923 resultados para variable power, cycle-run, stochastic cycling


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7.5Gb/s real-time end-to-end optical OFDM (OOFDM) transceivers incorporating variable power loading on each individual subcarrier are demonstrated experimentally, for the first time, using a live-optimized RSOA intensity modulator having a modulation bandwidth as narrow as 1GHz. Colourless real-time 16-QAM-encoded OOFDM signal transmission at 7.5Gb/s over 25km SSMF is achieved across the C-band in simple IMDD systems without in-line optical amplification and dispersion compensation. Copyright © 2010 The authors.


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The 7.5-Gb/s real-time end-to-end optical orthogonal frequency-division- multiplexing (OOFDM) transceivers incorporating variable power loading on each individual subcarrier are demonstrated experimentally using a live-optimized reflective semiconductor optical amplifier intensity modulator having a modulation bandwidth as narrow as 1 GHz. Real-time OOFDM signal transmission at 7.5 Gb/s over 25-km standard single-mode fiber is achieved across the $C$-band in simple intensity modulation and direct detection systems without in-line optical amplification and dispersion compensation. © 2006 IEEE.


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The potential for an autonomous wave-powered desalination system is considered and it is identified that the most promising configuration is a reverse osmosis (RO) plant utilising a pressure exchanger-intensifier for energy recovery. A numerical model of the RO plant with a pressure exchanger-intensifier is developed that shows that a specific energy consumption of less than 2.0 kW h/m3 over a wide range of sea-water feed conditions, making it particularly suitable for use with a variable power source such as wave energy. A numerical model of the combined wave-power and desalination plant is also developed that shows that it is possible to supply the desalination plant with sea-water directly pressurised by the wave energy converter, eliminating the cost and energy losses associated with converting the energy into electricity and back to pressurised water. For a typical sea-state the specific hydraulic energy consumption of the desalination plant is estimated to be 1.85 kW h/m3 whilst maintaining a recovery-ratio of less than 25 to 35% to avoid the need for chemical pre-treatment to eliminate scaling problems. It is suggested that the economic potential for wave-powered desalination depends on these energy and cost savings more than compensating for the reduction in membrane life that occurs with variable feed conditions.


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This paper presents the background rationale and key findings for a model-based study of supercritical waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycles. The paper’s objective is to cover the necessary groundwork to facilitate the future operation of a thermodynamic organic Rankine cycle model under realistic thermodynamic boundary conditions for performance optimisation of organic Rankine cycles. This involves determining the type of power cycle for organic Rankine cycles, the circuit configuration and suitable boundary conditions. The study focuses on multiple heat sources from vehicles but the findings are generally applicable, with careful consideration, to any waste heat recovery system. This paper introduces waste heat recovery and discusses the general merits of organic fluids versus water and supercritical operation versus subcritical operation from a theoretical perspective and, where possible, from a practical perspective. The benefits of regeneration are investigated from an efficiency perspective for selected subcritical and supercritical conditions. A simulation model is described with an introduction to some general Rankine cycle boundary conditions. The paper describes the analysis of real hybrid vehicle data from several driving cycles and its manipulation to represent the thermal inertia for model heat input boundary conditions. Basic theory suggests that selecting the operating pressures and temperatures to maximise the Rankine cycle performance is relatively straightforward. However, it was found that this may not be the case for an organic Rankine cycle operating in a vehicle. When operating in a driving cycle, the available heat and its quality can vary with the power output and between heat sources. For example, the available coolant heat does not vary much with the load, whereas the quantity and quality of the exhaust heat varies considerably. The key objective for operation in the vehicle is optimum utilisation of the available heat by delivering the maximum work out. The fluid selection process and the presentation and analysis of the final results of the simulation work on organic Rankine cycles are the subjects of two future publications.


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Renewable energy generation is expected to continue to increase globally due to renewable energy targets and obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some renewable energy sources are variable power sources, for example wind, wave and solar. Energy storage technologies can manage the issues associated with variable renewable generation and align non-dispatchable renewable energy generation with load demands. Energy storage technologies can play different roles in each of the step of the electric power supply chain. Moreover, large scale energy storage systems can act as renewable energy integrators by smoothing the variability. Compressed air energy storage is one such technology. This paper examines the impacts of a compressed air energy storage facility in a pool based wholesale electricity market in a power system with a large renewable energy portfolio.


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Carbons are the main electrode materials used in supercapacitors, which are electrochemical energy storage devices with high power densities and long cycling lifetimes. However, increasing their energy density capacity will improve their potential for commercial implementation.
In this regard, the use of high surface area carbons and high voltage electrolytes are well known strategies to increase the attainable energy density, and lately ionic liquids have been explored as promising alternatives to current state of the art acetonitrile-based electrolytes. Also, in terms of safety and sustainability ionic liquids are attractive electrolyte materials for supercapacitors. In addition, it has been shown that the matching of the carbon pore size with the electrolyte ion size further increases the attainable electrochemical double layer (ECDL) capacitance and energy density.
The use of pseudocapacitive reactions can significantly increase the attainable energy density, and quinonic-based materials offer a potentially sustainable and cost effective research avenue for both the electrode and the electrolyte.
This perspective will provide an overview of the current state of the art research on supercapacitors based on combinations of carbons, ionic liquids and quinonic compounds, highlighting performances and challenges and discussing possible future research avenues. In this regard, current interest is mainly focused on strategies which may ultimately lead to commercially competitive sustainable high performance supercapacitors for different applications including those requiring mechanical flexibility and biocompatibility.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica


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It has been demonstrated that charge depletion (CD) energy management strategies are more efficient choices for energy management of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The knowledge of drive cycle as a priori can improve the performance of CD energy management in PHEVs. However, there are many noise factors which affect both drivetrain power demand and vehicle performance even in identical drive cycles. In this research, the effect of each noise factor is investigated by introducing the concept of power cycle instead of drive cycle for a journey. Based on the nature of the noise factors, a practical solution for developing a power-cycle library is introduced. Investigating the predicted power cycle, an energy management strategy is developed which considers the influence of temperature noise factor on engine performance. The effect of different environmental and geographic conditions, driver behavior, aging of battery and other components are considered. Simulation results for a modelled series PHEV similar to GM Volt show that the suggested energy management strategy based on the driver power cycle library improves both vehicle fuel economy and battery health by reducing battery load and temperature.


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The present study focuses on establishing patterns of collagen fibers distribution in prostatic nodular hyperplasia and adenocarcinomas, in comparison with the normal tissue. Sections of prostatic transurethral resection were subjected to Gömöri's method for collagen fibers and reticulin and analyzed under ordinary and polarized light microscopy. Controls and hyperplastic regions present collagen fibers with variable thickness that run in different directions, establishing a tridimensional network. These fibers exhibit birefringence and dichroism thus demonstrating their fibrillar integrity. On the other hand, increased variability in collagen fiber distribution and anisotropical properties occur in adenocarcinomas evaluated in accordance with the Gleason's score. In some of their areas, a well-defined collagen network delimitates the base of transformed epithelial cells whereas in other areas the collagen fibers are disorganized and do not establish a boundary between the epithelial structures and the stroma. In these areas, collagen is found in the stroma. It was also observed that adenocarcinoma tumor cells rest on a scaffold of thin and dendritic collagen fibers. Collagen fibers of the prostatic stroma of the adenocarcinomas may show a modification in arrangement and fibrillar compactness. In prostatic nodular hyperplasia, there is no change in collagen molecular integrity, since collagen affinity for silver and collagen birefringence are similar to controls. In adenocarcinoma with high dedifferentiation degree, thin and branched strongly argyrophilic and birefringent collagen fibers are detected in regions of cell proliferation. In the adjacent stroma, hyaline plaques are indicative of matrix degradation or remodellation.


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This paper presents the results of a study on carbothermal reduction of iron ore made under the microwave field in equipment specially developed for this purpose. The equipment allows the control of radiated and reflected microwave power, and therefore measures the microwave energy actually applied to the load in the reduction process. It also allows performing energy balances and determining the reaction rate with high levels of confidence by simultaneously measuring temperature and mass of the material upon reduction with high reproducibility. We used a microwave generator of 2.45?GHz with variable power up to 3000?W. Self-reducing pellets under argon atmosphere, containing iron ore and petroleum coke, with 3.5?g of mass and 15?mm of diameter were declined. We obtained the kinetic curves of reduction of iron ore and of energy consumption to the process in the maximum electric field, in the maximum magnetic field and at different values of power/mass. The data allow analyzing how the microwave energy was actually consumed in the reduction of ore.


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Within the frame of the HiPER reactor, we propose and study a Self Cooled Lead Lithium blanket with two different cooling arrangements of the system First Wall – Blanket for the HiPER reactor: Integrated First Wall Blanket and Separated First Wall Blanket. We compare the two arrangements in terms of power cycle efficiency, operation flexibility in out-off-normal situations and proper cooling and acceptable corrosion. The Separated First Wall Blanket arrangement is superior in all of them, and it is selected as the advantageous proposal for the HiPER reactor blanket. However, it still has to be improved from the standpoint of proper cooling and corrosion rates


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Within the frame of the HiPER reactor, we propose and study a Self Cooled Lead Lithium blanket with two different cooling arrangements of the system First Wall – Blanket for the HiPER reactor: Integrated First Wall Blanket and Separated First Wall Blanket. We compare the two arrangements in terms of power cycle efficiency, operation flexibility in out-off-normal situations and proper cooling and acceptable corrosion. The Separated First Wall Blanket arrangement is superior in all of them, and it is selected as the advantageous proposal for the HiPER reactor blanket. However, it still has to be improved from the standpoint of proper cooling and corrosion rates


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La medición y testeo de células fotovoltaicas en el laboratorio o en la industria exige reproducir unas condiciones de iluminación semejantes a las reales. Por eso se utilizan sistemas de iluminación basados en lámparas flash de Xenon que reproducen las condiciones reales en cuanto a nivel de irradiancia y espectro de la luz incidente. El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar los circuitos electrónicos necesarios para el disparo de dichas lámparas. El circuito de alimentación y disparo de una lámpara flash consta de una fuente de alimentación variable, un circuito de disparo para la ionización del gas Xenon y la electrónica de control. Nuestro circuito de disparo pretende producir pulsos adecuados para los dispositivos fotovoltaicos tanto en irradiancia, espectro y en duración, de forma que con un solo disparo consigamos el tiempo, la irradiancia y el espectro suficiente para el testeo de la célula fotovoltaica. La mayoría de estos circuitos exceptuando los específicos que necesita la lámpara, serán diseñados, simulados, montados en PCB y comprobados posteriormente en el laboratorio. ABSTRACT. Measurement and testing of photovoltaic cells in the laboratory or in industry requires reproduce lighting conditions similar to the real ones. So are used based lighting systems xenon flash lamps that reproduce the actual conditions in the level of irradiance and spectrum of the incident light. The objective of this project is to make electronic circuits required for such lamps shot. The power supply circuit and flash lamp shot consists of a variable power supply, a trigger circuit for Xenon gas ionization and the control electronics. Our shot circuit aims to produce pulses suitable for photovoltaic devices both irradiance, spectrum and duration, so that with a single shot get the time, the irradiance and spectrum enough for testing the photovoltaic cell. Most of these circuits except lamp specific requirements will be designed, simulated, and PCB mounted subsequently tested in the laboratory.


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The work described in this thesis is directed to the examination of the hypothesis that ultrasound may be used to perturb molecular motion in the liquid phase. These changes can then be detected by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times. The objective being to develop a method capable of reducing the pulsed NMR acquisition times of slowly relaxing nuclei. The thesis describes the theoretical principles underlying both NMR spectroscopy and ultrasonics with particular attention being paid to factors that impinge on testing the above hypothesis. Apparatus has been constructed to enable ultrasound at frequencies between 1 and 10 mega-hertz with a variable power up to 100W/cm-2 to be introduced in the NMR sample. A broadband high frequency generator is used to drive PZT piezo-electric transducer via various transducer to liquid coupling arrangements. A commercial instrument of 20 kilo-hertz has also been employed to test the above hypothesis and also to demonstrate the usefulness of ultrasound in sonochemistry. The latter objective being, detection of radical formation in monomer and polymer ultrasonic degradation. The principle features of the results obtained are: Ultrasonic perturbation of T1 is far smaller for pure liquids than is for mixtures. The effects appear to be greater on protons (1H) than on carbon-13 nuclei (13C) relaxation times. The observed effect of ultrasonics is not due to temperature changes in the sample. As the power applied to the transducer is progressively increased T1 decreases to a minimum and then increases. The T1's of the same nuclei in different functional groups are influenced to different extents by ultrasound. Studies of the 14N resonances from an equimolar mixture of N, N-dimethylformamide and deuterated chloroform with ultrasonic frequencies at 1.115, 6, 6.42 and 10 MHz show that as the frequency is increased the NMR signal to noise ratio decreases to zero at the Larmor frequency of 6.42 MHz and then again rises. This reveals the surprising indication that an effect corresponding to nuclear acoustic saturation in the liquid may be observable. Ultrasonic irradiation of acidified ammonium chloride solution at and around 6.42 MHz appears to cause distinctive changes in the proton-nitrogen J coupling resonance at 89.56 MHz. Ultrasonic irradiation of N, N-dimethylacetamide at 2 KHz using the lowest stable power revealed the onset of coalescence in the proton spectrum. The corresponding effect achieved by direct heating required a temperature rise of approximately 30oC. The effects of low frequency (20 KHz) on relaxation times appear to be nil. Detection of radical formation proved difficult but is still regarded as the principle route for monomer and polymer degradation. The initial hypothesis is considered proven with the results showing significant changes in the mega-hertz region and none at 20 KHz.


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The main goal of this work is to determine the true cost incurred by the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in order to meet their EU renewable electricity targets. The primary all-island of Ireland policy goal is that 40% of electricity will come from renewable sources in 2020. From this it is expected that wind generation on the Irish electricity system will be in the region of 32-37% of total generation. This leads to issues resulting from wind energy being a non-synchronous, unpredictable and variable source of energy use on a scale never seen before for a single synchronous system. If changes are not made to traditional operational practices, the efficient running of the electricity system will be directly affected by these issues in the coming years. Using models of the electricity system for the all-island grid of Ireland, the effects of high wind energy penetration expected to be present in 2020 are examined. These models were developed using a unit commitment, economic dispatch tool called PLEXOS which allows for a detailed representation of the electricity system to be achieved down to individual generator level. These models replicate the true running of the electricity system through use of day-ahead scheduling and semi-relaxed use of these schedules that reflects the Transmission System Operator's of real time decision making on dispatch. In addition, it carefully considers other non-wind priority dispatch generation technologies that have an effect on the overall system. In the models developed, three main issues associated with wind energy integration were selected to be examined in detail to determine the sensitivity of assumptions presented in other studies. These three issues include wind energy's non-synchronous nature, its variability and spatial correlation, and its unpredictability. This leads to an examination of the effects in three areas: the need for system operation constraints required for system security; different onshore to offshore ratios of installed wind energy; and the degrees of accuracy in wind energy forecasting. Each of these areas directly impact the way in which the electricity system is run as they address each of the three issues associated with wind energy stated above, respectively. It is shown that assumptions in these three areas have a large effect on the results in terms of total generation costs, wind curtailment and generator technology type dispatch. In particular accounting for these issues has resulted in wind curtailment being predicted in much larger quantities than had been previously reported. This would have a large effect on wind energy companies because it is already a very low profit margin industry. Results from this work have shown that the relaxation of system operation constraints is crucial to the economic running of the electricity system with large improvements shown in the reduction of wind curtailment and system generation costs. There are clear benefits in having a proportion of the wind installed offshore in Ireland which would help to reduce variability of wind energy generation on the system and therefore reduce wind curtailment. With envisaged future improvements in day-ahead wind forecasting from 8% to 4% mean absolute error, there are potential reductions in wind curtailment system costs and open cycle gas turbine usage. This work illustrates the consequences of assumptions in the areas of system operation constraints, onshore/offshore installed wind capacities and accuracy in wind forecasting to better inform the true costs associated with running Ireland's changing electricity system as it continues to decarbonise into the near future. This work also proposes to illustrate, through the use of Ireland as a case study, the effects that will become ever more prevalent in other synchronous systems as they pursue a path of increasing renewable energy generation.