressiveness on perceptions of credibility. However, among participants with a strong expectation of emotional expressiveness, a rape victim who was emotionally expressive was perceived to be significantly more credible than a victim who was not emotionally expressive. Conclusions. It appears to be expectancy violation rather than emotional expressiveness per se that biases observers' perceptions of rape victim credibility.