999 resultados para ventricolare, modello, archivio
Oxidative stress is considered to be of major relevance for a variety of pathological processes. Thus, it is valuable to identify compounds, which might act as antioxidants, i.e. compounds that antagonize the deleterious action of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on biomolecules. The mode of action of these compounds could be either to scavenge ROS directly or to trigger protective mechanisms inside the cell, thereby resulting in improved defense against ROS. Sulforaphane (SF) (1-isothiocyanato-(4R)-(methylsulfinyl)butane) is a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive agent found as a precursor glucosinolate in Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Although SF is not a direct-acting antioxidant, there is substantial evidence that SF acts indirectly to increase the antioxidant capacity of animal cells and their abilities to cope with oxidative stress. Induction of phase 2 enzymes is one means by which SF enhances the cellular antioxidant capacity. Enzymes induced by SF include Glutathione S-transferases (GST) and NAD[P]H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) which can function as protectors against oxidative stress. To protect themselves from oxidative stress, cells are equipped with reducing buffer systems including the GSH and thioredoxin (Trx) reductase. GSH is an important tripeptide thiol which in addition to being the substrate for GSTs maintains the cellular oxidation– reduction balance and protects cells against free radical species. Aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the ability of SF to induce the expression and the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes (such as GST, GR, GPx, NQO1, TR, SOD, CAT) in an in vitro model of rat cardiomyocytes, and also to define if SF treatment supprts cells in counteracting oxidative stress induced by H2O2 It is well known that acute exhaustive exercise causes significant reactive oxygen species generation that results in oxidative stress, which can induce negative effects on health and well being. In fact, increased oxidative stress and biomarkers (e.g., protein carbonyls, MDA, and 8- hydroxyguanosine) as well as muscle damage biomarkers (e.g. plasmatic Creatine cinase and Lactate dehydrogenase) have been observed after supramaximal sprint exercises, exhaustive longdistance cycling or running as well as resistance-type exercises, both in trained and untrained humans. Markers of oxidative stress also increase in rodents following exhaustive exercise. Moreover, antioxidant enzyme activities and expressions of antioxidant enzymes are known to increase in response to exhaustive exercise in both animal and human tissues. Aim of this project was to evaluate the effect of SF supplementation in counteracting oxidative stress induced by physical activity through its ability to induce phase 2, and antioxidant enzymes in rat muscle. The results show that SF is a nutraceutical compound able to induce the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes in both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Thanks to its actions SF is becoming a promising molecule able to prevent cardiovascular damages induced by oxidative stress and muscle damages induced by acute exhaustive exercise.
Background: Several lines of evidence showed that inflammation is associated with changes in the expression of tachykinins both in human and animal models. Tachykinins, including substance P (SP), are small peptides expressed in the extrinsic primary afferent nerve fibres and enteric neurons of the gut: they exert their action through three distinct receptors, termed NK1, NK2 and NK3. SP modulates intestinal motility and enteric secretion, acting preferentially through the NK1 receptor. SP neural network and NK1 receptor expression are increased in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and similar changes were observed in experimental models of inflammation. The 2,4 Dinitrobenzene Sulphonic Acid (DNBS) model of colitis is useful to study innate immunity, non-specific inflammation and wound healing; it has been suggested that the transmural inflammation seen in this model resembles that found in Crohns disease and can therefore be used to study what cells and mediators are involved in this type of inflammation. Aim: To test the possible protective effect of the NK1 receptor antagonist SSR140333 on: 1) acute model of intestinal inflammation; 2) reactivation of DNBS-induced colitis in rats. Methods: Acute colitis was induced in male SD rats by intrarectal administration of DNBS (15 mg/rat in 50% ethanol). Reactivation of colitis was induced by intrarectal injections of DNBS on day 28 (7.5 mg/rat in 35% ethanol). Animals were sacrificed on day 6 (acute colitis) and 29 (reactivation of colitis). SSR140333 (10 mg/kg) was administered orally starting from the day before the induction of colitis for 7 days (acute colitis) or seven days before the reactivation of colitis. Colonic damage was assessed by means of macroscopic and microscopic scores, myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) and TNF-α tissue levels. Enzyme immunoassay was used to measure colonic substance P levels. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance (one-way or two-way, as appropriate) with the Bonferronis correction for multiple comparisons. Results: DNBS administration impaired body weight gain and markedly increased all inflammatory parameters (p<0.01). Treatment with SSR140333 10 mg/kg significantly counteracted the impairment in body weight gain, decreased macroscopic and histological scores and reduced colonic myeloperoxidase activity (p<0.01). Drug treatment counteracted TNF-α tissue levels and colonic SP concentrations (acute model). Similar results were obtained administering the NK1 receptor antagonist SSR140333 (3 and 10 mg/kg) for 5 days, starting the day after the induction of colitis. Intrarectal administration of DNBS four weeks after the first DNBS administration resulted in reactivation of colitis, with increases in macroscopic and histological damage scores and increase in MPO activity. Preventive treatment with SSR140333 10 mg/kg decreased macroscopic damage score, significantly reduced microscopic damage score but did not affect MPO activity. Conclusions: Treatment with SSR140333 significantly reduced intestinal damage in acute model of intestinal inflammation in rats. The NK1 receptor antagonist SSR140333 was also able to prevent relapse in experimental colitis. These results support the hypothesis of SP involvement in intestinal inflammation and indicate that NK receptor antagonists may have a therapeutic potential in inflammatory bowel disease.
La necessità di sviluppare questo progetto è nata dal fatto che quando due aziende desiderano collaborare in maniera costruttiva con rapporti di fornitura di materiali o lavorazioni, bisogna evitare che si verifichino scostamenti nei rapporti a discapito di uno dei due contraenti. La coscienza dell'inefficienza di un rapporto squilibrato ha portato le due aziende a intavolare un progetto migliorativo basato sulla massima trasparenza e propositività. Quando G.D ha deciso di avvalersi della fornitura da parte di Transmec per quanto riguarda il servizio di taglio del materiale, l'ha fatto per andare a cercare un miglior livello di efficacia ed efficienza. Il raggiungimento degli attuali livelli di performance non sarebbe stato possibile se entrambe le aziende non avessero collaborato attivamente nell'ottenimento degli standard desiderati. Questo studio è nato dal fatto che il modello interno adottato precedentemente da G.D per la ripartizione dei costi delle Business Unit non era più efficace se utilizzato come strumento di pagamento. Si rendeva quindi necessaria un'analisi accurata della situazione produttiva utilizzando gli approcci analitici resi disponibili nel corso degli anni come lo strumento per l'allocazione dei costi secondo le attività (Activity Based Costing) e la mappatura dei processi utilizzata nei casi di re-ingegnerizzazione dei reparti.
Il Lavoro si inserisce nel quadro complesso del settore Energy & Utilities e si propone l’obiettivo di analizzare l’attuale mercato dell’energia per individuarne i driver al cambiamento e presentare un innovativo modello di business per le aziende di vendita di energia, con lo scopo di recuperare efficienza nella gestione del Cliente finale, cercando di quantificarne i vantaggi potenziali. L’attività di studio e progettuale è stata svolta nell’ambito di un periodo di tirocinio formativo della durata di sei mesi, effettuato presso Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., in particolare nella sede di viale Masini di Bologna, a seguito della candidatura autonoma dello studente e del suo immediato inserimento nei processi di business della divisione Utilities dell’azienda. Il Lavoro si suddivide in 9 capitoli: dopo una breve introduzione sul settore Energy&Utilities, nei primi quattro capitoli sono descritte le filiere produttive dei principali servizi, i principali attori del mercato e gli aspetti normativi e tariffari che caratterizzano l’intero settore, valutando in particolare la formazione del prezzo del gas e dell’energia elettrica. I capitoli cinque e sei descrivono invece le principali tendenze, le strategie competitive in atto nel mercato delle Utilities e l’importanza del Cliente, in un’ottica di CRM che segue i dettami del modello “Customer Centric”. Gli ultimi capitoli mostrano invece, dopo una breve presentazione dell’azienda in cui lo studente ha svolto l’attività, l’intero lavoro di analisi realizzato, input del modello di business a chiusura del Lavoro, volto a quantificare gli impatti del processo di liberalizzazione che ha radicalmente modificato il settore delle Utilities negli ultimi anni, valutando a proposito la profittabilità per un cliente medio in base ad un’opportuna pre-analisi di segmentazione. Il modello di business che occupa l’ultimo capitolo costituisce una soluzione originale e innovativa per incrementare tale profittabilità.
Il modello afflussi-deflussi e di erosione Kineros2, fisicamente basato, distribuito e a scala di evento, è stato applicato a due bacini idrografici montani della provincia di Bologna (Italia) al fine di testare e valutare il suo funzionamento in ambiente appenninico. Dopo la parametrizzazione dei due bacini, Kineros2 è stato calibrato e validato utilizzando dati sperimentali di portata e di concentrazione dei solidi sospesi, collezionati alla chiusura dei bacini grazie alla presenza di due stazioni di monitoraggio idrotorbidimetrico. La modellazione ha consentito di valutare la capacità del modello di riprodurre correttamente le dinamiche idrologiche osservate, nonchè di trarre conclusioni sulle sue potenzialità e limitazioni.
Realizzazione di un modello di router ottico in ambiente open source
Many efforts have been devoting since last years to reduce uncertainty in hydrological modeling predictions. The principal sources of uncertainty are provided by input errors, for inaccurate rainfall prediction, and model errors, given by the approximation with which the water flow processes in the soil and river discharges are described. The aim of the present work is to develop a bayesian model in order to reduce the uncertainty in the discharge predictions for the Reno river. The ’a priori’ distribution function is given by an autoregressive model, while the likelihood function is provided by a linear equation which relates observed values of discharge in the past and hydrological TOPKAPI model predictions obtained by the rainfall predictions of the limited-area model COSMO-LAMI. The ’a posteriori’ estimations are provided throw a H∞ filter, because the statistical properties of estimation errors are not known. In this work a stationary and a dual adaptive filter are implemented and compared. Statistical analysis of estimation errors and the description of three case studies of flood events occurred during the fall seasons from 2003 to 2005 are reported. Results have also revealed that errors can be described as a markovian process only at a first approximation. For the same period, an ensemble of ’a posteriori’ estimations is obtained throw the COSMO-LEPS rainfall predictions, but the spread of this ’a posteriori’ ensemble is not enable to encompass observation variability. This fact is related to the building of the meteorological ensemble, whose spread reaches its maximum after 5 days. In the future the use of a new ensemble, COSMO–SREPS, focused on the first 3 days, could be helpful to enlarge the meteorogical and, consequently, the hydrological variability.