974 resultados para verbal comprehension index


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This study looks at idiom comprehension by French-speaking people with Williams’ syndrome (WS) and metapragmatic knowledge is examined. Idiomatic expressions are a nonliteral form of language where there is a considerable difference between what is said (literal interpretation) and what is meant (idiomatic interpretation). WS is characterized by a relatively preserved formal language, social interest and poor conversational skills. Using this framework, the present study aims to explore the comprehension of idiomatic expressions by 20 participants with WS. Participants performed a story completion task (comprehension task), and a task of metapragmatic knowledge to justify their chosen answers. WS performances were compared to typically developing children with the same verbal mental age. The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) People with WS have difficulties to understand idioms; (3) WS group seems to perform partly as typically developing children for the acquisition of metapragmatic knowledge of linguistic convention: there is a progressive increase in metapragmatic knowledge of linguistic convention as age increased. Our results indicate a delay of acquisition in idiom comprehension in Williams’ syndrome.


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Following criticism that, in business and management, metaphor is largely verbal and primarily used to convey similarity, this paper explores how visual metaphors can communicate the anomalous and the paradoxical aspects of KM more concisely than words, whilst simultaneously presenting more tacit associations to stimulate creative thinking. It considers a series of 30 assessed posters that aimed to re-present six basic KM paradoxes through imagery that captures both the analogous and the anomalous. We found six categories of radial metaphors able to convey paradoxical complexity in a concise way. This has implications for organizations thinking about how to engage people with both the familiar and the strange. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This study had three main aims. First, we examined to what extent listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammatical skills and verbal short-term memory (VSTM) assessed prior to formal reading instruction explained individual differences in early reading comprehension levels. Second, we examined to what extent the three common component skills, namely vocabulary, grammar and VSTM explained the relationship between kindergarten listening comprehension and early reading comprehension levels. Third, we examined the relative contributions of word-reading and listening comprehension skills to early reading comprehension in Turkish. For this purpose, 56 Turkish-speaking children were followed from kindergarten (mean age = 67.7 months) into Grade 2 (mean age = 90.6 months). The relative role of kindergarten listening comprehension, vocabulary, VSTM and grammatical skills in later reading comprehension tended to vary across time, and they partly explained the relationship between listening comprehension and reading comprehension. Finally, as anticipated, listening comprehension, rather than word-reading , was found to play a more powerful role in children’s reading comprehension levels even during the early primary grades. These results contradicted those reported in English and can be explained by the rapid development of accurate word-reading skills due to the consistency of the grapheme–phoneme relationships of the Turkish orthography.


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Low glycaemic index (GI) foods consumed at breakfast can enhance memory in comparison to high-GI foods; however, the impact of evening meal GI manipulations on cognition the following morning remains unexplored. Fourteen healthy males consumed a high-GI evening meal or a low-GI evening meal in a counterbalanced order on two separate evenings. Memory and attention were assessed before and after a high-GI breakfast the following morning. The high-GI evening meal elicited significantly higher evening glycaemic responses than the low-GI evening meal. Verbal recall was better the morning following the high-GI evening meal compared to after the low-GI evening meal. In summary, the GI of the evening meal was associated with memory performance the next day, suggesting a second meal cognitive effect. The present findings imply that an overnight fast may not be sufficient to control for previous nutritional consumption.


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Background: Research in aphasia has focused on acquired dyslexias at the single word level, with a paucity of assessment techniques and rehabilitation approaches for individuals with difficulty at the text level. A rich literature from research with paediatric populations and healthy non-brain damaged, skilled adult readers allows the component processes that are important for text reading to be defined and more appropriate assessments to be devised. Aims: To assess the component processes of text reading in a small group of individuals with aphasia who report difficulties reading at the text level. Do assessments of component processes in reading comprehension reveal distinct profiles of text comprehension? To what extent are text comprehension difficulties caused by underlying linguistic and/or cognitive deficits? Methods & Procedures: Four individuals with mild aphasia who reported difficulties reading at the text level took part in a case-series study. Published assessments were used to confirm the presence of text comprehension impairment. Participants completed a range of assessments to provide a profile of their linguistic and cognitive skills, focusing on processes known to be important for text comprehension. We identified the following areas for assessment: reading speed, language skills (single word and sentence), inferencing, working memory and metacognitive skills (monitoring and strategy use). Outcomes & Results: Performance was compared against age-matched adult control data. One participant presented with a trend for impaired abilities in inferencing, with all other assessed skills being within normal limits. The other three had identified linguistic and working memory difficulties. One presented with a residual deficit in accessing single word meaning that affected text comprehension. The other two showed no clear link between sentence processing difficulties and text comprehension impairments. Across these three, data suggested a link between verbal working memory capacity and specific inferencing skills. Conclusions: Successful text reading relies on a number of component processes. In this paper we have made a start in defining those component processes and devising tasks suitable to assess them. From our results, assessment of verbal working memory and inferencing appears to be critical for understanding text comprehension impairments in aphasia. It is possible that rehabilitation input can capitalize on key meta-cognitive skills (monitoring, strategy use) to support functional reading in the face of existing linguistic, text comprehension and memory impairments.


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We investigated the processes of how adult readers evaluate and revise their situation model during reading by monitoring their eye movements as they read narrative texts and subsequent critical sentences. In each narrative text, a short introduction primed a knowledge-based inference, followed by a target concept that was either expected (e.g., “oven”) or unexpected (e.g., “grill”) in relation to the inferred concept. Eye movements showed that readers detected a mismatch between the new unexpected information and their prior interpretation, confirming their ability to evaluate inferential information. Just below the narrative text, a critical sentence included a target word that was either congruent (e.g., “roasted”) or incongruent (e.g., “barbecued”) with the expected but not the unexpected concept. Readers spent less time reading the congruent than the incongruent target word, reflecting the facilitation of prior information. In addition, when the unexpected (but not expected) concept had been presented, participants with lower verbal (but not visuospatial) working memory span exhibited longer reading times and made more regressions (from the critical sentence to previous information) on encountering congruent information, indicating difficulty in inhibiting their initial incorrect interpretation and revising their situation model


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This study investigates effects of syntactic complexity operationalised in terms of movement, intervention and (NP) feature similarity in the development of A’ dependencies in 4-, 6-, and 8-year old typically developing (TD) French children and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Children completed an off-line comprehension task testing eight syntactic structures classified in four levels of complexity: Level 0: No Movement; Level 1: Movement without (configurational) Intervention; Level 2: Movement with Intervention from an element which is maximally different or featurally ‘disjoint’ (mismatched in both lexical NP restriction and number); Level 3: Movement with Intervention from an element similar in one feature or featurally ‘intersecting’ (matched in lexical NP restriction, mismatched in number). The results show that syntactic complexity affects TD children across the three age groups, but also indicate developmental differences between these groups. Movement affected all three groups in a similar way, but intervention effects in intersection cases were stronger in younger than older children, with NP feature similarity affecting only 4-year olds. Complexity effects created by the similarity in lexical restriction of an intervener thus appear to be overcome early in development, arguably thanks to other differences of this intervener (which was mismatched in number). Children with ASD performed less well than the TD children although they were matched on non-verbal reasoning. Overall, syntactic complexity affected their performance in a similar way as in their TD controls, but their performance correlated with non-verbal abilities rather than age, suggesting that their grammatical development does not follow the smooth relation to age that is found in TD children.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O entendimento do comportamento verbal é crucial para a análise de comportamentos disfuncionais tratados em terapia de base analítico-comportamental. Pesquisas com comportamento verbal no contexto clínico, têm apontado a eficácia da utilização do comportamento verbal e gerado procedimentos de intervenção na solução de problemas. O reforçamento de auto-relatos, como função de um arranjo de contingências de reforçamento, tem mostrado que o relato verbal é um meio válido para alterar comportamento não verbal fora da situação terapêutica. O objetivo do presente estudo é demonstrar a utilidade de um procedimento de arranjo de contingências verbais pelo terapeuta por meio da sistematização de conteúdo verbal do cliente e sua reapresentação por escrito, para a solução de dificuldades de indivíduos que apresentam transtorno ansioso em situação de interação terapêutica. Sendo expostas ao seu próprio comportamento verbal, sistematizado na forma de categorias por conteúdo de verbalização, foi possível a duas participantes deste estudo caracterizarem suas dificuldades, identificando e descrevendo contingências ambientais relacionadas com seu comportamento indesejado e conseqüentemente a descreverem propostas de solução dessas dificuldades. Discutiu-se como a exposição ao conteúdo sistematizado do seu próprio relato verbal alterou o relato verbal e o comportamento-queixa.


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Estudos experimentais têm demonstrado efeitos positivos da leitura dialógica de livros ilustrados (leitura em voz alta intercalada com prompts e feedback para verbalizações por parte do ouvinte) sobre o vocabulário e a expressão verbal de crianças pequenas. Este estudo verificou o efeito da leitura dialógica sobre a compreensão textual de um romance infanto-juvenil por três crianças de 7-8 anos, utilizando um delineamento de sujeito único. Na Condição A, o texto era lido sem intervenções. Na Condição B, a leitura era intercalada com intervenções dialógicas baseadas nas funções narrativas presentes no texto. As medidas de compreensão mostraram um desempenho superior na Condição B para os dois participantes submetidos ao delineamento B-A-B, mas não para o participante submetido ao delineamento A-B-A. São discutidas possíveis interações da leitura dialógica com características do gênero textual e a necessidade de replicações sistemáticas com um maior número de sessões e reversões das condições.


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Introduction: The stair-climbing test (SCT) is considered a submaximal test of simple implementation and easy access, which assesses the individual’s functional capacity. Although widely used in surgical patients, there is no standardization regarding the height of the stair and verbal stimulus. Objectives: It was determine if verbal stimulus changes the stair-climbing time (SCt) in individuals over 50 years-old. We compared oxygenation, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and Borg scale between SCT performed with and without stimulation. Methods: We evaluated individuals with ages greater than 50 years-old that performed two STC (with and without verbal stimulation), in the stair with 44 steps, achieving 7.04 m in height and recording the time to climb the stair. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) and the diastolic blood pressure (DBP), respiratory rate (RR), pulse, oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) and Borg scale were evaluated before and after the tests. The time in the SCT with and without stimulation were compared using the Student test-t and the other variables were compared using the ANOVA test (p<0.05). Results: The average age was 59.75±6,40 years old in the 21 evaluated individuals. The time in the SCT without stimulus was significantly higher than the one with stimulus. The SBP, pulse, RR and Borg scale were significantly increased when compared to the SCT with and without stimulus. Oxygenation and DBP didn´t have significant differences at any time of the study. Conclusions: The time in the SCT was lower when performed with verbal stimulus. The SBP, pulse, RR and Borg scale changed significantly after the SCT with and without stimulus, remarking that this change was greater in the SCT with stimulus.


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The documentary representation in indexing is carried out, at first, in the analysis of subjects to establish the intrinsic and extrinsic aboutness, and then, in the translation stage using the documentary language. The representation by concepts for determining the intrinsic aboutness during the subject analysis is shown by the Documentary Reading Model for indexing of scientific texts and books, Therefore, it was carried out a search on documentary reading for cataloguers for indexing books in academic libraries. A research on catalogers’ documentary reading for indexing books was carried out in nine university libraries. The application of the introspective technique of Individual Verbal Protocol with the catalogers allowed an analysis of subject cataloguing procedures, which made it possible to verify the textual structure parts of a book, as well as to locate the terms identified and selected. The results led to an adaptation of the Documentary Reading Model to book indexing.


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The indexing policy must be represented by means of a philosophy that reflects the system's aims. One of the aspects concerning the indexing policy is relating to the data retrospective conversion. The general aim is to discuss and make a profound study on indexing policy guidelines and to analyze the elements to set up an indexing policy, that should direct the indexing procedures carried out in university libraries using the methodology of verbal protocol. The results demonstrate that the indexing policy serves as a support for the knowledge organization in the catalog, acting as a guide for the librarian when determining the subjects of the documents described in the records. It is concluded that the indexing only will be carried out in the university library during the documentary information treatment by means of a well determined policy.


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This paper attempts to quantify the occurrences of verb agreement, as well as evaluative repercussions on a sample of one hundred and eight essays compiled by candidates entering the São Paulo State University- UNESP in 2006 through an annual entrance exam conducted by the Foundation and applied for Vestibular the Unesp - VUNESP in November 2005. Our reflections are observing about the possible relationships between the performances obtained in newsrooms observed (high, medium and low) and precepts found in the rules established by normative grammars. Our study is based on theoretical and methodological framework of variationist sociolinguistics and search through the quantification of data, discuss the factors that influence verb agreement in the corpus analyzed. Our results show not only a high index of cases of verbal agreement (standard variant) in the three types of essays analyzed, as well as cases of overcorrection that may be explained by the misapplication of the rules of agreement